Reborn as Thor!

Chapter 46

Chapter 46: Life Energy: Senjutsu!

Here's the new chapter!

Thanks for the wait!

*Any images in this chapter do not belong to me! It belongs to their respective artists/creators!

A/N: In this chapter, I will post some new designs for the characters. Because in the Auxiliary chapters the characters have a very 'realistic' design, so I decided to fix it... If you like the designs of this chapter, please comment, as I will update the auxiliary chapters when possible.

Attention: Remember, the *Auxiliary chapter* is reserved for the design characters chosen by ME. But if you don't like it, feel free to choose the design you like for the characters.

Without further ado, enjoy the chapter!


POV. Third-person.

Two beings were sitting under a tree, located in the middle of the local master's sect complex, drinking a kind of tea.

Or at least... One of them was drinking tea.

"...I'm sorry for the refusal, as I'm not much of a tea drinker, I hope you don't mind," said the taller red-haired being.

This was Thor, and he was talking to the sect master of the sect he was in, and the master was right in front of him watching him warily.

The sect master was Puti Zushi, a Xian, or sage according to the supernatural world.

"... I don't take offense to your likes and dislikes," Puti Zushi said calmly as he sipped some tea.

It was then that another voice spoke.

"Hey! Don't refuse someone's hospitality! It's rude!" said the voice.

It was young Sun Wukong, who had climbed the tree and stood on a branch, looking at Thor with a frown.

Sun Wukong didn't know why, but in his eyes, Thor was just someone rude and an ignorant foreigner, however... The young king's instincts screamed in warning in case of any conflict.

"I apologize for my student, he's young and quite… loquacious," Puti Zushi said, not taking his eyes off Thor, who grinned in response.

"I don't worry about such things... I didn't come here for that," said Thor.

Puti Zush didn't show a reaction, while Sun Wukong seemed to want to retaliate with disrespect, but chose to remain silent because of his master's actions.

"... With all due respect, what's a god doing here?" asked Puti Zushi.

Thor raised an eyebrow.

"Oh? How exactly do you know I'm a god?" asked Thor.

Puti Zushi didn't respond right away, as he seemed to consider his next words carefully.

"... I'm a Xian, I have full knowledge of the supernatural from learning and mastering 'life energy', moreover... I fear that you are not the first god I meet in my short life on the mortal plane, your presence pass to me the same presence as 'he', so I assumed you are a god" said Puti Zushi.

That seemed to interest Thor.

"Same presence as 'he'? Who is 'he' you speak of?" asked Thor, curious.

Puti Zushi, for the first time, looked away from Thor and now had a melancholy countenance.

"An old friend... The one who taught me senjutsu... Hou Yi" said Puti Zushi, looking out into the sunset.

Hou Yi was once an archer god who was expelled from the divine plane for killing nine of the sunbirds, which were nine of Di Jun's wandering children, rather than bringing them by the heel as Di Jun wished.

Di Jun stripped Hou Yi of immortality and banished him to the mortal plane, where the former god had many adventures. And in one of those adventures... He found love.

But there was still something that bothered the former archer god... Mortality.

When Hou Yi sought immortality for himself and his wife, Chang'e, who had married Hou Yi while mortal. The two of them ended up separated by carelessness and curiosity of both.

Chang'e ended up ascending to the moon, while Hou Yi remained on the mortal plane...

Devastated by the separation, Hou Yi, who was once a great respectable hero, became a recluse and someone unfair and cruel... But he did not stop having apprentices among mortals.

The senjutsu was Hou Yi's attempt to extend his life so that one day he can be reunited with Chang'e.

During a hunt, Hou Yi was betrayed by some of his disaffected apprentices, led by Feng Meng.

Hou Yi died as a mortal by the very students who looked at him with envy of his powers and abilities.

But his spirit, attuned to senjutsu, ascended to the sun.

That day was one of the most difficult days for Puti Zushi, who had lost his own master and a close friend.

Although Hou Yi was considered a tyrant by many, in Puti Zushi's vision he saw something else... A broken man, who had lost the love of his life and who didn't know how to react other than becoming reclusive and cruel.

Although Thor was a little curious about such a being, it wasn't the Norse god's priority at the moment.

"...I would like to learn senjutsu," said Thor, with a tone of finality.

Thor got straight to the point, the sooner he learned senjutsu to gain access to Touki, the sooner he would go to India where the concept of Haki would be tested in that world.

Puti Zushi had found the request strange.

"I... I'm afraid I don't understand your request; the eastern gods seek harmony with nature since the beginning of their lives, and this was one of Hou Yi's teachings. If you are a god, and you are not already in harmony with nature until now... Where are you from?" asked Puti Zushi.

"I'm from afar...far west of here," said Thor.

Puti Zushi and Sun Wukong were surprised for just a few seconds.

"So, a deity from the west came all this way to learn senjutsu... If you can satisfy my curiosity, what do you expect to find after you learn senjutsu?" asked Puti Zushi.

Thor raised an eyebrow.

"Senjutsu will help me in the future... I'm afraid I can't talk more about the case" said Thor.

For Thor, there were many things senjutsu could be useful for, but the main reason for Thor's journey east was clear...

Learn as many techniques as possible from the other pantheons.

The reason for this was that Thor knew there was going to be a war, and besides the fact that his pantheon will have its own threat.

To Thor, the logic of future knowledge was clear...

The Sumerians had the Utukki.

The Greeks would have Typhon.

The Egyptians had Seth and Apophis.

The Slavs had Veles.

The Shinto had Tsukuyomi.

And so on...

The Nordics?

The Nords had Surt.

Thor only saw Surt once, during a gathering with his family centuries ago. At first glance, Surt looked menacing; whether Thor could defeat him without a continent blowing up is what Thor is not sure...

But just in case, Thor was making plans for this moment...

"So, you're claiming that senjutsu will 'help' you... I see, I honorably accept your request for guardianship, god -" Puti Zushi said, before being interrupted by someone who had been silent for a while.

Sun Wukong.

"Now, wait a minute!" shouted Sun Wukong.

The young monkey king jumped down from the tree branch and landed beside Puti Zushi, Sun Wukong then pointed a finger at Thor.

"You can't just gain training! Did you know that I suffered and begged a lot for Master Zushi to accept me?! Why do you have such treatment?!" asked Sun Wukong.

In a way, what Sun Wukong was now witnessing was a complete injustice for the simple fact that the young monkey king was refused guardianship by several masters until he found Puti Zushi.

Zushi treated him impartially, not because he was a 'monkey' who wanted to train.

Master Zushi was fearful at first because of Sun Wukong's active personality, but after much insistence, Sun Wukong was accepted as an apprentice.

But then someone comes along, gives a simple, weak explanation as to why he wants to learn senjutsu and has now been accepted as a disciple without any problems.

In Wukong's mind, the reason was that Thor was a god and had 'special treatment'.

This made young Sun Wukong unhappy with Thor's presence.

Puti Zushi looked like he wanted to scold the young apprentice, but before any words were said, Thor spoke.

"Eh? But it's not your decision... Who decides 'who to train' is the master, simple as that... A good example is if you are the master here and I seek to learn your teachings, but then you refuse my request, I'll just leave in the same way I came in and looked for another master," said Thor, shrugging.

Could Thor have gone to learn from other masters or even other gods?

The answer would be a 'maybe' verging on 'no'.

Thor chose Puti Zush first for a very simple reason...

Puti Zushi was the only master who volunteered to train a 'supernatural monkey' and, basically, slapped the other masters in the face who refused Sun Wukong's request when the 'monkey king' became the best apprentice among the sects.

This made good points in Thor's view.

Thor's answer seemed to have angered young Sun Wukong.

"Sun... That's enough, the god of the west is right, respect my decision" said Puti Zushi, calmly.

Sun Wukong looked at Master Zushi in surprise and just ran to the compound that was the dormitories.

The entire time Master Zushi remained to look at Sun Wukong's exit.

"*sigh*... I apologize for my apprentice's behavior... He is young and still undisciplined" said Puti Zushi, looking at Thor and bowing a little.

Thor seemed to disregard the apology.

"No offense taken, now are we done here? Can we start my training?" asked Thor.

Puti Zushi took a serious stance.

"We will start training tomorrow... But there is something you need to answer me first, for the safety of my disciples" said Puti Zushi.

Thor was confused, after all, he didn't mean to hurt anyone here...

"…May I know exactly what you are referring to?" asked Thor, confused.

Puti Zushi narrowed his eyes as if gauging Thor's reaction.

"I am referring to the malevolent energy that exudes from your back," said Puti Zushi.

The youngest sage in history had stood guard the moment Thor set foot in the sect, always fearing a trap or attack.

Puti Zushi noticed the energy that the Berserker mark on Thor's back exhaled.

For any Xian or senjutsu user who looked at Thor, they would see a 'shadow' behind the Norse god and dazzle any ray of light and leave anyone on their guard.

The 'shadow' had red eyes that exuded an unhealthy joy as if the 'shadow' was making fun of the fear of others.

And the smile...

It was a red smile of satisfaction that did not exude happiness, but it seemed that the smile served to mock those who feared the 'shadow'... As if inviting the opponent to 'try' to face the said 'shadow'.

But what caught Puti Zushi's attention the most was the symbol that was located a little above the red eyes, right in the middle, where the 'forehead' would be.

The symbol was colored red, as were the eyes and smile of the 'shadow'.


The shape of the symbol was strange to Puti Zushi, as he had no knowledge of the grammar of Thor's homeland and therefore did not know what it meant.

"... My back?... Oh!" said Thor.

The Norse god then took off his coat and then the top of his toga, which was more of a sash, and then turned, leaving Puti Zushi to look at the tattoo on Thor's back.

In Puti Zushi's senjutsu view, however...

It was as if the 'shadow' face was an inch away from his face.

"... What a horrible feeling... It's as if your equilibrium state is split into two parts" said Puti Zushi.

Thor then dressed again and looked at Puti Zushi.

"What do you mean 'split into two parts'? How do you feel with your senjutsu?" asked Thor, curious.

Puti Zushi stopped channeling senjutsu and only then responded to Thor.

"Senjutsu is an art that can control the flow of vital energy in living beings... Generally, a Xian, or someone superior in the art of senjutsu, can detect a being's aura. In your case... It's like you're split in two" said Puti Zushi.

Thor looked confused.

"I suppose… this is not a common thing," said Thor uncertainly.

Puti Zushi nodded in agreement.

"Actually, the imbalance in one's aura is one thing... But two auras, different from each other, inhabiting the same body? This is something that has never happened before as far as I know. I strongly suggest that you go to the land of the Hindus in search of connecting with your spiritual side to know the reason for such a 'division'" said Puti Zushi.

Thor considered the advice and nodded in response.

"I see... But do you have a god in mind that will help my situation?" asked Thor.

After all, Thor was unaware of any Hindu god's personality, they might as well try to kill him after learning about the Mark of the Berserker.

"Well... Given the nature of the mark... Shiva would be the best option and Vishnu would be the worst option" said Puti Zushi, in a firm tone.

Thor looked confused.

"... When you refer to 'worst option,' you..." began Thor, leaving the question in the air.

Puti Zushi did not immediately respond.

"Sincerely, I do not know. Vishnu is on the side of 'preservation' so he will intervene when creation is in jeopardy, you risk your life if you meet Vinshu is uncertain as you are also a living being and some god that is not under his jurisdiction" said Puti Zushi.

The common sense among the gods of all pantheons was something that all supernatural knew only two beings actively intervened in all pantheons...

Samsara was one of these beings, and responsible for the cycle of reincarnation of all pantheons, in addition to being the existence that even the Trimurti, the most powerful trio of gods, would ask for permission to use an 'avatar'.

The other existence was something more present in not just all pantheons, but all of existence.


Destiny itself.

Everyone says, 'Everything has a purpose'...

In a way it's true.

Although a being's fate is decided by themselves not by conditions or luck, but by decisions made; Fatum has the ability to 'see' far beyond the limitations of time.

Fatum sees the past, present, and all possible futures of the universe.

All timelines.

"... Fair enough, I'll keep your advice in mind. Where are the dorms? I think I'll call it a day," said Thor.

Puti Zushi nodded and pointed to a large two-story house.

Thor then withdrew and left the young master Puti Zuhsi alone in thought.

"*sigh*… A god from the west wanting to learn senjutsu? Maybe... Is it fate?" asked Puti Zushi.

The young master then rose as soon as the sun was no longer in sight, and at night the moon reigned in the sky.

- Timeskip: 5 years.

POV. Thor.

It was faster than I thought.

That was the only impression that crossed my mind as I looked at the white aura, with shades of blue, along my body.

Senjutsu was like second nature, although learning the more advanced forms was my main contract.

Transformation art was not something I was interested in.

But the other arts like 'jumping' art? I could cross from the moon to the earth in 2 seconds...

Of course, if I did that, according to Puti Zushi, I would blow up the earth on impact… And shatter the moon… So I never tested the theory.

Another thing was my attempt at Haki.

Turns out I could consider senjutsu a bastard form of observation Haki... Weaker than Haki, but it will still do. Of course, I couldn't 'predict' the future, but locating beings through the aura was enough, for now, not to mention that senjutsu was already better than normal detection magic.

Another thing...

Touki was a success.

I could shape my divine life energy and use Touki for combat perfectly. Unfortunately, the Touki was considerably weaker than the Haki Armament, but I suppose that only in India will I be more likely to improve what I already have, in addition to trying to create the Haki of the conqueror and especially...

Getting answers for my Berserker mark.

In the five years, Igris returned.

He failed the mission.

It seems that the 'fiend of gluttony' is so hidden that no one has heard of any legends about it.

At least I already have something to do during the great war.

Another thing that happened... was Sun Wukong's banishment from the sect.

The motive was as childish as the 'monkey king' behavior.

Apparently, Sun Wukong was quite upset that a 'god of the west' had stolen his 'best apprentice' spot, and Sun Wukong's resentment towards me was noticeable.

Puti Zushi, however, saw an opportunity to teach 'humility' and 'modesty' to his student.

Did not work.

Sun Wukong was found showing off his abilities to some humans.

Puti Zushi learned of what had happened and so, displeased with his pretentious student, he ended up banishing Sun Wukong from the sect, never to return. The young monkey king begged to stay but was soon refused.

Sun Wukong then, at the age of 15 and the youngest Xian, was expelled from the sect...

But not before declaring that one day he would go West to challenge me to an apprentice duel and 'take what was his' by right.

I didn't respond to the challenge.

Anyway, with my success in this land, it was time for me to continue with my journey... But now, it will be my return to the west.

With my first stop in India, and my second stop in Greece.

"…Are you leaving already?" asked someone.

I looked towards the voice, and saw my so-called 'teacher'.

"Zushi... Yes, I'm on my way out, it's a miracle I haven't gotten into trouble with some deity of this land, better not push your luck" I said.

Puti Zushi looked at the horizon.

"Our gods are different… They rarely interact with the mortal land. In fact, they would only act if you decided to do some damage," said Puti Zushi.

I raised an eyebrow in confusion... Even though I knew my presence was being watched by someone from time to time, it's still too much freedom for a foreign god to enter a territory without talking to the local deity.

Not to mention this 'never interact' plan...

The land of future China was not so restricted at the present time.

"...Why did your gods decide to distance themselves from mortals?" I asked.

Puti Zushi gave a small smile.

"Immortality is seen as an accession. As the gods are in a 'higher class' in the hierarchy of existences, and as the mortal land is... Well... 'MORTAL', the gods see the earth as if it were some kind of exile" said Puti Zushi.

Ah... Well, I suppose it's like that everywhere.

But it seems that here in the east this kind of godly behavior is more... strict.

"Well, whatever... Goodbye Zushi, until next life, if you 'light up' too, but if not... It was nice meeting you" I said.

Honestly... He would get along well with Thoth.

POV. Third-person.

While Thor left the sect, accompanied by Igris, Puti Zushi just stared at the Norse god's back.

"He was an interesting student... But I worry the day that 'presence' dares to take over his body, or worse... He willingly lets the presence take over," said Puti Zushi.

The master then entered the sect's complex, after all... There were more students to teach.

- Location: Midgard / House of Thor.

"So I said to the mirror, 'what's today's menu?' Then I replied right away: 'I don't know, I'm not the cook' HAHAHAHA... HA-HA... HA..." said the voice of a woman who was embarrassed by the looks.

The woman was Hel, who had just attempted a 'joke' for the guests.

Needless to say, it wasn't the best reaction Hel wanted...

The guests were actually some of the women Hel met...

Sif, who was holding a drinking horn full of mead and didn't seem to mind the 'joke' as she continued drinking.

Freyja, who was looking at Hel with a strange look.

And finally, Nanna, who was looking at Fenrir, who was sleeping at Hel's feet, attentively as if waiting for something to happen.

"Erm... Yeah... So, Hel, could you explain why you called us here?" asked Freyja, confused.

This seemed to get the attention of Sif, who stopped drinking, and Nanna, who stopped staring at Fenrir.

All three women looked at Hel expectantly.

Poor Hel, however, looked uncertain.

"Well… Thor told me something about a fun meeting to improve my social skills. He said the meeting was called a 'slumber party' and it would be good for me if I invited someone to have fun, as long as it's girls, so... I called you" Hel said, averting their expectant gazes.

Freyja quickly began to speak.

"Oh? Thor? Did he tell you to talk to me?" asked Freyja, in an excited tone.

Sif and Nanna raised an eyebrow, toward Freyja.

Meanwhile, Hel replied.

"Erm... Not specifically... But... Yes?" said Hel uncertainly.

Freyja looked remarkably happy.

"Ah~ That means he thought of me! But what a dizzying feeling! What does he say about me?" asked Freyja.

But it seemed that the goddess, and princess, of the Vanir, was asking the question more to herself than to Hel.

"He... doesn't speak," Hel said weakly.

But Hel's answer fell on deaf ears.

That seemed to have caught Nanna's attention.

"… Since when you had this interest in Thor, Freyja?" asked Nanna, confused.

Sif didn't seem to care where the conversation was going, and she was soon back drinking her mead.

"Since the dispute with the Slavs... When I found out that there is a man who looks at me without a hint of lust in his eyes," said Freyja dreamily.

This only seemed to confuse Nanna more.

"If he doesn't want you... How do you expect to have him by your side?" asked Nanna.

For Nanna, it was somewhat confusing, she initially lusted after Balðr, but as time passed, lust turned into love.

Freyja seemed to hear the question and looked thoughtful.

"I don't know. Frankly, I was never in that situation," Freyja said uncertainly.

It was at this moment that Sif chose to speak.

"I really don't know what a fuss you're making… Make him drunk and take him to bed! It worked for me!" said Sif.

Nanna's mouth dropped open in surprise, while Freyja seemed to hear a curse.

"What did you say?!" asked Freyja, screaming.

But Hel...

"Drop him up? Take him to bed?... Oh!" asked Hel, confused.

She was confusing what Sif had said with the 'effect' of too much mead ingested had on Thor, which resulted in a thundergod blackout…most of the time.

"...Are you deaf or do you want me to draw too?" asked Sif, looking at Freyja.

Princess Vanir soon said.

"I know you…and some waitresses…have already bedded Thor. But how long will you just 'have fun'? Or do you think Thor will approach your father and mother with an offer?" asks Freyja.

Sif then looked away and frowned.

Freyja softened her gaze but still continued.

"I don't want to upset you, Sif, but you seem to forget that Thor is still a prince, as well as the strongest in Asgard… High-ranking Asgardian women already have their eyes on him! You may have gotten to him first… But you're unlikely to end up with him," Freyja said, her tone soft.

Freyja didn't want to upset her longtime friend... But that was the truth in her eyes.

Sif looked saddened by the facts being told... Something all the other women noticed.

"I…I know it might never happen. My family can't offer anything in return for agreeing to marry a prince... I'm fully aware of that fact," said Sif.

The other Asgardians said nothing.

"But… I've never slept with anyone than him because deep down I hoped – in fact – I still hope that one day I can wake up next to him not as a 'one-night lover'… But wife" said Sif. , whispering the last word.

The young einherjar then looked Freyja in the eye and said unperturbed.

"Aren't you the goddess of love? Look me in the eye and may I have your word that you will speak the truth… Do I love Thor?" said Sif.

Freyja looked Sif in the eye... and sighed in defeat as she looked away because she definitely knew one thing...

Sif loved Thor.

A feeling that started as a friendship and evolved over the years.

"... So Sif and Freyja want to marry Thor?... Just do it" someone said with a shrug.

It was Nanna who had spoken.

Such an idea caught the attention of Sif and Freyja.

"As if it were that simple!" said Freyja.

Hel remained silent as she watched the conversation unfold... until she quickly left the room.

Nanna tilted her head in confusion.

"And it's not?" asked Nanna.

"Of course! For starters, there's the problem of 'sharing'!" said Freyja.

Nanna responded promptly.

"Thor is a god... Now, do you know how many wives Dažbog has? Three! Four in winter! You're friends, you can work it out, but you need to talk to Thor first before anything else," said Nanna.

Sif and Freyja seemed to consider as they exchanged a look.

It was at that moment that Hel appeared with a box.

"How about we play a game? Thor created this game called 'Monopoly', and he explained to me how to play it, I'm sure we'll have fun!" said Hel quickly.

The Asgardian women looked at Hel and shrugged, joining the table and forming a circle.

But then Sif noticed something.

"Hel…Where is Fenrir?"

Outside Thor's house, a bush moved towards a window of the thunder god's house.

As soon as it got close enough, a head popped out of the bush.

It was Frey.

"'I'm going out with some Frey friends', 'don't worry Frey', 'take care of your social life Frey', well I would take care of my social life, sister, but you didn't tell me the part where you would go to the being's house that you drew the face and spread the drawings all over your room," said Frey, muttering.

The Prince Vanir then looked at a window and began to float towards it.

But as soon as Frey looked up to see what was happening inside the house through the window... He was met with a look.

A look of a pair of apathetic yellow eyes...

That belonged to a known 'god-slayer'. josei

Frey seemed to freeze under the gaze.

Only a few seconds passed until Frey decided to act...

"… Understandable, have a good night," said Frey, as he walked down and out of the area of the house in quick strides.

All this time Fenrir was looking at Frey as if expecting Frey to turn his gaze back to the house.

Unfortunately for Fenrir, Frey didn't look back, let alone dare return to Thor's house.

Nothing happened the rest of the night in Midgard... But the same couldn't be said for Thor the other day.

- Location: Territorial limits of future Bangladesh with India.

During dawn, Thor came across the first Hindu deity... But he just didn't expect it to be this way.

"...Sorry, could you repeat that again?" asked Thor.

At that moment, Igris was also looking at the same thing as Thor.

A young woman stood in front of Thor.

"... But of course! I have come to wash away the negativity of your body" said the woman uncertainly.

Thor and Igris blinked and exchanged a look.

The thunder god then looked at the goddess in front of him.

"...You mean I need a bath?" asked Thor.


Well, that's it, folks!

The updates will be 1 chapter per week!

Because I need to study hard!

Title of the next chapter:

Chapter 47 – India: the cradle of spirituality.

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