Reborn as God: The strongest system

Chapter 72 Impending Doom (2)

Chapter 72 Impending Doom (2)

But this could be used to get something he wanted, "okay, let's say for the sake of argument that it's true. You need me to do things towards that end right? Then you need to earn my trust, why don't we start with something simple? Tell me what happened that night and what's wrong with Celine."

In fact this whole thing started because he thought this thing must've seen what happened that night while he was… dying. If so, then he could solve the mystery for him.

"It's not that complicated she just sold her soul to save you. Okay, now let's talk about important matt—"

"Stop! Explain properly. This is a very important matter for me." Esdras made sure to stress his words to make his point.

"Fine. I wanted to avoid useless explanations. There isn't much else to say anyway, while you were dying she desperately wanted to save you, but she couldn't. That was probably when she heard a voice answer her call. It's a classic really not very creative but still gets the job done."

"You said probably? Are you not sure." Esdras didn't want to hear guesswork he wanted to know what truly transpired.

" I am telling you what I observed, and what I perceive to have happened. Based on my knowledge and experiences. In exchange for her soul, your life was saved, the end."

Esdras was furious with this annoying attitude, but he couldn't see much about it for an hour. He wanted to focus on the matter attend.

"Who, who was it that answered her call? And where is her soul now? Is the Celine I was talking to just now not really her? Is something using her body?"

" who is it? It's difficult to tell since I haven't spent any time in this world. I can't really tell the specific being responsible. But I can tell you that it was someone from the Shadow realm of this world. Moreover, that being didn't come itself, it couldn't manifest in this material plane, but it did send a subordinate."

"Now about your question, the simple answer is no. No one is using her body. It's actually her, still in there. Technically."

"What does that mean? Do I have to ask every once in a while?" Esdras I was getting dangerously angry.

" I'm collecting my thoughts idiot. It's because you're so ignorant that I have to explain things including the basics just so that you can understand what I'm trying to say. Now, let me just start by saying that the spiritual composition of living beings constitutes three things: the true soul, the soul and the spirit."

Esdras started to understand why he needed to know everything starting from the basics. It was just information that was unavailable to him.

"Okay, so without going into boring and unnecessary detail. I can say with certainty that woman's soul and spirit are still intact, but a fragment of her true soul has already been taken. This means that one day she herself will be taken completely to the shadow realm. When will that happen, you want to ask? I don't know about the details of the agreement, all I know are the surface level details."josei

So it turns out that things were not fine after all, although it seemed that Celine was fine for now, but she was actually going to be taken to the shadow realm.

It just seemed very strange to him, why do this? What was the intention of that being from the shadow realm? He suspected that it was not a kind hearted philanthropist I just wanted to help.

No. There had to be a reason why Celine was targeted. Actually, the timing could not have been any more perfect to lure Celine into making the deal. And he was responsible for it.

" but why her? Or was it me they were targeting? How could they pick the perfect moment?" Esdras questioned.

" it's not a coincidence obviously, that girl was long since shadow-touched, perhaps even the moment she was born. This was simply her fate. If not for that moment, it would have happened either way."

Either way? Her fate? Esdras could not except such an absurd fate. It was ridiculous. His fist fighting so much that his nails drew blood from his palms.

" how strong do you think that being is? If I defeat, whoever took her soul, can I return her back before the agreement is fulfilled?" This is what he needed to know the most.

" theoretically… it is possible. But the shadow realm, and the spirit realm of any material world are always of a higher level. Meaning that the strongest beings in the shadow realm, should be stronger than the strongest beings in the material world."

That was fine, Esdras just wanted to know if it was possible or not. As long as it was possible, then he could do it. He will definitely do it no matter what.

" how can I get to the shadow realm?" Esdras asked.

"Listen to me, this is not important. The shadow realm, and the spirit realm are considered the two mirrors. During the Convergence they will fuse with the material world. What do you have to do now is think about leaving this world fast and as soon as possible. This won't be easy even truly powerful beings need to prepare truly before attempting to leave a world."

" how long do I have before this apocalypse happens?"

" I don't know, this is a rough estimation, but you don't have much time it will be around 300 years? Give or take."


"What? I'm not kidding I'm not even trying to scare you. I'm telling you the truth, although it's just speculation. Don't be too scared as long as you listen to me and do as I say we will be able to leave this world maybe in 100 or 200 years. By the time the real mess starts here we will be long gone."

" 300 years? I will just leave this task to my grandchildren. I'm not even 20." Esdras scoffed.

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