Reborn as Thor!

Chapter 50

Chapter 50: The 'mortal' that shook Greece.

Sorry I'm late!

My computer is being formatted due to a virus and unfortunately, I don't save the fanfic chapters in the cloud, unlike work and college-related files.

So basically I've lost a lot… and I'm piss!

I'm posting this chapter on my cell phone, due to not having a computer in the next few days, but I hope that by Saturday my computer has been fixed and I will return to the schedule of posting 1 chapter on Saturday.

Without further ado, enjoy the chapter!


POV. Third-person.

"Who are you?"

"What are you?"

Those were the two questions the two supernatural women in front of Thor asked right after the Norse god of thunder had given Atlas a beating.

One woman looked on in curiosity... The other in distrust.

The distrust was understandable, as Thor was a complete stranger. But as the Norse god intended to stay in Greece until he found the Telkhines, so he had to be as 'innocent' as possible by the standards of a foreign god.

"Well, I gained this strength and extended life after having devoured a strange plant out of hunger... As for my name... Well..." said Thor, before pausing and thinking only to smile right away and answer.

"I'm…Aeolia," said Thor, with a smile.

Thor couldn't possibly give his real name, so he had to improvise a little...

"Hmm?... That name doesn't sound familiar... You're not from here, are you?" asked Thetis.

Hera just looked at Thor with a raised eyebrow.

"... Plant?... I've never heard of a plant that grants longevity and strength," said Hera, looking suspiciously.

Thor, however, smiled innocently.

"The plant turned out to be the 'plant of life', you see... I am Sumerian, and I came here to escape Enlil's wrath after eating a plant of life without permission and without having processed it into food" said Thor.

The plant of life was something the pantheons near Sumerian knew about, as it was the Sumerian way of turning a mortal into an immortal. However, no one knew what would happen to the mortal who devoured it in the purest form...

That's where Thor got the insane strength excuse... Just a side effect.

Thetis and Hera's eyes gleamed in recognition.

"Well, by all means... Thanks for helping us against Atlas," said Thetis, with a smile.

"Although... I still find it strange for a human to be able to match, much less surpass, Atlas in physical strength, plant life or not..." said Hera, narrowing her eyes slightly.

Thetis soon nudged her longtime friend with a disapproving frown.

"Hera!... He was under no obligation to help us! Even though he was a human, he was still willing to reach out to us," said Thetis.

Hera had the decency to look embarrassed.

"... I know Thetis... It's just that... Atlas shouldn't be here on the island as it's too far from Mount Othrys and Cronus would never send Atlas for no reason... This is all very strange" said Hera.

Meanwhile, Thor listened intently.

Outwardly he was expressionless, yet inwardly Thor was thinking about the happenings on the island.

[... I'm unlikely to be the cause of all this, after all, I arrived on the island just now... But according to Hera, Atlas shouldn't even be here...] thought Thor.

After much consideration, Thor had only one conclusion.

[... Somehow... There is a traitor] thought Thor seriously.

From what Thor remembers from Greek mythology, the mother of the gods, Rhea, made Crete a haven for divine rebellion against Cronus, hiding the presence of her sons and daughters across the island.

However, Atlas found them in some way that Thor is unaware of.

"... We better get out of here," said Hera.

Thetis nodded, but then glanced at Thor before turning back to Hera, whispering.

"We can't leave him here... Every titan will know who he is since Atlas has escaped," said Thetis in concern.

Hera soon looked at Thetis in shock before considering, but Thetis would still insist.

"... Well... He saved us... Perhaps we can trust him, and he will become an ally," said Thetis.

Hera soon scoffed.

"We don't need allies, when the Cyclopes gave Hades, Poseidon, and Zeus those weapons, no titan could stop them," Hera said confidently.

"But -" said Thetis, before being interrupted by something.

A bird made of yellow lightning swooped down from the sky like a meteor heading for... Thor?

Thor just looked at the 'bird' in disinterest and remained still.


And then the bird hit Thor squarely, kicking up a cloud of dust and shaking the island once more like an earthquake.

When the dust cloud settled, it was noticeable that a new figure had arrived on the beach.

The figure looked like a teenager with long blond hair and yellow lightning dancing around him, wielding a silver-colored javelin spear.

Another noticeable thing was that the blond-haired young man's javelin spear was hitting Thor's shoulder, after all, the young man had descended at high speed aiming at the most likely possible threat and, by the force of the blow, Thor should at least have broken something.

However... The Norse god in disguise was perfectly fine.

Thor remained staring into the eyes of the unflappable golden-haired youth and glanced briefly at the javelin spear still resting on his shoulder.

The blond-haired young man only applied more force, causing the veins in his arms to dilate from the pressure imposed.

But Thor showed no discomfort at the young man's attempt at strength.

"…I'm not impressed," said Thor.

The blond-haired young man broke into a sweat when he saw that the person in front of him was not an 'ordinary' person.

Thor then grabbed the spear quickly and kicked the blond-haired young man away, causing the young man to drop the spear from the force of the blow as he was thrown.

Hera can only stare in shock before reacting.

"...Zeus!!!" shouted Hera in concern.

Thor looked at Hera briefly in surprise as the goddess spoke the name.

[...So this is the future ruler of the Olympians?... Oh~... I have a unique opportunity here~] thought Thor.

Thetis remained silent but noticed something different about Thor...

A smile that could be described as malevolent.

"Since for some reason you decided to try to kill me as soon as you saw me... How about I return the courtesy," said Thor.

Thetis soon shouted.

"Aeolia! Wait, please! Do not do it! He is our leader and someone of great importance to us!" said Thetis quickly.

Thor looked briefly at Thetis.

"Don't worry... I'll just break him a little" said Thor, looking at Zeus as he stood up.

"I don't know who you are or what you are... But give me back my bolt!" said Zeus, extending his hand to Thor.

What Zeus was doing was simple... The Olympian's god was calling for the javelin spear that was in Thor's hands, and he expected the spear to fly towards his hand.

But the spear didn't even move from Thor's hand, which only worried Zeus for a brief moment, as he thought the spear had chosen another wielder.

However... It only took a few seconds for Zeus to notice what was happening...

Thor was preventing the javelin spear from flying into Zeus' hands just by the force of his grip.

"What's wrong little shit?... Don't you know how to fight without your toy?" said Thor, raising the javelin spear in amusement, after noticing Zeus' attempt to retrieve the spear.

Thor had a satisfied smile.

"...Let me teach you how to fight the old-fashioned way then," said Thor.

It was then that Thor ran toward Zeus, who was surprised by the speed and shot yellow-colored lightning at Thor.

Thor dodged the lightning and shot towards the sky god quickly, closing the distance and, after making a small jump, raised his knee and hit Zeus full in the face.

As soon as Zeus was hit, the Greek god fell to the ground immediately.

Thor soon raised his fist ready to hit Zeus's face, only to stop as soon as he realized something...

"…Huh?" said Thor, looking in disbelief at Zeus on the ground.

The Greek god was knocked out.

As soon as Thor realized Zeus was knocked out, he backed off shortly thereafter, giving up on fighting any further, and looked at Thetis, who was looking at Thor in awe, and Hera, who was looking at Thor as if...

Like Thor had just kicked her dog.

"Bastard!" shouted Hera.

Hera soon raised her hand and then her eyes gleamed with power, but before Hera could do anything her arm was grabbed by Thetis.

"No Hera! Our priority is to get off this island, we must rescue Zeus and leave, only Chaos knows how much time we have until Cronus sends someone to search the island after Atlas has been defeated" said Thetis quickly, preventing Hera from starting to fight Thor.

As soon as Hera realized the situation, the anger was soon dispersed and the goddess then glowed in a pink aura as well as her eyes as she raised her hand to Zeus.

The fallen god's body acquired a pink aura and was soon lifted off the ground, still unconscious, and quickly floated towards Hera and Thetis.

The Greek supernatural beings soon began to float up from the ground, as they looked warily at Thor, who looked at them bored.

Once Hera and Thetis reached a certain altitude, they quickly flew in a specific direction, leaving Thor behind...

Still wielding Zeus' javelin spear.

Thor glanced briefly at the spear.

"…Does that qualify as a theft?" asked Thor, raising an eyebrow.

The Norse thunder god just shrugged and then placed the javelin spear on his shoulders as he lazily braced his arms, and started walking in a random direction.

"They'll remember…eventually," said Thor, unconcerned.

- Location: Future Japan.

POV Third person.

A boy, who could be considered a teenager, ran through the forest while carrying a basket on his back.

The most noticeable thing about the boy was that the boy had prominent horns on his forehead in addition to having scarlet red skin.

The 'boy' was an Oni, one of the many Yokai present scattered across the islands in the lands of the rising sun.

And at that moment... The boy had only one mission...

The young Oni always looked back and sniffed the air a little after running a long distance without stopping, for one simple reason...

He was being hunted by someone.

"*sniff*… Is it still close?" said the Oni in disbelief as he noticed a familiar scent.

The same odor he'd smelled when he'd seen his parents murdered in front of him.


The boy just looked around for shelter and soon noticed a cave nearby. The young Oni then ran towards the cave and took the big basket off his back and placed it next to some stalagmites.

The Oni soon opened the lid of the basket and looked inside with a worried but firm gaze.

"Pay attention... Don't leave, even if I ask for help, even if you hear something, even if you hear screams, DON'T LEAVE HERE... Only leave when the bad smell is gone... I love you" said the young Oni looking into the basket.

The Oni didn't wait for an answer and then took a small vial from his pocket, which contained a light blue liquid.

"For all five Kotoamatsukami... I hope this works as it should" said the Oni, opening the vial and pouring the contents into the basket.

The young man then sniffed the air a little and then gave a happy smile. josei

But before I say anything...

"Young Oni, why do you run?~ Are you angry that I fell in love with your mother? Oh, I'm sorry, but love works in unusual ways~" resounded a voice throughout the forest.

The Oni froze at the voice and then closed the basket and went to the entrance of the cave, jumped to the top of a tree, and waited.

Young Oni knew he wouldn't escape... But at least his mission was completed.

"Don't hate me young Oni. Your mother's face is so unique that I couldn't help but to be hypnotized by her... I'm carrying proof of my true love for her~" said her voice, getting closer and closer.

The Oni began to sweat out of both anger and fear.

Anger, for me the young man saw what happened to his father while the voice sang:

'There is no obstacle in love'.

His father was impaled alive, in front of the eyes of the young Oni and his mother.

His mother soon ordered him to run away with the basket and not look back, and the young man reluctantly obeyed as his mother reminded him of the firstborn's main duty.

The young man then ran for his life and never looked back, no matter how much he wanted to go back and help his mother.

The Oni then saw a figure appearing in the darkness of the forest, propitiated by the night, and could not help but scream in rage and disbelief.

"Mother?!" said the young Oni, looking at the shadowy figure...

In fact, the Oni was looking at what the shadowy figure was carrying...

His mother.

Or at least... What's left of his mother.

Just the severed head, with a face frozen in a look of fear.

The figure soon looked in the direction of the Oni, who had revealed his position shortly after he had shouted.

"Oh? There you are!... See? I love your mother so much that I decided to cut her head off so I can enjoy the beauty of her face whenever I want!" said the figure with a happy smile, as he lifted her severed head and hugged it tenderly against his cheek.

The figure was eventually revealed as the heir to House Valefor...

Douma Valefor.

The young Oni couldn't help but scream in rage, he then jumped out of the tree and landed on the ground, summoning a giant war club as it descended to the ground, and ran towards Douma.

Douma was still smiling happily.

"That's right! Come to your new father!" said Douma.

Douma then dropped the head to the ground and raised his arms in a hugging position.

The young Oni soon approached Douma, raising his club, ready to strike the devil mercilessly...

"*Coff*" choked the young Oni, with his blood.

The Oni soon looked down and saw a kind of spear made of bone stuck in the center of his chest.

The young Yokai soon looked towards Douma, who wore a worried face.

"Oh, for Lucifer! I forgot to warn you that my bloodline reacts unintentionally in some cases..." said Douma.

The devil soon ran towards the Oni who fell to the ground and held him as if he were someone worried.

"Don't die, son! You were my first son!... I didn't even teach you what my clan's skill is like" said Douma, with tears in his eyes.

"... *Coff*... Bas... *Coff*... Bastard" said the young Oni, while coughing as he choked on his blood.

What were strange were the purple veins that began to appear along the young Oni's body, originating precisely from the wound caused by the bone spear in his chest.

"Don't talk to your father like that! It's impolite~" said Douma, pouting.

The Oni never wanted to kill the person holding him as much as he does now...

"Unfortunately my blood must have already spread on you... It's a pity, but you won't see the sun anymore" said Douma with a sad face.

Meanwhile, the boy's eyes, ears, and mouth began to leak a purple substance and began to soil Douma's clothes, which he soon noticed.

"Hey! It was washed this morning!" said Douma.

Young Valefor then dropped the young Oni and dropped him carelessly to the ground, while rubbing the stain on his clothing.

Douma then started to leave.

"I can't exactly stay here, as I don't want to bother the prying eyes while I feed. Although I wanted to invite you to dinner, I was quite upset that you stained my robes, so consider your invitation revoked… Then it will just be me and your mother having a romantic dinner," said Douma, with a smile on his face.

The young Oni, just watched Douma leave carefree and take his mother's head again.

"Let's go dear! I even have a perfect vase for you~" said Douma, blushing, and looking excitedly at the severed head.

The young Oni could only look on helplessly as Douma walked away... But only one thing crossed the young Oni's mind at this moment.

The Oni looked at the cave once more.

[Please... Live... Please... Be well] thought the Oni desperately, while losing the sparkle in his eyes.

The young Oni may have left the mortal plane... But he fulfilled the mission of every older brother.

A few hours later a new figure appeared at the entrance to the cave...

It was a young Oni, and this time it was a girl.

And she looked at the fallen and bloodied body of the young Oni from before, with tears in her eyes.

"... Brother?" said the little girl Oni, in disbelief.

Although the girl wanted to take a step toward the body, a dark voice startled her.

{... Help me... Come help me} said the voice, mixed with the wind.

The Oni child then looked towards the origin...

The cave she was in before.

{Come... I can help you} said the voice again.

The girl hesitated for a brief moment, before looking at her brother's fallen body and turning back to the cave again.

The Oni girl then started walking back to the cave.

{Come little one... I can help you...} said the voice.

The girl just listened, but she could see the insecurity in her eyes.

"Can you... Can you help my brother?" asked the Oni girl, as she stopped briefly.

{...Child... Taotie don't lie} said the dark voice, with a warm tone.

Hearing the answer, the child started walking again, this time with more confidence.

{Yes... Come... My first user}.


Originally, this was not the chapter I had planned.

But still, I hope you liked it!

Well, that's all folks!

Author's Note: I thought of several names for Thor's mortal form, and was then inspired when I heard the name of an archipelago between Sicily and Italy that was visited by a friend on her vacation.

The archipelago is called: the Aeolian Islands (Isole Eolie), and in Greek, it would be ᾈολία, if I'm not mistaken.


*Remember to participate in the poll of the love interest of the future fanfic: 'Son of Agni', voting is still open and will be open until the publication of the first chapter!

Title of the next chapter:

Chapter 51 – The Legend of Aeolia.

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