Reborn as God: The strongest system

Chapter 107 Full

Chapter 107 Full

"The Crown of the ruler…" Esdras repeated out of surprise.

"Yes, the one and only." The Prince seriously nodded.

"What kind of lame name is that?" Esdras suddenly asked.

"What? What are you—"

"I mean, why not call something else, how about the crown of kings? Now that sounds much better don't you think?"

"Eh… well, I never really thought about it all that much, but traditionally it's a… good name…"

"If it's a good name why are you looking away!"

"It's not something that I have the ability to change in the first place! Anyway that's not the point why aren't you surprised?!"

"I was surprised but that name, it kind of took me out of it…"

The Crown of the ruler, although it sounded awkward, this was no simple royal relic.

It was shrouded in mystery as it only became publicly know was around two hundred years ago. It was only worn by the kings of Elbrim during their coronation.

And then it would be taken off.

Except for one time.

It was when Master mage Ashran was away on an infamous exploration to an ancient imperial burial ground that the forces of the coast formed a coalition army and made a surprise attack on Elbrim.

Elbrim back then was not as great as it was now so that kind of attack decimated them. In two months the kingdom was on the brink of collapse, moral was at an all time low.

The biggest problem was the army of Elbrim which was pit against seven times their number. It was the end of a kingdom.

But, at the last second the king of Elbrim at the time appeared wearing the crown.

And then something happened to those soldiers, they regained the spirit they lost and each one fought with the might of a thousand.

Finally the armies of the coalition collapsed in fear of the unstoppable Elbrim army that didn't seem to care for losing limbs and endless stamina.

It was an outlandish story but there was no one disputing it.

In short that crown possessed the power to turn the tide in a desperate situation. It was an invaluable item. Especially, if the story was true then it meant that a normal man could use it which was shocking.

In most cases, to use a magic item one needs to supply it with mana.

"I didn't expect you to frankly tell me so easily."

"It's already safely guarded in the castle, it's not in danger, so why would I hide it from you. Besides if you were greedy you would have taken it back then, right?"

"True." Esdras nodded.

"I'm going to take a royal knight division to subdue Baron Forthart in a few days."

The prince was not going to forget about his suffering in that place, his leg was still not completely healed from that bear trap.

"Will it be alright? I mean the capital will be under siege soon."

"It's fine."

Esdras narrowed his eyes but didn't ask anymore. If the prince wanted to elaborate he would have.

Esdras learned later on that Calvin was recruited into the prince's royal guard thanks to his talents and will be joining the prince to subjugate the rouge Baron.

He returned to quarters and after washing up he sat down cross-legged on the expensive carpet.

Soon he could feel a terrible energy, in his perception he saw it as a dark ink-like substance that was slowly coming in contact with his spirit body.

This was the negative energy gathering technique which he started practicing five days ago. Naturally he wasn't trying to absorb it as he was not in that stage yet, he was just trying to get used to it.

The negative energy gathering technique had several levels of progress:

1) Maintenance

2) Object infusion

3) Negative energy absorption

4) infuse living beings

5) gaining abilities like telekinesis and illusion casting

He also remembered the Pharaoh telling him he could even possess others at later levels.please visit panda(-)

The first step which he was till stuck at was to maintain his spiritual energy outside of his physical body. This turned out to be much harder than he expected.

The moment spiritual energy came out, it would dissipate almost immediately. Despite his strong spiritual energy it was like it broke down.josei

Fortunately, he managed to progress somewhat since then.

pA n,dan(-)0ve1.c0m He was able to maintain it for two minutes before it dissipated after five days of practice. When he could maintain it for five minutes he would have the minimum requirement to move on to the next level.

He wasn't in a hurry and his progress was steady, that was good enough.

To his this was a very important skill because it didn't rely on mana.

This is why Esdras payed it such attention, he had a feeling that these kinds of techniques were going to be extremely important to him in the future.

Another day passed peacefully, on this new day Esdras and the others were ordered to write reports on their mission.

They were also asked to write down any position they wanted to get after passing the Rite of passage and becoming True mages.

It's not like they were going to get whatever position they wanted but they would be placed in the starting place so they could work their way up to that position.

There were many responsibilities and positions within the Octarine tower. Including record keepers, guardians and explorers. There was also a fee dedicated protection and suppression troops.

In these fields there were different ranks obviously. The mages were paid monthly with mana stones and merit points.

Esdras wanted to be an explorer as they took on the most generous missions in terms of pay. They also had more freedom and less restrictions. Obviously this meant he could come into contact with more monsters and farm more EXP.

But, he couldn't go for that now. He needed to research the elves and work on finding a way for world-travel.

These things could require anything out of him, research meant staying in one place for a long time. And looking around for an ancient civilizations technology meant the opposite.

This was an unexpected problem that he didn't think about in depth before now.

As for the Rite of passage? That was something he no longer had to think about.

It was a test for apprentices, of course, because of the traditions of the rules of the tower he still had to go through with it , even though he was already a true mage.

It was not a threat to him anymore. He was just going along with the motions.

Now that he thought about it, it was something that worried him not long ago. But right now the biggest problem he had with the right of passage was how long he had to wait for it.

Six weeks.

That was a great amount of time what you was not going to use properly because of the stupid Rite of passage.

The biggest disappointment was that he was not allowed to learn any spells until he passed. Despite already being a True mage! In his opinion, these rules were extremely stupid, but what could he do about it?

He had to grit his teeth and endure.

Back on Earth when he was just a student studying in school they taught them about the world before the second great economic collapse in 2023.

Apparently at that time before even the third world war there were many stupid rules and regulations like these. He was too young to remember what exactly it was like.

But his father made sure to lecture him about it all the time…

Although the war was terrible, nothing changed for his family, except that they get even more power. After all he was not from an ordinary family.

That's what I've lost or who won it didn't matter, it was families like theirs that were the ultimate winners.

Esdras decided to stop reminiscing about Earth and think about his current situation. There was actually another job that he was interested in; alchemy.

However, the job was extremely difficult to get his hands on. It was strictly guarded by the tower after all the alchemist what are the only source of mana potions. Even becoming an assistant, would need him to prove himself over many years.

However, it was a very attractive position for him. It was an elite position, and it provided him with many resources and the great standing within the tower.

Besides, we may be able to figure out how to brew his own health and stamina potions along with mana potions of course.

Ultimately, this was not an easy decision. He knew that they were going to make some exceptions for him after knowing his talent but he did not know how far he could push it.

Actually, he did not want to work on world-travel anywhere near the head quarters let alone inside it.

This kind of research was extremely dangerous because of its value if someone were to discover it when he had yet to achieve his full growth potential his life could very well be in danger.

This is why he was thinking of a way to combine his status as a lord of a territory in Kazzat and a job in the tower that I allowed him to stay in there. So that he could complete his research with a peace of mind.

As he thought, making a decision so soon was too difficult and it was unnecessary. In any case. He did not need to decide on something so soon. He still had a lot of time to think about it.


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