Reborn as Thor!

Chapter 52

Chapter 52: The Greek Civil War spreads!

Hello there!

Here's this week's chapter!

Hope you enjoy it!

*Note: I will post character designs in this chapter; if you don't like them, please ignore!


- Location: Mount Othrys.

POV. Third-person.

Mount Othrys.

At first glance, it was just an ordinary mountain, located in the center of Greece. But when it comes to the supernatural world, there was a portal at the top of the mountain, which led straight to the abode of the current rulers of ancient Mythological Greece.

The Titans.

Who came to rule Greece after Cronus' successful rebellion against his father, Uranus.

Cronus was the god of harvest and the youngest of the titans, it should be impossible for him to win a fight against Uranus, the primordial of the sky.

But he had help.

Gaia, the primordial of the earth and mother of Cronus and Uranus.

The help was through an object that would become the main responsible for the victory...

The sickle.

With this weapon, Cronus acquired the ability to reap time as well as tear apart space, a feared weapon forged by master blacksmiths who live in secrecy...

The Telkhines.

As long as he wielded such a weapon, Cronus believed he was unbeatable.

But recent events have proven otherwise...

"Argh!" a voice rumbled in fury from Castle Othrys.

This roar of fury was from Cronus, who was at that moment hurling or destroying anything in his path, inside his quarters.

As Cronus destroyed the furniture, someone knocked on the door, awakening the titan of blind rage.

"My king... Your people await you," said the voice.

It was Themis, and since returning from the island... The goddess of order and justice was quieter than usual.

As soon as Themis finished speaking, the door swung open abruptly, with Cronus exiting the room with a scowl that never left his face to the meeting place with their main allies.

But as soon as Cronus arrived in the meeting room...

"Where's the rest...?" asked Cronus, gritting his teeth, hoping for a good answer.

There were only six people in the room, including him and Themis.

The first figure was a tall man with long white hair who seemed to have a glowing aura, though his face remained an expression of apathy. This was Hyperion, the titan who represented the personification of light, husband of Theia, who was not present at the time.

The second figure was a beautiful woman, with long green hair and emerald eyes who wore an amused smile. This was Phoebe, the titan who represented the moon, and wife of Coeus, the titan of intelligence and knowledge who was currently missing, as well as the mother of Asteria, who was also present, and Leto.

The third figure was another beautiful woman, with long blond hair and the same emerald eyes inherited from her mother. This was Asteria, the titan who represented shooting stars and, to a certain extent, prophecies, as well as being the mother of Hecate.

The fourth figure was a muscular man, fully armored, wearing a helmet and black robes, this man exuded a black aura of pure violence and bloodlust. This was Pallas, the titan who represented war.

Cronus was upset, for the reason that although he didn't have the support of a few titans, he hoped they all had heeded the king's call.

"My king, my husband Perses was following the trail left by our ally, however, it seems... Métis and Rhea, as well as their sons and daughters, left the island quickly," Asteria said, bowing a little.

"Atlas... refuses to go back to that island," said Hyperion, closing his eyes, as if expecting an outburst from Cronus...

However, although initially, Cronus was going to complain... The king of the titans stopped and thought about what had happened on the island a short time ago.

"...Who has had carnal relations with any mortal?" asked Cronus, with a tone of demand.

No titans in the room raised a hand, but Hyperion scowled.

"Why do you ask such a question, my king? No one has broken one of your laws, we have always been loyal to you from the moment you took our father's power," said Hyperion.

Cronus, however, was not at all pleased.

"There's a mortal 'king' on the island... He's different," Cronus said.

Pallas showed disbelief.

"A mortal? Different?... Brother, mortals are all the same, they are weak animals that crawl on the ground and kiss our feet expecting something in return, they are nothing special, you don't expect that –" Pallas said.


A noise resounded through the meeting hall.

That noise was Cronus who pulled the table and shattered it completely while showing a look of fury.

"He was everything but WEAK! If it weren't for Gaia's interference I would have butchered him as I did my father and I would starve his people to death just so they would learn their lesson about any attempt to defy me!" shouted Cronus, roaring in rage as he looked at Pallas, who fell silent after the scream of fury.

However, someone had found the explosion amusing.

"Oh? What's this little brother?... I haven't seen so much hate since Rhea betrayed us," Phoebe said, with a teasing smile.

"Don't. provoke. ME. PHOEBE! My patience has limits!" said Cronus, looking at Phoebe.

The lunar titan only raised her arms in surrender, although she still had a smile on her face.

It was then that a new figure entered the room.

This figure wore black and purple robes, in addition to wearing a kind of mask with three thorns, one on each side of the face and one on the forehead. This was Perses, husband of Asteria and titan who represented the personification of destruction.

"Hail Cronus," said Perses, as he bowed.

Cronus looked at Perses with interest not seen since the beginning of the meeting.

"...Where is my usurper wife Perses...?" asked Cronus, his tone grim as he waited for the titan of destruction to respond.

Although he wore a mask, Perses looked nervous...

"I… investigated the island almost completely… I found tracks that indicated that –" said Perses, before being interrupted.

"Wait, 'almost completely'? Why not the whole island?" asked Hyperion, narrowing his eyes.

"... I was not allowed," said Perses, resolutely.

The temperature in the room seemed to drop.

"…'Not allowed' by whom exactly?" asked Cronus, gritting his teeth.

Perses seemed ashamed to speak.

"...By Gaia," said Perses.

The room remained silent until Cronus asked with a face of disbelief.

"...Gaia? Are you sure?" asked Cronus.

The harvest titan didn't expect Gaia to stop Perses from investigating the island and just thought that Gaia was protecting the king from mortals for some petty reason... But it seemed like there was something more to it.

Cronus didn't like his mother's recent behavior, as the earth primordial was usually just watching or even sleeping, never taking a more active role.

There was only one time that Gaia acted actively...

In Cronus' rebellion against Uranus.

The thought of that possibility made Cronus' blood boil with anger.

[... Do you really think you can discard me as you discarded my father, Gaia?...] thought Cronus, darkly.

"... My king"

A voice woke Cronus from their thoughts.

It was Themis, who for the first time had chosen to speak since bringing Cronus into the meeting room.

"Speak Themis," said Cronus.

Themis seemed to consider before responding quickly.

"Perhaps it would be better to change our approach a little bit towards the rest of our brothers. We can become Gaia's allies again and win the war if we free Hecatoncheires and – Ack!" Themis was interrupted quickly, before even finishing with her proposal.

Cronus had grabbed Themis by the neck and lifted her off the ground.

The titan king stared at Themis, eyes blazing with power...

"...Those disgusting things are not my brothers... If you dare suggest such an action again… You will join them" said Cronus.

The titan king then dropped Themis, who fell to the ground while coughing and rubbing her throat, and Cronus looked at Pallas and Perses.

"You two get back on the hunt, if Rhea isn't on the island, she can't have gone very far without our ally leaving no message, crush any human settlement in search of any trails left behind or information!" said Cronus.

Pallas and Perses nodded and then quickly left the room, meanwhile Cronus turned his gaze to Phoebe and Asteria.

"Look for the whereabouts of Hecate and Leto, these two disappeared suddenly, without notifying me of their absence or presenting any justification... It's enough for Coeus to have disappeared after going further north" said Cronus.

Phoebe and Asteria both looked serious and soon left the room; at last, Cronus glanced briefly at Themis, who was getting up from the floor.

"... Go do something useful, get Atlas, find and bring me the Telkhines... I want more weapons" said Cronus, leaving the room.

When Themis noticed that she was alone, she just scowled.

"I still don't know who's giving them information... But I need to let Rhea know anyway as I won't be able to help her for a while," Themis said, whispering as she reflected on her thoughts on the new developments.

If Cronus had any spies, Zeus had the titan Themis as a spy to counterbalance the war, in addition, Themis had decided to help after witnessing Cronus' growing paranoia, who was already looking more and more like her father, Uranus.

[But there's still something I don't understand... Why would Gaia get involved?] thought Themis, as she left the room.

That was the only question on Themis's mind, and no matter what reason Themis would like to justify her mother's actions...

She didn't have a concrete answer.

- Location: Future Island of Crete / Palace of Knossos (AKA: Thor's Vacation Colony).

POV Thor.

This was getting too stressful for my taste...

I had just returned to the city I found, where I was greeted by my people on their knees as they shouted praises to my name.

After a long day and a little discussion with the governing body of the Greek pantheon, I hoped to go back to my palace, lie down and get a good night's sleep.

But as I opened my bedroom door, I realized I had a 'guest'.

A guest who invited himself into my room without my explicit or implicit permission...

Yes, I already started on the wrong foot in this encounter.

"…May I know who you are?" I asked.

The person, who was a beautiful woman with long green hair and blue eyes, was lying comfortably on my bed and smiling like she wasn't doing anything wrong.

"Well, I have many names... But if you hear my proposal, you can call me whatever you want," said the woman.

"... That's not what I asked," I said dryly.

The woman then sat up and crossed her legs.

"If you hear my proposal, I can give you the leadership of the deities of this territory... Think about it mortal, or should I say immortal?" said the woman with an amused tone at the end.

So she knows I'm at least an immortal and therefore a supernatural being, the question is whether she knows I'm a god...

"How do you know I'm an immortal?" I asked innocently.

The woman just smiled.

"It's easy to find remnants of some food of immortality, I assume you fed on the golden apple from the orchard guarded by Ládôn, correct?" asked the woman.

...Thanks for the useless rule of eating your apples, Iðunn.

"…yes" I replied.

"Well, it's the first time I've seen someone like you~," said the woman.

The woman then got up from the bed and walked towards me, as she approached she raised her hand as if she wanted to touch me...

And not.

As soon as I noticed the action, I immediately aimed the javelin spear with the spearhead just a few inches from her direct eye.

The woman had stopped the action, but she wore an amused smile.

"What is it?... Are you afraid of me child?... I can fulfill all your wishes~" said the woman.

I scoffed internally.

"...Can you give me an infinite supply of wine?" I asked.

The woman just blinked in confusion but didn't lose her smile.

"... well… No?" said the woman uncertainly.

It was a rhetorical question... But I should have known better to ask such a question.

"...So you don't have my curiosity, let alone my attention... I suggest you leave this place," I said.

It was then that a huge presence suddenly appeared.

An aura of white color covered the woman, who no longer wore a smile, and caused her to crack my palace.

This is vandalism!

Before I could say anything or complain about her breaking into my house, the woman's aura quickly faded and the woman smiled again.

The smile might even look 'cute'... But after how had she just acted?

Smile with a 99% chance of being fake... With the other 1% being a chance of being a sneer.

"As I was saying... My name is Gaia, and I want you to fight for me, in return, you will have the power to rule and, depending on your taste, any goddess or god in your bed," said the woman, identified as Gaia.


So the same person who usurped the first son-husband wants to usurp the son-grandson...

"... Let's make a bet?" I asked.

Gaia soon raised an eyebrow.

"...What kind of bet?" Gaia asked.

"It's a simple bet if I win you'll leave and never set foot on this island again, if you win I'll do whatever you ask for a certain time," I said.

Please don't let her notice the obvious...

"...I'm a primordial existence, I don't need to win a bet to have you... I can just force you," said Gaea, her eyes twinkling slightly.

... Shit.

I soon used the Viljestyrke-Archer and jumped back before Gaia turned her fingertips into roots in just a blink and tried to catch me.

"Oh? Interesting, besides you being able to tear my roots, imbued with my primordial divine power, you can predict my movements... The idea of someone special like you, even being human, by my side sounds more and more tempting" said Gaia, blushing.

Well... That wasn't ideal.

A mad primordial deity with the sole purpose of bringing me to her side.

I can kill her, I was sure of it... But the price would be high, too high if I fought everything from the beginning in the human world...

But then I saw Gaia freeze as if wondering what to do, I just braced myself and waited for some attack by activating the Viljestyrke-Archer to predict the movements...

But the attack never came.

"... It would be a waste," said Gaia.

It was then that the roots returned to being fingers in Gaia's hand and the earth primordial then walked towards me and stopped close in front of me.

"Think about my proposal human... I can give you everything if you release my children in Tartarus; you would be the greatest king this world has ever seen," Gaia said, before summoning a magic circle and finally leaving my room.

... Little did she know I'm not interested in being a king for too long, I have an agenda to complete!

Once I find the Telkhines and bring them into my pantheon, I will prepare for whatever possible situation the great biblical war will bring!

But if there was one thing that caught my attention, it was Cronus' sickle... It was quite an interesting weapon, after all, if I noticed correctly the cut that tore through space made the wound made by the javelin spear go back in time.

Basically, Cronus' wound goes back in time and 'heal' the wound thanks for the sickle.

This is quite useful if you are thinking of using it for other things! And I could suspect that this was not the sickle's only ability.

Although I wanted to think more about the sickle, something snapped me out of my thoughts...

What made Gaia reconsider trying to capture me?

POV. Third-person.

While Thor was lost in thought, he didn't notice that behind his bedroom door were three priestesses, along with two servants, wanting to speak to the king about his recent confrontation against the gods.

The mortals had heard the entire conversation and were increasingly concerned if the king chose to leave the people and 'ascend' to godhood.

There was something else they heard...

They just found out that their king was immortal.

"...All of you, go back and spread the word, we have to make sure our King Aeolia wants to stay" whispered a priestess, assigning orders as she looked at the others, who nodded quickly.

As everyone quickly left, the priestess just thought.

"An immortal king... Our people will only know prosperity," said the priestess, with a happy tone as she walked away from Thor's room.

While Thor had a small meeting with Gaia, a small group was heading towards more central Greece. All the people in the group had supernatural appearances that enchanted any mortal who saw them.

This group was what would come to be known as the Olympians, who were fleeing the island four years after the appearance of Atlas, always in constant motion and never staying in a single moving place.

The group consisted of...

First the gods and goddesses:

Zeus, the leader of the rebellion, and a god with an affinity for lightning.

Hades, Rhea's first male child.

Poseidon, Rhea's second son.

Hestia, Rhea's first child and the first to fall into Cronus' stomach.

Hera, Rhea's second daughter and the one who fought Atlas while going to save Thetis.

Demeter, Rhea's third daughter.

And finally the Titans:

Rhea, the titan of fertility and motherhood, mother of the group's gods and goddesses, as well as being a longtime friend of Frigg, the wife of Odin.

Metis, the titan of health, protection, cunning, prudence, and virtues, as well as being the recent first wife of Zeus and the one who helped Zeus free his brothers and sisters trapped in Cronus' stomach. josei

And finally, Maia, who was one of the seven daughters of Atlas and Pleione, sought to follow Rhea in the rebellion.

At that moment, the group was heading towards the place that would come to be known as Mount Olympus...

And throughout the trip...

"I already said it and I will say it again, we need to go back!" said someone, complaining.

That was Zeus, who still hasn't forgotten the humiliation he suffered against a human in an attempt to impress someone by showing off.

Also, in the eyes of Zeus, the 'mortal' had the audacity to steal it!

"He still has my Master Bolt! A gift given to me by the Cyclopes and I want it back!" said Zeus, with a firm tone.

To Rhea, it looked like her youngest son was having a tantrum... For it looked like a kid had just picked up another kid's favorite toy.

"If Atlas was on the island, we would never be able to stay on it for long... Only the three of us could face him with the help of our spears, none of the rest of us could win without weapons" said an emotionless voice.

This was Hades, who made such a statement while facing Hera, who noticed Hades' gaze.

"I couldn't just let my friend die! Thetis might have died if I hadn't interfered!" said Hera, in revolt.

Hades just snorted in response.

"And then you would simply risk the safety of the rest of your family… Yes, good idea," Hades said, with a mocking tone.

"Enough Hades, it wasn't her fault," said Zeus, while looking at Hera with a smile.

Hera blushed in response, which annoyed Metis a bit as soon as she saw Zeus' actions, but she soon brushed it off.

It was at that moment that Rhea spoke.

"Enough my children, don't argue..." said Rhea.

"Forgive me, mother," said Zeus, Hades, and Hera, at the same time.

Rhea just smiled in amusement, before looking at Hera.

"So my daughter... Could you tell me more about the human who helped you and Thetis against Atlas?" asked Rhea, with interest.

Hera proceeded to tell how a 'human' had easily defeated one of the most powerful titans and left a good impression on Thetis...

In addition to knocking Zeus out with one punch and stealing the javelin spear, known as Master Bolt, which made Zeus a little grumpy.

"... I slipped... And hit my head on the floor... I was out for only a year" said Zeus, grumbling.

Metis then approached Zeus and placed her hand on the god's shoulder, trying to show support, but the action was ignored by Zeus.

Poseidon, Maia, Hestia, and Demeter remained silent throughout the journey...

Though it was possible to detect a small frown of displeasure on the face of someone in the group who stared at Rhea in disgust.

Someone in the group was betraying Rhea's trust and was passing information to Cronus in exchange for amnesty...

There was an impostor in the group.

- Location: Underworld / Devil Capital: Lilithu / Lucifer's Castle.

Meanwhile, in a place far from Greece, a meeting between the morning star and his most loyal confidant was taking place, the discussion was about the preparations for the war that, if it followed the schedule, would start in less than two millennia and a half.

"Stolas… How is our little project?" Lucifer asked.

"All is going according to plan my king... However, I still haven't been able to solve our race's low fertility problem, although Lord Douma is bringing more and more interesting specimens for me to study and find the solution, the searches have proved fruitless" said Stolas, lowering his head a little in defeat.

Lucifer only showed a frown.

"Apparently my father has ensured that our race has more birth problems than the rest of supernatural beings..." Lucifer said, reflecting on what his father had done.

Stolas at this point was a little uncertain to speak, but he chose to ask a question that had been plaguing his mind since the moment he allied with Lucifer.

"My king, if I may ask you..." said Stolas, asking permission to speak.

Lucifer awoke from his thoughts and looked at Stolas with a raised eyebrow.

"Say it Stolas... What question do you want to ask?" Lucifer asked.

Stolas, hearing that he was allowed to speak, soon proceeded with the question.

"My Lord… Why do we wait? We can start the war now, so why are we still pooling resources?" asked Stolas.

"...Ha... Ha-ha... HahahahahaHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!"

Lucifer's laughter echoed through the room and made Stolas, even though he was one of the most feared devils in the army, break into a cold sweat...

The laughter soon stopped as Lucifer calmed down and looked with an amused smile at Stolas.

"Stolas... Tell me what you think of my father..." said Lucifer.

Stolas was a little uncertain whether to continue speaking, after all, Lucifer's displeasure with his father was known to the entire devil race.

"Your...your father is...someone powerful -" said Stolas, before being interrupted quickly.

"He's a hypocrite," Lucifer said, his tone grim.

Stolas was silent and waited for what Lucifer would say.

"When I was born as an angel, I was perfect... I was the best..." Lucifer said, with a melancholy tone.

"But then... When I saw the appreciation he had for the humans he had created... I saw the truth," Lucifer said.

The king of the underworld, as he spoke, recalled the events that had led him to the rebellion.

"He defends free will, but he treated us like servants; he bestows mercy but only for those who suffer by his actions; he wants to impose himself as sovereign or superior, even when he claims freedom and peace..." Lucifer said.

It was then that the temperature of the room dropped as if the room had been teleported to the middle of the land of Cocytus, the land where the cold reigns.

"If I am his image and his creation... There is nothing fairer than that I ascend equal to him, or… Ascend even higher than him, but I need more and more resources to invest in my campaign against heaven again, because the first rebellion showed me I need more power to fulfill my ambition…" said Lucifer, with a cruel smile.

Stolas froze when Lucifer says the next words.

"… I will be God"


Well, that's it folks!

I hope you enjoyed it!

Title for the next chapter:

Chapter 53 – The Immortal King.

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