Reborn As An Evolving Monster

Chapter 281 Beauty In The Ferocious

Chapter 281 Beauty In The Ferocious

The Soldier's words were interrupted as the Commander lay a hand on his head and brought him closer.

"Good job, you lazy fuck."

The Kobold-like Monster froze as he was buried between the Commander's breasts.

Since Ani was, as was her habit, wearing a revealing bikini top.

His face, currently in contact with her bare skin, felt like it was melting.

"Thaak you... Comma... Der" The Soldier's voice was low and muffled. 

He couldn't breathe. But he still didn't want to move.

To Boa, it was a worthy sacrifice. A fair exchange.

'Lucky son of a bitch...' The rest of the Soldiers cursed as they stared at the scene.

"Two of them then?" Ani asked, a smile on her face as she wrapped her fingers around the Kobolt-like Monster's hair.

Boa's head was pulled away from her breasts, revealing closed eyes and heavy blushing. A rather perverted facial expression too, but Ani didn't think much of it.

Perhaps she was used to it.

Perhaps she didn't mind it.

They were her Soldiers after all.

They risk their lives for her.

A bit of perversion between Monsters could be forgiven, couldn't it?

"Ye... Yes. I believe so, Commander."

"What about the other one? Corruption, you're sure that's what it smelled like?" Ani asked as she let go of the Soldier's head.

"Yes, Commander. That smell cannot be confused with any other." Boa answered as he stared at the breasts he had been in contact with just seconds earlier. The thought of taking a dive wouldn't leave his mind. "Uh... It was... The one that smells of Corruption probably slept on the ground. I found traces on the ground. Pretty deep, so it must have slept on the ground."

"Uhu. Anything else?"

"The traces drawn resembled... Scales? I believe its body to be covered by scales."

"A Feline and a Reptile together? Don't see that often."

"Indeed, Commander." Boa's heart rate rapidly increased.

He had done more than had been asked for him, hadn't he? His breathing turned heavier and heavier as he stared at the heavenly breasts in front of him.

He wanted to feel them again.

He wanted to be rewarded again.

What if the reward this time was-

"Good. You can go."

The Soldier froze at the Commander's words.

"I said you can go." Ani repeated.

Boa turned around and walked away.

The chuckles of the other Soldiers didn't even bother him.

He walked and circled around one of the huts.

Once Boa was hidden by that hut, his knees dropped to the floor.

'I was too greedy! Closing my eyes... Why did I close my eyes? But it felt so good I couldn't... It was... No, no.' 

Boa closed his eyes and took a deep breath in.

'What's done is done.' 


He opened his eyes and raised his gaze to the sky above.

'I'll cherish this feeling. That sensation...' Boa pushed himself off the ground. 'And work harder for the Commander.' 

A tear went down his face as he pumped his fist, determined more than ever to serve the Commander.

'I could smell them better because they spent more time here than there. Lin's blood... I'm surprised he could be defeated, but this is the end for you.' Boa's eyes brimmed as he walked back to join the group. 'Our Commander is the strongest.'

"Who was the lazy fucker that recommended taking a break earlier?" Ani suddenly asked.

All eyes directly moved towards the Soldier that had done so.

"We passed a pond or something earlier. Go bring us water." The Commander ordered while taking a seat against one of the huts.

"Of course, Commander-"

"I can do it, Commander."I think you should take a look at

"No, I'll bring water to the Commander-"

"Shut up, it should be me-"

"I can bring water better than you-"

"I can bring better water-"

"No one brings water better than me..."

The rambling of the Soldiers trying to one-up one another continued for a bit.

'Pathetic...' Ani thought as she watched the scene.

In truth, their infighting for the Commander's attention was rather pathetic. Ani could tell that was the case. But the look in her eyes seemed to imply that she didn't really believe or mean that.

They were her Soldiers.

And she was their Commander.

They had remained together through thick and thin.

She trusted them, and they trusted her.

And in the first place, isn't it natural for Soldiers to look up to their Commander?

"How about this..." Ani started, and every Soldier's gaze moved towards her immediately. "Whoever grabs this first before it touches the ground..." The Commander pulled a Gold Coin out from under her bikini top. From in between her breasts. "Goes to bring water."

Every Soldier took a deep breath and a ferocious Aura started emanating from each of them.

"Ready?" Ani asked as she prepared to flip the coin. "Go!"

The Gold Coin spun in the air and it didn't take long before.


Swears, insults of the worst kind, shouts, growls, and groans.

It didn't take long for those to be replaced by punches, kicks, and elbow strikes.

'They want it that much?'

The Soldiers used everything they could to fight for that Gold Coin. Everything short of their Weapons.

Stealing from one another, they only stopped when,


The loud laughter resonated, and every Soldier froze.

Even the last to have grabbed the Gold Coin completely forgot about it.

"You idiottic fools! Pfahahaha!"

As if on a trance, the Soldiers' minds came to a halt.

'The Commander...'

'We made the Commander...'


A ferocious beast.

Powerful and unforgiving.

None they had come was as powerful as her.

It didn't happen often, so whenever it did, the Soldiers did their best to ingrain the image inside their minds.

For the Soldiers, there was nothing more pleasant to see.

The symbol of both ferocity and strength...


Was incredibly beautiful when she laughed.



"I don't think you should." Mark warned.

"Why not? I'm hungryyy!!" Elisa complained. "It looks fine, doesn't it?" 

"No, it doesn't..." The white-scaled Monster answered as it moved its gaze towards the fluorescent mushroom in Elisa's hand. "It's a bad idea."

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