Reborn as an Extra

Chapter 130 Roommates And Friendships!

Chapter 130 Roommates And Friendships!

Hotel Devalya, Rio's room.

After Rio and Link drank tea and watched TV for a while, the room fell silent, and no one talked anymore. Rio glanced at Link, hinting for him to leave, but Link was not planning on leaving; he was ready to pester Rio further.

"Ahem! Can't I just stay here today? I will sleep on the couch…" (Link)

Rio looked at Link weirdly and said, "Just go away, I don't want to sleep with a guy…" (Rio)josei


Link again shouted at the top of his lungs, but this time his shout was cut short when a certain frost mage sealed his mouth with ice. Raji had entered the room without them even noticing.


Link's eyes widened in surprise, and before he could say anything, a slap landed on his face. The impact from the slap made Link fly away, and his head got embedded in the wall.

"Tch! So noisy!" (Raji)

Raji glanced at Rio for a second but shook her head and didn't say anything to him. She glared at Link once again and left the room without caring about anything else.

While out of the room, Raji had a complex look on her face; she glanced at her hand in doubt.

'Hmm, when did that kid get so strong… he used to faint from those slaps… now he has grown so much… time flies by so fast…' (Raji)

(This is not the first time she beat up Link; she has done the same many times before. Link was a mischievous kid in his childhood days, and with her short temper, Raji used to get irritated every once in a while by Link's behavior, and what used to follow after that was a slap of benevolence.)

Raji shook her hand and walked away. Although she was surprised that Link had grown to such amazing heights, she was happier than before.

Rio glanced between the open door and Link, with complicated thoughts in his head.

'Well, you brought it on yourself; you should have taken into consideration that she could also come here…' (Rio)

Rio just shook his head at Link's misery.

"Ugh.." (Link)

Link pulled his head out of the wall, and debris flew around everywhere. Link touched his face and felt it burning hot from that slap. A slap mark was imprinted on Link's face.

Link touched his face and frowned.

'Ugh, I blacked out for a moment just from that slap…' (Link)

Link used to faint for hours from these slaps before, but now he barely blacks out for a few seconds from it.

'I have progressed quite a lot…' (Link)

Link nodded his head in satisfaction at that thought. (He used those slaps to sometimes measure his progress… Link really has an optimistic mindset.)

"Okay, now get out of my room. I don't want it to be destroyed further…" (Rio)

Just as Link was busy nodding his head in satisfaction, Rio gave his ultimatum.

"Ugh, okay okay, I will leave…" (Link)

After saying that, Link shook his head and left with firm steps. (He kept rubbing his face while leaving…)

Lia's Room.

"As I said, this one is the ultra-rare candy, this one is the rare candy, and this one is the super rare one… do you understand now?" (Riya)

"Y-yeah, I think so…" (Lia)

While Riya stared at the candies in her hand and explained with a serious look on her face, Lia had a doubtful expression on her face.

'Aren't they all just the same!? What do you mean ultra or super!?' (Lia)

Although Lia agreed and said she understood, she couldn't differentiate between those similar-looking candies at all; she couldn't even grasp what was the point of all this.

Everything Riya tried to explain to her seemed so bizarre and difficult to understand.

But Riya didn't care at all; she puffed out her chest with pride and said in a confident tone:

"It took me a lot of effort to sneak around and get these candies from my sister's hidden snacks; hehe… she doesn't even know about it…." (Riya)

While saying that, Riya smiled from ear to ear, as if she was proud of being able to sneak under the nose of an SS-ranker.

"I-is that so?" (Lia)

'There's no way an SS-ranker couldn't detect you sneaking around… she must have long known about your sneaky activities…' (Lia)

(Of course, Raji knows; she just doesn't care, and she only frowns at her weird activities. In fact, Raji thinks that Riya is a gluttonous girl, thus Raji never stops her from eating as much as she wants. Raji is the one who spoiled her so much in the first place.)

Suddenly, Riya's gaze fell on Lia, and her eyes narrowed. She glanced down and compared, but the result was still devastating, so her confidence flew away again like air escaping from a balloon.

She stared at Lia for a long time before saying:

"Uh, how do you make them… like…. Big…" (Riya)

"W-what? What are you talking about…" (Lia)

"N-nothing…" (Riya)

Riya shook her head and rolled her eyes. She avoided Lia's gaze and glanced at those mountains and curves every once in a while.

Lia tilted her head in confusion at Riya's sudden weird behavior, but she didn't ask further.

Liam's Room.

"No! I want the handmade food! I want the handmade one!" (Ellie)

Liam glanced at Ellie, who was rolling on the floor and throwing tantrums at him with a troubled look on his face.

"Can't you just eat the one the staff members gave…" (Liam)

Hearing Liam's remarks, Ellie glared at him with hatred in her eyes.

"Noo! I asked them for food and they gave me dog food! Do they think I am a pet dog! Just because I am a summoned beast! The audacity of these humans!!" (Ellie)

"Such blasphemy to the name of a great dragon like me!! They had the nerve to expect me to eat Dog food!?, And you want me to eat that too!?" (Ellie)

"I want your handmade food!!! Give me the food!!!" (Ellie)

While throwing tantrums, Ellie continued to roll on the ground all over the room, and she didn't let Liam get an ounce of sleep at all. Her stomach rumbled from hunger like a beast's howl.

Liam could only look at all this with a troubled face and doubt himself.

'Aren't dragons supposed to eat just pure mana and live without any need for mortal foods and sustenance? Is it perhaps my dragon has some manufacturing fault in it or something!?… ugh! Where do I ask for a refund!?' (Liam)

Liam had no choice; he got up from his bed and went to the kitchen to cook a simple meal for Ellie, and he couldn't sleep if she kept throwing tantrums at him like that.

Seeing that Liam finally agreed to her request, a

huge smile appeared on Ellie's face, and her eyes shined brightly in anticipation. She immediately stopped rolling on the floor and went to the kitchen to stare at the food Liam was going to make.

Liam glanced at Ellie standing beside him and sighed with complicated emotions.

'My dragon seems to have a manufacturing defect….it throws tantrums like a kid…. Sigh~' (Liam)

(The thing is, Liam was the one who made Ellie addicted to his hand-cooked food. If not for Liam to feed her such delicious food, she would have never even thought about eating the food humans eat.)

Fade's room.

While Fade was sleeping peacefully on his comfy bed, Link's high-pitched wails entered his ears.


Fade got up from his bed in shock. Link's voice made him tense all of a sudden and jumped up from his bed like a frightened rabbit.

"W-what!?" (Fade)

For a few seconds, Fade was bewildered by that sudden scream, and then it dawned on him that it was nothing but Link screaming for no reason.

His face twisted in anger, and he shouted.

"F*CKING Rick bast*rd! Can't even let me sleep in peace! Why are you wailing like that!? Once I become strong enough, I will beat the sh*t out of you! And then we will see how you cry then!!" (Fade)

After cursing at Link a few more times, Fade finally calmed down, and the fear subsided. Ever since Rio made his system crash, Fade has become prone to fear and gets frightened quite easily nowadays.

Fade shook his head and went back to sleep after Link's voice died down.

In a few seconds, he fell asleep again. He is a restless sleeper and rolls all over the bed in sleep.

(After a few minutes.)

*rumble* (Raji slapped Link and embedded him in the wall, which made the building rumble for a second.)

The building rumbled all of a sudden, and Fade, who was sleeping at the edge of the bed, fell down in fright; he directly kissed the floor again. (He should marry the floor at this point…)

Fade got up in fright; his face twisted in sheer anger, and he growled in hatred at the ceiling.

"F*ck you! I will kill you!!!" (Fade)

Author's Notes.

Yo! It's your beloved author here! It's the 22nd day of continuous uploads. Let's go!!

Question of the day.

Which room you would want to be in?

1. Rio's room (You will get served the best tea you would have ever drunk in your life.)

2. Lia's room (Get the candy speech from the candy expert Riya.)

3. Liam's room (Witness a faulty dragon throwing tantrums and rolling on the ground like a kid.)

4. Fade (Beat this guy!!)

Hidden option:

5. Author's room (Witness the author write these heavenly chapters beforehand! Just kidding you would have to serve him tea if you choose this room.)

By the way, don't forget to use those power stones and also leave a review if you like the story. Comment your opinion about the chapter. Your support is my motivation.

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