Reborn As A Ghost: Time To Build My Undead Army!

Chapter 594 Defeating The Ruler

Chapter 594 Defeating The Ruler



Hundreds of sharp, three-meter-long spears made out of materialized Miasma were conjured in mere seconds, as my power was still being filled with this element as I had still activated my Spirit Connection with Tyr.

"Hahaha! That's right! Do it like you should! Stop holding back just so that tree can get more fighting experience!"

Tyr knew very well why I was holding back a lot to let the tree fight and have some challenges so Root could grow better and stronger, but I suppose I've reached my limit.


The Lord of the Swamp roared furiously, as he quickly unleashed another Sea of Poison and combined it with Water Torrent, trying to make a barrier of water and poison.

But that's not going to work, in fact, that's perfect…!

"[Black Lightning Strike]! [Dark Storm]! "

[You have combined the effects [Black Lightning Strike: Lv4] and [Dark Storm: Lv6]!]


"[Abyssal Thunderstorm]!"

Dark spiraling winds and black lightning converged together into an enormous Lightning Storm made of pure darkness, impacting the shields of the Lord of the Swamp and breaking through his defenses in mere seconds!



The water was thrown away as the fish was electrocuted, hundreds of spears made of materialized Miasma quickly emerged at the same time, piercing through the body of the Swamp Lord constantly!


Of course, the Anglerfishes that were serving him were not spared, even after being buffed, they were still C+++ Rank monsters, my Abyssal Thunderstorm blew them off the swamp, just for Root to pick them up in midair by shooting Sunlight Beams and Slicing Leaves at them, roasting them, and slicing them into sashimi!



The Swamp Lord roared in agony, suddenly submerging itself into the swamp! The bastard had tons of HP if he was able to tank two of those hits at the same time!


The Lord of the Swamp began swimming into the depths of the water, conjuring Water Currents and Poison Seas to attack us while it hid underwater!

[The [Lord of the Swamp] has activated [Poisonous Goo Coating]!]

[Magic Damage is reduced by -30% for 20 Minutes.]

[The [Lord of the Swamp] has activated [Giant Body]!]

[Health Points restore at twice the speed and Maximum HP and Defense is increased by +50% for 30 Minutes.

[The [Lord of the Swamp] has activated [High Speed Self Regeneration]!]

[Health Points are restoring at an insane speed, especially while being underwater!]

The System quickly analyzed what the bastard was doing. He used all of his Skills to both tank my hits and even heal?! Is he a B+++ Rank monster for real? I guess there's s difference between mobs and a Dungeon Boss at this Rank.

Dungeon Bosses compared to monsters within their same Rank are often times a hundred times stronger. With higher stats and more useful Skills. And also way more intelligent.


[The [Lord of the Swamp] has activated [Call For Help]!]

[The [Lord of the Swamp] has activated [Subject Enhancement]!]


Suddenly, a dozen more Anglerfishes appeared, all of them pointing their jaws at us and firing more and more Poison Bullets!


"Ugh, you're all so annoying… Get away, pests! [Abyssal Thunderstorm]!"


An enormous thunderstorm of darkness impacted the swamps once more, blowing away the fishes into the sky, Root took care of them like before, a good "fishing" way of letting him get the EXP easily, hehe.

"I guess I'll have to get to fishing already as well! [Shadow Thread]!"

I created thousands of threads made of shadows and formed a gigantic fishing net, as I placed it underwater and moved it all the way down where the Swamp Lord was hiding, his HP had already recovered quite a lot!


The Swamp Lord quickly tried to call for more allies, but I easily wrapped his body around my Shadow Thread Net and dragged him to the surface!



Its enormous jaws opened in midair, tearing apart my Shadow Threads and then aiming at me! It's enormous jaws suddenly activated a Skill, as they stared to suction me as if its mouth was an endless black hole.

[The [Lord of the Swamp] has activated [Gluttonous Jaws]!]

[Damage using the Jaws has been increased by +100%!]

[The [Lord of the Swamp] has activated [Absorption]!]


So that was it! He has something similar to my own Unique Skill, but way lesser than before.

"This piece of shit really gets on my nerves! Screw this! Root you're just going to be satisfied with shared EXP! I'm gonna blow this thing into pieces! No more playing around! [Chaotic Meteor]!"


An enormous meteor of crystalized miasma, disease, poison, and darkness and death essence emerged in a single second, as I fired it directly towards the Lord of the Swamp's jaws!



The fish struggled horrendously. It suddenly felt shocked a mere spell was stronger than it expected.

"Yeah, I've been holding back, did you think I was weak enough I would let a fish eat me? I am actually pretty damn strong!"


The fish couldn't swallow that, quite clearly, and having its interior blow into pieces as the meteor exploded right after that.


An enormous shockwave of darkness and death spread everywhere, the monster ended swallowing one of my most devastating magic nukes!


Its body, torn to pieces, fell over the swamp.

"Phew… Now that's what I call relieving my stress…" I sighed in relief, looking behind me and seeing my Party slaughtering the rest of the monsters quite easily and having fun too.

Lucifer and Brunhild tanked most of the big beasts, slicing them apart with their claws and burning them with their deadly breath.

Emeraldine led the Dwarves as they bombarded the monsters with explosive magic arrows from afar, helping them earn plenty of EXP.

And lastly, Partner was jumping around the giant frogs and slicing them apart into several pieces, all while drinking the blood of anything close by.

Oh right, Takeshi used his fishing rod to just drag monsters from the water and then made them blow into pieces by working in tandem with Laura's Ability.

And Root? He might be close from reaching max level!


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