Reborn As An Evolving Monster

Chapter 387 Body & Soul

Chapter 387 Body & Soul

Chapter 387 Body & Soul

"Another... World?" The Undead Lich repeated, obviously doubtful, but also filled with curiosity.

Mark couldn't help but feel like he had been beaten. Much more could have been extracted for the Information, had he not recklessly accepted the Contract.

Just because the opportunity wasn't expected, doesn't mean one should settle for less.

He could tell that his Soul being born in another World, or the fact that he was an "Intruder" to this World didn't matter.

Neither of these things gave the Information much Value.

What truly did, was the existence of such a World.

Knowing that there was a whole World other than this one is an incredible discovery.

Even more so for someone like the Undead Lich, who pursued many things, who had many interests, and who was on a quest for endless knowledge.

"Where is that World?"

"I have no idea."

"Beyond the sea?"

"Ha! That's funny."

"It is?"

The Undead Lich was truly asking. It genuinely did not see anything funny with that.

"It would be more like... Beyond the stars?"


The sudden shout made the white-scaled Monster straighten its back.

"Y... Yeah. Probably?"

"Where... How... What kind of World? If you really are from another, then how did you get here? Can you go back? What Links both Worlds together?"

Mark put up his hands.

"Don't know." He answered as he shrugged. "I lived in another World, I died, and my Soul wandered for a long time. As you can see, I kept my Soul, not my Body."josei

"Going back to the original topic, huh? But your Soul was born in that other World, with another Body. The Soul and Body can be separated, but the Soul cannot come into existence without a Body."

"You think having a Body is that important?"

"It is. That's why Spirits showcase such Magical Prowess. They have forfeited the right to having a strong Body, or a Body in general. In exchange, they have great control over a larger quantity of Mana."

"Like you? Except that with you... It was a Ritual that brought this. While they're born that way."

"That's right."

"What about a child born with a weak heart, a weak constitution? Do you think that the child's Soul is Linked to that body? That the Soul is stronger or weaker because the Body is weaker? The Link between Body and Soul isn't as strong as you make it out to be. Or perhaps, I am the exception. My Soul entered a random Monster's body, the same way it could have entered a baby's. I told you, didn't I? My Soul wandered for a long time. If I had to describe it, the Worlds are like two planes. Two galaxies standing parallel to one another... Or perhaps, floating? Between them, there is only darkness. A black hole. You can't move away from its center. If you go too far, you get pulled back. Unless... Something pulls you."

"Then that's when the Souls rest. A Graveyard of Souls... But if they're not born with the Born, when do they appear, where, how?"

"It's not possible for it all to be recycling, right? Since the numbers increase."

"Well, it's possible that..." The Undead Lich talked and talked, with enthusiasm that it hadn't felt for so long.

An Undead Lich learning about another World, and part of what happens after Death. What could be more entertaining or valuable for it than that? It had even cast its Body away to remain alive, to escape Death and the great unknown that comes with it.

Their conversation went on and on.

The relation between the Soul and the Body.

Does the Soul leave the Body upon Death? Does it die with the Body? Mark's experience seemed to point to one answer, while the Undead Lich's experiments pointed to another.

Is the Soul located inside the brain? 

What is the Soul?

What do those in the other World think about it?

"What kind of World is it anyways?"

"What kind of World...? A World without Monsters, without Werewolves, Vampires, or Undead Lichs. It only has Humans, animals, and vegetation as living beings... I think. It's a World without Magic-"

"Without Magic??" The Undead Lich interrupted. "You mean without Mana? Are you sure?"

"I am."

It was a strange thing to hear. A surprising fact that the Undead Lich couldn't completely believe. After all, Mana could be found in all things and Beings, even in those who could not use Mana.

"What about the System?" The Undead Lich asked, doubtful.

"What is the System?"


"I don't... Know much for now. But if you explain it thoroughly, I might give you a more accurate answer. About whether or not that World has something that acts as the System."

"Interesting. So the System does not reach that World, but there might be something else that fulfills that job."

"Perhaps. Care to talk about the job then?"

"Many roles are fulfilled by the System. Weighing Information is an interesting one, especially the way you have used it. The System read your thoughts right there and then."

"How does that work?"

"The System is... Well, no one knows really. But I see it as an omniscient and omnipresent Being. It knows all and is everywhere, see. It dictates too many things to count."

"Like the cost of using Magic Skills."

"For example, yes. It can be seen as the Thing that dictates, or simply as the Thing that represents."

"Like Health Points..." Mark whispered. "Does it dictate how many... Or does it simply represent them and showcase them...?"

"Can you see the Sacrifice there?"

"The Sacrifice?"

"Think of the System as a Being. Let's say it was a living being before becoming the existence known as the System."

"Mm... A Being that grew to know everything, and to be everywhere at the same time. Omnipresent and Omniscient... A God, basically."

"Exactly, expect-"

"Except that it's not omnipotent. In fact, it can't do anything on its own. It sacrificed the ability to do anything, in order to gain knowledge of everything and omnipresence...?"

"You understand quickly."

"Is that what happened?"

"Who knows?" The Undead Lich shrugged.

The conversation had lasted long enough that Mark could tell that the Undead Lich wasn't withholding information. It truly did not know.

"Then? What about that other World?" It asked.

"No System. The existence of one or multiple Deities is debated. A God that is omnipresent, omniscient, and omnipotent though... That's what many believe in."

"I see. Then a Ruler?"

"Not exactly. Many believe in that God's existence, but its presence is... Well, I don't really know, I guess. Though the fact that I was Reborn in this World means that-"

"The existence of Gods is still possible. I have trouble believing it, but if that World has no Mana, then its rules could be completely different."

"They are."

"For it to be omnipresent, omniscient, and omnipotent, it..."

"Different rules. I doubt this world's logic could be applied."

"I think they can be. That God could be seen as... A Watcher. Or a Spectator."

"Wouldn't be the same as the System then? Where's the omnipotent aspect of it?"

"There's a clear difference with the System, don't you think?"

Mark's eyebrow twitched.

The Undead Lich knew the answer to its question.

Mark brought a hand to his chin and thought for a couple of seconds.

"Not being able to act isn't enough..." He whispered. "The System also knows about -Us-, and that's the unfair part. Which is why we can use part of its knowledge."

"Precisely." The Undead Lich said as it snapped its fingers. "The System acts, but not for itself. Then what about that God?"

"Well... A Spectator is the only possibility, I guess. But there's no... Well, according to some, then it acted at times. But I haven't seen it during my life."

"Just because you haven't seen it, doesn't mean it didn't act."

"That's a fair argument but it's no reason to believe that it acted."

"An Omnipotent being is a scary thing to think about. Especially when mixed with the other two."

"I guess?"

"What if everything happening in that World was proof of its Omnipotency?"

"You mean the creation of that World?"

"Yes, but maybe even more than that."

"Its development too? God's plan, huh? In that case, yes. The three would be his. But..."

"It's a cruel thought. Believing that everything is part of a Being's plan."

"It is cruel. And at times, reassuring."


The conversation between the two went on and on.

They touched on many different subjects.

The Undead Lich tried to keep the conversation about Necromancy theoretical and superficial.

The two discussed Mark's Rebirth and what Sacrifices would have been necessary for such Magic.

They did not know how it had been done, but they could still discuss the process.

The two compared it to Fire Magic.

Mana can be used to conjure up Flames, but combustion can still be studied. There are ways other than Magic to light a fire.

Maybe there are other processes that lead to the movement of Souls?

The discussion was interesting. Questions that couldn't be answered were asked.

They agreed and disagreed on many things.

A feeling of sorrow slowly started rising from within.

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