Reborn as Thor!

Chapter 3

Chapter 3: Council of the Nordic Gods- THE GODS KILLER?

Hello there readers!!! I got home early and managed to finish the chapter sooner than I thought. The next fanfic that will be updated will be Road to Hero - Jaune Arc, in a few days.

Without further ado, let the chapter begin!!


Pov Odin.

As I left Frigg's room I couldn't help but return my thoughts to the boy... He was different, an anomaly, but still... I could feel that he would be needed for what was to come...

I turned to the Valkyria that was standing guard in front of the door... From the size and shape of her breasts, I could tell it was Brunhild, even with her helmet covering her face.

"Brunhild... Contact your sisters, ask them to gather the Aesir and Vanir gods in the throne room, and when you stop hearing the cry of the child inside the room, let my wife know to meet there too" I commanded, it was time to report the events.

"As you ordain father of all" Brunhild replied, raising her hand and forming a rune.

Without waiting, I started walking towards the throne room.


I looked towards the noise and saw my crows, Hugin and Munin, flying towards me, apparently finished their tasks sooner than expected. They soon landed on my shoulders.

"Hugin, Munin, report..." I ordered hurriedly, at last... The missions assigned to them were of the utmost importance, and they left every two days to carry out the missions and only returned after seven days.

"*CAW* Surt remains in Múspellheim *CAW* has not yet shown any interest in leaving the throne *CAW*" Hugin, the black raven, replied.

Nothing has changed huh... Even after centuries he still sits on that throne... Waiting... I wish Hlidskialf could allow me to see the other realms and not be limited to places that have no connection with the divine...

Then I looked at Munin the white crow.

"*CAW* Gleipnir proves tougher than the previous two chains *CAW* the dwarves have lived up to their word, Fenrir doesn't seem to be able to break free without help *CAW* no one has come to visit him, neither Tyr nor Loki," said Munin.

"…Good," I replied, as I continued to walk.

Honestly, if it were up to me that beast wouldn't even breathe, but even Gungnir wasn't able to hurt him... The skin was very tough, and its fangs and claws are capable of hurting a god... The ability to kill a god ... Indeed, the title murderer of gods suits him; especially after he managed to break Dromi, and kill the god Mimir, with a single bite in an excess of rage, if Tyr hadn't calmed him down... There would probably be more victims. I may be unable to kill him, but I won't let that thing know the feeling of freedom.

Pov Frigg

After I managed to calm little Thor down and put him to sleep, I heard someone knock on the bedroom door.

"You can come in," I said.

The door opened and I saw it was Brunhild.

"My lady, Lord Odin has called a meeting between the god's Aesir and Vanir in the throne room, he requires your presence as well," Brunhild said, bowing her head.

It was time huh...

"I see…Brunhild do me a favor? Keep an eye on the kid, he's just gone to bed, so I don't think he'll wake up anytime soon," I said.

"Certainly my queen, at your command," replied Brunhild, raising her right hand to her chest.

"... Relax more Brunhild, it doesn't have to be so formal after all... I took care of you when you were just a little girl" I said with a small smile.

"?!...Mistress...It's inappropriate," Brunhild replied, looking in any direction but my eyes.

Even though I couldn't see her face, I knew she was blushing... How cute! I started laughing.

A mother, sometimes, must shame her children when she has the opportunity... After all, when a mother sees her children grown up, proud of their achievements, it does well to remind them of the 'Age of Shame'.

"Hahahahaha... Anyway Brunhild, I'll leave now, thanks for taking care of little Thor" I said, heading for the door.

I opened the door, but before leaving I looked at Brunhild again.

"Brundhid... Take good care of your new 'little brother'" I said with a smile and winked at her, and I closed the door.

3rd person POV.

In Odin's throne room, several gods Vanir and Aesir were present, all eagerly awaiting the pronouncement of Odin who sat on his throne Hlidskialf.

"Now that everyone is here... I'll talk about the last meeting between the pantheons-" said Odin, but was soon cut off by someone.

"Brother... I don't think any information about such a gathering that takes place every century is important to Asgard, we should focus on our realm, like the increasing disappearance of Huldras" said a god, that god was Loki, the foster brother of Odin, adopted by Borr.

"How dare you interrupt your king! Also, do you have the audacity to say what is better for the kingdom than the king himself?! Even being the king's brother, I will not tolerate such insolence!" shouted a god who had only one hand, that God was Tyr, the one who holds the title of the bravest among the Norse gods.

Before a fight could break out… A voice resounded in the room, it was a low voice, but the tone was one of authority.


Everyone turned towards the voice and saw Odin staring at them. Those were not the eyes of a man who was recognized for his perversion... Those eyes were of a God who became a king through bloodshed and cruelty, those eyes asked, no... DEMANDED respect.

"I will not tolerate conflicts between us... While the other pantheons are getting stronger every day and the so-called 'True God' creates more soldiers, building his own army that one day will be able to challenge other pantheons in numbers. We've already shown weakness to other pantheons by not being able to arrest a being capable of killing a god, twice!" said Odin with a frown.

Loki immediately tried to answer.

"My son-!"

"-Your 'son', managed to kill an ancient god even though he was only a few years old, mutilated Tyr, and it was prophesied that the very existence of the animal marks the beginning of Surt's awakening, the scourge of Asgard!" said Odin, quickly cut Loki off, and looked directly at him silencing him once more.

"... As everyone knows, the meeting between the leaders of the pantheons was formed due to the growing movement of the self-proclaimed 'True God' with the creation of soldiers and weapons that function as our divine artifacts; this was the third time that the leaders of the pantheons met... However, between the last meeting and the one that took place recently, there were certain events... The main one was the murder of the leader of the Greek pantheon by his own son Cronos... And after the last meeting, I can say that Uranus, however much he had children with his own mother and locked some in the depths of Tartarus out of fear, was more receptive than the current leader... If I could sum up the current leader of the Greeks in two words, they would be: recluse and... unpredictable," said Odin, sighing at the end.

"...My lord, what does this mean?" asked Njord, the current leader of the Vanir gods and father of Frey and Freyja.

"…As everyone knows, when Fenrir broke through Loeding with no difficulty, even though it was made from the best metals, it was clear that it would not be easy to get a material that was strong enough in our realm. So it was determined that some gods would set out on a quest for stronger divine materials to forge a new chain for Fenrir, my wife Frigg risked a trip to the Greek pantheon in search of a different metal, which became famous in the Aegean, the celestial bronze, initially Uranus did not allow... But Frigg remained in Greece, by the right of the guest, trying to convince him; in the short time she remained, she managed to establish a relationship with one of Uranus' daughters, that relationship made Uranus yield to Frigg's request and he handed her some divine bronze ingots, when Frigg returned with the ingots, we forged Dromi." Odin explained.

"My king, I don't understand... How does this help with your opinion of the new leader?" asked Skadi, Njord's wife.

"...Uranus cares for some of his children, Rhea is one of them... However, the new leader doesn't seem to care about the guest's rights or care about his brothers and sisters... What I find disturbing is that he was able to kill Uranus quickly, even though his existence is not that long, which could mean that there is more to this story. We only got to know of Uranus' death because Rhea managed to contact me shortly after her father's death, while Frigg was returning from her journey from the dwarf's forge with the Svalin shield in hand, if not for that... He would have me surprised during the leaders' meeting with the change of government"

"... Atem-Ra or Shiva said something?" asked Frigg.

"…No," said Odin, shaking his head in denial.

"But why?!" asked Frigg in disbelief.

"We don't interfere in the problems of other pantheons... That's one of the only laws, even if there is patricide involved, it's not for us to question the government of any pantheon," Odin said firmly.

Frigg didn't look pleased with the answer but she stayed silent.

Odin then started talking again.

"Now, there's something else that needs to be discussed... During my return, I headed towards the temple of Fjorgyn..."

_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ josei

That's it... I hope you enjoyed the chapter, in the legends of Norse mythology, Fenrir was bound by three chains:

1st Loeding - Failed

2nd Dromi - Failed

3rd Gleipnir - Success

So I found an excuse, weak as it was, for the interaction between Frigg and Rhea - the formation of the second chain of Fenrir: Dromi.

In my fanfic, Fenrir will be a mini-boss!!!

Regarding grammatical errors ... My bad (╥ ͜ʖ ╥)

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