Reborn as Thor!

Chapter 75

Chapter 75: Survival...

Yes, I'm alive!

I'll explain my situation at the end of the chapter, so read the 3k words calmly, I'll be working on the new chapter of 'Son of Agni' later today.

Here's the new chapter!

*Any image in this chapter does not belong to me! Belongs to their respective artists/creators!

Without further ado, enjoy the chapter, peasants!


Location: Asgard / Main Palace.

Pov. Thor.

Having a second wife was definitely not in my plans. While it may be the dream of other men to have a harem, I didn't care much for it as I lived with the 'flow'.

Though I wanted to call it off, Jarnsáxa explained to me that our marriage would serve to appease future generations of gods and Jotuns, given that I was now technically a kind of Jotun king.

After thinking about the pros and cons I decided to stay married.

This brings me to another point in particular...

"You knew this was going to happen, didn't you?" I asked.

I was asking this question to my old man, who I held by the collar as he sweated nervously.

There was no way in hell he didn't see this coming.

"Depends on what you mean," said Odin. josei

I soon felt a pop vein and in response, I shook my old man violently.

"You know very well what I mean!" I said.

It was then that I felt something trapping my arm, when I looked closer I saw some kind of golden rope.

I soon looked at the origin and was a little surprised when I recognized the silver hair and blue eyes.

"Oh? Little Göndul, is that you? You grow up!" I said, giving a small smile.

"Good to see you again, my prince... But please release the all-father!" said Göndul, frowning.

She seems to have become more courageous over the years, as she seems not to be afraid of me like the others.

I then looked around the room at the other Valkyries, who had also cast a magic rope spell to trap me, but it turned out to be useless.

Göndul was the only one close to me.

Anyway, although I wanted to tease the younger Valkyrie at the time, I soon looked at why I wasn't in Asgard, lying in bed with my wife...


"Let's be clear, you know damn well I don't like to be left in the dark, I thought you learned that earlier, you should have told me this 'marriage' was likely to happen!" I said.

"But I don't understand why you are so angry! You have two wives and you will live alone with them, sleeping in the same bed! Do you know what I had to do to your mother to get her to forgive me for my adventures?! I guarantee you I couldn't sit down properly for weeks!" said Odin.

... To sit?

No! I won't think about it!

I soon became even more irritated with my old man.

"You're not the one who has to explain a surprise wedding to a pregnant wife!" I said.

I froze...

Oh no.

Pov. Third person.

"Wait… is Sif pregnant?" asked Odin.

Thor closed his eyes in resignation.

"…Yes," said Thor.

Odin didn't seem to understand Thor's change of mood until a knowing gleam flickered in the King of Asgard's eye.

"... You didn't tell your mother, did you?" asked Odin, who seemed to be afraid of the answer.

Thor then placed Odin on the ground and heaved a defeated sigh.

"…No," said Thor, whispering only so Odin could hear the answer.

This got a reaction from Odin...


"You're going to tell her this very moment! The last time you introduced that grown-up dragon grandson to her, she did that thing that sends shivers down my spine! I still have nightmares!" said Odin.

"And you think I don't remember?! You weren't the recipient of the pain, I was!" said Thor.

Odin looked indignant.

"I was still the target, it's uncomfortable! Also, I must remind you that your mother is possibly the only existence in Asgard who can make you feel pain, the last time you disobeyed her she used me as a punching bag and you felt my pain! So, as my advice, go and warn her!" said Odin.

Thor wanted to reply but soon sighed in defeat, admitting that he now had to speak with Frigg before returning to Midgard.

It was then that Thor turned his back on Odin and looked like he was about to leave the room, which caused Odin and the Valkyries present to heave a sigh of relief...

Until Thor quickly turned and punched Odin in the face, knocking out some of the King of Asgard's teeth in the process.

This elicited a surprised scream from the Valkyries as they saw Odin knocked out on the ground.

Thor looked at Odin's limp body and snorted in amusement in response.

"You might consider marriage, but can't you consider this?... For someone who sacrificed an eye for wisdom, you should sacrifice the other for more prudence," said Thor.

The god of thunder then left the room, while the Valkyries rushed to check on King Odin who was knocked unconscious on the ground.

As soon as Thor opened the door to the throne room, he ran into someone...

"Hello, my little boy. Apparently, the mission your father gave you wasn't that complicated, he didn't give me the details, he just told me that you would solve it definitively... Shall we catch up on our conversation? How is Sif?"

His mother.

At Firgg's question, Thor swallowed hard.

"Mother… I think you'll need to sit down first," said Thor.

Frigg looked at Thor in confusion, though he soon guided her son to a place where they could talk alone.

- Location: Midgard / Thor's house.

While Thor was updating his mother on how his private life was going; Sif, at the moment, was surprisingly home alone.

"Frankly, Fenrir just saw a wolf, and run off like the horny dog ​​he is… What a fine guard dog you are, Fenrir," Sif said, grumbling, as she made dinner for herself and Thor.

Hel was not present, as the queen of the Nordic underworld had to solve a small problem in the underworld; apparently, Nidhogg and Hræsvelgr were about to start a fight, and Hel believed that the culprit was Ratatosk... Again.

That's why the goddess of the dead would possibly not have dinner with them today.

While Sif was finishing her dinner she heard something...

Or rather... She felt something.

The ground began to shake in a rhythm as if it were...


Sif frowned and started to mutter as she headed towards the front door.

"I already told Nanna, no Jotun form when approaching the house, we have glass objects at home..."

It was at the same moment that the tremors stopped at the same time that Sif opened the door...

As soon as Sif looked out she got a little surprise.

"… The fuck?" said Sif, widening her eyes.

In front of her was an unknown Jotun.

It was Jarnsaxa.

The Jotun's queen seemed to notice Sif's presence and crouched down closer to Thor's wife.

"Hello little one, can you tell me if this is Thor's abode?" asked Járnsaxa, politely.

Although Sif was a little taken aback by Jotun's approachability and politeness, she soon noticed one thing in particular in Jotun's speech.

A word she didn't like.

Call her hypocritical or childish, but even if Thor was considered tall by divine standards...

Sif definitely didn't like being called 'little one'.

"Now wait a fucking second! Listen here, ice tittys, I may have dwarf blood, but just know I'm average height!" said Sif, a vein popping on her forehead.

This angered Járnsaxa.

"A half-blood with diluted dwarf blood, huh... Easy to get on your nerves over something so simple, you're just living up to the dwarves' reputation for being rude and short-tempered," Járnsaxa said, standing up and crossing her arms, while raise an eyebrow in amusement.

Járnsaxa's comment only served to make Sif's dwarven blood boil...

Thor's wife then pointed a wooden spoon at the Jotun.

"I'm being polite, you want to see me rude?… Why don't you get off my fucking lawn and go shit ice somewhere else and make a snowman out of your shit?!" asked Sif, shouting at the Jotun.

A vein could be seen bursting on Járnsaxa's forehead, but the queen soon closed her eyes and took long breaths to calm herself.

"Just… Tell me if Thor lives here," said Járnsaxa, putting a hand to her face and waiting for Sif to respond politely.

Sif soon put the wooden spoon down, but still raised a suspicious eyebrow at Jotun's question.

"You can be damn sure he does live here… Why? What the fuck do you want with my husband?" asked Sif.

When Járnsaxa heard the last part, she immediately gave a mysterious smile.

"Oh?~... So you're Sif~?" asked Járnsaxa, with interest.

Sif looked confused, though she was wary of Járnsaxa's reaction.

"If I say yes, then what? Have you come to collect the blood spilled from your race by my husband centuries ago? If so, I have to say you don't know how to lose, you ice fuckers," Sif said, crossing her arms in defiance.

Járnsaxa brushed off the insult and just looked amused, which confused Sif even more.

"No... It would not be appropriate for me to treat my sister that way" said Járnsaxa, with a mysterious smile.

Sif raised an eyebrow in amusement.

"Have you ever looked in the mirror? I don't remember seeing your blue ass coming out of my mother, nor do I remember my parents adopting a woman with tits bigger than our house," Sif said.

Járnsaxa's brow twitched, but the Jotun Queen's smile widened.

"Dwarven rudeness... But, I meant we are sister wives" said Járnsaxa.

Sif looked at the Jotun expressionlessly as if she didn't understand the statement for the first time...

But it only took a few seconds for Sif to finally understand what Járnsaxa meant.

"…When I told him to get another woman, I didn't expect it to be one where he needs to use his entire body to fuck," Sif said, wide-eyed.

Járnsaxa blushed at Sif's statement.

"I have a shrinking amulet, you perverted dwarf!" said Jarnsaxa.

That changed Sif's mood again.

"I'm not a dwarf!... Only part dwarf! I only have ¼ dwarf blood!" screamed Sif.

"Still a dwarf from up here!" said Járnsaxa, emphasizing that she was taller because she was a Jotun.

"Anyone is a dwarf in the eyes of a Jotun!" said Sif.

Queen Jotun then sighed in weariness and then gave Sif a frank look.

"Can I come in and talk? I promise to explain everything" said Járnsaxa.

Although Sif still wanted to continue the verbal violence, she wanted answers after hearing Járnsaxa's statements.

"... Fine, ice tittys, you can come in," said Sif, entering the house again.

As Sif invited Járnsaxa inside and Thor explained to his mother what happened...

In what would later be called the Middle East, a small problem escalated into a crisis of unprecedented proportions.

- Location: Future Middle East.

In the sea, what would later be called the Arabian Sea, someone was fighting for his life...

Enki, Anunnaki's god of water, was initially hunting the fugitive existence that caused trouble in Babylon by destroying the most important temple of his pantheon, the Etemenanki, and going on a rampage on the city.

But what he didn't count on was the growing power of this existence, which was starting to become a problem for him.


Explosions took place in the ocean, where it created giant waves, although there was no storm.

A figure glided through the water while firing high-pressure jets at another figure flying in the sky...

Enki was the one who glided through the water, he found the being responsible for the destruction of Etemenanki and confronted him... only to bring him to a place far from humans when he realized that the being was stronger than he expected.

The figure flying in the sky was a man with golden hair, one arm missing, and black fire in most of his body, he flew quickly towards Enki, not caring when the pressurized jets of water cut his body because he soon became regenerated.

Enki gritted his teeth and allowed himself to be submerged in the water, narrowly escaping the impending collision.


A huge shock wave caused the water to rise rapidly and cause violent waves, a few seconds later the golden-haired figure looked around the ocean looking for any sign of Enki as he realized that Enki had dived under.

It was then that a whirlpool started to form where the golden-haired figure was.

The figure seemed unaffected by the whirlpool, but when he saw that in the center, right at the bottom of the ocean that it was Enki who was creating the whirlpool, he soon plunged into the whirlpool in search of reaching the Sumerian god of water.

It was then that pressurized jets of water came out from the sides of the whirlpool and cut the long golden-haired figure again, while it rotated as if it were some kind of hacksaw, the figure still didn't care and just reached out and shot an energy sphere at towards Enki, who widened his eyes in surprise and tried to resist the coming pain.

A new explosion was created at the bottom of the sea, nullifying the eddy and causing an energy dome in the sea.

When the explosion dissipated a figure emerged from the sea.

It was Enki, missing his right arm and sorely wounded, with burns along his skin, including one on his face, on the right side, that made it impossible for the god to see again with his right eye.

Enki's right leg was also a little burned, but the Anunnaki water god soon scrambled to his feet, gritting his teeth at the pain.

"Ugh… What is this thing? No matter what I do, this thing keeps adapting, plus it has an insane healing factor," said Enki, grumbling.

The Anunnaki water god soon looked at his missing right arm and soon used his left arm to bend ocean water, taking the shape of an arm.

It was then that Enki felt the ocean below him moving...

The Anunnaki water god soon jumped, dodging just in time for an arm made of black fire to come out of the water trying to grab him.

The long golden-haired figure then slowly emerged from the water, Enki only gave a resigned sigh when he noticed that the figure was unharmed.

The Anunnaki knew that his chances were gradually diminishing and so he soon rose to his feet, ready to fight for his life. As well as taking responsibility as an Anunnaki god, protecting the other gods and humans of Sumerian territory from any enemy.

"… To think that I would meet someone so insanely strong that it reminds me of the days of Enûma Eliš, while facing Abzu..." said Enki, assuming a combat stance.

The golden-haired figure cocked its head, as if confused by what Enki was saying and doing, but then narrowed its eyes and quickly flew towards the Anunnaki god.

It was then that time seemed to freeze when Enki and the golden-haired figure were close to each other, a tornado was quickly created from the sky and violently fell into the sea, right between Enki and the golden-haired figure.

It was then that something else happened, just as the tornado dissipated, the golden-haired figure was cut into several pieces by blades of wind that retaliated against anything in front, turning the golden-haired figure into just a floating pool of blood and flesh at the sea.

It was then that the origin of the cyclone and the blades of wind came to be recognized by Enki...

It was Enlil, his brother, and former Anunnaki leader.

"It's about time, brother... What is it? Got lost again?" asked Enki, amused despite his injuries.

Enlil did not even look at Enki.

"... Go heal yourself... It's not over yet," said Enlil, narrowing his eyes as he saw the blood and flesh in the water begin to move.

The flesh and blood floating in the water then started to come together and reshape the golden-haired man's body quickly in just a few seconds. This time, the man's eyes began to glow and soon his body was enveloped in black and crimson energy.

When the energy dissipated the man had physically changed, now he had a new right arm made of flesh, not black fire, along with black tattoos.

Enlil and Enki raised their eyebrows in confusion, but soon Enlil's instincts screamed and the Anunnaki sky god created a sword made of wind and swung it horizontally...

Just in time to split the arm of the golden-haired man who had teleported to Enlil in half.

Enki widened his eyes at the enemy's new speed, but soon regained his composure and created a sort of pillar of water, which hit the golden-haired man and sent him flying away.

"Concentrate, Enki! He is coming back!" said Enlil, shouting to his brother, as he assumed a fighting stance.

The golden-haired man soon reappeared next to the brothers, he had no visible wounds from the Anunnaki brothers' previous attacks, which made Enki stare at him in horror.

"In all my years, I've never seen a healing speed of this level, that's... Instantaneous regeneration," said Enki, whispering in contemplation.

Enki's thoughts were soon interrupted by the golden-haired man, who created a sphere of energy that took the form of a sword similar to Enlil's and assumed a fighting stance similar to the Anunnaki god of the sky, which left Enki's brother surprised.

"Is he... Learning?" asked Enlil.

It was then that the golden-haired man swung the new sword, creating a wave of energy that flew towards the twin Anunnaki gods.

The stronger twin brothers then summoned each other's divine power, of the nature of water and wind, creating a kind of dome to defend against the attack.

As the energy wave collided with the dome, an explosion that could be seen from the coast of Anunnaki territory occurred.

This was no longer a battle for divine retribution... It was a battle for divine survival.

- Location: Underworld / Stolas Castle.

Other beings thought that Stolas was complicated.

After all, he was one of the devils who held the rank of 'Prince' of Hell, in addition to being the most 'intelligent' devil and commander of twenty-six legions of Lucifer's army, he must have been someone with a peculiar personality.


Stolas was a simple person.

He liked to 'study' things.

So a 'business partner' was of great use to him.

At this very moment, in a kind of laboratory, full of papers and glass organs, Stolas was sitting in a chair, reading the notes he made on paper and comparing them with other records.

Not far from Stolas was an operating table...

With the body of a giant woman, with animalistic features, dissected.

Stolas didn't even look up and speak.

"Greetings, friend, though your return has been long awaited, I see you are here sooner than I expected," said Stolas.

For a few seconds, nothing happened.

Until green particles of dust began to dissipate and revealed the guest...


"... Sadistic devil, I see you are as absorbed in your hobby as ever..." said Loki, glancing briefly at the operating table occupied by the dead body.

Stolas looked up from the paper and smiled.

"Ah... Just a specimen that another associate gave to me, he told me that the species name was Lestrigones and they originate from an island next to some human empire, it is a specimen currently in extinction" said Stolas.

Loki grimaced.

"... Douma Valefor," said Loki, with a tone of disgust.

Stolas smiled.

"Indeed. Although he is not very discreet about wild eating habits, he is useful in specimen collection, I have a record of almost every supernatural creature in the world thanks to him," said Stolas, rising from the table.

"I don't have time to discuss the usefulness of you devils, I came here with only one purpose and I want it fast; after all, I left Midgard with an illusion of mine... First of all, where is my part of our agreement?" asked Loki.

Stolas remained unperturbed, but soon opened a desk drawer and took out something, and handed it to Loki.

A whistle.

Loki just raised a questioning eyebrow.

"... This wasn't what I asked for," said Loki.

Stolas just laughed at Loki's lack of faith.

"Don't be like that, the whistle serves to call him from the Familiar's Forest; after all, the biggest dragon in the world needed space, even if it's just a clone made from a mere scale" said Stolas.

Loki just picked up the whistle and then snapped his fingers.

It was then that the Norse god created a magic circle that summoned something...

A wolf that looked scared.

Loki then lightly touched the wolf's forehead and then the canid mammal soon glowed in response, when the glow dimmed the wolf had transformed into a human woman.

"What?! What is this?! Where am I? Who-..." said the woman, until Loki interrupted her by putting her to sleep.

Loi then looked at Stolas, who was looking at the woman in confusion.

"… A human? This was the first species I recorded... Why did you bring it?" asked Stolas.

Loki just pointed to an area near the woman's stomach.

"I don't care about the human… Just make sure whatever's inside her is alive and they are born healthy and assure me that they will obey me no matter what I order, just like you did with my other son's clone, Jormungand" said Loki.

Stolas understood and then extended his hand to the knocked-out woman, using his unique skill the floor began to change and shape itself, creating a kind of table, where the woman was now lying.

"I'll do as you asked..." said Stolas, nodding slightly.

Loki then turned and started to leave the room, but not before Stolas spoke one last sentence.

"You know... Maybe you should thank Douma, after all, it was thanks to the business transaction between the two of you that you had the opportunity to meet me" said Stolas.

Loki stopped and turned slightly towards the alchemist devil.

The Norse god had a dangerous glint in his eye, but Stolas didn't seem intimidated.

"Beware what you say, filthy bat... Though you were the easiest to contact, I can get another one to do what I want for me," said Loki.

Stolas lost his smile.

"... The same goes for you... I haven't had a Jotun on my dissecting table yet..." said Stolas.

If it were possible, the temperature in the room dropped dramatically.

"… Are you threatening me?" asked Loki, rhetorically.

Stolas and Loki just stared at each other, until the devil with the rank 'Prince' of Hell smiled again.

"No… I would never harm a prospective customer or business partner," said Stolas.

Loki just frowned and then left the room, but as soon as the Norse god left Stolas stopped smiling again.

"... However, customers come and go depending on demand and supply, while partnerships... It always ends when the interest of one diverges from the other" said Stolas, with a somber tone.


Well, that and all, peasants!

Hope you enjoyed the chapter, peasants!

Sorry for the delay in posting, unfortunately, due to my private life, I had to leave Webnovel for a while.

Although I value my privacy, it bothers me that I promise to deliver something on a certain day and deliver it much later without explaining why, this goes against my deadlines policy.

In simple terms, someone very important to me had some problems and I had to quit almost everything except my job to help her...

Advice to anyone: avoid living in a rented house if you are not someone who knows you won't be spending a lot of time there, as you may be asked to leave at any time and, within the parameters of my country's law, you have 30 days to leave the property.

Tip: You can use left, right, A and D keyboard keys to browse between chapters.