Reborn Girl's New Life

Chapter 540 - It Was Fine to Be A Substitute

Chapter 540 - It Was Fine to Be A Substitute

Chapter 540 It Was Fine to Be A Substitute

Ding Ali had been quite nervous.

It was soon after she met with Shao Tianze that she received a call from Su Fei saying that Gu Changle wanted to see her.

It made her frightened. After granting Su Fei’s request, Ding Ali could not help calling Song Yunxuan after checking her contact list over and over again.

Song Yunxuan just saw Su Mier off, and then she heard a strange call.

After thinking for a while, she remembered it was Ding Ali’s number.

She answered the phone with some interest. Ding Ali heard her voice and said, “Miss Song.”


Song Yunxuan called Ali’s name without any greetings.

Ali answered on the phone. Song Yunxuan sensed some embarrassment from her tone.

Song Yunxuan was brilliant. She knew that Ding Ali, who had been convinced by her, would not call her for help easily unless she was in trouble.

So she asked Ali, “Ali, what’s the matter?”

Being asked, Ding Ali said, “I saw Shao Tianze today.”

Song Yunxuan smiled, “Really?”


“Well then?”

“I wanted to interview Shao Tianze, but he refused all the interviews.”

Song Yunxuan comforted her, “Don’t worry. You will have a chance to interview Shao Tianze alone soon.”

“Really?” Hearing this word, Ding Ali got so excited.

Song Yunxuan nodded, “Yes.”

After all, Ding Ali looked very similar to Gu Changge. With this face, Ding Ali could easily attract Shao Tianze’s attention, coming out on top of those ordinary journalists.

The reason why Shao Tianze did not accept Ding Ali’s interview in public was probably that he wanted to see Ding Ali privately.

Otherwise, Gu Changle would have been jealous if she had found that Shao Tianze got in touch with a woman who looked like his former wife.

Song Yunxuan was clear in her heart, while Ding Ali could not think it out.

However, Ding Ali felt relieved when she heard Song Yunxuan’s words.

Then something occurred to Ding Ali’s mind. She said suddenly, “Gu Changle wants to see me. Has she known my acquaintance with Shao Tianze?”

Song Yunxuan hesitated before she asked, “Are you scared?”

“I...”Ding Ali didn’t know what to say.

Of course Ding Ali was scared. She had been of great confidence before, but it was just at the beginning.

After hearing Song Yunxuan’s words and knowing that Song Yunjia was forced into a corner by Gu Changle, of course she was frightened now.

Ding Ali did not speak, but Song Yunxuan knew that she was scared.

Song Yunxuan comforted her immediately, “Don’t worry about it. You can just go to see her.”


Song Yunxuan did not hear from Xiao Hong. Therefore, she ensured that Gu Changle did not know Ding Ali had met Shao Tianze.

Besides, Ding Ali was to interview Shao Tianze, but Shao Tianze rejected her, which prevented Ding Ali from appearing in the media with him.

It was a protection for Ding Ali in disguise.

Although Ding Ali felt anxious, she still needed to see Gu Changle.

Ding Ali dallied about until the agreed time. She reluctantly went to the Mingzhu Hotel to meet Gu Changle.

Seeing Ding Ali, Gu Changle frowned, “You should take care of yourself these days. The sooner you start the surrogacy, the better it will be.”

Ding Ali nodded docilely, “I will take care of myself.”

Gu Changle was satisfied. Looking at Ding Ali, she asked her again, “Are you working in the editorial department of a magazine?”

“Yes.” Ding Ali answered.

Gu Changle lowered her eyes. After thinking for a while, she asked, “Do you usually go out to do interviews?”

Being asked, Ding Ali’s expression changed. She said with embarrassment, “Sometimes.”

Gu Changle frowned. She was very dissatisfied.

Then, she took out a bank card from her purse and handed it to Ding Ali. “This is a bank card with 100 thousand in it. The password is six ones. You keep it and quit your job at the magazine.”

Ding Ali saw the bank card. Frowning, she hesitated whether to accept it.

Gu Changle raised her hand. Narrowing her eyes, she asked, “Well, don’t you want it?”

“I really need a long-term and stable job. My current job just meets all my requirements. It is very stable.”

Hearing Ding Ali’s words, Gu Changle knew that she was dissatisfied with the amount. Gu Changle nodded and took out another card from her purse. “Here’s 500 thousand. Can you quit your job now?”

Hearing this, Ding Ali stretched her brows and accepted the card. She nodded, “I’ll quit the job tomorrow. Miss Gu, don’t worry. I’ll take care of myself at home.”

Gu Changle nodded, “Okay.”

“Miss Gu, if you don’t have anything else, I’ll go back first.”

Seeing Gu Changle nod, Ding Ali went back happily.

Ding Ali did not know that Gu Changle cursed her after watching her leaving, “A greedy b*tch.”

Instead of 100 thousand, 500 thousand could make her quit the job immediately. Such a woman could be bought by money.

Fortunately, at least this kind of money-greedy woman was easy to handle.

It wouldn’t have been so easy to handle if she had not been greedy without any demerits.

People like Gu Changge had nearly no weakness in her life.

Coming from a good family, she was rich, capable, and scheming.

However, Gu Changge was deceived by Shao Tianze and died in the end.

Thinking of this, Gu Changle felt relieved.

Although she could not give birth to a baby, at least, she defeated Gu Changge.

Gu Changge had been dead no matter how capable she was, hadn’t she?

One had nothing once he or she died.


After getting the bank card, Ding Ali could not help smiling and kissing the card.

Someone holding a camera gently pressed the shutter and took a picture of Ding Ali kissing the bank card.

Ding Ali looked at the card. She was thrilled inside.

With this 500 thousand, she could dress her up well and find a good house to live a better life and take good care of herself.

Then she could try her best to get Shao Tianze’s love.

As long as she could get Shao Tianze’s love and Song Yunxuan’s support in her later life, she was possible to defeat Gu Changle.

Song Yunxuan raised the car window. She did not watch Ding Ali who was leaving Mingzhu Hotel happily but fixed her eyes on Mei Qi, who was sitting in the driver’s seat.

“Well, how is everything going on with Miss Su Mier?”

Song Yunxuan said jocularly.

Mei Qi looked at her from the rear-view mirror. He smiled, “Not bad.”

“Well?” Song Yunxuan felt weird. “Is she your type?”

Mei Qi shook his head, “No, but she can be a friend.”

Song Yunxuan nodded. She agreed with Mei Qi’s words.

One friend meant one more way. It was the relationship rule in the business circle.

Su Mier was a worthy friend.


The only thing they needed to do was waiting quietly.

Song Yunxuan knew clearly what she was waiting for.

Gu Changle also knew her purpose.

Only Ding Ali, who was waiting for Shao Tianze’s exclusive interview, could not keep calm and become fidgety.

She called Song Yunxuan many times, asking her why Shao Tianze had not mentioned the exclusive interview so far.

Receiving Ding Ali’s call, Song Yunxuan talked with her gently.

“It is just the first day. Be patient. The people in the Shao enterprise need to sort out the meeting content before Shao Tianze’s exclusive interview. Being anxious is no good for you. What you can do is to adjust your emotions and to meet Shao Tianze in your best condition. Do you understand?”

Ding Ali answered, “Okay.”

Therefore, Ding Ali contained her maniac feelings and waited for another day.

However, Gu Changle learned that Ding Ali did not resign the next day. She called and questioned Ding Ali why she had not resigned.

Ding Ali hemmed and hawed. Gu Changle started to press her coldly, “Ali, you have taken my money. If you don’t want to quit your job, you won’t have to do the surrogacy.”

Ding Ali got worried. She stated immediately, “Miss Changle, please don’t get mad. I haven’t finished my last interview. I will quit once I finish it. Miss Changle, give me one more day, please.”

Gu Changle pursed her lips and said, “You must quit your job tomorrow. Besides, I have arranged a house for you. Move in after you resigned.”

Ding Ali did not look good.

She had thought that she would have more freedom after her resignation. However, it seemed that Gu Changle wanted to control her completely.

Ding Ali hesitated, while Gu Changle was tough and she did not plan to ask for Ding Ali’s advice.

“I will have you picked up tomorrow.”

“Miss Changle, I...”


Gu Changle hung up before Ding Ali finished her words.

Ding Ali pursed her lips. Frowning tightly, she planned to discuss with Song Yunxuan again.

At this moment, the chief editor came over with a smile and called her, “Ali.”

Hearing someone calling,

Ding Ali cheered up immediately, “Chief, yes?”

The chief editor put the interview manuscript on her desk and then said, “There’s an exclusive interview with Shao’s chairman, Shao Tianze. You are named. Be prepared. It’s in this afternoon.”

Hearing this, Ding Ali smiled immediately, “Okay, I’ll prepare it now.”

Finally, she could see Shao Tianze today.

With her face and Shao Tianze’s sense of loss after his wife’s death, Ding Ali believed that she would definitely gain Shao Tianze’s love.

It was fine for Ding Ali to be a substitute for Shao Tianze’s dead wife as long as Shao Tianze could love her and raise her.

After all, that was the life of the rich.josei

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