Reborn As A Ghost: Time To Build My Undead Army!

Chapter 765 Jonathan’s Resolve

Chapter 765 Jonathan’s Resolve


Maria glanced Lucifer fight against the fusion between Valkoinen and Argus with a worried expression, however, it wasn't as if she had any time to waste herself. Jonathan, Partner, and Emeraldine were also engaging in a fierce battle against their opponents.

"JONATHANNN…! I'LL KILL YOU FOR REAL NOW!!!" Julio's voice echoed coming from his new aberrant form, enormous black claws constantly attempted to crush the Hero of Sunlight as they shook the ground around him.


"HEHEHEHE… BURN! BURN, MY DEAR JONATHANNN~!" Anastasia's face twisted in laughter, as countless fireballs emerged everywhere around their amorphous, unified body, falling like rain over the Hero of Sunlight.


"Unnghh…!" Jonathan evaded the blows, but even his barrier and armor were not enough to contain all the damage he was taking.

Meanwhile, at the exact same time, Partner and Emeraldine combined their strength to fight against the monstrous fusion between Zero and Frost, an aberrant, chimeric slime beast covered on armor and with several magic jewels conjuring magic constantly, alongside a large staff and the small, distorted head of Zero stuck to the slime-like body.

"HAHAHAHA…! HAHAHAHAHA!" Zero laughed madly, without a hint of intelligence in her mind now that she had been forcefully revived through her Origin alone.

Dozens of magic circles appeared everywhere, raining Icicle Spears against Partner and Emeraldine, the two of them destroyed them while evading them, at the same time as Frost's slimy body constantly attempted to crush them using his tentacles, which ended on sharp, frozen spear tips.


"You're a bit too slow anyways! [Moon Vampire Queen Battle Arts]: [Endless Demonic Vampiric Swarm]!" Partner smiled valiantly, as she waved her hands and unleashed an enormous swarm of bats made of darkness and blood energy, which swarmed the entire body of the chimera.


"You're a bit too annoying. Let me keep you in a tight place instead!" Emeraldine smiled, pointing her arrow, and combining the power of her two Divine Spirits into it. "[Divine Spiritual Archery Arts]: [Life and Nature's Requiem Arrows]!"


The arrows divided into countless arrows thanks to other Skills she possessed, falling like divine rays of light from the skies, alongside Partner's attack, their foe was utterly overwhelmed!


Seeing how Partner and Emeraldine were handling just fine and Lucifer was strong enough as well, Maria decided to help Jonathan, who was being the one most overwhelmed.

"JONATHANNNN…! KILL! DIE! THIS IS ALL YOUR FAULT! THAT WE ARE SO UGLY, SO MONSTROUS! IT IS ALL YOUR DAMN FAULT!!!" Julio's voice echoed from within the monster, Jonathan's face was filled with guilt, even though he didn't wanted to admit it, he thought he was right, it was all his fault.

It was all his fault they died so bitterly, it was all his fault they became monsters. It was all his fault they turned to a much darker side, and accepted the power of the Evil God's Fragments into their bodies, growing Demonite Heart Cores that ultimately transformed them into aberrations… action

Maybe if he was more careful, maybe if he had given them more attention, maybe if he didn't had to do so many things or maybe… If he didn't gave Maria as much attention, perhaps… perhaps this would had been different.

"I'm sorry…!" Jonathan cried, even though he had been the one that killed them both, it was something he decided to do as he wanted to carry the weight of their deaths himself. "I'm sorry for everything…!"

His strength slowly began to falter as he barely managed to intercept the gigantic shadow claws and darkness hands that Julio used to attack him, which came by the hundreds at a time.


"HEHEHEH~ DON'T WORRY~ JUST LET US KILL YOU, JONATHAN… SO WE CAN BE TOGETHER FOREVER INSTEAD!" Giggled Anastasia within the amorphous, chimeric body, a gigantic sphere of flames surged above Jonathan. "DIE!!!"




Jonathan was engulfed by a blazing explosion, he felt as if his entire body was being burned, the flames were like the sins he had committed, all the mistakes and guilt he carried over his shoulders…

However, Maria appeared in front of him, Veredorr's Frost Powers merging with her through her Divine Spirit Fusion Skill, as her appearance changed slightly, making her resemble a beautiful, blue haired maiden of snow, with a dress made of ice crystals, and a big crystal crown.

"M-Maria…?!" Jonathan was surprised she had once more saved his life.


Maria quickly gave Jonathan a big slap on his face.

"Ugh! A-Ahhh…" Jonathan suddenly snaped back to reality. His eyes opening wide.

"What the hell are you doing, idiot?!" Maria asked. "Acting all sad and sorrowful?! Do you think you're the only one that has gone through shit? Do you think you're the only one suffering here?! We all are! Equally! Yet… do you see us crying? Do you see us faltering?!"

"M-Maria…" Jonathan's eyes glowed brightly as he glanced at her lecturing him. "You're right… I'm sorry. I am a fool."

"And you shouldn't be carrying those sins or guilt alone." Maria sighed. "I'll be carrying them alongside you! So let's defeat these brats and get over with this… They need to go rest for once! Just be brave and keep pushing forward! I am here with you."

"Maria… You're right… You're right!" Jonathan nodded, as his Divine Heroic Powers surged from his body…


"KILL THEM!!!" Julio roared.

Their unified powers combined into hundreds of hands and claws made of shadows, darkness, and flames, which reached Maria and Jonathan in a single second!


However, from within Jonathan's his true strength once more surged. The power of the Hero of Sunlight and Holy Light would only emerge when their wielder was brave and strong-minded, if they strove down a path of regret and sadness, they would weaken… However, as long as Maria was there for him, Jonathan would never regret anymore, he would never strive from his true path towards what he believed was true righteousness.

"[Heavenly Sunshine Blade]!!!"


A gigantic slash of pure light descended from the skies as Jonathan swung his Divine Sword vertically, clashing against the abomination in front of them, and slicing the into two halves!


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