Reborn into Naruto World with Tenseigan

Chapter 577

Chapter 577

“Will Orochimaru hand over Naruto and Hinata to Danzo? Doesn’t he want to use Naruto to exchange with Sasuke who is in the Akatsuki’s hands? Or is it possible that Danzo is offering him something that even Orochimaru is tempted about and can’t refuse…?”

As far as Homusubi has thought, the hostage exchange is bound to happen between Orochimaru and Akatsuki… After all, Naruto is of little use to Orochimaru, and Sasuke is of no value to the Akatsuki… and if they want their respective targets with no difficulty, then hostage exchange is the best option…

So, reasonably speaking, Orochimaru shouldn’t agree to Danzo’s offer, or maybe it is better to say that he will only partially agree at best… He may agree to hand over Hinata because she is of no use to him whatsoever, but he shouldn’t agree to hand over Naruto, after all, if he wants Sasuke who is in the hands of the Akatsuki, then he would need to hand over Naruto to Akatsuki… which would be impossible if Naruto is ‘rescued’ by Danzo…

But now that Homusubi thought about it a little, she realized that what she was thinking is just an ideal scenario… The ideal in the sense that both Akatsuki and Orochimaru operate in the sense of what’s best for them, but will they really operate in such a way?

Both Akatsuki Organization and Orochimaru are dishonest parties, and there is absolutely zero mutual trust between the two of them, so when the two sides meet for hostage exchange, they will definitely plan and try to pit each other, and both sides must realize each other’s mentality…

As such, it is possible that the so-called hostage exchange won’t even take place, and if hostage exchange doesn’t occur, then it wouldn’t be strange or impossible for Orochimaru to agree to Danzo’s proposal in exchange for some benefit…

After reaching this conclusion, Homusubi decided that she will think about this matter at a later date, no matter what Orochimaru and Danzo are planning, it doesn’t concern her for the time being, as such, Homusubi put aside this thought for now and focused on the matter at hand.

After putting aside, the report in her hands, she started to carry out experiments related to the parts she is responsible for…

Although Kuroto did not do any active research in the past few days because of being extremely busy in Anbu missions, his brain was not idle… Even when performing the Anbu mission, or doing other important or unimportant work, he was constantly formulating theories, analysis, as well as experimentation plans in his mind, so right now, Homusubi didn’t have to think too much and quickly got busy.

The major breakthrough that Orochimaru has made is mainly in the aspect of finding a perfect colloidal material for making the Chimera Buds.

The colloidal material that Orochimaru discovered is a special kind of glue with properties that make it suitable to be used for making the Chimera Buds.

This glue is highly active at a temperature of 45° Celsius, the activity level is almost comparable to the glue used by Hiruko to make the Chimera Buds.

But what’s different and special about this Glue discovered by Orochimaru is that its activity is controllable in variation to temperature, which doesn’t happen with the Glue used by Hiruko.

From 45° Celsius to 30° Celsius change in temperature, the change in activity is negative and is very small, but here’s where things start to get interesting… Just as the temperature decreases below 30° Celsius, the rate at which the activity decreases increases, and by the time the temperature approaches 0° Celsius, the activity becomes infinitely close to zero!

Normally for almost all the other materials, activity approaches ‘infinitely close to zero’ at 0° Kelvin which is almost impossible to achieve, but here, for this specific glue the activity is approaching ‘infinitely close to zero’ at 0° Celsius, and this makes it a very big discovery.

This kind of colloidal material whose activity is highly dependent on external temperature is very easy to control, as long as the surrounding temperature is adjusted as per the requirements, the risk of the Chimera Buds running out of control can fundamentally be prevented. Therefore, this breakthrough made by Orochimaru can be said to be critical…

Before Orochimaru found this special glue, Homusubi was unable to make a rough estimate of how much funds do she need to continue to invest for the improvement of the Chimera Jutsu, but now that Orochimaru has found this special glue, the time and money Homusubi needs to invest in the follow-up improvement have become calculable.

Not only that, but the discovery of the special glue also helped Homusubi solve many other problems she was earlier facing in the improvement of the Chimera Jutsu…

‘Hehe… Orochimaru-sensei sure is helpful…’ thought Homusubi in a good mood and speeded up the experimental part she was responsible for.

Within the next few days, Homusubi quickly redesigned the entire ceremony based on the new glue and specifically added a temperature control system that would allow the host of the ceremony to control the surrounding temperature in order to enhance or weaken the activity of the glue.

And aside from carrying out all these tests at Danzo’s Root base, Kuroto also made sure to upgrade his Ancor Vantian laboratory to the same level or even more advanced compared to the laboratory to make sure that all the experimentation that was done here could easily be replicated in his laboratory too.

In this way, time continued to pass, and in the blink of an eye more than a month flew by.

One month Later

After a month of reconstruction, the village changed from a desolate and ruined state and started to take back its vibrant form, with a newer appearance.

While walking on the streets, one can see the newly constructed streets and residential blocks.josei

Even Kuroto had to admire the construction workers for wiping away almost all the traces of the previous destruction… But it’s a pity that even if the village was being built anew, the haze and pain in the hearts of the villagers due to the loss of their loved ones did not disappear one bit.

And of course, the result of all that haze and pain within the heats of the villagers is that within the past month, various unfavorable opinions and rumors that were occasionally heard immediately after Akatsuki’s attack, fermented, as a result, almost all the ignorant folks started to express their dissatisfaction against Sandaime Hokage, and started to question his leadership.

This state of unrest reached the point that just about anyone with sufficient IQ could judge that someone is intentionally manipulating public opinion from the shadows…

And Kuroto who was aware of the inside story knew full well that this ‘someone’ is none other than Shimura Danzo, after all, Danzo is the type of guy who always makes these sorts of shady political maneuvers…

But Danzo was also playing quite well this time, he didn’t bother to spread false accusations, nor did he bother to distort the facts, all he did was trigger the doubts hidden in the hearts of the Villagers, so even Sandaime didn’t have any effective countermeasure, and was in a bit of a pinch.

But all this political drama had nothing to with Kuroto who was walking towards his new home…

That’s right, in the village reconstruction, Kuroto’s home, which was also destroyed has been reconstructed. Although the internal decoration has not been completed yet, he has already moved in.

So, after completing his Anbu duties for the day, Kuroto who returned home exhausted didn’t even bother to freshen up and after casually throwing aside his Anbu gear, he collapsed on the mattress with the heater turned on.

“Today, it was really frosty…” he muttered while warming himself inside the Kotatsu and soon started to drift into a cozy sleep.

But it’s a pity that he didn’t have the chance to catch up on his sleep, because as luck would have it, the moment he was about to drift into the world of dreams, suddenly a spiral whirl appeared in his living room, and from that spiral whirl a familiar figure with familiar clothing and familiar mask walked out, “My name is… Uchiha Madara!”

“I’ll be damned…”

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