Reborn as an Extra

Chapter 37 Unexpected Guest!

Chapter 37 Unexpected Guest!

It's the second day since the academy closed, the news about a terrorist attack on the academy is currently in the headlines and every news channel is broadcasting this incident with more and more exaggerated remarks.

The rumors are spreading faster than a wildfire. Not to mention, Link has become the star and there are several talks going around on Link:

"Hello viewers, today we have invited Mr. Joseph who is an active member of the Rex family's management department." (Tv Anchor)

"Mr. Joseph, we welcome you on our channel" (Tv Anchor)

"Yes, thank you for your generosity, I am Joseph from the management department of Rex family." (Joseph)

"So, Mr. Joseph we wanted to ask how the Rex family's reaction to this incident." (Tv Anchor)

"Well, as everyone already know that young master Link has shown his unparallel courage during this time. He even fought an A-rank terrorist, regarding this the Rex family obviously feels very proud and supports young master Link" (Joseph)

The person named Joseph continued to rain praises there was no end to it. Once he started talking, he didn't stop until the anchor had to end the show for fear that Joseph would continue talking until he fainted.


Rio closed the Tv with a rather annoyed expression. He has been enjoying his free time until these idiotic interviews spread all over the internet. (This is a modern world with mana and technology coexisting here.)

But then this idiotic interview started and every channel he looked at, was all broadcasting this same thing even the channels which were not new channels were also doing the same. The whole internet is filled with talks about Link.

'Rex family is really a true giant, sigh~' (Rio)

All this showed only one thing, that the Rex family has enough power and authority that they can literally even shut down the whole internet network. Not to mention the greatest guild belongs to the Rex family, they also have a huge business empire, trillions of wealth are nothing to the Rex family, from a small needle to a satellite the business empire of the Rex family is capable of producing everything.

There are even unique class awakeners like Alchemists etc. present under them and are capable of making several perfect rank potions and artifacts. Although most of the artifacts are generated from the dungeon raids, artificially crafting them is also possible but it takes enormous wealth and talented individuals.

Rex family has both they have enough wealth to kill an S ranker literally by burying them in money… cough! (that was an exaggeration.)

'Yet all this collapsed in the hands of Fade, truly ironic.' (Rio)

Rio shook his head; he knew that thinking this won't really do anything. By saving Riya, Rio has already done a great favor for Link, this way Link has already got a chance to walk towards a better ending, but if he still doesn't improve, he can't do anything about it.

'I will only mind my own business until he doesn't really cross the line and start killing thousands of innocent people.' (Rio)

Rio's eyes narrowed and the surrounding became a bit cold:

'And even if that situation came, I will put all the blame on Fade after resolving Link.' (Rio)


Just as Rio was busy thinking, the doorbell suddenly brought him back to his senses. He got up and started to walk towards the door, although his face was as expressionless as ever, he was still confused in his head:

'Who could it be? I don't even have friends, to begin with, let's see first' (Rio)

Rio opened the gate and was surprised by looking at the person who was standing outside. The boy has dark red hair and dark red pupils, his aura so dense and filled with a sense of arrogance that it literally screams 'kneel down! You are just an Ant in front of me!' (Rio's aura gives the feeling of calm and mysteriousness.) (Every being's aura is the manifestation of their personality, just like your fingerprints, it's unique for everyone.)

Then the boy said with a bright smile, which Rio didn't like at all:

"Hello, I am Link Rex, I would like to talk to you for a bit." (Link)

"Come inside." (Rio)

Rio invited this unwelcomed guest inside his dorm room. He led him to the sofa and then brought tea for them. After that Rio sat directly opposite Link and his expressionless face never changed.

Rio didn't care much about Link but the main thing is that Link is not alone. Rio can sense the massive presence of two S-rank individuals. Even Rio didn't know when they entered the room and how they entered. But one thing is sure from the fact that they are showing their presence but not their body, they are clearly warning Rio to not do anything wrong otherwise he will have to bear the consequences.

Although Rio knew this, he didn't really care about this. They can't kill him because they have already shown their presence here and the dorm manager who is also an S-rank must have already sensed them too. If they really tried to kill me, they will not be able to escape so easily, Link would not be affected but these two will be punished.

'But obviously, two S-rankers are more valuable for humanity than a C-rank kid, they will not really suffer much, my luck's really bad, sigh~' (Rio)

"So, what do you want?" (Rio)

Hearing Rio's direct and blunt question, Link's smiling face twitched and he looked at Rio with narrowed eyes. This guy is the first one to speak so disrespectfully to him, except for his father and his mother no one ever dared talk to him without any respect.

"Was it you who save Riya?" (Link)

"I don't know what you are talking about?" (Rio)

"Don't pretend to not know, tell me what do you want in return?" (Link)

"Hmm, if you really want to give something then I can't reject, it would be good if you can provide a movement type skill book or something." (Rio)

"You are rather greedy than I originally thought, do you even know how precious a movement skill book is?" (Link)

"Obviously I know, but to the great Rex family this much is nothing." (Rio)

"Well that's true, okay then I will ask someone to deliver it to you later." (Link)

"Now tell me how you did that? How you saved Riya from that A-ranked one?" (Link)

"Everyone has their secrets, why would I tell you mine…" (Rio)

The atmosphere in the room suddenly became chilly:

"Don't you think my subordinates will kill you?" (Link)

"Hmm, that could be possible but secrets are secrets, they can't be revealed by threatening." (Rio)

"You are very stubborn you know, what if I myself beat you up?" (Link)

"Well, that's not possible, I have already fought you once and you know the result who was the winner and who was the loser" (Rio)

"tsk, okay fine, don't say if you don't want to, here take this card" (Link)

"This is?" (Rio)

"This is a VIP bank card, I have transferred some money in it from my private savings, since you protected Riya I am giving this as a gift to you" (Link)

"But didn't you already?" (Rio)

"That is from the Rex family, it can't be considered given by me, also you stopped me from going on a rampage otherwise I would have harmed innocent people, thank you for that" (Link)

"….." (Rio)

"What? Why are you quiet?" (Link)

"It's just that I am surprised that you can also say thank you, that was really unexpected." (Rio)

"Tsk, what do you take me for, I am a gentleman, you see" (Link)

"That's the biggest joke I have ever heard." (Rio)

Link ignored Rio and got up from his seat:

"It's time I leave now, we can talk more some other day" (Link)

"Yeah, sure" (Rio)

Then Rio escorted Link outside. As Link left the two present also left along with him. Rio closed the door when Link was no longer in his sight.

'That was the most dangerous situation I faced since my reincarnation, sigh~' (Rio)

Thinking back, it was a really dangerous moment, he could have died in the hands of those S-rankers, even though the academy would have punished them, Rio would have been the victim. His death would have been really meaningless. But anyway, he survived it so everything's okay.

'I must become stronger though…' (Rio)

I have to become strong enough to not worry about dying an unreasonable death, today was a reminder of the fact that I am still far from the peak of my journey.


Just as Rio was considering all this suddenly the bell rang again. Rio opened the door once again. He thought it must have been Link who came back to say something else but it was actually a familiar person this time. I would say it was a very familiar one.

"Uh, well, C-Can I come in?" (Lia)



Author's Note: What are you keeping those power stones use them here. Don't forget to leave your reviews about the book. It helps me in improvements.

Thank you for the support.

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