Reborn In The Three Kingdoms

Chapter 26

Chapter 26: Butterfly Effect

Chapter 26: Butterfly Effect

Lie Fan smiles and waves his hand at them While keep walking forward alongside Liu Pi and Sun Qian's carriages, the City Guards help Lie Fan by escorting him along the way to prevent bad things happened to Lie Fan

They were escorted until they arrived at the Lie Clan Manor where his Family is waiting for him in the garden when Lie Fan and his group enter the Manor

Ying Yue who saw Lie Fan is okay and unharmed cried with tears of joy and run up to him hugging him while whimpering in his chest, Lie Fan who was hugged by Ying Yue hugged her back and lifted her head wiping the tears that had fallen from the Crystal like eyes and kissed her lips in front of everyone there

Ying Yue who was kissed by Lie Fan was shocked and embarrassed as they were seen by many people, but slowly she accepted it and close her eyes receiving Lie Fan's kiss and following his movement

Yu Yan and Lie Shang wo saw that was shocked where Yu Yan close the Wannian eyes with her hand and Lie Shang decide to cough to tell his son that there were people here

Lie Fan who was immersed in his kiss with Ying Yue heard his Father cough, realizing where he is right now he stopped the kiss and saw Ying Yue's crimson face who put her head to his chest to hide while his Father and Mother smile at him

Lie Fan: "Ahem, I'm sorry I was so emotional seeing Ying Yue's tears, and it happen before I know it"

Lie Shang: "Hahaha! So Fan'er has a day where he is embarrassed. By the way Fan'er, who is the two gentlemen behind you?"

Lie Fan: "Oh right Father let me introduce to you Liu Pi a new commander that I have recruited for my army and Sun Qian my advisor that I have just recruited also"

Lie Shang: "Look at you already recruiting people left and right, you're just like your father when I'm young Haha!"

Yu Yan: "Welcome to the two of you, please take care of my Son in the future"

Sun Qian: "Sun Qian is honored to meet Master Lie and Madam Yu, Young Lord Lie Fan can protect himself but I will try to give him guidance when he needs so"

Liu Pi: "Liu Pi is grateful for the generosity that Young Lord Lie Fan has given to me and will protect him for the rest of my life"

With the introduction done, Lie Fan invited Liu Pi and Sun Qian to eat together with his family and they all walked together toward the dining room where Lis Fan was behind the group holding Ying Yue's hand

Ying Yue: "Husband how can you take my first kiss in front of everyone like that?! Even in front of your guest!"

Lie Fan: "I'm sorry I can't stop myself when I saw you crying and hugging me like that, I wanted to imprint you into my body and mind when I saw you like that"

Ying Yue: "Oh you with your honeyed words, How do you feel? You're okay, right? No injuries or anything?"

Lie Fan: "Of Course I'm okay, your husband is the best general here in Huai'An! okay okay let's stop talking about this and follow the others they are ahead of us"

Everyone arrived together at the dining room and each take their seat then the servants serve the meals, Lie Shang first say welcome to Sun Qian and Liu Pi who will serve his son, and thanked the gods that let his son back safe after his first major battle while hoping that the gods always protect his son

Yu Yan as the Madam of the house tells everyone to begin to eat their food, Wanniang who is beside Yu Yan sees the many foods served and tells her mother she wants this and that which Yu Yan happily gives a bit of each for her

Lie Shang began to talk with Lie Fan, Sun Qian, and Liu Pi about the battle with the Yellow Turbans today asking what happen and who strike first, Lie Fan began to tell his father the course of the event what happened in the battle, he explains how the Yellow Turbans was unprepared when be attacked them first and Lie Fan them mowed them down using cavalry as the first waves

Lie Fan spends 10 minutes explaining what happen with Liu Pi adding some word here and there, Lie Fan also tells him that Sun Qian and Liu Pi was recruited by him after the battle with the Yellow Turbans.

Lie Fan also explains that Sun Qian is the student of the famed Zheng Xuan proving that his talent will never be mediocre making Sun Qian embarrassed and answered with he is just a weak scholar while Lie Fan was the one helping the people and he does nothing only can do observe the world

Lie Shang: "You're the student of Master Zheng Xuan?! Hahaha My Son unexpectedly caught a big fish as his first advisor well done son"

Lie Fan: "It's Heaven's luck that I was allowed to meet Sir Sun Qian, With him joining us is like giving pair of wings to a tiger"

Lie Shang: "Haha! Well said Son Well said, come let me give you a toast"

Le Fan and Lie Shang toasted each other in which when Lie Fan says then tomorrow morning he wanted to talk with him alongside Sun Qian and Liu Pi, Lie Shamg agreed without thinking and said that tomorrow he will wait for them at the study

After a delightful dinner, Lie Shang and Yu Yan take Wannian back to her room and Ying Yue dismissed herself as there were other duties she need to attend to making Lie Fan who heard that sad, Lie Fan led Sun Qian and Liu Pi to their rooms and tell them to meet him tomorrow morning in front of his room

Lie Fan does back to his room and before going to bed assigned the attribute points he received thanks to the rewards he got to Willpower as it was his weakest attribute right now then he lies down in his bed to sleep

The next day Lie Fan was woken up by Liu Pi and Sun Qian who knocked on his room, he gets dressed and opened the door greeting the two of them then walked together towards the study to meet Lie Shang

Arriving at the study, they saw Lie Shang waiting for them in the main seat with eating some cakes (AT: Chinese traditional cakes) Lie Shang at the same time also sees them and told them to come in

Lie Fan: "Father, yesterday Me and Sir Sun Qian has come up with some sort of plan that can help us and at the same time report the condition of what happened to the Imperial Court"

Lie Shang: "Report to the Imperial Court? Why would we need to do that everything is under control"

Lie Fan: "Sir Sun Qian told me that this happened not only in Huai'An but almost in all counties in Xu Province"

Lie Shang: "What?! If that's the truth then we do need to report to the Imperial Court then what is your plan you talked about"

Lie Fan then began to proceed to explain what Sun Qian has come up with yesterday and with big benefits for them and no losses for them, he also tells him that Sun Qian has drafted the letter and it only needs Lie Shang's approval alongside his seal to then they can send it

Lie Shang: "Hmm, it's a feasible plan and we played both sides with none of them knowing that we played them, but is it a good thing to do deceiving the Imperial Court?"

Sun Qian: "Even if they found out which they never will, The Yellow Turbans is a more important thing to tackle first My Lord"

Lie Shang: "Okay then give me the letter and I will send it to the Governor of Xiapi and Langye urging them to report it to the Imperial Court"

Sun Qian gave the letters to Lie Shang he signed the letter and give his seal on the letter, Lie Shang called for his page and told him to send it to the Governor Of Xiapi and The Governor of Langye fast as it was an urgent matter

The page receiving the letters hurriedly walks out to complete Lie Shang's order, Lie Shang then invites Lie Fan and his retainer to eat breakfast together before doing their official duties not knowing they have done something that accelerates history

Lie Shang's Page gives the letter to official messengers along with Lie Shang's order and when it arrived at the desk of Xiapi Governor and Langye Governor. Sun Qian's predictions happen they report it to the Emperor with their name hoping to receive the reward

When this letter arrived at the imperial courts it shocked them and all ministers begged the Emperor to send troops to destroy the Yellow Turbans before the rebellion happen, not knowing that when the 10 attendants hear what happen they send a message to the leader of the Yellow Turban. when it was exposed in the future they were shocked as all along there was a mole in the Imperial Court

With this happening, Lie Fan doesn't know that what he had done has made a butterfly effect on the course of events that will happen


Name: Lie Fan

Title: Bandit Vanquisher

Age: 16 Years Old

Level: 11

Next Level: 512.000 josei

Renown: 30

Cultivation: Art Of War (level 7)







CHR: 88



ATR Points: 10 -> 0

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