Reborn as God: The strongest system

Chapter 62 One Thing After Another

Chapter 62 One Thing After Another

Esdras was in shock, and he couldn't process what happened and only a few moments everything has changed.

But the cold reality was uncaring for his feelings. A horrible intrusive force rushed at him, causing everything he saw to twist and churn.

The being at the spatial crack roared causing a storm like effect to sweep through the boss room sending Esdras crashing into a wall.

By the time he regained his bearings the creature widened the spatial crack and emerged.

It was a seven meter tall creature, part of it was made of mangled flesh and bone the other half was a machine like structure.

What was clear at first glance that it was horribly damaged with gears and wires cut off on the armor destroyed and malformed just like the organic half.

The head had three eyes in a triangle bleeding everywhere, and a mouth full of square-like teeth. The eyes were looking everywhere as if searching.

And then it locked onto him.

[Dimensional shambler Lv.11]josei

Rank: 3

- ??


'Fuck this shit, I have to run'

Esdras recognized that his life was in danger and that he couldn't fight. With everything he's got he sprinted away back to the second floor vertex.

Although this vortex was destroyed, the one in the second floor must still be working just fine. He cross the bridge immediately.

But his dismay, the creature behind him, destroyed the boss toom of the third floor entirely, and followed him, destroying the bridge along the way.

It was flying casually.


He did not know how destroyed such a large structure, and he didn't turn around to look.

However, he did not expect that he would find the dark shadow in the boss room on the second floor. Taken back, came to a standstill.

The Shadow like figure looking at him, and he looked back, both of them, surprised to see someone here.

Moreover, the shadow was looking directly at the vortex and blocking it, making it impossible for Esdras to use it.

An idea came to him.

Behind him in the dimensional shambler came crashing in.

"Hmm?" The shadow muttered something and looked at the Dimensional shambler in surprise and then in rage.

"You dare disrespect me as such?!" It questioned.

However, the dimensional shambler only focused on Esdras and chased after him. But the shadow was even angrier at being ignored.

Tendrils of shadow shot out of the shadow-like figure and stabbed right through the dimensional shambler, but it ignored that and kept trying to go after Esdras who kept going downwards.

"Eliminate... p"

Esdras I had no idea how he had offended that thing, but he was not about to slow down since this vortex was unavailable. You could only try his luck at the first floor's.

"Eliminate Planeswalker!"

Esdras almost stopped in his tracks he could not believe his ears. A chill filled his body, but he did not there to turn back has several loud explosions echoed.

He quickly exited the mysterious pyramid crossed over the ruins in the forest, and walk through the gate of the first floor. Fortunately, this one was empty and no one was there.

He quickly use the vortex and teleported to the outside world. As soon as his boots touched the grass, he sprinted.

He had to return to the fort, everything outside must be the territory of the warlocks. Although this was just in assumption based on, what he knew currently.

Moreover that thing, it said Planeswalker... didn't it? He didn't imagine that did he?

He never thought about it really, how did the planeswalkers die off? So that someone like him could get the chance he got?

God-like beings, how could they just die off? Wouldn't it make sense that such beings would be immortal? And yet, here we are.

Moreover, that thing identified him as a Planeswalker and try to eliminate him. Could it be that the enemies of the Planeswalkers were still out there searching looking for any traces?

Didn't that mean that he had a target on his back?


However, this was the list of his stories now as he was running to the fort he heard a loud explosion behind. It's source? The cave.

Stunned by the sound that shook the earth, he fell down. From the direction of the noise, he heard even more explosions, and then a dark, ominous light filled the world.

And then a dark smoke-like substance rose high into the air, and the giant pyramid floated in the sky.

Esdras was very familiar with this pyramid, he just never thought that you would see it in the real world. From the entrance of the pyramid and majestic figure descended the stairs.

"This world is completely different!"

He also knew that figure, it must have emerged victorious. But he was not sure how it managed to come to the real world.

The figure spread his hands wide as if to embrace the wide world, "so many ants! This fresh air! This clear sky! Hahahaha! It will be a slaughter!"

Esdras felt like shit, he didn't expect that creatures from the dungeon could come outside. And this one seems terrible. He couldn't help but feel like he awakened a devil.

Suddenly the pyramid behind him started to shrink in size and change, became more like a gothic medieval castle. After a shrink down with entered into the forehead of the shadow.

"Hmm, how wonderful! All those years have paid off! Even the stars are so clear------"

Suddenly where the shadow is looking at the stars in the sky, and its laughter was cut off.

"What the-- this can't be... fuck! I have to get out of here."

The confident demeanor suddenly disappeared, replaced by a panicked one. This change stund Esdras.

The shadow started looking around and looked eyes onto him and grinned.

"It's you, you're that rat that escaped, did you think that you could go far? Your talent seems to be half decent so I will be taking your body as compensation."

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