Reborn As a System

Chapter 54

Chapter 54

520, Shi Qing looked at the numbers, and his expression was sullen.

Even though it may not exist in this world, Valentine’s Day shouldn’t be a bad number, right? (t/n: 520 means I love you in Chinese, and it became one of China’s many Valentine’s day things.)

Hm, it’s still auspicious. At the very least, it’s much better than 250.(t/n: It means stupid because half a jin(half a kilo) is 250, so someone who’s 250 only has half a brain.)

The most attention grabbing new student this session would be the young masters of the Qi family.

Qi Zimo was one of them, and there were also Qi Rui’s twin sons.

Qi Zirui’s charges were still being crushed on his head, and even though he kept trying to make an appeal, it always ended up doing more harm than good. After all, with how much Qi Lu had been bullied by him over the years, would Qi Lu still be a man if he did not take revenge now that his son was being bullied as well?

Therefore, on such an important day, Qi Lu was not present.

Shi Qing thought about what numbers the two children had drawn, and as soon as he saw them, he couldn’t help but laugh: one was 250, the other was 500…

Unfortunately, nobody in this world knew what those numbers meant, so they were still filled with joy and thought that they were matching numbers. They thought it was very harmonious and wonderful.

Qi Ziyuan drew 250. On the second day of the assessment, neither Shi Qing nor Qi Zimo went, but Qi Ziyuan was still considered a big name. The dimensional assessment was a live broadcast event, so every time someone with a dimension that was above level 3 appeared, they would be interviewed.

The blood of the Qi family ran through Qi Ziyuan’s veins, so it was reasonable to say that he would at the very least have a dimension at level three. Yet, when the results came out, it was like a kick to the glasses; he was unexpectedly only a level two single type dimension. Since it was a harvesting type dimension, the resources were also collected and evaluated. To think that it was actually the most common iron ore…

The same as Father Nuo…

Qi Ziyuan’s face paled. Usually, a person holding a dimension below level three would not be broadcasted, but who asked him to be part of the Qi family? Both his father and brother had just made a big name for themselves, so he had also been under everyone’s focus. As soon as such a low level dimension appeared, the reaction he received was no different among the people as if it was the appearance of a level five dimension.

Except that one was to cheer, and the other was to jeer.

When Shi Qing looked at the child on the screen, he did not feel any gloating towards him. Instead, he breathed a sigh in his heart.

For Qi Zimo’s sake, he knew well how to maintain the health of a person before their assessment. Since Qi Ziyuan had a father like Qi Rui, and he himself was just a child, as well as there being a pile of unreliable brothers before him, how could he have a calm and stable mind living in such a family environment? What’s more, after such a thing happened with Qi Rui and his son, there was no way Qi Ziyuan would not be affected when he saw how his family was going to fall. If one went by reason and say that since he had the blood of the Qi family, and had a great amount of resources for nurturing him, he would at least be a level three dimension holder, but he drew the shorter end of the stick and got only a level two dimension. Perhaps it may also have been due to the recent fluctuations in his emotions.

Thinking about it from another angle, Shi Qing felt even more worried. Qi Zimo was the center of the incident and was even injured, he was afraid that he would be impacted as well. However, it was already the crucial moment. If he showed any worry, it might give him even more pressure. So, Shi Qing quickly pushed the worries away from his heart, and calmed himself down.

Besides the great disappointment of Qi Ziyuan in the assessment two days ago, there was also an unexpected black horse: he was only the child of a normal family, but his dimension had unexpectedly been assessed as a level five!

In an instant, he became the hot topic as his name spread around like wildfire. In just a few hours, his entire family background had been examined, and his parents had also appeared on screen with their child as reporters bombarded them with questions, or perhaps, they asked for their ‘advice’. Feeling abashed, and also a little uneasy, they told reporters about their ‘parenting ways’.

The rest were just the usual. Level one dimensions took up eighty percent of the new students, while level two dimensions accounted for about eighteen percent. The rest were the rare level three dimensions, and the only level five dimension in the group.

The third day arrived. Qi Zimo drew the number 520 and was assessed in the morning, so they had arrived early at the assessment hall.

He was in a group of twenty people with Qi Rui’s other son, Qi Zidan, just ahead of him. Due to what happened with Qi Ziyuan, the pressure on Qi Zidan was huge, so even when he saw Qi Zimo, he only wanted to get away from him. He didn’t care much for revenge anymore.

Qi Zidan’s results were out, and he was not as unfortunate as Qi Ziyuan. A level four dimension, it was not bad. Even though he did not seem full of himself when his results were out, he still breathed a big sigh of relief.

He did not show off to Qi Zimo. After all, he was only a level four, which was the normal standard in the Qi family.

After waiting for a long time, it was finally Qi Zimo’s turn.

Shi Qing came with him, and Qi Lu had also rushed over with much difficulty very early on in the morning. They met up right outside the lobby, so at this moment, it was Qi Lu and Shi Qing both who sent him into the room.

Shi Qing was very nervous, and even though his smile was always present, and even said encouraging words to calm him, his palms were covered in sweat. Still, he really did not wish to affect Qi Zimo in any way, so he only said to him with a smile, “I’ll wait for you outside!”

Qi Zimo nodded his head, “Mm.”

Qi Lu was no less nervous about this than Shi Qing. He was very concerned about Qi Zimo as this was the only child he had with his lover after all. He hoped that he would be able to live a good life, and all the things he had spent so much effort on were so he could leave the harvests to his most beloved child.

At times like these, many words came to his mind but he was unable to say any of them. At the end, he could only hold Qi Zimo’s hands as he spoke in a gentle voice, “As long as it’s decent, yes, everything will be alright as long as it’s fine.”

Qi Zimo raised his eyes to look at him, and had a rare chance to speak to his father, “Don’t tire yourself out so much anymore, rest more.”

Qi Lu’s face showed surprise, but Qi Zimo had already turned and left.

At this moment, Shi Qing could also not be bothered to comfort the glass-hearted Father Qi. He was sitting on pins and needles, and he kept comforting himself: as long as Qi Zimo’s dimension was not too terrible it’s all good, Xia Nuo’s dimension is very badass, so he can cover for Qi Zimo when the time comes!

Oon the other hand, he felt that with the environment Qi Zimo had grown up in, he already had poor self-respect, so if his dimension was no good it would definitely be a great blow to his pride. The higher the expectations the worse the fall, Shi Qing understood this well.

Especially with Qi Zimo who had inherited Qin Mo’s personality. People with a polarized personality such as his were most afraid of things turning out badly. He may even start ramming about in disappointment, and not even nine cows will be able to hold him back then… That would be big trouble!

Therefore, Shi Qing sincerely hoped that Qi Zimo would be fine!

The dimensional assessment was divided into three phases. The first was to calculate the extent of its scale, the second was to evaluate its internal attributes, while the third phase was a more detailed supplemental assessment.

The results would be publicized after each phase.

The first phase was the fastest, and would take about five to six minutes before the results were shown on the screen outside.

Both Shi Qing and Qi Lu looked up nervously. The names that appeared on the big screen were based on the numbers they drew.

The three on top had very small dimensions, less than half a metre, and on number five, Qi Zimo’s name appeared, followed by the size of his dimension that caused everyone to suck in their breaths.

Qi Lu stood up!

“Qi Zimo, dimension scale: 100,000 square units!(idk what on earth this measuring system is)”

Qi Zimo’s dimension was ten times that of Qi Lu’s! What was with these numbers? Shocking!

Shi Qing was so excited that his fists were clenched. Don’t worry, don’t worry, keep looking, see what the attributes are, and whether there are any special details…

Qi Lu was so excited that his cheeks were flushed red. He wanted to rush in and see if it was true! But he still stopped himself, the assessment had yet to end, he still had to wait!

Since the appearance of Qi Zimo’s results, the results afterwards were no longer worth seeing, all the topics had turned towards the shocking reveal of the hundred thousand square units of space.

No matter what its attributes were, it was already enough to shock the world with just this. At the same time, everyone was overjoyed; to have the carrier of such a powerful dimension in Lanxin District, they will definitely be able to continue expanding! They would be able to receive more favourable conditions to obtain materials, and more employment opportunities. What was worth looking forward to even more was that they would obtain the support of even more troops, then they could compete for even more magic stone veins, attracting even more residents!

This was simply the start of a new era!

There was truly too much to look forward to!

The second phase of the assessment was slower, but would still appear after about five or six minutes. Practically everyone was staring at the big screen, waiting for Qi Zimo’s name to appear.

However, even when all the other names appeared, Qi Zimo’s name never did.

What is going on? Shi Qing could not help but feel that something was not quite right.

At that time, one of the assessors appeared. He came directly to Qi Lu, and spoke in a hushed voice, “Mr. Qi, please come with me.”

Qi Lu frowned, and stood up. Immediately, Shi Qing asked, “Mister, can I come with you?” After saying that, he supported Qi Lu.

Due to him standing up too quickly, Qi Lu had gotten dizzy and could only steady himself thanks to Shi Qing’s help. So, he said to the assessor, “We’re together.”

The assessor did not refuse them. He had a worried look on his face, and even a hint of sympathy as he looked at Qi Lu.

After following him in, they realized that there were a dozen dimension assessors within the room.

They were watching the data on the machine very intently, and the group of people were constantly discussing about it, even to the point of quarreling.

As soon as Qi Lu and Shi Qing entered, they all looked over.

Everyone knew Qi Lu, so there was no need for introductions. They went straight to the point: “Mr. Qi, about the assessment of your son’s dimension, there are some issues…”

Qi Lu went forward and asked, “Can you show me?”


He played Qi Lu a video, and as soon as he saw it, his pupils contracted, and his body trembled faintly.

Shi Qing had also seen it. The image was very short, and very simple, but at the same time, it was too complicated.

There were no blue skies, soil or ore, only countless rays of light. It shone with strange, intertwining colours, the collision of dazzling rays, it was so shockingly beautiful, like an aurora in the sky, but at the same time, it hid within it a horror they knew not of.

Qi Lu’s voice was slightly tense, “Is this the footage of Qi Zimo’s dimension?”

“Yes, we were only able to get five seconds of footage. After the probe enters, it is quickly destroyed, there is no way for us to enter and survey the dimension at all.

Qi Lu’s face paled even further.

Shi Qing had also realized the problem from that one sentence.

A place where even a sturdy probe can be destroyed, how could anyone plant or collect anything from such a dimension?

So the one hundred thousand square units of space were actually all useless in the end?

Shi Qing could only feel a chill rise up his back.

The author has something to say:

Hey, I wonder if you girlies still remember the task of this world? Friendly reminder, it is to search for the ‘tears of life’.

It’s been some time. Hope you all are keeping well! I also managed to get a chapter of PUP out just prior, and I chattered on about this as well, but I suppose an excuse is in order.

With a new baby, a new home, and staying in a temporary residence (with just two bedrooms and very little space), life is a bit hectic. Not to mention that the older two children are in school. As with the other release, I’ll share a picture of my new backyard as an…apology I guess?josei

I hope you’re all doing well, and I will try to post a little more regularly but…well, soon enough we’ll be moving into our new place so only time will tell!

Did anyone else expect that Qin Mo would be a flop? Did his OPness fail him? Please read that last sentence out loud teehee.

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