Reborn as Thor!

Chapter 15

Chapter 15: Learning to fish with Thor!

Here is the new chapter! I finished sooner than expected!

Thanks for waiting!

*Any images in this chapter don't belong to me! It belongs to their respective artists/creators!

Without further ado, enjoy the chapter!


- Timeskip: 1 year.

- Location: Asgard.

Pov. Third-person.

A year has passed since Thor's exploit in Jotunheim. All Norsemen of all races knew 'who' was Thor, he was most recognized for his insane strength... as well as his appetite for mead.

The strongest Norse god!

One Asgardian claimed this title! The god who ended a war before even it started! josei

A war without a single casualty for the Asgardian army.

This, of course, attracted the attention of certain people from other pantheons as well...

After all, it's not every day that a single Aesir god, a race already recognized for their strength, managed to kill 1000 Jotuns, a race recognized for their power due to being 'personifications'...

Of course, this didn't distract Thor from his main objective... Once they found Freyja's necklace, which was inside the main chambers of Útgard castle, Thor grabbed Frey and dragged him to Africa.

It took three months, but Thor found the 'precious' in Ethiopia.

Coffee acquired!

Anyway, as soon as Thor returned from Africa he locked himself in his house, still in Midgard, and began to focus on his projects.

His first project was a training room, which was intended to remain hidden from prying eyes.

Where he could train quietly.

But then, after nearly a year, Thor turned his thoughts to his visit to Jotunheim and the disappearance of Freyja's necklace. This was since Odin recently began to reconcile with the remaining Jotuns.

And so Thor began to consider all the possibilities...

Until after a few weeks of reflecting on what had happened, he found out what happened...

And he didn't like it one bit.

This was because Thor had only one thing in mind... After many considerations, and coincidences during his visit to Jotunheim, he concluded...

... He was a 'piece' of the board.

Yes, the Jotuns wanted war, and of course, Thor would not let them destroy Asgard as it was his new home... But he did not fight 'on his terms'.

So here was Thor, after a few weeks of investigation, in front of the room of the king and queen of Asgard...

As soon as Thor entered the throne room he saw his mother Frigg and his father Odin, and they soon became aware of his presence.

"Ah! Thor! Have you come to visit us, my son?" asked a surprised but still smiling Frigg.

Thor, however… Didn't smile.

"…Almost that, mom…I'll talk to you later…I'd like to spend time with dad," Thor said, glaring at Odin.

Odin had an unchanging countenance.

Frigg seemed to understand the atmosphere, so she replied.

"Right... Have the decency not to do this in the throne room, please... It will be difficult to get the blood off the floor," said Frigg, as she left the throne room.

As soon as Frigg said that, the 6 Valkyries that were present in the throne room split.

The younger Valkyries accompanied the queen, while the 3 older ones remained in the throne room... And they were nervously glaring at King Odin and Prince Thor.

Because they knew that if these two fought... They couldn't do much, and someone could get hurt... Or worse.

Only then did Odin speak.

"How about we spend some father-son time?" asked Odin smiling.

Thor still showed no smile.

"...Fine...let's in Midgard...bring Uncle Loki too," said Thor, leaving the room.

The Valkyries seemed to calm down... before Thor stopped at the door to the room.

"And old man…Don't be late…" said Thor, turning his head to face Odin.

- Timeskip: 2 hours.

- Location: Midgard / Atlantic Ocean / Coast of future Norway.

In a small autonomous Drakar, which Thor had built as a model for his future flying ship, there were three people.

They were Prince Thor; the king and leader of the Norse pantheon, the god Odin; and last but not least, Odin's oath brother Loki.

All three were sitting on small benches and were fishing with a red-colored fishing line.

They had been fishing for an hour… Thor still had spoken a single word, neither to Odin nor to his uncle.

And that made Odin a little worried... So, to start the conversation, he decided to talk.

"A very interesting Drakar my son... It will be great for when you have your wife and take her sailing... Besides other things of course~" said Odin with a smile.

Thor didn't answer and just kept fishing... Until he suddenly pulled out his fishing line, and a fish (skrei) jumped out of the water and Thor then grabbed it with one of his hands.

Odin then spoke again as Thor removed the hook from the fish.

"…It's a pretty big skrei, this fishing line must be really strong," Odin said again.

Just then Loki spoke too...

"I think it's enough brother... I know the look of someone angry" said Loki looking at Thor.

"At last someone started talking seriously," said Thor, as he dropped the fish and threw the fishing line overboard again.

Odin then sighed.

"*sigh* What do you want me to say?" asked Odin.

"Well... Maybe from the beginning... How did you steal Freyja's necklace?" said Thor, still watching the line.

"I don't-" began Odin.

But Thor interrupted.

"You may not have stolen directly... But you're still an accomplice, aren't you?" Thor asked.

Odin stopped talking.

"...How much do you know?..." asked Odin.

"Oh... I'm not sure... Maybe even the part where you use me as your butcher of Jotuns?" Thor asked, with a tone of sarcasm.

"Thor... It's not what it looks like, you see-" began Odin until he was interrupted again.

"Don't give me 'it's not what it looks like'… It's the first excuse someone gives when they're discovered lying," Thor said in a mocking tone.

"…He has a point," said Loki, looking at Odin.

"*sigh* Very well... I used a suppression rune and sent Hugin, who had just returned from Múspellheim. My crows are almost undetectable already... But with a suppression rune? It's like they're not even there," explained Odin.

"Um... I'll remember that detail, now tell me... How did you establish contact with the Jotuns so that they could take Freyja's necklace?" Thor asked, noticing that he had caught another fish.

"…That was my job…" said Loki.

Thor then looked at his uncle and stared at him.

"Just your 'work'?... Are you going to tell me you didn't have any more participation?" Thor asked, in a knowing tone.

"...Okay, it was my idea... Odin would sometimes watch your training from the Hliðskjálf, and he told me of your strength and how powerful you were becoming... Due to the possible treachery of the Jotuns, I thought... It was the best way to end this war without victims... You were the answer" explained Loki.

"…You betrayed your race…" said Thor in an accusing tone.

"…Yes… And after my mother and father abandoned me for being 'weak' in physical strength… I would betray them again without a second thought…" said Loki.

But then a question popped into Loki's mind... Thor had asked Odin to call him for this 'fishing', but that meant Thor knew of his participation.

"... How did you know of my participation?" asked Loki.

"... When I turned fifty, my mother Frigg commented that I was already of marriageable age... At one point, she commented about your first marriage to a Jotun... And from that marriage, three children emerged" said Thor.

"…Yes… Her name was Angrboða… Initially, we loved each other, but… Let's just say we had different goals… You found out the moment Útgard spoke her name, didn't you?" asked Loki.

"Honestly, I didn't remember her name... Until Útgard mentioned her during the pact, and after I killed the '1000' Jotuns in the castle... I realized that one was missing... It could be any Jotun, but when I killed Útgard I erected a barrier so as not to let anyone escape... Only someone who left the castle before I raised the barrier could have survived," said Thor, looking at Loki.

It felt like a question was asked.

"...Yes, I took her from there... She is now in another village of Jotuns... She wasn't a warrior, she was just allied with Útgard because she wanted her other children back" explained Loki.

"Fenrir and the Jotun of Niflheim, isn't it?" Thor asked.

"...Yes, the Jotun's name is Hel... She is the youngest" replied Loki, with a small smile.

"While I'd like to know more about my 'cousins'... I think it's more than clear that I've been manipulated into being your private butcher, right?" asked Thor, now looking at Odin.

"…I didn't want to do this to you, Thor…But I saw an opportunity to end a war long before it started, and so I took it…I just hope you understand my position…But how you found out?" explained Odin.

"Oh?~ I understand~... I found out when I talked to Sif, she said that when she arrived in Asgard, having fled from Jotunheim, and reported what had happened... She told me that you were the only one from the throne room that had a calm countenance" said Thor, as he pulled his fishing line... which seemed to be pulling something heavy...

Something VERY heavy.

Thor then rose to his feet and placed his foot on the edge of the Drakar for support as he pulled.

"But~…I still don't like being played" said Thor.

As soon as Thor finished speaking, he gave one last tug.

It was then that the head of a serpent emerged from the sea! And in his mouth was the hook.

"I finally found you," Thor said, with a smile.

Odin and Loki recognized the creature, how could they not? It was Jörmundgander himself, the Midgardsormr, known as one of the dragon kings of the supernatural, and the second son of Loki.

But while Odin and Loki recognized the dragon, Jörmundgander also recognized the passengers of the Drakar...

The first person he recognized as his father.

The second was the king of Asgard and his father's brother.

And the third was... The drunk freak who slapped him in the face when he was in Jotunheim months ago!

As soon as Jörmundgander recognized the third face, he soon plunged back into the cold sea of ​​Midgard, trying to get away from Thor.

Only for Thor to start pulling the fishing line again, which was surprisingly holding up the tug of war.

"Where do you think you going 'cousin'?! You will give me the poison that surpasses the poison of a hydra as a gift! So don't be shy!" shouted Thor, laughing.

"Thor! You're hurting him!" shouted Loki, worried about his son.

"It's just a scratch," Thor yelled back.

"Let him go, Thor! He's going to sink the Drakar!" shouted Odin.

"This Drakar won't sink even if a planet were on top of it! I created a new rune, and what it does is simple... 'always at sea level,'" said Thor pointing to the pole, which had a rune that glowed light blue.

But Odin was more concerned about Ragnarok's prophecy... The prophecy said that Thor and Jörmundgander would face each other during Ragnarok!

Odin could not allow Ragnarok to happen sooner! He had to stop Thor's encounter with the world serpent!

Then he reached out his hand and summoned his spear, the Gungnir.

And hurled it toward the fishing line Thor was holding.

Gungnir was well known in the Nordic pantheon, and it had several functions... But there was one function that was the best known among all others.

'the spear that never misses a target'.

While the spear hit the line... The fishing line didn't break!

"Thor! What is this line made of?!" asked Odin.

"Hahaha! During my last search near the territory of the Yorùbá pantheon, I encountered a very peculiar creature! The locals called it Grootslang... But I called it raw material!" shouted Thor, laughing, as he pulled on the fishing line.

That last part worried Loki a little.

"What are you going to do with my son?!" asked Loki.

"If my 'cousin' is understandable I just want the poison… I won't kill him," Thor replied.

"All right! Let me talk to him then!" said Loki.

"…Okay," said Thor.

- Timeskip: 1 hour.

- Location: Midgard / coast of Norway.

Pov. Third-person.

The three gods could be seen walking along the beach, with one of them carrying a small jar.

"Thanks for your help uncle~... It pays and your debt back" said, Thor.

And then Thor looked at Odin smiling.

Odin was soon nervous... But he still asked.

"*Glup*... What do you want me to do?" asked Odin.

"Um…I think I already have an idea…As you know Dad, I'm quite strong…Strong enough to keep certain things in line, like a pet," Thor began, smiling.

For some reason Loki was worried.

"…A pet? I don't see why not... What do you have in mind? A cat? A bird?" asked Odin.

It was then that Thor's smile widened and then he responded to Odin.

"I was thinking more about... a wolf~"


Well... That's it, folks!

I hope you enjoyed the chapter!

Until next time, and don't forget to leave your comment!

Updates will be more frequent, maybe 2 or 3 chapters a week.

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