Reborn into Naruto World with Tenseigan

Chapter 565

Chapter 565

“It seems that I will have to create a few more Wind Clones in the future to serve as backup blood tanks for the Fujin Clone….” Muttered Kuroto with a sigh upon thinking of the high cost of preserving the Fujin Clone in the future.

The Wind Clones are created using the cells samples Kuroto collected from Kimimaro who was already suffering from this problem; albeit on a much smaller scale, so all the clones that have been created or will be created using his cells will also suffer from the same problem; and the difference is only the degree of severity.

In other words, even if Kuroto does not cultivate, train, or use these clones for any other purpose, these clones that suffer from Hemorrhagic disease as soon as they are created will not be able to maintain their own body functions for a very long time and collapse soon enough.

So using these clones, which are already plagued by disease/curse to act as suppliers of fresh Blood for the Transfusion into the Fujin clone that is on the verge of collapse is tantamount to treating these clones as disposable blood banks. Because the concentration of ‘All-Killing Ash Bones’ particles is constantly increasing in the Blood; so the Blood of these Clones also have a limited lifespan and can not be stored normally; nor can he repeatedly draw blood from the clone bodies, and once the blood is drawn, the used up clones also lose their basic values…

This ultimately means that if Kuroto fails to achieve any fundamental breakthrough in his Biotechnology within the next few months that will help him preserve the blood of the Wind Clones; he would have to consume a complete wind Clone every quarterly just to ensure that the functions of the Fujin Clone continue to work and don’t collapse midway…

Fortunately enough, Kuroto has recently managed to earn quite a lot of funds from various sources, one of these sources is the Five Great Villages. Back when ‘Yama’ rescued the Shinobi of the Five Great Villages; he had casually offered the price of rescuing each individual to the Hokage and the Tsuchikage, which both of them had accepted. When that amount is tallied, it should be several hundred million Ryo.

These several hundred million Ryo should be more than enough to fund Kuroto’s Project Godhood for the next few steps including the cultivation and development of the new generation of Chimera Buds.

As for the issue of Hokage and Tsuchikage not willing to recognize the deal? Kuroto is not at all worried about this problem…

After all, this time, Nagato unabashedly displayed the strength of the Akatsuki Organization in front of the Five Great Shinobi Villages. The Four Kage plus an Advisor Elder as well as their elite troops who had planned to carry out a surprise attack on Nagato in order to solve him with a thunderous blow couldn’t even reach up to him and were almost killed by just one of Nagato’s underlings…

This just proves that the Five Great Shinobi Villages don’t even have the power to resist Nagato’s underlings not to mention the Super Kage Class Nagato himself who is the bearer of the Rinnegan, the eyes of Rikudo Sennin.

Therefore, Kuroto knows that as long as both Hokage and Tsuchikage are not idiots, they will definitely not back away from paying the promised amount to the Amatsukami.

Because, not paying the agreed amount is equivalent to offending Amatsukami, and any qualified Kage wouldn’t dare to offend Amatsukami in such a precarious situation.

After all, anyone with discerning eyes can see that the Amatsukami Organization is the only force in the Shinobi World that can check and balance the Akatsuki Organization; so rather than offending Amatsukami, the Five Great Shinobi Villages would opt for a wiser choice and would attempt to win over Amatsukami in order to ensure the safety of their respective Villages.

So, the problem of funds shouldn’t be a bother for Kuroto in a short time.

After reaching this conclusion, Kuroto transferred his soul back to the main body, stored the Fujin Clone inside the Nutrition Tank, and then turned his gaze towards the other Nutrition Tanks with a pondering expression.

Currently, there are Six Nutrition Tanks in front of Kuroto in this laboratory. Of the six, three are empty, while the other three stores the Suijin (Water) Clone, Tsukihi/Homusubi (Fire) Clone, and Fujin (Wind) Clone.

Naturally, Kuroto wouldn’t be using his main body (Yama) to collect the remuneration from the Hokage, because doing such a lowly task is unacceptable for the high and mighty ‘Yama’.

Therefore, Kuroto must choose a Clone to complete this task.

The Fujin Clone is not completely healed; so, Kuroto wouldn’t risk using it either, as such, he has only two options left to him.

The first is the Suijin Clone, while the other is the Tsukihi Clone.

Suijin Clone was created using Yuki Haku’s cells, and Haku’s cells were almost non-aggressive, so the appearance of the Suijin Clone was quite similar to that of Kuroto when it was created.

But that was only the case when it was created, with the passage of time which has brought the increase of Kuroto’s age; those similarities are no longer so obvious considering different physical growth.

The main body has grown quite impeccably as the physique of a young man is supposed to develop, but that is not the case with the Suijin Clone whose physique has developed into that of a ‘Trap’ quite similar to that of Haku.

Of course, even with these different body types, the facial features of the Suijin Clone are quite similar to that of Kuroto; and these similarities in the facial features are still somewhat recognizable upon closer notice, not to mention the highly conspicuous Byakugan…

If the situation in the village escalates, and the Suijin’s mask is somehow destroyed, then there will be an issue of Kuroto’s cover being blown away… as such, Kuroto will definitely not use Suijin Clone either.

With all the other options rejected, Tsukihi Clone was the only option left, and Kuroto decided to go along with it.

After making the decision, Kuroto didn’t waste too much time and took out the Tsukihi Clone from the Nutrition Tank, dried off the water, then implanted the pair of Eternal Mangekyou Sharingan into the eye sockets of the Tsukihi Clone.

With that done, Kuroto used Tenseigan Soul Descend to transfer his soul into the Tsukihi Clone. One side of Kuroto’s eyes closed, at the same time, Tsukihi’s eyes opened and she slowly sat up from the operating table.

“This feeling…!” Tsukihi shook her head slightly and sighed.

The problem was not the ever-increasing bust to which she has almost gotten used to by now, but the strange dizziness and headache she felt.

Because this pair of Eternal Mangekyou Sharingan in her eye sockets was obtained through the most orthodox method, as such, the Visual Prowess of this pair of Eternal Mangekyou Sharingan is extremely strong.

And the Visual Prowess has further increased and changed after being stimulated by the high-potent Yang Chakra of the Hashirama Cells during the Cell Transplantation Operation in Shisui to the point that this pair of Eternal Mangekyou Sharingan in her eyesockets seemed to have come to life as if it has a pulse and heartbeat of its own that is constantly beating in rhythmic beats.

This is the first time Tsukihi is able to clearly feel this ‘alive’ sensation from this pair of Eternal Mangekyou Sharingan.

“Is it because I am not the original awakener of these eyes?” muttered Tsukihi with a thoughtful look on her face.

The trait ‘alive’ in this pair of Eternal Mangekyou Sharingan is obviously a manifestation of a sense of independence; Tsukihi is not completely unfamiliar with this sensation as she has felt the same ‘alive’ sensation from the Giant Tenseigan on the moon while being in the resonant state with it.

The reason why the Giant Tenseigan on the moon has the ‘alive’ sensation is that it is a combination of thousands of pairs of Byakugan, thus it contains unimaginable spiritual power from thousands of Otsutsuki Clansmen.

And the fact that the Eternal Mangekyou Sharingan has also started to gain a similar; albeit much weaker ‘alive’ sensation means that a spiritual presence of Uchiha Hideki and Uchiha Ryota power has started to manifest…

After perceiving this sensation carefully, Tsukihi couldn’t help but conclude, ‘These eyes really do seem to manifest the spiritual presence of Uchiha Ryota and Uchiha Hideki… although, from what I can feel, it’s just their instinctive presence, not their complete sense of self…’

And Tsukihi felt that this is not such a strange phenomenon… after all, Sharingan is the manifestation of one’s spiritual essence.

Tsukihi is very certain of this because, with the improvement of knowledge and experience, her understanding of the mysterious realm of the soul has also started to become somewhat clear, so the eternal mystery named Sharingan has also been unveiled to her to some extent.

In the final analysis, Sharingan; ‘the eyes that reflect the heart’ is actually just an organ unique to the bodies of the Uchiha Clansmen that helps in the external manifestation of their Spiritual Power i.e., the Yin Chakra.josei

Since Sharingan is just an organ that manifests Yin Chakra, then the Eternal Mangekyou Sharingan is also the same organ with the only difference being the fact that the quality and concentration of Yin Chakra it has manifested is very high in comparison to the Sharingan.

From this, we can further conclude that the essence of Rinnegan is just the combination of high quality and high concentration Yin and Yang Chakra.

The combination of Indra Chakra and the Asura Chakra just happens to be the only and easiest source in the Shinobi World to meet the requirements of obtaining high quality and high concentration Yin and Yang Chakra.

But this doesn’t mean that the combination of Indra and Asura Chakra or acquisition of the Rikudo Chakra is the only necessary condition to awaken the Rinnegan.

They are not the only condition, but just one of the many possible ways to awaken the Rinnegan…

The key point here is the high quality and high concentration ‘Yin chakra’ and ‘Yang Chakra’.

As long as these two requirements are met, no matter the source from where they originate, awakening Rinnegan shouldn’t be impossible.

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