Reborn As An Evolving Monster

Chapter 77 Power Over The Dead

Chapter 77 Power Over The Dead

'If that Territory is full of Corrupted Dark Elves, I can't take too long against this guy.'

Mark shifted his center of gravity forward.

'He's quick, but lacks strength. Which is why he couldn't gravely injure me...'

As soon as Mark started moving, the Corrupted Dark Elf moved its arms.

Mark swiftly bent his body to dodge the two daggers that had been thrown.

'Fine. Let's do it your way.'

Once he arrived in front of the enemy, Mark raised both arms up.

Even though those strong arms were about to get slammed on the Corrupted Dark Elf's shoulders, the latter did not raise its arms defensively.

It didn't move.

Yet, a smirk appeared on its face.

To the open palms next to its sides, the thrown daggers came back.



'Got you.'

Just as the daggers entered his stomach, Mark grabbed the Corrupted Dark Elf's wrists.


Extreme pressure was immediately exerted on its frail limbs.

The next second, four insect legs appeared from Mark's lower back.

Noticing their sharp ends, the Corrupted Dark Elf's movements immediately became erratic.

It growled and growled, as it struggled against Mark's grip.

But its wrists were not set free.

Mark smiled terribly, as he used his strength to keep the enemy's daggers embedded inside his body.


Four Spider-like limbs penetrated the Corrupted Dark Elf's body.

The latter gritted its teeth as blood went down its mouth.

The Corrupted Dark Elf started twisting the daggers inside Mark's wounded stomach.


The latter couldn't help but instinctively let go.

The Corrupted Dark Elf jumped away.

It had freed itself from Mark's grip, but its body was bleeding heavily.

'It's not deep. I caught him at just the right time to limit the damage. Still, he's too fast for me to fight any other way. Maybe if I-'

While Mark was trying to figure out ways to fight his enemy, the Corrupted Dark Elf turned around.

The white-scaled Monster's pupils dilated.

Its skin twitched.

A monstrous smile appeared on Mark's face.

The Corrupted Dark Elf had started running away.

He followed immediately.

But the distance separating the two slowly grew.

The difference in speed was obvious

'I could use Magic Skills, but if I'll have to deal with a whole Territory filled with guys like him later then... I need to learn more about how they fight.' Mark thought.

Keeping track of the running Corrupted Dark Elf was no easy task.

'He's taking corners at every tree...'

It was perfectly utilizing the environment. Every bush, every tree.

It used everything, to hide and escape from its pursuer.

The next second, Mark jumped onto a tree's thick branch.

'I can't lose him...'

From tree to tree, he jumped on his way to the enemy.

'As long as I can keep an eye on him...'

Seconds later, the distance between the two started shrinking.

Eventually, the Corrupted Dark Elf stopped, before coughing up blood.

'Fragile.' Mark thought as he jumped off.


His heavy body had landed on his enemy's, pinning the latter to the ground.


The Corrupted Dark Elf growled and growled while moving its limbs erratically.

But it could not move the mountain of muscle that lay on its back.

'Any more tricks up your sleeve?'

Mark grabbed the Monster's arm.


He squeezed it with all his strength.



Steaming lines of blood drew circles in the air, as they left the Corrupted Dark Elf's spinning arm.

'Oh. I pulled it off using only my strength... So?'


'That all there is to you?' Mark pulled his arm back.


Another hole had been added to the Corrupted Dark Elf's bleeding body.

Mark pulled his arm out of its chest.

A second later, the Corrupted Dark Elf's breathing ceased.

[You have defeated a Corrupted Dark Elf. 35,000 Gold Coins and 70,000 Experience Points earned.]

Mark stood back up.

'Can I use those Gold Coins once I'm outside?'


[The amounts will be converted to match the real value of "Gold Coins".]

'Yeah. Of course...'

Mark looked down on the enemy he had fought.

'They're fast, but weak. Fighting multiple ones at once will be tricky, especially if some are archers and others close-range fighters. I wonder if they use weapons other than bows and daggers. Oh...'

Mark bent his body down and grabbed the Corrupted Dark Elf's daggers from the ground.

[Timeworn Elven Daggers: [S] Ranked Weapons.

Made using a mix of two Materials: Obsidian and Mithril.

Ancient Dark Elven Runes are inscribed on the Weapons.

Due to the passage of time, the Runes have lost most of their strength.


'Umm. Whatever, I guess? It's a bit too small for me to use. Ancient Elven Runes... Must be what allows the owner to pull them back.'

Mark stared at the inscriptions for a bit.

'The Rune part sounds interesting. Other than that, it's not much. The blade might be sharper than my claws but...'

He let go of the Weapon.

'Come back.'

[The "Timeworn Elven Daggers" have judged you unworthy.]


'Put them into my Inventory, I guess.'

The daggers disappeared from Mark's hands.

'I could've finished the fight faster but... It was worth trying to figure out additional things. Didn't get much though. Still, it's strange. The guy didn't even use Wind Magic...'

Mark lowered his body towards the dead Monster.

'Let's try to get some more information this way then-'

[Your Magic Skill "Purgatory's Undead Troup[A+]" cannot Revive the Chosen Monster.]


Mark massaged his forehead, trying to keep his calm.

'The same as that Lich?'


'What is it, then?'

Silent seconds passed by.


Just as Mark was about to devour the Monster,

[The Seal on your "Purgatory's Undead Troup[A+]" Magic Skill has been lifted.]

'A Seal? Oh... Oh! Nice. So I can Revive this guy now?'

[The Seal increased the strength of all your Skills related to the Undead.]


[Proficiency for both Soul Magic and Necromancy had been enhanced by the Seal.]

'And I suppose my Skill combines both? But then... Why lift the Seal?'

[The Seal can only be activated because you are within your Master's Territory.]

[As you are approaching the...]

'Alright. I get it.' Mark did not bother reading the rest. 'So? What changes now? What's different?'


'Why couldn't I Revive him?'

The series of messages that followed made Mark feel as if he was getting an earful.

[The Chosen Monster hasn't been Marked.]

[The Chosen Monster's Body has been thoroughly damaged.]

[The Chosen Monster's Soul has been thoroughly damaged.]

[The Chosen Monster does not wish to return from the Dead.]

[The Chosen Monster does not wish to become your Underling.]

[Additional Conditions:

1-The Chosen Monster must not be attacked before it is Marked.

2-The Marked Monster must be defeated by you, and you only.]

'Damn. Are you serious? You mean I have to abide by all these conditions From now on? Tsk.'

Mark clenched his fists.

'Bringing them back from the dead is...'

[Only the last two Conditions are Mandatory.]

[Still, the rest can influence whether your Skill shows Effect or not.]

'Fuck...' Mark cursed as he stared at the unmoving Corrupted Dark Elf.

A nervous smile on his face.

'I'm getting my strengths taken left and right.'

[Your Title "Devourer" is smiling.]

[Your Title "Devourer" wants you to hurry up.]

'Yeah, yeah.'

Mark started munching on the unmoving Monster's body.

A couple of seconds later,


A wounded, yet joyous, Typhoon Wolf walked to its Master's side.

'Oh. You're here. Sorry for leaving you...'


Sometime later, Mark walked on the plain field that stood at the Floor's center.

His mood had turned sour.

After all, the effect of one of his best Skills had been weakened.

Severely weakened.

"My Lord." Levi called out.

The Underling had just climbed back up to the Last Floor.

'They're at the bottom, right?'

"Yes, my Lord."

Mark looked down the hole that connected both Floors.

'The larger the distance, the more Mana it consumes but...'

A minute later, the bones of all the enemies Levi and the other Underlings had defeated flew up through that hole.

Mark stocked all of them into his Inventory.

'We'll have visitors soon.'

"Is that so? Then, I shall do my best, my Lord."

The Master nodded silently.

'Reviving Monsters will get tougher from now on...'

The Underling solemnly took a knee in front of his Master.

'Which makes the ones I currently have all the more precious...'

The next second, the Moonlit Feline climbed up Mark's body.


Mark stroked the Underling's fur.

'Now that I can't Revive them...'

The latter gently pushed against his hand.

'I wonder if more Monsters will choose, out of their own accord, to become my Underlings...'

Crystal-clear eyes stared wide at him.

'Doubt it...'

[Your Title "Gaavah's Follower" is waking up from its slumber.]

[No need to feel so bad.]


[Having Power over the Dead is incredibly impressive.]

[No matter how limited that Power is.]

'Oh, is that right?' Mark felt a hint of sarcasm.

[Realistically, obtaining the kind of Power that would allow one to Revive any dead Being, without extreme Conditions being attached to it, is impossible.]

[It would go against the Laws of this very World.]

'Well, that's the kind of power I had. Of course, I'd feel bad about losing it...'

[Stop sulking childishly.]

[Your Power might still be enough to pass this Final Trial.]

A chuckle escaped Mark's mouth.

'I don't doubt that.'

Mark took a step forward and the Moonlit Feline jumped off his shoulder.

He turned towards the Territory he had yet to enter.

'This Dungeon doesn't worry me anymore. The outside does though. And this would've been an amazing power to have then. Especially since I could revive Monsters I hadn't even fought myself.'

[Tough luck.]


[The Seal had to be lifted.]

'You could've let me revive that one at least. My last easily obtained Underling?'

[It would form a bad habit within you.]

'Bad habit? What am I, a child?'

Mark started walking forward.

[Three hours left before the Veil comes down.]

'So? Here to give me a pep talk?'

A short silence.

[Do you need one?]

Mark monstrously laughed out loud.


The solemn and dignified Levi.

The whimsical and eccentric Fire Spirit.

Those were the two entities Mark was used to conversing with.

[Well, you won't be getting any once you're outside.]

[So no pep talk now.]


The sour mood, Mark was in previously, was now long gone.

[Only strength, rationality, and tactics help during fights.]

[While you might lack in rationality, you have demonstrated the ability to come up with simple tactics from time to time.]

Mark wasn't sure whether his intellect was being insulted or not.

'Oh. Is that so? I've demonstrated some. Am I supposed to take it as a compliment?'

[Be more rational when making decisions.]

'Uh, excuse me? I usually don't have the luxury to think much during fights.'josei

[Then make the time.]

'This did become a pep talk in the end. Ugh. Just let me do it my way.'

[Try not to die.]

'Die? Haha. I doubt I would.'

[Loving the Confidence.]


[Just don't let it turn into Arrogance.]

'I thought you guys wanted me to be arrogant.'

[You have no idea what it is we desire.]

[Less than three hours before the Veil is taken down.]

[Your Title "Gaavah's Follower" falls into a silent slumber.]

'Mm. Seal lifted, Veil taken down...'

Mark spread his wings.

'You really control everything here, huh?' He thought to himself before taking off.

From above, he stared at the Territory that awaited him.

The Territory that separated him from the Final Guardian.

The Final Guardian that separated him from the outside world.

'Should I look for it, or...'

Flame Of Chaos, Colossal Fire Ball[A-]

'The middle of the forest... Maybe?'

The attack was shot.

But before it could get close to the ground.

Before it could get close to the trees that covered that ground.

The attack had hit... Something.

The reddish Colossal Fire Ball exploded in the air.

'That's... The Veil?'

The next second, an incredibly large dome of Mana appeared.

It surrounded a large portion of the forest.

'So that Veil gave the illusion that it was all forest? Interesting. Is it the only Veil in this Territory, or...'

A hole had been made in that dome.

And so, it started fading away.

The Veil slowly faded, revealing what truly lay behind it.

A large village.

Dozens of wooden houses.

'No wandering Monsters, huh? Did they hide once the Veil started disappearing?'

A shack made of bricks stood out, positioned closest to Mark.

'Interesting...' He commented, before calling out his Inventory.

Seconds later,

"Well, well. Need me to lay some more Fire and Explosions?" The Fire Spirit asked with shining eyes.

Mark pointed at the village.

[Your Title "Devourer" is expressing extreme hunger.]

'Let's turn it to ash.'

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