Reborn As A Ghost: Time To Build My Undead Army!

Chapter 531 One-Sided Battle

Chapter 531 One-Sided Battle


"Come on! Don't be intimidated!" He said, I appraised him and he was a Level 38 Bandit General, yes, that's a Title. He was a Gladiator Class and had very highly offensive skills. His weapon of choice was a longsword he was holding right about now, and his name was Chuck.

The other bandits were hesitating before, but they were lifted in spirit by that man, as he smiled back at me.

"You must be pretty confident because you've got some Undead, but coming at us alone missy, that won't do! We'll have plenty of fun with you after this is over, we had been waiting for a woman to get here!" Laughed Chuck, rushing in.

"How dare you talk like that to Lady Maria!" The Goblin Chief, whose name was Gobu, ran forwards, extremely swiftly. His body had grown muscular as he evolved into a Hobgoblin and worked every day carrying heavy things, the father had to be strong for his daughter after all.


His short sword clashed against the bandit's longsword, as the bandit smiled maliciously.

"What can a fucking goblin do to ussssss?!" His cocky tone quickly changed into one of surprise as Gobu easily overpowered his own grip, pushing his longsword right over his face.

"S-Shit! Triple Edge!"


Chuck suddenly and desperately unleashed a triple sword technique to intercept the enormous strength of Gobu, forcing him to parry his blows and step back, giving him an opening at the same time, which he utilized right away. Woah, he's not bad at this.


Chuck pointed his sword at Gobu's heart, attempting to piece through his chest and eliminate him in one fell swoop.

However, Gobu's eyes shone brightly, as he intercepted his blow with his own unique technique.

"Magic Sword Arts: Blazing Blade!"




Chuck stepped back in shock as the fire spread through his sword, barely managing to get a grip of himself.

"You're… a mere goblin is a magic swordsman?!"

Indeed, Gobu's Class was a Magic Swordsman, he had changed to it just some days ago after he felt his swordsmanship had advanced enough, and he had already begun to combine his magic element, fire, and lightning, with his sword.

He had the ideal strongest attack-wise elements a magician could hope to have, combined with the talent of a swordsman, he was pretty promising!

"Stand up…" the Goblin Chief said, his eyes looking down at the bandit general.

"Tch, don't look down on me, you shitty ass green skin!" Chuk lost his patience, attacking Gobu with several swings of his blade. His muscles suddenly grew three times as big as he unleashed a special ability within his Gladiator Class [Berserker Charge], his eyes flashed with red color and his muscles grew larger, his sword gained a red aura, and his blows became intense and overwhelming.


Gobu gritted his teeth, intercepting his blows with his own elemental techniques. His sword was suddenly covered with Lightning.

"Magic Swordsmanship Arts: Lightning Edge!"


The loud sound of lightning hitting Chuck echoed around the entire cave, as the Goblin Chief's sword unleashed a thundering slashing blow, piercing with his lightning across the body of the bandit, burning his insides and making his mouth let out a mouthful of blood and steam, his red eyes quickly exploding out of the lightning cursing across his body fucking his insides to the point he almost exploded… Lightning Magic is metal as hell.

"G-Gaaggh…! I-Impossible…"


Chuck fell over the floor pathetically, the other bandits, who were all losing against my boys and girls despite having number advantage, grew nervous, stepping back in horror. However, that moment was used by my army, as they attacked them from behind, piercing their backs and slicing through their necks.

"T-They're not weak at all!"

"How come goblins are this strong?!"

"Rabbit people are the weakest of the beast men tribes, how are they this powerful?! HOW?!"


"Stop! P-Please have mercy- GYAAAH!"

"Backup! Someone! Bring backup- UUAGGHH…!"

The sound of weapons slashing and piercing through flesh was like music to my ears. In mere minutes, the forty bandits were no longer here, but a pile of lifeless corpses and a mass of wandering souls.

"Phew…" The Goblin Chief sighed, cleaning his sword from blood by shaking it away. "That was rough, but I guess I've improved myself, I never thought I had the talent for a Lightning and Fire Magic Swordsman though."

"Of course, I've been training you with everyone else since we meet, Gobu." I sighed.

"And that daily sword training with Lady Maria, indeed…" He sighed.

Daily, I've been using Phantom Clones to train with everybody using swordsmanship. My Phantom Clones are weaker compared to me and I often give them very basic split minds and orders. They cannot even compare to my power and at most, they're often just useful for scouting, but training is also a thing I do for them.

Despite being so weak my clones can still pose a big threat to them all, so they had been training almost every day since we got our village with them. Their stats slowly rise as they train their bodies, their reflexes improve, and they also gain skill proficiency for their skills. Efficiently raising these low-level characters that thought had no talents into talented and competent warriors was tough, but I think the results are finally being shown.action

"Alright let's continue for now, we are not done here yet." I said, as I led everyone forward.

However, I stopped for a few seconds, looking at one of the bodies of the bandits, and noticing strange accessories with them, rings with blue jewels, and bracelets with blue jewels too, they had strange, snowflake-like decorations as well.

"What the heck are these? Magic items? But they weren't any strong even with these equipped- Eh?!"


The moment I thought things were over, an enormous pressure emerged from within the many accessories these bandits were wearing. They didn't even helped them at much stat-wise but held some strange curse within that activated once they died?!

Their souls were all instantly dragged into the pile of corpses, as the corpses started moving by themselves, ice began crowing over their bodies everywhere, and their bodies twisted and shapeshifted…

An aberration made of ice, corpses, and cursed souls suddenly emerged.



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