Reborn As An Evolving Monster

Chapter 63 Fire Itself

Chapter 63 Fire Itself

"COME BACK HERE, YOU COWARD! I'LL TURN YOU TO ASH RIGHT AWAY!! OH, YOU HAVE NO IDEA WHAT..." The Guardian shouted from inside the Boss Room.

'Mm. Seems like Guardians really can't leave their rooms. Not that it matters, since the next one will be the last. Anyway, looks like it can't attack me when I'm outside.' Mark thought as he stood in front of the Boss Room. 'Might as well rest a bit before the second round...'

The Guardian continued shouting from inside the Boss Room while Levi walked to his Master's side.

"My Lord, any orders for me?" The Underling asked solemnly.

'None. I'll be going in alone-'

"But my Lord-"

'No buts. That guy is pretty strong, but he probably doesn't have any more of those Flames Of Chaos thing. Doubt he'll be able to inflict significant amounts of damage. I'm curious as to why he uses his hands to absorb the Flames Of Chaos though. I wonder if it's the effect of a different Skill. A Skill different from the one he uses to absorb normal Fire. Although... What's normal Fire anyways...?'

Levi stood silently, as he could not tell what the answer to his Master's question was.

'Anyways, it's a good opportunity to raise my "Fire Resistance" and "Fire Manipulation" Skills. With some luck, I'll get an idea as to how to actually damage this guy.' Mark thought as he walked toward the Boss Room.

"I'll be waiting for orders, my Lord."

The Guardian's flames burned as brightly as ever.


Mark showed his fangs as he entered the Boss Room.

'Seriously... With this personality...'

Immediately, the Guardian shot a Great Fire Ball in Mark's direction.

The latter raised his arm towards the incoming attack.

As Mark swung his arm to the side, the attack's trajectory changed.

The Great Fire Ball exploded, as it hit the wall to Mark's side.

"As I thought... You... You...!"

The Guardian's intense anger made his flames burn fiercer.

'Mmh. Once again I couldn't actually take control of it... The Rank of this guy's Fire Manipulation must be [A] at least. Still-'

Mark's thoughts were interrupted as the Guardian's body ballooned up in size.

"Once again... You dare!!"

The flames that made up its arms, stomach, and legs fused, as they got larger and larger.

'Haha! That's not bad!' Mark thought as the Guardian's flames started spinning.

They spun faster and faster, until the humid air around Mark started pulling him closer to the tornado the Guardian had become.

"You weak little beast, I'll swallow you up right away!!"

Mark could feel his feet being forcibly lifted from the ground.

'Haha! Looks like I've sold this guy short...' He thought as he spread his wings to negate the Guardian's pull.

A Fire Ball was shot toward Mark, but its trajectory was changed right away.

"YOU PISS ME OFF!" The Guardian shouted as a volley of Fire Balls exited the tornado from different spots.

'The humanoid form really got me for a bit. Fire Manipulation, Skills... I doubt this guy needs any of those...' Mark thought as he redirected every attack coming his way.

A Great Fire Ball was shot, and the tornado disappeared the next instant.

But just as Mark tried to redirect the attack,


An arm was extended from that Great Fire Ball.

Despite Mark's fast reflexes, the Guardian managed to drag its burning arm along his chest.

A flick of his tail made the enemy disappear.

"SINCE PROJECTILES AREN'T WORKING, I'LL GET IN CLOSE AND PERSONAL! HOW'S THAT?!" The Guardian shouted as it reappeared on the ceiling.

Mark couldn't help but let out a monstrous chuckle.

'This guy... I've really sold him short. He doesn't manipulate fire. He doesn't use fire. No, it's more like...'

The Guardian's flames disappeared for a few seconds before reappearing in front of Mark.

'He's...' A punch through the Guardian's burning body made it disappear. 'Fire itself.'

The Guardian reappeared a safe distance away from Mark.

'FUCK! I'm so pissed! I've never been this annoyed or pissed off before!! It was fun earlier but now... NOW!!' The Boss Monster was seething.

And the flames that made up its body let all who gazed at them know

'It almost feels like... It's getting hotter here. Could it be-'

The Boss Monster extended both its palms towards Mark.

"LET'S SEE YOU STEAL THIS!!" The Guardian shouted.

A ferocious stream of burning flames was shot.

'The amount of fire... The force... I can't redirect this one!!' Mark thought as he barely dodged the attack.


The Guardian moved its palms, and the stream of fire followed.

'You wanna play this game, huh?'

Mark quickly activated his "Impenetrable Barrier" Magic Skill.

And as his Passive Skill "Fire Hide" activated,

'I'll use two Skill Points on Fire Manipulation.'

[You have used one Skill Point.]

[Your Skill "Fire Manipulation[B]" is evolving...]

[Your Magic Skill "Fire Manipulation[B]" has evolved into "Fire Manipulation[A]".]

The stream of fire hit the protective barrier with great force.

Cracks started appearing on the spot hit, while the rest of the barrier looked like it was melting from the intense heat.

[You have used one Skill Point.]

[Your Skill "Fire Manipulation[A]" is evolving...]

[Your Magic Skill "Fire Manipulation[A]" has evolved into "Fire Manipulation[A+]".]

Mark couldn't help but stare at his open palm, ignoring the barrier that was breaking down.

'It feels... the same. And yet, different.'

The "Fire Hide" that protected his body disappeared.

Mark raised his hand.

The barrier broke.


A cloud of smoke.


But as the smoke faded, the Guardian's expression changed.

Mark wasn't harmed at all.

Instead, two giant craters had appeared on the wall behind him.josei

"You...! Again!!" The Guardian greeted its teeth.

'Mmmm... There wasn't much time so I couldn't try to manipulate it. Still, I managed to split THAT attack.'

A wide smile was on Mark's face.


His eyes burned fiercely.

'Since I've had to use Skill Points, I guess there probably isn't much more for me to learn from you.'

Mark took a step towards the enraged Guardian.

'Let's finish this.'

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