Reborn In The Three Kingdoms

Chapter 22

Chapter 22: Result Of Crop Rotation

Chapter 22: Result Of Crop Rotation

Lie Fan and Lie Shang waited for 15 minutes in the meeting room when the officials from the Agriculture Department arrived and take their seats for the meeting

Department Head: "Thank you for giving us your time today to meet with us, My Lord"

Lie Shang: "It's what I as the Prefect of Huai'An should do"

Department Head: "We want to report our yearly harvest using the Rotation Crop system that Young Lord suggested a year ago, we have accumulated 75% more than last year's harvest! The Rotation Crop system Young Lord suggested works wonders for us!"

Lie Shang hearing the report was shocked at first then Laugh happily as this is great news, Huai'An can go through the Famine and even have leftovers to store in the Granaries

Lie Shang: "Great! Great! This is tremendous news and a good one to hear, Fan'er you are truly a heavenly son bestowed upon me from the heavens!"

Lie Fan: "Father is jesting, Fan'er is only doing what others should have done in the first place"

Lie Shang: "Hahaha you're too humble Fan'er, began to distribute them as rations but in small numbers steadily, don't let the merchants and other officials know about this and keep it a secret until I allowed it, do you understand?"

Head Department: "I understand My Lord, this one will make the others stay silent and let the farmers talk about its gods blessing that our land is fertile and bring us more harvest"

Lie Shang: 'Good, With this harvest do you think we can afford more soldiers? If yes how many?"

Head Department: "We can afford maybe 500 to 1.000 more, My Lord I suggest that we raised the merchant's crop tax as a cover to raise more soldiers"

Lie Fan: "Father I agree with what this Sir said, we can raise it to maybe 5% from the current one and people will not be suspicious because we recruit more soldiers"

Lie Shang: "Okay I heed what both of you said, I will inform the Tax Department to Immediately issue this to the merchants"

Lie Shang and Lie Fan's resumes talk with the Head of the Department of Agriculture Department for over 1 hour, projects such as increasing more granaries in the future and what type of Livestock they want to breed so the crops will be raised as well

Finishing their conversation, The Officials from The Agriculture Department take their leave along with his subordinates leaving Lie Fan and Lie Shang in the meeting room

Lie Shang: "Haha Son! You heard what he just said, do you think this data is enough for us to report to the Emperor?"

Hearing what his father said, Lie Fan decided to begin swaying his father to decrease his loyalty to the Han as the current Emperor is foolish, and with the Yellow Turbans rising sooner or later the Han dynasty will fall

Lie Fan: "Father, the data is still not enough and why does Father in a hurry want to report this to the Emperor?"

Lie Shang: "Why of course it's because without The Emperor's support how do you think your Father has this position now?"

Lie Fan: "Father do know that the court now is not in the hand of the Emperor but those so-called 10 eunuchs who can influence the Emperor's mind and The Emperor always listened to what they said?"

Lie Shang: "Of course, Father knows about those rumors, You don't need to believe in those rumors Fan'er"

Lie Fan: "It's not a rumor Father, Mi Yu has told me about it and confirmed that it's not a rumor"

Lie Shang: "Really? Then we have to kill those bastards! How dare they poison the mind of The Emperor?!"

Lie Fan: "We can't prove if they poison the mind of The Emperor or The Emperor use that as an act to do whatever he pleases"

Hearing this Lie Shang was silent for a long time, Lie Fan was afraid that his Father was too much in shock as he can't believe The Emperor is like that due to his benevolence in the past that give Lie Shang a chance to rise in the ranks.

Lie Fan leaves the meeting room to give his father a chance to think about wherever he will stay loyal to the Emperor or loyal to the family, walking out of the City Estate he holds Pangu's leash walking down the busy street.

While seeing the happy and content smiles of the people of Huai'An, Lie Fan feels that this can turn 180 degrees quickly if he can't stop The Yellow Turbans and the events that will come after so that's why he decides to hurry up as there only one more year before 184 AD where the Emperor began to calls the lords of the land to crusade against the Yellow Turbans

While walking he arrived at the Serenity Inn and decided to have lunch there, he tied Pangu's leash onto the designated area for horses and enter the restaurant

Seeing that it was Lie Fan who enter, the head of the restaurant showed Lie Fan to the VIP room so he can eat in peace. While walking toward his designated room, Lie Fan sees how crowded Serenity Inn is with many noble clans eating and drinking without care.

Entering his room, Lie Fan's food was served without him ordering as they already know what Lie Fan will order and they began to report rumors or interesting information that they heard. It was said that the 10 attendants (Eunuchs) began to grow more arrogant and enrich themselves alongside their relatives while The Emperor is believing whatever nonsense they said.

There's also a rumor of a man Named Sun Qian from Beihai arriving at Huai'An who is said to be traveling the province to experience the life of common people and learn the way of the world, it was said that he was a student of Zheng Xuan a famous scholar and politician. Hearing the familiar name, Lie Fan begins to try to remember who he is until he remembered that he was Liu Bei's first diplomat and a very great advisor to have at the early stage.

Even though he is younger than when he is serving Liu Bei later on if he managed to recruit him under him then he can form a relationship indirectly with Zheng Xuan also and at the same time finally have his first advisor. Lie Fan ordered them to search where Sun Qian's residence in Huai'An and to inform him immediately if he ever visited Serenity Inn at top speed then Lie Fan continue enjoying his food while thinking about the best way to recruit Sun Qian.

After finishing his food, Lie Fan leaves Serenity Inn and goes back to his home to take a rest and enjoy some quality time with his family and Ying Yue. Arriving at the Lie Clan Mansion, he enters and saw Ying Yue with Wannian walking in the garden. Wannian is 6 years old this year and has grown into a cute huggable doll Lie Fan has promised himself to destroy her suitors when she grows up in the future, turning his head to Ying Yue Lie Fan began to admire her beauty and how gentle she is when talking especially with him and his family

This past 1 year the relationship between Lie Fan and Ying Yue has grown from just hugging to kissing each other cheeks, Lie Fan wanted to kiss Ying Yue's lips but Ying Yue is always shy and managed to run away before it happen, after admiring them from the entrance Lie Fan walk towards Wannian and Ying Yue

Lie Fan: "How are my two favorite people today?"

Wannian hearing her brother's sound turned her head and run toward him hugging his leg

Wannian: "Big Brother! Wannian misses Big Brother! Do you want to join me and sister Yue playing in the garden?"

Lie Fan: "Of course, come big brother will teach you how to make a flower crown"

Wannian: "Flower Crown?! Wannian always wanted to be a princess!"

Wannian pulled Lie Fan's hand and take him towards the flowers where Lie Fan began to take some flowers and make them into a crown, Wannian and Ying Yue watched him from his side and were amazed at what Lie Fan made

Lie Fan made the crown from some pink and yellow flowers and then put it on Wannian making her laugh happily and saying that she is a princess now while running around the garden. Ying Yue watched Wannian running with a smile while Oblivious to Lie Fan making another one just for her which was made from red and yellow flowers, when he put it on Ying Yue she was stunned as something was put on her head but when she know it was a flower crown that Lie Fan made for her makes her shy and happy

Seeing Ying Yue's reaction Lie Fan hug her from behind and watch Wannian run around happily, seeing wannian lacks of friend Lie Fan decided to search for a dog for her in the future so she have someone she can play with

While watching Wannian and hugging Ying Yue, Lie Fan who was satisfied with how things are going suddenly was interrupted by a guard running towards him


Name: Lie Fan

Title: Bandit Vanquisher

Age: 15 years old -> 16 Years Old

Level: 9

Next Level: 512.000

Renown: 24

Cultivation: Art Of War (level 7)









ATR Points:0

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