Reborn into Naruto World with Tenseigan

Chapter 552

Chapter 552

As he retreated sharply, Yama did not forget to fight back, and waved the Golden Sword towards both; Nagato in the distance, as well as, towards the two ‘things’ that are repeatedly trying to kill him.

Slash… BOOM!

The Sword that Yama hurriedly waved while distancing himself, although failed to cut both Nagato and the two ‘things’ who were already prepared for the attack, nonetheless, still bought enough time to Yama for him to re-adjust his state and safely land on the ground.

After regaining his distance, Yama injected more Chakra into the pair of Tenseigan in his eye sockets; and tried his best to better and more clearly observe the two ’things’ that almost killed him, while also analyzing the strange events that have happened in the past few seconds, in order to understand what exactly is going on here.

‘Those two things just now… were they some kind of Clone…?’

‘But Nagato shouldn’t be able to use such a bizarre Clone Jutsu, right?’

‘Is it some kind of new Jutsu that the Akatsuki Organization created?’

One-after-another, countless thoughts flashed by in Yama’s mind, as he tried to figure out what kind of Jutsu is he facing now.

Although coincidentally, one thing everyone can not deny is that several extremely talented people are or have been part of the Akatsuki Organization during its second iteration, and it wouldn’t be wrong to say that a few of them are among the best of the best in the entire Shinobi World when it comes to their concerned field of expertise. If these people were to really put their mind to it, then it would be neither strange nor impossible for the Akatsuki Organization to be able to create such a bizarre Jutsus in a very short amount of time if they really desire to do so…

Considering this obvious fact, Yama’s first assumption was that this is a new Jutsu created by Nagato and his subordinates.

Of course, Yama didn’t consider the possibility that the Jutsu Nagato is using right now, might be Uchiha Madara’s exclusive Rinnegan Dojutsu; ‘Limbo: Border Jail’…

The reason why he didn’t consider this possibility is actually just a mental block, or perhaps some sort of overconfidence or maybe just a superiority complex brought by knowing almost everything about the Narutoverse.

It is indeed a true fact that in the Naruto Cannon, neither Nagato nor Obito ever used Limbo while in possession of Madara’s Rinnegan, which led Yama, who is obviously subconsciously influenced by his prior knowledge of the Narutoverse to subconsciously ignore this particular possibility at the first thought.

Therefore, even now Yama is not certain what those two ‘things’ are and is trying to find more information about them which would give him a better understanding of this Jutsu…

‘One should always remember that a battle between fellow Shinobis is a battle of information, as long as one shinobi has more information over the other; that is; his enemy, the chances of winning increase by several folds…’

This was taught to him by Orochimaru back when he just graduated from the academy, and Yama has never once forgotten these words of Orochimaru… Therefore, without gaining a proper understanding of Nagato’s Jutsu, Yama acted cautiously and restrained as he tried to figure out whether his guesses are correct or not.

Of course, the other party was also taught by the Sannin Jiraiya, as such, he too understands the essence of a battle between shinobi. He did not want to give Yama enough time to continue his analysis and decided to speed up the attack frequency.

Whoosh Whoosh

As Yama retreated sharply, the two vague ‘things’ again came towards him.

‘It’s weird…’ Yama’s brows under his ask wrinkled at this moment as we looked at the two things.

The two ‘things’ repeatedly shuttled back and forth in the cover of dust and smoke while closely following behind Yama, but the strange thing is that neither did they leave any trail behind them nor were there any traces of their presence in the physical world… Even Yama, who can use Tenseigan Chakra Mode to buff all his attributes several times can’t do such a thing…

The reason is that as long as something has a physical state, then no matter how agile or nimble they are, while moving, they would inevitably leave behind some kind of trail and traces.

These traces may not be visible to the naked eye, but shouldn’t be hidden from Yama’s Tenseigan which can perceive even extreme minute details…

But the fact of the matter is that he isn’t perceiving any trail left behind by the two ‘things’, in fact, there is even no movement in the air particles around those two ‘things’…

And Yama knows that such a thing only leads to one possibility, which is, ‘Does that mean they have no physical state?’

However, this thought was soon denied by Yama, “No, they definitely have physical states… else why am I still feeling such terrible pain?”

In the short exchange of a few moments ago, Yama who was sort of unprepared to face such a bizarre thing obviously suffered some injuries… although most of those injuries will be healed by the Tenseigan Chakra, the feeling of pain is still vivid in his mind… As such, Yama is fairly certain that those two ‘things’ definitely have a physical state… else it’s completely impossible for them to be able to injure him!

As Yama tried to continue his analysis, he was again interrupted as the two ‘things’ suddenly speeded up and almost caught up to him!

Seeing this, the corners of Yama’s mouth twitched in annoyance…

He is not the kind of guy who is willing to suffer needlessly or be bullied one-sidedly, so seeing that the two ‘things’ have almost rushed up, Yama grinned evilly…

‘Let’s see what are those ‘things’ going to do in this situation…’ – with this thought in his mind, Yama deliberately waited for the last moment, just as the two ‘things’ were about to hit him again, he suddenly dispersed the ‘Golden Wheel Reincarnation Explosion!’ in his hand, at the same instant, he merged two Truth-Seeking Orbs together and changed their shape into a spherical shell with himself caged inside the spherical shell’s protection.

BOOM! Bang Bang Bang!

The instant spherical shell of Truth-Seeking Orb was formed, several muffled sounds of impacts resounded on the battlefield… The huge force capable of shaking the mountains produced visible ripples when pounded on the black surface.

In the distance, Nagato who watched this scene opened his mouth wide with an incredulous expression, “Just what is that black substance… not only it is dangerous to physical touch, it is also strong enough to be able to completely shield him from my Limbo Clone’s attacks this easily!?”

Nagato couldn’t be more clear of the raw power of each of his Limbo Clones.

Even if it was Hiruko using his Steel Release to defend against the attack of his Limbo Clone, when actually hit by it, he was simply knocked out cold with just one hit!

Such a degree of attack power is not something easily blockable… Nagato would still understand and find it acceptable if Yama were to personally block those attacks but to be able to completely negate the raw power of the attacks just using that black substance? This is simply cheating!

Of course, Nagato wasn’t the only one surprised, Yama was also full of surprises.

Although it can be said that Yama used the Truth-Seeking Orbs to defend against the two vague shadows, however, it wouldn’t be wrong to say that he was attacking them indirectly through the Truth-Seeking Orbs.

Everyone basically knows that only people with the Six-Path Chakra can effectively touch Truth-Seeking Orbs… if those who do not have the Six-Path Chakra touch the Truth-Seeking Orbs, they would disintegrate on both physical and spiritual levels.

Even the forbidden Jutsu Edo Tensei that blurs the boundary of life and death, as well as gives the so-called infinite chakra and regenerating bodies can not resist being disintegrated upon being touched or damaged by the Truth-Seeking Orbs…josei

So, using this concept, even the two vague ‘things’ shouldn’t be able to avoid being disintegrated upon contact with the Truth-Seeking Orbs, right?

But the fact of the matter is that such a thing is not happening here! The two vague ‘things’ although getting injured to some degree, are not actually disintegrating.

In fact, not only are they not disintegrating, but are also able to repeatedly make mountain shaking attacks on the surface of the spherical shell made up of the Truth-Seeking Orbs.

This is just unreasonable and unscientific!

“I can’t perfectly capture them even with my Tenseigan… because they are extremely difficult to perceive as if they are almost ‘imperceptible’.

They have a physical state when trying to attack me, yet they do not leave behind any trace on the physical world as if they do not have any physical state… or more like they are ‘incorporeal’ in the physical world.

They ‘do not disintegrate’ upon contact with Truth-Seeking Orbs, it’s as if, although, they are hitting the Truth-Seeking, they are also being protected by something, or perhaps being separated by something…

There are more than one of them at a time… and each of them is extremely strong… almost ‘as strong as Nagato’ but with the added advantage of being extremely difficult to perceive…

Imperceptible, incorporeal, do not disintegrate, at the same time, they are as strong as Nagato…

As strong as Nagato, do not disintegrate, incorporeal, and imperceptible… incorporeal… imperceptible… incorporeal… impercepti–able and incorporeal–WAIT…! That’s it!” – With a flash of thunder, Yama suddenly figured it out.

“It makes sense now…!

Imperceptible, incorporeal, do not disintegrate, at the same time, as strong as Nagato!” – When combining all these abilities, Yama could only think of one Jutsu that matches such a description, “Uchiha Madara’s Rinnegan Dojutsu: ‘Limbo: Border Jail!’”

On the Moon

After hurriedly rushing to the Temple where the Giant Tenseigan is enshrined, Toneri sensed the blooming chakra fluctuations, and his face became extremely gloomy.

Although extremely angry, Toneri did not immediately cut off the resonance between the Giant Tenseigan and the Shinobi World on the Earth, instead, he came closer to the Giant Tenseigan, stretched out his right hand, and gently pressed it on the surface of the Giant Tenseigan.

The moment he did so, Toneri’s consciousness plunged into the Giant Tenseigan, and he looked at the distant Earth.

By following the trail of chakra flowing towards the Earth, the distance of more than several hundred thousand miles was covered in just a few breaths, penetrated through the several layers of the atmosphere as well as clouds, and vision (granted to Toneri by the Giant Tenseigan) finally focused on the Land of Fire; more specifically on the sight of battlefield somewhere far from Konoha Village.

Because at this time Yama was inside the spherical shell made up of Truth-Seeking Orbs, so Toneri was neither able to see him nor was he able to sense his existence.

As such, the first thing that attracted Toneri’s attention on the battlefield was the incomparably huge wooden figure with nine closed eyes… and Toneri immediately recognized it, “That is… Demonic Statue of the Outer Path – Gedo Mazo?”

Although he has never personally seen Gedo Mazo before, however, that doesn’t mean he doesn’t know about it or doesn’t know what it looks like.

The descendants of Hamura on the moon shoulder the responsibility of keeping the husk of Juubi sealed on the moon… but the fact of the matter is, they have failed to fulfill their responsibility… Gedo Mazo was stolen from the moon several decades ago, and to this day they had found no clue as to who stole it and who did they steal it…? Of course, there were assumptions, but no solid evidence… as all the searches resulted in failure.

The descendants of Hamura have failed to fulfill one responsibility they were given; such a thing is very humiliating for the proud Otsutsuki Clan.

“Damn them all!”

Even before he witnessed the scene on the battlefield, Toneri was already in a state of sorrow brought by his father’s death and not being able to accompany his dying father during his final moments because someone stupid in the Shinobi World tried to steal chakra from the Giant Tenseigan.

So, the moment he saw Gedo Mazo, Toneri’s mood fluctuated, and the words of the dead elder resounded in his mind, ‘We of the Otsutsuki Clan have been observing the Shinobi World on the Earth for centuries now, and have reached a conclusion…

The people on the Earth have forgotten what Chakra truly represents. They dared to weaponize Charka for themselves and used it to fight meaningless wars… which ultimately led to the failure of the Shinobi Sect established by Rikudo Sennin… The current Shinobi World has been decayed beyond redemption… and ruin is the only means of salvation for them.

Toneri, you are the last hope of the Otsutsuki Clan… so, you must remember Hamura’s wishes and the Otsutsuki Clan Decree…!’

He snapped in anger that surged from within, and his killing intent skyrocketed…

The emotional, young, immature, and inexperienced Toneri did not care about finding the person responsible for stealing the Chakra from the Giant Tenseigan on the moon at this moment, instead, he transferred his vision from the battlefield in the Land of Fire on the Earth to the endless space.

After searching for just a while, he selected a huge asteroid drifting in the space somewhat closer to the Earth and then dragged it all the way towards the Earth, and more specifically towards the battlefield at the land of Fire.

If any space scientists past the fourth-dimension wall were to observe the asteroid that Toneri selected, they would immediately identify it as 99942 Apophis, an asteroid that can cause damage equivalent to 5866.67 Nuclear Bombs should it hit the earth, which, although unlikely, may happen in the year 2029.

*** Translator’s Note: For those who don’t know what it entails, no need to freak out, it wouldn’t be the complete extinction of life on earth, unlike the time with Dinosaurs… Meh… just a few million, or possibly a billion people will die or get injured, along with countless other phenomena that would make survival difficult. ***

And Toneri selected the very same asteroid that can cause such devastating damage…

And in order to avoid the situation of ‘Stirring the grass and startling the snake’, Toneri also made sure to not cut off the ongoing resonance between the Giant Tenseigan on the Moon and the Shinobi World all while guiding 99942 Apophis towards the earth in order to wipe away all those irredeemable shinobi of the Earth!

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