Reborn In The Three Kingdoms

Chapter 131

Chapter 131: 131. Sima Lang and Sima Yi’s Arrival to Xiapi

Chapter 131: 131. Sima Lang and Sima Yi's Arrival to Xiapi

Emperor Ling's death shocked Lie Fan, he thought that at least next year was the earliest time for Emperor Ling's death to happen. Seeing that it came faster than he predicted, Lie Fan called for all of his advisors and generals for a meeting at the Governor's Castle.

Lie Fan holds the meeting at the main hall, where he has assigned his bodyguards and Oriole members to guard the main hall from unwanted intruders. Because what they will discuss here is top secret and no one can know except the ones who were invited to the meeting.

All of his subordinates arrived at almost the same time, Lie Fan then told everyone about the news he received from Luoyang. Liang Province news doesn't surprise them, as it's inevitable that they will lose this rebellion war due to how uncoordinated it is.

Emperor Ling's death is the one who surprised them, this meant that the Han Dynasty entered a new chapter of the power struggle which centered on Luoyang. This means that the central government is weak and Lie Fan can exploit the system now.

Huang Zhong: "My Lord, this is the perfect time to expand our army! The Imperial Court right now is in turmoil, let's use this chance to strengthen our position more!"

Jia Xu: "No General Huang, we can't openly expand it. He Jin now controls the court, even though there's a struggle between He Jin, the Eunuchs, and Wang Yun that doesn't mean that their attention on us will be halted. It will become more intense as Lie Fan is the only Governor strong enough to contend with the current Central government."

Xun You: "What Master Jia Xu said is true, Tao Qian is still here on Xiapi so our movements are monitored. Even if Oriole has been on the lookout to intercept the letters or people, they are humans in the end and mistakes can happen."

Lie Fan: "I agree with both Jia Xu and Xun You, right now they will become more obsessed with monitoring my activity. Just keep doing our day as usual, we wait for the result of the power struggle at the court."

Everyone was confused by what Lie Fan said, Jia Xu and Xun You the brightest minds under Lie Fan were also confused. It's a foregone conclusion now that He Jin is the ultimate power at the Court with Liu Bian no Emperor Shao was instilled on the throne.

Chen Qun asked Lie Fan what's the reason Lie Fan said to wait for the results, isn't the result shown with He Jin winning. Lie Fan explained to them that even if He Jin wins, the power struggle between He Jin's faction and the Eunuchs will not subside but will become more intense.

Jia Xu then became enlightened, it's not that Lie Fan is smarter than them but he knew through history. Jia Xu who is enlightened asks Lie Fan, if is it because Emperor Ling didn't appoint Liu Bian but the little brother Liu Xie and entrusted him to the eunuchs that's why the power struggle will not stop at this time.

Lie Fan nods his head indicating what Jia Xu said is true, everyone is surprised by this revelation and all of Lie Fan's advisors are talented in their ways and understand the opportunity this represents for Lie Fan.

As long as Lie Fan doesn't trespass on Luoyang, Lie Fan's status as the Governor of Xu Province will not be shaken. As the strongest provincial government among the 13 provinces, no matter who became the Emperor they still needed Lie Fan's support as in their eyes Lie Fan was loyal to the Han Dynasty.

Chen Gui: "Then My Lord, we need to send our tribute to Luoyang to gift the newly enthroned Emperor. The larger the amount of our tribute, the calmer people at the Imperial Court of our presence."

Sun Qian: "I agree with Master Chen Gui, I volunteered myself as My Lord's envoy!"

Lie Fan: "What Chen Gui just said is true, we need to send tributes. Then Sun Qian will be my envoy alongside Bu Zhi, Fang Yue and Ze Rong both of you will accompany them as their protection brings 2,000 men with you. Set out towards Luoyang in 3 days, we don't need to be the first but can't be the last to arrive."

Fang Yue and Ze Rong immediately up to receive the order, both of them have learned many things from experienced generals like Huang Zhong so this time is more of a test of their aptitude and skills. Bringing large amounts of tributes can attract the attention of bandits and yellow turban remnants.

Next Lie Fan ordered the training of the army to be increased, and all major towns except for Xiapi needed to increase the number of soldiers they had. This is to prepare for the inevitable rise of Dong Zhuo, Lie Fan will bring his main army with him so he can't leave Xu Province without experienced soldiers.

Lie Fan appointed Chao Bo and Chao Bai for this assignment, they will split Xu Province in half and supervise the eastern and western parts each. All of Lie Fan's advisors agree with this move, except that Mi Zhu as Lie Fan's financial advisor heart bleeds to increase the amount of money needed to be spent for the military expansion.

Chen Deng and Wang Lang's assignments are still the same, they will supervise the Tuntian system and Xu Province agriculture as a whole. There is never enough for how much supplies need to be stored, especially at times like this.

As for the rest of his advisors and generals, Lie Fan told them to continue their usual duties but be more alert than before. After saying that, Lie Fan dismissed the meeting but told Huang Zhong and Dian Wei to stay.

Everyone began to leave except for Huang Zhong and Dian Wei, Lie Fan told them to step forward as what he was talking about was a secret that only the three of them could know and no one else.

Lie Fan: "Huang Zhong, Dian Wei the reason that I told the two of you to stay back is because I have something that can help strengthen our men!"

Huang Zhong: "What is it, My Lord? Is it some kind of tonic or a new type of exercise?"

Lie Fab: "It's some kind of tonic, Master Hua Tuo and Master Zhang Zhongjing together made this recipe and gave it to me saying that it has the effect of increasing the results of our men's training."

Lie Fan takes out his strength potion, he consults with Sun Tzu before asking if the potions he has can be used by other people than him. Sun Tzu replied by saying that it can only be used by people with stats below 100 to ensure that Lie Fan will not abuse the potions.

While Lie Fab lamented that Sun Tzu had barred this perfect exploit before he could even use it, he then thought of his soldiers and where they could use it as their strength is below 100.

He has 8 left in his inventory, his soldiers are tens of thousands so he decides to let Huang Zhong and Dian Wei pour 8 of these into the water tank that they used for storing the water used to drink.

After giving 8 of his strength options to Huang Zhong and Dian Wei, Lie Fan dismisses the two of them, and Lie Fan decides to go back home and spend the rest of the day with his family.

The next day, Lie Fan is having breakfast with Ying Yue, Diao Chan, and Wannian when suddenly a servant comes in and tells Lie Fan that Jia Xu is waiting in the main hall with a young man and a boy with the surname Sima.

Lie Fan was surprised, having a feeling that he already knew who was waiting for him, Lie Fan told the servant to borough them to his study and served them some snacks and tea to wait for him to finish his breakfast alongside his family.

The servant left the dining room, Lie Fan then continued to enjoy having breakfast with his wife and sister. 20 minutes passed by and Lie Fan finished his breakfast, Lie Fan stood up and went towards his study where Jia Xu and 2 Sima members were waiting for him.

Arriving at the study, Lie Fan saw Jia Xu with Sima Lang and Sima Yi waiting for him. Seeing the 2 younger generations of the Sima Clan he was surprised as they shouldn't be here and go towards their relative.

Lie Fan: "Sima Lang and Sima Yi, it's been a year more or less since we have met, and the two of you have grown bigger!"

Sima Lang: "Governor Lie Fan is still the same as our last meeting, thank you for allowing us to meet you."

Lie Fan: "No need for a thank you, you're the student of my advisors and the son of my friend. So what brings the two of you here to Xiapi?"

Sima Lang: "We are here to escape the chaotic Luoayng under My Father's demand, so I alongside my brother hoped to stay in Xiapi as this is the safest place in all of the land right now."

Lie Fan: "If it's under your father's demand, should you have gone to your relative or kinsman?"

Jia Xu: "Let me help answer this My Loed, Sima Lang foresaw that chaos would break out in his hometown so he decided to go here as there is Me, Xun You, and Sun Qian their teachers here."

Lie Fan: "Sima Lang is what Jia Xu said true?"

Sima Lang: "Yes Governor Lie Fan, we also hoped to learn more under the tutelage of Master Jia Xu, Master Xun You, and Master Sun Qian. I will work as a farmer so rest assured that we will not ask for any money for our expenses."

Lie Fan nods his head, he actually doesn't care if the Sima Brothers borrow some money for living expenses. He was ecstatic that Sima Lang and Sima Yi divided to stay in Xiapi, this meant that in the future they would join his administration.

Cao Cao will not have the chance to recruit them, Sima Fang and Cao Cao's relationship is also not as close as in history where Cao Cao would favor Sima Lang and Sima Hi due to Sima Famg appointing Cao Cap as head of Luoyang security.

Lie Fan received the Sima Brothers happily, he told them to just focus on their studies and even told them to stay in his residence as he had more than enough room for them.

Sima Lang wanted to refuse, but under Lie Fan and Jia Xu's persuasion, he finally relented. Sima Lang was touched by the kindness shown by Lie Fan and Jia Xu to him and his brother, he vowed to repay this kindness in the future and taught his brother to also do the same as him.

So from today, the Lie Clan residence has an additional 2 members that is Sima Lang and Sima Yi. Lie Fan informed Ying Yue and Diao Chan of this, telling them to treat kindly like a brother, especially Sima Yi. Wannian the little princess on the other hand is happy that she has a playmate now.

Sima Yi was born in 179 AD while Wannian was born in 178 AD, she is one year older than Sima Yi. Wannian began to pester Sima Yi every day to play with her, she should have been the older sister but never acted like that Sima Yi on the other hand is more mature than her due to the education he receives.


Name: Lie Fan

Title: Yellow Heaven Subjugator

Age: 20 Years Old (187 AD)

Level: 14

Next Level: 412.000

Renown: 215

Cultivation: Yin Yang Separation (level 5)

SP: 706.700


STR: 775

VIT: 349

AGI: 343

INT: 361

CHR: 93

WIS: 299

WILL: 207

ATR Points: 0

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