Reborn as God: The strongest system

Chapter 19 First Floor Boss And Loot

Chapter 19 First Floor Boss And Loot

Guys please help out with power stones, the WPC competition is about to end and I need ALL OF YOUR HELP!


The body of the Otyugh was mangled and fell in the shitty mud, dead.

But Esdras was not jumping with joy, but overcome with a feeling of relief at surviving the encounter. However only a moment later he was in angry.

Angry at himself, because of the disgusting mess underneath he let his guard down. He thought that he just had to go through the tunnel and to the boss room just like that.

But, where was he? In a dungeon! The enemies won't always be in plain sight and stupid. It can be considered without exaggeration that he was killed twice by this monster.

And he wasted two uses of the Halo on this weak monster. When he got it back then he thought that it was going to be his trump card, it would save his life in an epic last battle or something.

But reality was often disappointing. There was a low chance of getting that kind of protective ability any time soon.

His dad once told him that he a good personality and steady temperament but he had one flaw, he would get overconfident too soon.

Esdras hated to admit it, but he did have a habit of taking it easy when he thought everything was going fine during a game, only for the other side to make a comeback in the last minute.

On Earth this was not too big of a deal, but here? His life was actually on the line.

Esdras knew that bad habits died hard but he vowed to be rid of this flaw, if not then it might well be the cause of his doom.

To start with he neglected a useful weapon that might be of help against the boss of this dungeon.

He shook off his tardiness and went back to the room where he killed all the Troglodytes. He collected back the short bone javelins, he used many of them but he still salvaged what he could.

The boss of the first floor could not be underestimated, there was a chance it could be as powerful as a True mage or that it could fly.

Should he be helpless then?

With these javelins he could have an extra option in the fight.

Returning back to the corps of the disgusting Otyugh he didn't care about the filth and started cutting it open. At a certain point the corps melted and was replaced by a small chest.

​ Inside he found a stark red coin pouch, or at least it looked like one.

[A Pouch made to perfectly contain energy in any objects that may fit. The greed of it's creator seeped into the pouch and turned into a powerful cursed enchantment to make it so that not even time nor fate may steal his belongings.]

Oh, wow. Although he did not really understand what that meant, he could at least see that it was valuable.

Even more pleasant was the fact that there was something in it, he realized when he picked it up. Immediately he opened it.

Inside there were two blue stones and one crude ore, the stones shined with an intense magical aura. The ore was just normal and unassuming.josei

[Mana stone( intermediate): degraded, severely after thousands of years, the great essence and mana within was absorbed. It is no different than a mana stone.]

The two mana stones were each the size of his palms. These stones were very valuable, it is said that high level mages seek them with a burning passion.

The greater the mage was the more mana they needed and meditation was too slow for them in comparison to the sheer amount they needed.

Awesome find!

Esdras looked at the crude ore.

[???: ordinary metallic ore, crude and can't be used for anything but paper weight.]

That was a little disappointing, he thought that it should be something just as valuable as the mana stones but apparently not.

Hmm, wait, then why was the name of the ore itself hidden? That was a good question. Moreover, he could not help but feel that there was something wrong with that description.

In any case… he decided to keep it for now. It might make a good paper weight.

With all his preparations done, he took a long break outside of the boss room. His condition was good but he used some Vigor against the Otyugh and he wanted to be in perfect shape.

Fifteen minutes later he stood up, he walked over to the huge wooden door and pushed it open. He was greeted with the image of a swamp in a room.

Shallow green water and bogs, mist and cold blowing winds.

It was against the laws of reality. At least the ones he was familiar with, but he didn't dwell too long on it, it is what it is.

He walked in and the doors closed behind him, the visibility was not very good with all that mist, but he could see it clearly.

Slowly, it approached, even clumsily. It had the walk of a ninety year old grandma. But it looked anything but human.

It was a green decaying husk of what may have once been a man, it had several seemingly deadly wounds yet it did not bleed.

[Ghoul Lv. 3]

Skills: 1) Iron body Lv.3

2) putrid shot Lv.2

3) Disease bite Lv.2

Esdras did not hesitate, from that distance he shot a javelin at it. With the power of his enhanced body it was strong enough to kill a bear in one hit.

And yet.

The slow ghoul seemingly blurred and dodged the javelin, taking this chance to charge at Esdras.

But it only took two steps before it was hit with the second and third javelins. Esdras didn't stop after he threw the first one he threw three more right after.

It was in anticipation of something like what the ghoul did, Esdras was not fooled by the slow approach at first in the least.

How could the boss of the floor that killed him twice be weak?

However his expression did not ease up after the two hits landed, it turned grave.

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