Reborn As An Evolving Monster

Chapter 105 A Monster With A Name

Chapter 105 A Monster With A Name

Inside a certain Dungeon, hundreds and hundreds of miles away from the one Mark was trapped in.

[Doing okay in there, Kai?]

On that Dungeon's Second Floor, a different Candidate was training.

A different Monster.

"Yeah, Cyd... Doing... Just... Fine." Grunts were let out between each word.

The Second Floor was covered in ice and filled with a large variety of Monsters. Ice Bears and Yettis to name a few.

Obviously, different Dungeons had been constructed for different Candidates.

[Your Unique Title "Training Beast" increases your Endurance Stat and Pain Tolerance!]


A True Werewolf stood on two legs.

It bent its knees and grunted as it lowered its body.


On its shoulders, lay the huge body of an Ice Bear.

"99...100. Fuck that was rough!" Kai shouted as he let the weight used fall to the ground.

Despite the intense cold, he could feel his body burning.

And the reason for that burning sensation wasn't simply due to the efforts exerted.

[Your Unique Title "Training Fanatic" is pleased by your diligent Training.]

[Your Unique Title "Training Fanatic" permanently increases your Strength Stat by 2 Stat Points!]

Kai let his body collapse to the ground.

"Let's-a-gooo!" He shouted as he enthusiastically extended his hands toward the cloud-covered sky.

[That was a good set.]

"Right? 15 more reps than last time. I'm getting crazy strong now that my Titles started working with me more often."

[A disciplined mind will always lead to a stronger body.]

"Yes, sir. Agreed." Kai chuckled.

He stared at the sky for a bit.

"This Floor sure is different though. Training in the open feels crazy good. Cramped places aren't meant for that."

[Training should become a habit for you.]

[You should train regardless of the circumstances.]

"Yes. Yes. I plan on doing that."

He stood back up after a couple more minutes of rest.

"Training and Leveling Up. The only two ways to get stronger..."

Kai smiled like he never had before.

At least, never before he was reborn.

"A dream come true..."

[There's another Candidate whose Titles have Effects similar to yours.]

The fact that there were multiple Candidates was unknown to Mark.

Those Titled "Generals Of Gaavah's Army" were massively different from one another, and so were their approaches to raising the Candidates.

"Is that so? Similar...? We'll probably get along just fine then. Especially if we can train together later on."

Kai felt delighted.

Ecstatic even.

Were he asked the reason, he would have been unable to tell whether it was because of the increase in Strength, or simply because he enjoyed training that much.

[That Candidate's Titles boost the Effects of Leveling Up.]

"Oh. And I'm guessing that's as similar as it gets compared to the others?"

[Most refrain from sharing too much Information.]

"I see... Well, good thing I have you, Cyd."

[Four minutes have passed.]

"Yeah-" Kai placed the unmoving Ice Bear's body on his shoulders once more.

[Take pride and joy in your Training.]

[Your Titles won't increase your strength with every Set.]

"I know. It's a blessing, really."

[Don't neglect Leveling Up either.]

"Yeah... Since I won't be able to do that outside, right?"

[The Ability to Level Up won't be lost.]

[However, you probably won't gain Stat Points for Leveling Up.]


Kai nodded as he bent his knees.


He pushed his way up with ease.

"Time to move onto heavier weights..." Kai whispered as he turned to his left.

The unmoving creature was...

'Still can't believe I have a mammoth in front of him...'

He chuckled.

'I fought and killed a mammoth.'

Kai could barely contain his laughter.

He let the Ice Bear's body hit the ground.josei

Before his hands reached the mammoth-like Monster,

"I won't be gaining Stats by Leveling Up outside... Should I really be training now then?"

[Training is never a waste of time.]

"I agree. But losing the ability to gain Stats by Leveling up will be a bit... Inconvenient."

[It sure will be.]

Kai nodded.

He grabbed the unmoving mammoth's body, and thought it was too heavy for him.

[That's how Unique Titles work.]

Cyd was known to be part of the less talkative Generals of Gaavah.

But he was different when it came to his Candidate.

'Balanced benefits and drawbacks, huh?'


In the corner, was a well-made wooden bed covered by white sheets.

What seemed to be a vanity stood against a wall. A large mirror.

A simple and, all things considered, spacious room.

Mark had noticed none of these things.

The "Superior Kinetic Vision" Passive Skill was in full action, yet his gaze had frozen.

Rays of sunlight passed through the glassless window before gently, quietly, settling on her smooth dark skin.

She stood at the window, and stared ahead at the horizon.

Immobile, as if to give others the chance to bask in her beauty, just as she basked in the sun.

She wore a white sleeveless gown.

The dress' plunging neckline and its overall shape unapologetically accentuated her own.

Mark stared for a bit.

And perhaps, she let him.

A familiar and unpleasant uneasiness resurfaced once again.

Corrupted Dark Elf Royalty.

[S] Ranked.

Or so would answer the System, were it asked.

A princess locked in a tower.

That's what she looked like.

That's what she was.

A famous trope known to all, stood right in front of Mark.

Her eyelids wavered, as a  gentle breeze passed.

The straight hair that seemed to stretch forever was momentarily elevated, before flowing down her back in an ashen cascade.

Purple earrings dangled below her long and pointy ears.

And so did the bracelets above her delicate bare feet, as she turned to face the intruders.

Yellow eyes.


Mark immediately snapped out of it.

But before he could move, her lips parted.

"Well, hello there."


She was different than the other Corrupted Dark Elves. That much was obvious.

"I thought you would come in from here," She pointed at the window to her left. "But it seems you prefer a more direct approach."

Her gaze moved from Mark to Levi repeatedly.

"That's fine by me. So..."

Her eyes wandered for a moment.

She raised her hands slightly.

Mark and Levi focused on the Monster's every movement.

"I welcome you to my humble estate."

Both stood still.

Silence filled the room, and she felt an ounce of pressure.

Her slender hand returned a wandering strand of hair back behind her left ear.

She gave them the warmest smile she could muster.

"The name is Elisa. How do you do?"

Mark's eyes widened.

In all his time inside the Dungeon...


In all his time since he was reborn, it was his first time meeting one.

His first time seeing one.

A Monster with a name.

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