Reborn As An Evolving Monster

Chapter 99 Testing, [S] Rank Berserker

Chapter 99 Testing, [S] Rank Berserker

Noticing the appearance of a familiar Aura, the Fire Spirit looked down.

"A hundred and twenty-four Corrupted Dark Elves. Fourteen Warriors. You hear?" He shouted.

Enveloped by the characteristic purple Aura of Berserkers, Mark's body had started slightly twitching.


A slight smile appeared on the Spirit's burning face.

'Losing to your own Fire again would've been pretty sad.' He thought to himself.

Mark took a deep breath in.

Just like his muscles, the Aura around his body was pulsating.

'Interesting...' He noted.

Aware that a battle against agile enemies was about to start, the Passive Skill "Superior Kinetic Vision[B]" was activated.

'Unlike how my other Skills work, seems this one has an... Activation Rate? Something like that.'

The flow of time slowed down, and Mark found it easier to focus.

The Aura increased in size, before stabilizing.

[The Skill "Berserker[S]" activates!]

[Your Endurance Stat temporarily increases by 20%.]

[Your Agility Stat temporarily increases by 10%]

[Your Strength Stat temporarily increases by 5%.]

He smiled, despite the floating words being unnecessary.

After all, Mark had gotten accustomed to the body he currently had. To its strength, speed, and overall Stats.

Plus, it had been a while since the Stats his body held had increased by a substantial margin.

Being told was not needed.


Mark could feel the additional strength flowing through his body.

'Do this.' His feet left a crack on the ground as he leaped forward.

Despite seemingly being a bad match against the speedy Corrupted Dark Elves, Levi held his own well.

Against their sharp weapons, he used the tough crystals that covered his left arm and back to protect himself.

Levi's Agility was much lower than theirs. Which is why all he could do was protect himself.

Nevertheless, the look in his eyes was calm. His mind, clear. Focused.

Three Corrupted Dark Elves nimbly dodged the Fire Balls shot at them and approached Levi rapidly.

'Aiming for my chest.' The Guard noted.

As fast as he could, Levi stretched his left arm towards his right side while rotating his body slightly to that same side.

Three Timeworn Elven Daggers bounced on the protective crystals.

Having closed the distance, the Corrupted Dark Elves were set on finishing the target quickly.

But before attacking, they noticed Levi's right palm peeking through the space between his left arm and side.

"Condensed Lightning Bomb[C]"

By a hair's breadth, the Corrupted Dark Elves dodged to the side.

The three smiled terribly, as the attack had seemingly missed its target.

But that hadn't been the case.

After all, the three weren't Levi's targets.

An explosion took place a dozen meters behind the three Corrupted Dark Elves.

The screams of their comrades resonated. And the three turned back hurriedly.

They had dodged the attack, but it had cost four of their kin a limb each.

Four of their brothers now lay on the ground, an arm or leg missing for each. Their brothers screamed terribly as heaps of blood left their bodies.

And it was their fault.

Before the three could regain their composure, a sphere made of blue lightning appeared around Levi.

"Lightning Cover[B+]"

The three Corrupted Dark Elves screamed as the blue net of lightning turned their skin and muscles into torched coal.

Surprised by his own strength, Levi stopped moving for a moment.

His goal had been to fend off the attackers and catch the enemies at the rear off guard with his long-ranged attacks.

To slowly and indiscriminately damage the enemy troops.

After all, it made no difference to him whether the enemies were right in front of him or much further.

They were all his Lord's enemies. And they all had to be defeated.

In the momentary lapse of inattention, four Corrupted Dark Elves leaped towards Levi, the enemy they, now, deemed most dangerous.

But before their blades could reach that foe's body,


A powerful fist covered by a purple Aura collided with a Corrupted Dark Elf's defensively crossed arms.

It only took a moment for those arms to break.

The Corrupted Dark Elves changed targets.

The next instant, sparks appeared on the numerous crystals covering Levi's.

Knowing that Corrupted Dark Elves wouldn't miss that, full advantage was taken of the diversion, as a powerful tail swept the area, launching away the enemies and breaking a couple of ribs each.

'Can't let yourself get distracted.'

Levi apologized, but his Lord had already moved on.

Hundreds of Fire Balls were shot at once.

Whips of flames exploded as they hit the ground.

Spikes of ice flew through the air, impaling and freezing numerous at once.

Mark leaped right into the center of the mayhem taking place.

Corrupted Dark Elves fell one after the other.

Mark could barely contain his excitement.josei

As his legs moved faster than ever, his arms hit more powerfully than ever, and his heart beat louder than ever.

'My vision is clear.'

Three arrows were headed towards Mark's chest.

'My body...'

Without lowering his pace at all, he nimbly dodged. Both the three arrows and the Fire Balls that Fiery's Offspring had randomly shot.


Another volley of arrows was shot. This time, targeting his feet.

Mark plunged, letting his body rotate to the side while in the air.

He took a deep breath.

'I need...'

Only once his feet had touched the ground, did the Corrupted Dark Elves surrounding him notice his inflated chest.

'To use everything.'

Blinding Sand Fog[B+]

And just like the name suggests, the enemies were temporarily deprived of their sense of sight.

Mark defeated five of them, before using a sixth as a shield, defending himself against more incoming arrows.

'This is going well. I'll have to lower their numbers if I want to go further though...'

He quickly jumped back before extending both arms in front of him, towards the swarm of encircled Corrupted Dark Elves.

Flame Of Chaos, Colossal Fire Ball[A-].

Mana Manipulation[A].

As more Mana was poured into the ball of flames, its size increased.

Mana Condensation[A] & Fire Control[S].

Mark smiled nervously.

'Despite using my Fire Control too... I can barely contain-'

The next instant, a dozen arrows rapidly approached.

Mark had no time to fire the attack.


But before he could move away, an arm was extended in front of him.

An arm covered in crystals.

From Levi's body, a blueish Aura oozed out.

The next second, the crystals that covered his arm and back started growing in size.

They rapidly turned into something akin to a wall, shielding the Lord from the incoming arrows.

And the smile on Mark's face widened.


Just as quickly as they had grown, the crystals shrank in size.


Mark shot the sphere of flames and Mana from which emanated a blinding light.

The push back was a testament to the attack's strength, as Mark's feet drew two straight lines on the ground while his arms were forcibly spread to the sides.

The blinding sphere burned and went through the bodies of multiple Corrupted Dark Elves, before exploding powerfully at the village's center.

"Well, well. That's pretty good..." The Fire Spirit commented with shining eyes.

And many, many more explosions descended upon the village.

'Let's try...'

The purple Aura around Mark thickened.

His muscles twitched for a moment.

His pupils dilated.

'To go further.'

[Your Skill "Berserker[SS]" activates!]

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