Reborn as God: The strongest system

Chapter 129 The Master Mage Makes His Move

Chapter 129 The Master Mage Makes His Move

Esdras nodded, his luck wasn't bad so far and he now had a direction to look into. With a little bit more luck he could have this problem solved much faster than he expected.

The next few days passed by quickly and Esdras kept a close eye on the situation in Seorie. It was not his kingdom but it was important to him.

After all, he made an important royal connection with the crown prince, it would be terrible if something happened to his friend and one of his backers.josei

More importantly, it was in this kingdom where the first dungeon in the world appeared. It was a significant place indeed.

There was also something that the prince said which bothered him, he talked about a group of seers who worked in the royal observatory that faced execution for a prediction, they made which angle of the king who has been patient with them so far.

The prediction they made was; the destruction of Seorie.

It was obvious why the king would be angry at hearing such words when the orcs were waging war at them, if such sentiments spread they could lead to their cause being lost before it even began.

This was also the culmination of the scheme that he noticed done by the humans to lure in the orcs deeper within the kingdom. He wanted to see exactly why they used such a method.

Looking at things so far, nothing seemed out of place, the siege look at nothing more than meets the eye. The desperation of both sides was real.

The final battle for the city happened one day before the Rite of passage.

The city, and the defenders were clearly defeated although the orcs retreated, they did not do so out of fear. Instead, they pulled out to prepare for the final charge.

There was no trickery or schemes involved, with only 5000 orcs left in the army they made the final charge.

There was no way they could fail that were barely a few hundred soldiers on the walls, most were dead and the rest were so he really wanted that they were between life and death.

Even the King and the rest of the Royals could not do anything in this situation.

Panic, and fear took hold of the city as the citizens resigned themselves to their fate.

As the orc army closes in on the city, the defenders prepare themselves for the final battle. But just as all hope seems lost, a figure emerges from the shadows. It is the master mage, whose power and reputation have preceded him.

Physically, the master mage is an imposing figure. He is tall and broad-shouldered, with a mane of wild, unkempt hair that seems to glow with an inner light. His eyes are dark and intense, and seem to bore right through the souls of those who look upon him. He wears a long robe of deep earthy hues, made from the finest silks and adorned with intricate designs of twisting vines and leaves.

As he steps forward, the master mage's power is palpable. The air around him crackles with energy, and a low rumble can be heard from deep within the earth.

The soldiers and citizens who have gathered around him feel a surge of hope and awe. They know that this is the man who will save them from certain destruction.

"You have endured well, now it is my turn to show that justice will always prevail!"

The master mage speaks in a low, commanding voice that carries across the battlefield. He reassures the soldiers and citizens that he will do everything in his power to protect them, and that they need not fear the orc army any longer.

He urges them to stand behind him and to believe in the power of the earth itself.

As the orc army charges forward, the master mage begins to chant a spell. His voice rises in power and intensity, and the earth beneath their feet begins to tremble. Suddenly, great walls of stone rise up on all sides, encircling the army and trapping them inside.

The soldiers and citizens watch in wonder as the master mage unleashes his power. They feel a renewed sense of hope and faith in their own abilities, and they begin to fight back against the orc army with renewed vigor. They know that, with the master mage on their side, they can overcome any obstacle and emerge victorious.

Some of the orcs get covered in mud that gets inside their bodies from all over, their mouths, ears and nostrils alike. After that the mud hardens and an orc statue takes it's place.

Some orcs get stabbed by earthen spears that grow out of the ground stabbing them to death.

As the battle rages on, the master mage continues to use his power to turn the tide of the conflict. The soldiers and citizens watch in awe as he summons massive boulders from the earth, creates powerful earthquakes that throw the orc army off balance, and crushes their foes with walls of stone.

He steps forward from the shadows, his eyes alight with power. With a wave of his hand, the ground beneath the orc army begins to shake and convulse.

The orcs, caught off guard by this sudden display of power, stumble and fall. Some are swallowed up by great cracks in the earth, while others are crushed under massive boulders that seem to rise up out of nowhere. The giant trolls, who had seemed invincible throughout the siege, are torn apart by the very earth itself.

Belkazack, the war-chief who had led the orc army, stands his ground against the mage. He wields his axe of storms, hoping to strike down the mage before he can unleash any more of his power. But the mage is too quick for him, summoning great walls of stone to block Belkazack's path.

With a final burst of power, the mage calls forth a great earthquake that shakes the entire battlefield. The orcs, caught in the midst of this cataclysmic event, are torn apart and crushed under falling debris.

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