Reborn as Thor!

Chapter 69

Chapter 69: Chapter – 69: Júl is coming!

Hello there!

Here's the chapter of the week!

5k words!

Enjoy it, peasants!

*Any image in this chapter does not belong to me! Belongs to their respective artists/creators!

If you don't like the design pictures, feel free to choose and adopt the design you want!

Without further ado, enjoy the chapter!


Pov. Thor.

Married life is... weird.

I mean, until the wedding day arrived, my nervousness increased considerably for some reason, and I ended up forgetting simple things, like where I had kept the infinite mead horn.

But on the wedding day...

I was literally on autopilot.

A robot that was counting down the seconds until it ended.

Baldr, like my younger brother, was in charge of the announcement during the wedding, basically a Norse god 'priest'.

My mother Frigg had gone overboard with the ornamentation, which I complained to her about it after, but she just stated 'your mother knows best'.

My other brothers were like godparents.

My sons, on the other hand, would bring the rings, with Kamish transporting Igris and Hephaestus from the sky.

The wedding was held in a forest in Midgard, if a human were to appear nearby they would see the wedding perfectly, the reason for this was that I wanted to hold the wedding in the most extreme territory of Asgard so that the foreign guests would feel comfortable.

Speaking of guests… It was weird for Ra to behave like some kind of cool grandfather to Baldr.

By the way, it was fun to see the scared looks on my old man and my mother when they saw that some of the guests were simply Ra, Shiva, and Enlil.

The first thing Shiva did was go talk to Karna, while Enlil remained reclusive, just talking to Thoth and me throughout the celebration.

If you could sum up how the party went after the ceremony, it would be summed up in a single word...


Thanks to my idea of ​​repurposing Utgard's mead horn, hurling the core that turned mead matter into some random red giant star, we had a supply of mead that could last for months of non-stop partying.

With regard to food, my people, the Aeolites, volunteered to prepare the dishes, with some gods providing the inputs such as Aegir providing the fish and other seafood, and the cooks of Hel, being dead, worked non-stop.

Of course, during the marriage, there were some fights that were quickly separated, but nothing serious happened.

The 'honeymoon' I created was a kind of tradition, and I took Sif on a trip to the place that would be called Cuba.

She liked the beaches.

In fact, it was one of the only places I could travel without encountering problems these days, after all, there wasn't a 'protective deity' in that place...

After 7 days, we returned home.

But then I noticed subtle things changing around the house...

A good example was the number of toiletries in my bathroom.

This had bothered me initially, but after a few days, I stopped caring and just let the subject drop.

Something else happened after the wedding...

I finally met my nephew!


And I must say, he is like a carbon copy of Baldr when it comes to behavior.

He grew to be the most impartial god, resolving disputes between gods and mediating judgments, as well as being associated with justice, mediation, and inner knowing. josei

He didn't know how to lie either, and I realized that when, during a random party, he was already a teenager, Hermodr and I decided to point to a waitress and ask Forseti what he thought of her.

Both, Hermodr and I, as well as this same waitress who was coincidentally serving us, were surprised when a 15-year-old Forseti freely admitted that he would like to do 'poetry' with her...

With her body being the 'paper' that would be 'written' by his tongue.

I had been in shock, while Hermodr was left wondering if Forseti is indeed Baldr's son, the waitress blushed fiercely in embarrassment and was shy for the rest of the party.

Forseti spoke the truth, always the truth... Even if the truth can hurt or embarrass.

But I must admit he was a little daring.

Anyway, there was something that Enlil talked to me about during the celebration...

A young mortal named David had risen as king in the Sumerian territory, which increasingly lost the territory's influence, Enlil advised me and Baldr not to make the same mistake...

I would not, and with the Sumerians losing more and more influence, I extended a helping hand to Enlil and suggested that if he and Ereshkigal were willing to move north, they would be more than welcome in Tordenhus, the Aeolite city, and become a kind of patron of the city, but not directly or indirectly interfering with anything.

Enlil assured me that he would consider the suggestion.

Other than that, there was an interesting fact that happened in Greece...

According to Hera and Hephaestus, the only Greeks invited to my wedding, there was a series of testimonies from angels in Greek territory, although Zeus's hands were tied since those who sought the angels' advice were some mortals.

The king of Olympus, foreseeing Yhwh's interference in the territory, orchestrated a 'change of influence', where the Greek pantheon would slowly but surely influence some humans in a more distant territory.

The territory, according to the description of Hephaestus and the map he showed me, turned out to be Italy.

And what other way to influence humans than by telling supernatural origins?

Romulus and Remus, sons of Ares and a mortal, are one of the many descendants spread across Europe from the city of Troy.

Yes, by the names I knew what had happened...

Rome had been founded.

The war machine army that would get known in history as one of the greatest empires the world has ever seen...

If there was anyone I wanted to meet, it wasn't Romulus or Remus; hell, I had no interest in meeting either Július Caesar or Spartacus.


Horatius Cocles.

The most patriotic son of a bitch in history.

And I wanted to recruit him.

What I did, after this mortal proved to the world the bravery of a man and was rewarded with honor and glory, until he was discarded...

It turns out that Horatius Cocles loved Rome deeply, however, after the greatest battle of his life on the Sublician bridge, he was injured and could no longer hold military office or become a consul, by order of the people of Rome, because according to the people 'he has done enough'.

It destroyed the man who gave his life for the city he loved so much.

Convincing him to join me as another Tordenhus defender and new Kingsguard was simple.

I broke the man further by exposing him to the truth...

The logical truth behind why he couldn't hold military or political office.

It turns out that, due to the history of Horatius Cocles' numerous victories, as well as the dedication to Rome that the young mortal displayed at his trial, after he killed his own sister who was betrothed to the enemy, and above all, the battle on the bridge Sublicius, something was quite clear...

Horatius Cocles was popular with the people of Rome.

The people's champion.

Someone who could start a new era as a new leader.

Someone who would be an inspiration to the people, just as Romulus once was.

But that went against one thing...

When Lucius Tarquinius Superbus, the seventh king of Rome, was deposed by a group of nobles, called patricians, led by Lucius Junius Brutus and the Curia Hostilia, which was the senate, they had decided one thing...

Monarchy no more.

Adopting a model where the government of the entire city of Rome and the territories were headed by two consuls, elected annually by the citizens and advised by the senate...

However, the senate manipulated the results and this ended with the two consuls chosen only by the senate.

But, with the accession of Horatius Cocles, the senate feared that the people would clamor for him as a new king, just as Numa Pompilius, the second king of Rome, was chosen.

Therefore, the Senate did everything to prevent this idea from becoming a reality.

When I told Horatius that, I ended up breaking what was left of Rome's hero.

It was the perfect moment to reach out and welcome someone who would be rightly treasured as the hero that he is in Tordenhus.

Of the twelve Kingsguard pieces, six had been chosen...

Kingsguard 1, the son of the sun, Karna.

Kingsguard 2, the hero born to kill, Achilles.

Kingsguard 3, the first king of mankind, Igris.

Kingsguard 4, the Oni of Gluttony, Yamato.

Kingsguard 5, the magical flower of light, Ihbanna.

And finally, after convincing him...

Kingsguard 6, the savior of Rome, Horatius Cocles.

It was kind of obvious that the hierarchy could change over time, a good example was that I was sure that in the future, after intense training and Viljestyrke's prominence, Yamato could challenge Igris for the position of Kingsguard 3 and win him.

Anyway, after a few years of the foundation of Rome, here I was again, in the middle of the winter solstice, loading my chariot, which was drawn by Tanngrisnir and Tanngnjóstr, for the night that I decided to be the night reserved to help mortals in what I could.

From the legends the einherjar told in the halls of Valhalla, the humans began to call my night of 'blessings' a specific word...


Basically, it was the Christmas they ended up creating and I ended up becoming a kind of Santa Claus... Well, fuck it, I accepted that honor with open arms!

To get into character I made other updates!

"Are you ready Hel?" I asked, turning to my cousin, who was running towards me with a big smile.

Hel was dressed as an elf and was my 'helper' on solstice night, this all started a few years ago when she became interested in the celebration of humans called Júl and told me that she would like to participate too.


I was proudly wearing a completely red version of my standard white outfit, with white wolf fur trimming the sleeves and collar...

And a red hat.

It became my Christmas dress or Júl dress for mortals.

"Cousin! I love these nights, but... Can we go further? There are so many children outside of Midgard, I think they should all be a little happy on this particular night..." said Hel, a little embarrassed.

For a goddess queen of the dead... She has a heart of gold.

... I must protect.

"Perhaps in the future Hel, remember that we do this for fun, but some gods view our actions as…improper," I said.

I still remember what Hermodr said about my Midsummer Night...

'A waste of time! Why don't you go drink, party, fight, or even fuck someone? It's more productive'.

Although I understand, I already did everything he said every day for the rest of the year, I just wanted a 'different' night with something to break the mold and do something different.

"Ah… So where do we start? East of Midgard, close to Jotunheim?" asked Hel, loading the bag full of things into the carriage.

I just hummed back and thought about whether Tordenhus should be visited first.

The Aeolite people were a little too devoted to me...

Now that I think about it, they started studying the stars for some reason.

Hmm... Nah, it shouldn't be a big deal.

- Location: Tordenhus / Home of the Aeolites.

Pov. Third-person.

While Thor prepared for the night of midwinter, the Aeolite city had, like the other mortals of Midgard, adopted this day as Thor's day.

But it was not just that.

"Be prepared men! The time is coming!" someone shouted, wearing armor with gold and red details.

This armored human being was the Warlord and he was on a kind of stage, with a few dozen soldiers in gold and white armor, who were the commanders.

In front of them, an army of hundreds of soldiers, clad in standard armor, different from the Warlord and commanders, roared in response.

"FOR THOR!" roared the army.

It was then that a beautiful woman soon took the stage and stood next to the army leaders.

It was Medusa, who had long moved north when she took on a snake-like demonic form, the form that she got in exchange after asking an ancient goddess for help in finding Thor's whereabouts.

The serpent goddess coincidentally was a goddess who was worshiped by the Aeolites before the arrival of Thor and granted Medusa's wish when she saw her dedication to the Norse god.

As a symbol of bonding, the goddess bestowed Medusa with a 'monster form' to be able to defend herself in lands so far away.

Medusa ended up encountering the Aeolites when she followed a group of Telkines who were gathering resources for the Aeolite army.

For the young Medusa, it was a blessing to meet others with faith in Thor as dogged as her own...

With Medusa's unwavering faith, she soon became the most important high priest of Tordenhus, hailed by the Aeolites as the 'voice' of Thor.

"Aeolites! Today, on the day of our god-king, I come to make a request to you!..." said Medusa, with her voice resounding throughout the area, and reaching the ears of all the Aeolites.

The entire army remained silent, anxiously awaiting the words of someone they considered to be the being that conveyed Thor's 'will'.

"Our savior is not only hailed as a king by us... By his benevolence, we live in a paradise, far from the rest of the putrid and corrupted world, by the beings, we once praised in the past!" said Medusa, screaming in fury.

This yielded roars of fury from the soldiers present there, who vehemently agreed with Medusa's statements, without questioning the reason and just accepting the allegations as if they grew up hearing the same thing from a young age.

"We've never been happier, and for that, we thank our king and god... THOR!" said Medusa, opening her arms.

Another round of roars was made by the army, this time with them shouting in unison...


The cheers were heard for a few more seconds until Medusa was satisfied and made a gesture with one of her hands asking for silence...

The soldiers' screams stopped instantly.

"HOWEVER... There are always those who will judge the worship of our god-king, and our god, by his benevolence and complacency, will do nothing, because a true god should never directly interfere with the choices of mankind... And that is why, as his faithful heralds, we must do a service for our lord!" said Medusa.

The soldiers roared in approval but were silenced again by Medusa, who soon continued with her speech.

"There are several god-kings all over the world! In the land where I came from, before seeing the light of Thor, I prayed and adored him, his name was Zeus... But I was deceived! I was nearly raped and would probably be dead if it weren't for our savior! The god-king of the land I was born from never cared about us, only himself!" said Medusa.

As Medusa ranted about her experience with the Greek pantheon, the soldiers began to tap their swords or spears on their steel shields in constant unison.

"By this I declare, Thor is not a god-king, I refuse to put him on the same level as the SCUM of other gods who consider themselves kings by ruling over other deities! NO! Thor is MORE THAN A MERE KING!" said Medusa, already shouting for her voice to stand out over the noise the soldiers were making.

This time Medusa didn't ask them for silence...

"He is still a god, but above all... HE'S OUR EMPEROR!!!" said Medusa, screaming to the skies.

The soldiers shouted in agreement, and this could be seen by the soldiers' next screams...




The army shouted.

Even the commanders joined the army chorus.

Medusa, seeing the result, can only smile in joy and satisfaction.

It was then that Medusa transformed into her monster form, given by the snake goddess, and grew in size.

The soldiers weren't afraid of her, because from an early age they had already been introduced to the supernatural and were comfortable with going up against a threat without even hesitating.

When Medusa finished her transformation, she said the last words that were heard by the entire Aeolite army, and which would forever be marked as the most important words in the entire speech.

"And soon, may the blood of our enemies serve as water to the ground of this corrupted world, so that the land is cleansed and a new era begins! May their skulls be collected to serve as the foundation for the glorious throne of our god! Remember… THE EMPEROR MUST BE PLEASED!!!" shouted Medusa.

This brought cheers of approval from the army, who began shouting with one voice...


All the soldiers present raised their swords while shouting.

In the future, the world would know the most feared war machine in history.

- Location: Midgard.

Meanwhile, somewhere in the Midgard sky, Thor and Hel had already begun to visit the homes of the mortals who lived in Midgard.

In just a few minutes, they were already halfway through.

"Well, let's see… According to this map of yours, there are thirteen families in the lake ahead," said Hel, as she looked at the map Thor had given her.

Thor hummed in response.

"I seem to remember this lake... In the past, a Grimm had settled in it years ago, I stopped a family of mortals from being devoured just in time. It amazes me that there are still families that chose to live near this particular lake after what happened, I thought some legend would chase them away eventually," said Thor.

What Thor didn't know was that the thirteen families were just some of the descendants of the family that Thor saved long ago, who chose by their own free will to live near the lake because they believed it was a place blessed by Thor.

When they reached the first house, both Thor and Hel got out of the carriage and carried bags full of food and toys for the children.

When they were about to climb into the carriage again, they froze when they heard the door of the house open.

Thor and Hel then turned, and they saw a young girl, no more than seven years old, rubbing her eyes in sleep.

The little girl's eyes soon sparkled with happiness when she looked at Thor, which resulted in the little girl running towards Thor and hugging the thunder god's leg.

Thor froze in response and looked to Hel for help as he pointed to the child clinging to his leg.

Until Thor realized that Hel was hyperventilating and not paying attention to him.

Thor just sighed in defeat and looked back at the little girl.

"Well... You shouldn't be up so late... Care to explain?" asked Thor, as he removed the little girl's embrace and crouched down to approximate the child's height.

The child seemed happy with the question.

"I told everyone about you, what you did for us without asking for anything in return… So I wanted to be the first to say thank you!" said the little girl, with a bright smile, although a few teeth were clearly missing.

Hel was looking at the little girl as if she were made of something precious.

"…Cute," said Hel.

The little girl seemed to remember something and ran into the house, leaving a confused Thor and Hel behind.

When the Norse gods were about to try to leave again, the little girl came running back carrying something in her hands...

When the little girl got close enough to Thor, she bowed in respect and held the object out to Thor.

"Thank you for helping us every winter solstice!" said the little girl.

It was a cup made of wood, carved with patterns of runes, containing some kind of liquid.

It only took Thor one sniff and a closer look at the liquid to immediately discover what it was...

It was mead.

Thor looked at the mead and looked back at the little girl, who was looking at him expectantly. The god of thunder, seeing the glint in the young mortal's eyes, Thor did the only thing he could do...

"Thanks, little one," said Thor, who then drank the mead while patting the little girl on the head.

It was at this point that Hel chose to interfere.

"I think it's time for you to come back darling, your parents must be worried when they realize you are not home," said Hel, with an inviting smile.

The little girl waved and ran back to the house, leaving the Norse deities behind. Hel, knowing Thor's history with mead, soon looked worriedly at her cousin.

"… Do you want me to drive the carriage?" asked Hel, looking worriedly at Thor.

The god of thunder soon laughed a little at Hel's concern but soon replied...

"Relax cousin, it's just some mead, I need more than just that to get me drunk," Thor said nonchalantly.

Thor's body reacted strangely when it came to mead...

If consuming mead in small quantities, Thor's body eliminated the effect of alcohol almost instantly due to the thunder god's fast metabolism.

That's why Thor only got drunk when he ingested more than one barrel of mead, why the god of thunder often ended up turning the barrel at once, making it difficult for the metabolism to process the mead, resulting in a drunken Thor.

But as a barrel has an end, Thor ended up letting his metabolism work in those intervals between one barrel and the next; in the long run, Thor ended up knocked out.

A horn of mead didn't make Thor drunk.


What neither Thor nor Hel expected was that the next houses they ended up visiting left mead for Thor outside the houses, as if offering a kind of tribute for Júl's 'blessings'.

Due to the speed, which Thor wanted to go to end the night, the 'break' between drinks ended up being shortened...

Thor had eventually gotten drunk.

This ended up taking Hel and Thor on an adventure a little further south in the world...

Far to the south.

"... Cousin, I think we're out of Midgard," said Hel, looking down and seeing a completely different terrain of Midgard.

A drunken Thor's sense of direction wasn't the best...

"*hic* Nonsense little queen, we are exactly where I wanted us to be! We're... *hic*... somewhere," said Thor, with a goofy smile and a slightly flushed face.

While the deities spoke, Tanngrisnir and Tanngnjóstr, the goats that ran pulling the chariot, exchanged a worried look, because although they didn't know how to speak, they understood the exchange of words between Thor and Hel.

This exchange of glances between the two goats seemed like a conversation...

{He is crazy, shall we turn the carriage around by force and go home?} was Tanngrisnir's thought, which he transmitted to Tanngnjóstr.

But Tanngnjóstr just stared at Tanngrisnir as if in reality he was the crazy one.

{No thanks, I'd rather live than go against the red fur freak's will, just keep running idiot...} was Tanngnjóstr's reply.

It was then that Hel saw a small group, who formed a kind of caravan, led by three men mounted on three camels, traveling through the lands just below the chariot.

"Cousin, can we ask them for information? Then we can erase their memories so they forget about us" asked Hel, pointing to the humans.

Thor looked at Hel and just shrugged.

"*Hic*... We're not lost," Thor said, grumbling.

The god of thunder soon turned the carriage towards the group of humans, who were soon startled by the apparition and Thor and Hel.

Hel, knowing that it was perhaps the best course of action for her to greet the humans due to her cousin being drunk, was the first to descend from the carriage.

"…Hello," said Hel, nodding shyly.

The group of humans just stared, until some looked at the three men who seemed to be leading the caravan and one of them asked the question that many were apprehensive about...

"My lords, are these the savior's envoys who speak to you?" asked a man, carrying a small trunk.

One of the three leaders responded.

"No… Did any of you get any signs?" asked the older-looking leader.

The other two men denied it.

"Ah... As far as I know, we are not the sign of anything; we just want information on where we are," said Hel.

It was then that the youngest of the leaders spoke as he thought it might be a test of their mission...

"We are going north, we are heading towards Aelia Capitolina, by order of the great one, to meet the king of the Jews and worship him... he's our savior," said the younger leader.

Hel glared at Melichior, until she turned her gaze to Thor.

"Do you know where Aelia Capitolina is?" asked Hel.

Thor just shrugged.

Hel was disappointed and then sighed and made a magic circle that emitted a flash of light, which erased the memory of the humans present.

"... Why don't you make a bigger map, a world map would be more useful," said Hel.

Thor just hummed in response as he enjoyed Hel's humor.

"Don't be like that cousin… *hic*… You're just a bad guide," said Thor.

This brought tears to Hel's eyes.

As soon as Thor realized that Hel was about to cry, he tried to calm her down, as they flew through the sky again and left behind the caravan of mortals who looked around confused by what had happened and where they were.

A few minutes later, a supernatural light on the horizon caught the attention of Thor and Hel, who soon went towards the light to investigate, where they soon realized that it was somewhere in a small human city.

Though common sense was to just walk away, Thor and Hel were curious as to what the pillar of light meant, moreover, Thor was unconcerned that this was technically the territory of the Greco-Roman gods.

Thor and Hel cloaked themselves in magic, masking their presence from the humans as soon as they realized the light was coming from a simple stable.

When Thor and Hel peered inside, they saw a sight quite...unique.

A man and a woman, surrounded by some animals were there, facing a small manger.

Hel was immediately nervous.

"… Do you think we are interrupting something, cousin?" asked Hel.

But she didn't get an answer.

"... Cousin?" asked Hel, calling out to Thor and looking to her side, expecting to find the red-robed figure.

Only to find nothing, and that made Hel even more nervous, resulting in the goddess of the dead looking around for Thor...

Until a familiar noise coming from inside the stable caught Hel's attention.

"*Hic*... Hello! You guys picked a pretty shitty place to leave a baby, huh? You should notify the guardianship council! *Hic* Whoops, that doesn't exist... My bad *Hic*, you're going to forget what I said".

Hel then quickly opened the stable door as she felt her cousin using magic. As soon as Hel opened the door, she saw Thor in front of the man and woman from before, who now had a dazed look on their faces, as if they were hypnotized.

Hel saw Thor holding a glowing baby in his arms.

"... Let's see *hic*... Would it be too bad to give you an axe?" Thor asked.

The baby, oddly enough, was silent and just stared at Thor with a confused look.

It was then that light appeared in the stable and dazzled everyone's vision in it...

When the light faded, in front of Thor were two angels...

Gabriel, the most beautiful woman in heaven.

Michael, the sword of god.

"... Please, drop him!" said Gabriel, screaming in fear.

Thor just stared at Gabriel briefly, before snorting in response.

"...*Hic*...Try me, pigeon. Also, the little one seems to like me *hic*" Thor said, cradling the baby in just one arm as he smiled defiantly at Gabriel.

Michael soon frowned and took a step forward, until a skeleton hand grabbed the leg of the angel known as the 'sword of god'.

"Don't you dare," said a dark voice.

It was Hel.

Although the queen of the dead of the Nordic underworld was considered childish, she was still the 'queen of the underworld'.

Michael looked down at his skeleton hand and flexed some holy energy, breaking Hel's control, and surprising the underworld goddess a little.

"… We don't need to act so rashly, my sister just wants her father's choice to be safe. When we feel a strange power here, we come immediately, but we don't seek conflict," said Michael, with a calm look.

As Michael spoke, Thor just looked curiously at Michael's wings...

Thor suddenly took on a dark look.

"*Hic* Golden Wings... Tell me, have you been to the north?" asked Thor, placing the baby in the manger, as he took a kind of pacifier from the bag he carried during Midsummer Night and placed it in the baby's mouth.

Michael was confused by the question but relieved that Thor had placed the baby back in the manger, and now the 'sword of God' would try to safely pull Thor and Hel away from the nearby humans.

"Yes, but it was a long time ago and it was only once that I went north... I don't see why –" said Michael, until he was interrupted.

"*Hic*... So you're the golden pigeon that invaded my lands, hmm?" Thor asked innocently.

As Thor asked the question, the two angels and Hel noticed that Thor began to summon some divine power, creating lightning that began to surge around the thunder god's body, in addition to cracking his knuckles.

Michael, realizing the dangerous situation for humans, still tried to talk, but now in a more careful way...

"... I had no knowledge that your lands were that place. May we settle this matter peacefully?" Michael asked.

Thor then blinked and remained silent for just a few seconds, until he cracked a smile and replied...

"*Hic*…Sure, let's settle this through dialogue," said Thor.

This caused relief to spread through the stable, for Gabriel had worried that there would be a conflict, and Hel didn't like to fight.

But a thought crossed Hel's mind soon...

Her beloved cousin was drunk and he, the DRUNK THOR, offered peace?

Hel soon realized the truth when saw Thor, still smiling, drew Mjolnir which was attached to his golden belt, megingjord, and started walking towards Michael.

The angels, noticing Thor's actions, soon grew nervous.

"... I thought we would solve it through peaceful dialogue?" Michael asked.

"Well *Hic*… And let's settle it through dialogue… Here's my 'dialogue', golden pigeon," Thor said, lifting Mjolnir.

Michael and Gabriel soon created weapons made of holy light as soon as Thor got close enough, realizing that the god of thunder will go on a rampage.

Hel was hyperventilating again and started biting her nails.

Lightning surged through Thor's body, dancing in time with the thunder god's heavy steps.

"*Hic* Now... Do you want to see how calm and reasonable I am in 'dialogue'?" asked Thor.


Well, that's all, folks!

Hope you enjoyed the chapter, peasants!

Yes, I made the Aeolites a kind of Space Marines (WH 40k), so expect a bit... Extreme dedication.

I wish you all a Merry Christmas!

The next chapter will definitely be out on Saturday as I'll be traveling to meet up with the rest of my family for New Year's Eve!

The next chapter will be the last chapter of Volume 1!

And next day, January 1st, after posting the last chapter of Vol.1 of this fanfic, I will post the first chapter of my fanfic 'Son of Agni', which depending on the feedback I will continue or discard.

Until the next time!

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