Reborn Girl's New Life

Chapter 675 - Dead Men Cant Tell

Chapter 675 - Dead Men Cant Tell

Chapter 675 Dead Men Can’t Tell

Xia Binger’s escape naturally drew everyone’s attention.

While the dean was wondering what happened, Song Yunxuan frowned and rushed out to chase Xia Binger.

Mr. and Mrs. Chu took few quick steps to the door and rushed out of the dean’s office.

The bodyguards of the Chu Family who had been guarding at the door felt strange when they saw Xia Binger rushed out, asking Mr. Chu, “Mr. Chu, what happened?”

“Get Xia Binger back!”

Mr. Chu snapped.

Hearing that, the bodyguards immediately went after Xia Binger.

Xia Binger felt scared. Though Mr. and Mrs. Chu were nice to her when she went to the Chu Family with the fake news to kick up a fuss, it was because they thought she really had Chu Mochen’s child.

But now things had been brought to light. She would probably suffer no matter she fell into the hands of Song Yunxuan or the Chu Family if she did not run away now.

But fortunately, she had asked Shao Tianze to send someone to pick her up at the back door of the hospital.

Xia Binger quickly punched the button to open the lift and repeatedly pressed the button inside to close the lift. Inside the lift, there were other patients and their families.

Seeing the beads of sweat on Xia Binger’s forehead, they all knitted their brows, wondering what happened to her.

Xia Binger frowned, clenching her fists. No sooner had the door of the lift opened than she rushed out of the lift.

The people who had been shouldered aside hissed, “Hey! What’s the rush?”

If it had been in normal times, Xia Binger would have surely quarreled with the person. But things were different, now she had no time to lose.

She had no time to wrangle with others.

People in the lift walked out one after another.

Meanwhile, Xia Binger walked quickly to the back door of the hospital.

But just as she got out of the glass door of the hospital, she saw a black car racing towards her.

Recalling that she had seen this car when talking with Shao Tianze, Xia Binger knew it was the car that Shao Tianze sent over to pick her up. Thus she waved her hand, shouting, “Here! Here!”

When the driver saw Xia Binger, he accelerated, driving towards Xia Binger. josei

Suddenly, there came a screech of brakes.

When Song Yunxuan and Chu Family’s bodyguards rushed out to see what happened, Xia Binger was lying in a pool of blood.

When the passers-by who were in the lift with Xia Binger saw that she was lying in a pool of blood, they gazed at her slack-jawed, saying, “She was really in the rush... to another world.”

Song Yunxuan knitted her brows. Meanwhile, the onlookers were whispering to each another.

After getting the message, the doctors in the hospital rushed out to check on Xia Binger.

Some onlookers were calling the police while others watched Xia Binger in horror.

When Mr. and Mrs. Chu arrived, they also frowned when seeing that Xia Binger was twisted and lying still on the ground with her face full of blood and her eyes open.

Mrs. Chu covered her mouth with her hand, “How come things became like this?”

Though Song Yunxuan and Mr. Chu knew why, neither of them answered Mrs. Chu’s question.

When Mei Qi knew what happened in the hospital, he put the kid into the car and drove over.

When seeing Xia Binger, Mei Qi asked Song Yunxuan seriously, “She died, right?”

Song Yunxuan frowned. Then she walked over to Xia Binger, touched her nose, and drew back her hand.


“Who did it?” Mei Qi asked.

Song Yunxuan wiped her finger with the handkerchief Mei Qi handed over, replying, “Who else could it be?”

After that, she directly threw the white handkerchief into a dustbin nearby.

She thought it was unlucky to keep such things.

Seeing that Song Yunxuan touched Xia Binger on the nose, Mr. and Mrs. Chu also walked over and cast a glance at Xia Binger’s body.

Mrs. Chu said, “It’s....”

“Mrs. Chu, Xia Binger has died. The clue could not be followed up.”

“I know the score.”

Mr. Chu said.

Song Yunxuan nodded, saying, “In that case, I’ll stay out of it.”

Mr. Chu nodded, replying, “You must be tired. Go home and leave it to our family.”

Song Yunxuan took a look at Xia Binger’s twisted body, lowering her eyes, “OK. See you, Mr. Chu.”

She didn’t want to stay here to clear up the mess at all. It would be better for the Chu Family to deal with it.

Song Yunxuan was used to seeing such bloody scenes. Ordinary people might feel scared when seeing Xia Binger suddenly turned into a cold corpse.

But Song Yunxuan was not scared.

Song Yunxuan winced and then followed Mei Qi into the car.

Meanwhile, Boer had fallen asleep in the car.

Song Yunxuan stroked Boer’s little head, and her gaze softened as she thought of her son Gu Yi.

Mei Qi started the car. Song Yunxuan lowered her voice, asking Mei Qi, “Have you finished the background check on Boer?”


Mei Qi continued, “The child was adopted by Xia Binger when she was doing star charity. When Shao Tianze came to her, she lied to the kid that she was his real mother and brought him back. The kid was small, so he soon took up with Xia Binger and believed that.”

“Have you found his parents?”

“They were an unmarried couple of teenagers. Now they’ve broken up and each has started a family. I’ve contacted them, but neither of them wants this kid.”

Song Yunxuan rubbed her brows.

She wondered where she should house the kid.

Mei Qi seemed to know what Song Yunxuan was thinking about, asking, “How do you want to deal with the kid?”

“I don’t have time to raise children.”

According to what Song Yunxuan said, now the kid had got two choices. One was to be sent to the orphanage.

The other was to be sent to the department concerned. Whether the child would be sent to his parents or the orphanage was not anything Song Yunxuan cared about.

Mei Qi pondered for a moment and then took a look at the kid who was sleeping soundly, saying, “How about letting me raise the kid?”

Song Yunxuan felt surprised at Mei Qi’s sudden decision, exclaiming, “You?”

Mei Qi smiled, “Problem? You don’t think I can raise children?”

Song Yunxuan pondered over Mei Qi’s words, nodding, “Well, if you really want to, good for you and him.”

Mei Qi was no longer young, and it was time for him to get married and start a family.

But he still didn’t do that, which made Song Yunxuan wonder.

“It will be hard for a man with a kid to find a girlfriend. Besides, you two are not related. Do you think he will be grateful to you when he grows up?”

Hearing Song Yunxuan’s words, Mei Qi smiled, replying carelessly, “Now I have no plans to get a girlfriend. Besides, I don’t expect him to repay me when he grows up.”

Song Yunxuan nodded, “Good. Then I think the child is blessed to have you in his life.”

Mei Qi nodded.

Song Yunxuan smiled and turned to look at the kid. Then she patted him on the back, wanting him to sleep more soundly.


After getting the call from his man, Shao Tianze felt relieved.

And the accident in which Xia Binger was hit to death at the back door of the hospital soon drew the attention of the whole Yuncheng.

Gu Changle was getting ready for her operation. Hearing that Xia Binger was dead, she immediately asked Shao Tianze, “Did you do that?”

Shao Tianze nodded without reserve.

Gu Changle didn’t feel sorry for Xia Binger at all. Instead, she felt disgusted and dissatisfied, “The woman was really stupid. She couldn’t even handle such small things.”

Shao Tianze put the contract in his hand down, turning to look at Gu Changle, “The odds were heavily against her as she was facing Song Yunxuan.”

“Anyway, don’t let the Chu Family ever know it was we who were stirring up trouble. Otherwise, Song Yunxuan will play innocent again.”

Hearing Gu Changle’s words, Shao Tianze felt his headache worsened, saying nothing.

Shao Tianze surely understood what Gu Changle was talking about.

If things had gone smoothly, the Chu Family could have broken up with Song Yunxuan.

But if not, they would help Song Yunxuan to be closer to the Chu Family.

Now their plot failed, so what they did had enhanced the relationship between the Chu Family and Song Yunxuan.

The Chu Family was wise enough to know that someone wanted to drive a wedge between them and Song Yunxuan. Thus they would try everything they could to make up for their relationship with Song Yunxuan.

Shao Tianze clenched his fists and his frown deepened.

He wanted to teach Song Yunxuan a lesson. Never had he expected that what he did actually helped Song Yunxuan.

Gu Changle murmured to herself, ignoring Shao Tianze’s countenance.

“Luckily, Xia Binger died quickly, or she would have been caught by Song Yunxuan and the Chu Family. The stupid b*tch would have never kept her mouth shut and would have eventually given up our names.”

Shao Tianze sighed, “Even though Xia Binger has died, the Chu Family may still suspect us.”

If the Chu Family just gave a thought to the business relationship among the families, they could easily speculate who might be behind the scenes.

“Even though the Chu Family will suspect us, Xia Binger has died. Dead men tell no tales. So, things are not so bad as it looks.”

Shao Tianze didn’t deny it.

But after hearing Gu Changle’s analysis, he turned to look at her, reminding gently, “Now you don’t need to pay attention to this. What you should do now is to recuperate and have the operation.”

Shao Tianze’s words made Gu Changle feel warm. She nodded seriously.

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