Reborn into Naruto World with Tenseigan

Chapter 579

Chapter 579

‘It seems that because the Akatsuki Organization is unable to get any information from any other source or any other Shinobi Village, so they have decided to finally turn their attention on Konoha Village to seek out information…’ thought Kuroto with a thoughtful look on his face which he did not hide from Obito…

No doubt, after the previous war against the five great shinobi villages and Amatsukami, Akatsuki has become more and more afraid of Amatsukami. The very action of Obito to sneak inside Konoha in person, and blackmailing Kuroto using threat, coercion, and hostage that he has in order to make Kuroto his spy, shows that Akatsuki is getting more and more impatient due to their continuous inability to find any useful information about the Amatsukami.

It’s just that Akatsuki’s or, should it be said that Obito’s luck is really bad…

Whether through intentional or unintentional coincidence, the person Obito ended up choosing for the purpose of obtaining intelligence on Amatsukami turned out to be Kuroto, the very leader of Amatsukami, as a result, not only did Obito fail miserably in what he intended to do, but he also exposed the focus of Akatsuki Organization’s next course of actions.

But it’s a pity that Obito didn’t realize the reality, and how big of a blunder he made… when he saw the contemplative look on Kuroto’s face under his intimidation, Obito felt that he only needs to give a little more push, and Hyuga Kuroto will give in… thinking so, Obito said with Madara’s deep voice, “It’s time to decide… I don’t have all day long to spend here with you…”

Seeing that Obito seems to be getting impatient, Kuroto thought, ‘I guess there is no harm in agreeing to him… by doing so, I can find an opportunity to lay down a trap and then get rid of him directly by taking advantage of his overconfidence and carelessness…’

After making such a decision, Kuroto deliberately showed a tangled expression on his face as if he was still hesitating…

And sure enough, Kuroto’s acting skills worked just as he intended them to, when Obito saw that Hyuga Kuroto was still hesitating, his face under the mask turned gloomy, he subjected Kuroto to cold killing intent, and said in a threatening tone of voice, “It seems that you still don’t understand the meaning of my words… I am not here to negotiate with you… I am here to tell you what you have to do… If you don’t agree to my conditions, then the consequences you will face will not be good… Oh, by the way… I heard that, aside from a disciple, you have a fiancé… what’s her name? Hyuga Yui, correct? Then there is also the daughter of the Miko of the Land of Demons who is like a sister to you… she seems to be the same age as Hyuga Neji… her name’s Shion… right?”

Kuroto’s heart jumped when Obito mentioned Yui and Shion, and he coldly looked at Obito…josei

Seeing the coldness in Kuroto’s eyes, Obito shrugged, “Don’t give me that look… so long as you do as I say, no harm will come to them…” then he took a pause, and added in a bewitching tone, “If you do as I say, and bring me some useful information about Amatsukami, then I can even help you get rid of the cage that is currently binding your fate and limiting you…”

Kuroto narrowed his eyes, and asked with a confused expression, “What do you mean?”

Obito chuckled, “Oh, don’t play so dumb… you know exactly what I mean… the Cage Bird Cursed Seal…! If you managed to give me useful information, then I can help you get rid of the Cage Bird Cursed Seal.”

Obito obviously felt that just threatening and blackmailing Hyuga Kuroto might not be enough, so, after thinking a little bit, he decided to throw out a card that almost no Hyuga Clansmen from the branch family can resist.

After all, it is a well-known fact that the members of the Hyuga Branch family generally detest the Cage Bird Cursed Seal… the stronger and more talented a shinobi from the branch family is the more disgusted they will be towards the Cage Bird Cursed Seal that controls their destiny and life and death…

So, Obito felt that even Hyuga Kuroto won’t be able to resist the temptation of getting rid of the Cage Bird Cursed Seal, and exactly as he intended, when Kuroto heard that the Akatsuki can even help him get rid of the Cage Bird Cursed Seal, he was really taken aback, “Help me break free of the Cage Bird Cursed Seal?”

Obito nodded, “Yes.”

Whether Obito is being serious and really intends to help Kuroto get rid of the Cage Bird Cursed Seal or not is something that perhaps only Obito knows, but Kuroto felt that Obito wasn’t being serious, and just intends to present a carrot in front of him to tempt him and control him using that temptation.

The reason why he thinks as such is that Akatsuki doesn’t really have the ability to crack the Cage Bird Cursed Seal, Kuroto is sure of this… he is so sure, because even Kuroto who is a Hyuga and an expert in Fuinjutsu hasn’t managed to find a way to completely break the Cage Bird Cursed Seal as of yet, so how can Akatsuki find a way?

But for instance, Kuroto does assume that Akatsuki has the ability to find a way to break the Cage Bird Cursed Seal, would they really devote their energy to it? Kuroto doesn’t really think they will, because it is of no use to them…

Therefore, Kuroto knows that even the temptations that Obito presented before him are just empty words with no sincerity, so he didn’t take them seriously. Besides, even if Obito was really being sincere, Kuroto wouldn’t really bother, because the Cage Bird Cursed Seal does not limit him…

Of course, even if Kuroto knew the truth, he still decided to play along with Obito… Kuroto’s face showed a moved expression, and while rubbing his forehead he asked in a surprised tone, “Are you being really serious… Can Akatsuki Organization really help me get rid of this Caged Bird cursed seal?”

Obito nodded confidently, “Of course, there’s nothing in this world that the Akatsuki Organization cannot do…” then added in a convincing tone, “We have the Rinnegan… In the face of those eyes, no Jutsu exist that can not be broken… Cage Bird Cursed Seal is just a stronger seal, there’s just no way it wouldn’t be broken…”

Hearing these words, Kuroto seemed convinced, and nodded immediately, “Alright, I can try to investigate all the intelligence that the Village has about Amatsukami… As long as I do find something useful, I will relay it to you, but do make note that I am not giving you any guarantee…”

Obito seemed satisfied, and nodded, if you want to break free of the Cage Bird Cursed Seal, then you will make sure that you will bring me useful intelligence about Amatsukami… As long as you give me something useful, you will be rewarded accordingly…”

Kuroto nodded slightly, then as if he suddenly remembered something, he asked, “But how should I contact you? You should know that intelligence is only valuable and useful if it is passed on immediately, so, in order to relay intelligence to you, I would need some method of contact…”

Kuroto knows that as long as he can actively contact Obito, and call him to the location he wants, he can prepare advance traps and get rid of this troublesome guy… so a means of contact with Obito is what Kuroto really wants to have…

“I know, but you don’t have to worry about contacting me… I will come to you on my own, but do note that my eyes are always on you… if you try to deceive me, then be prepared for the consequences…” Obito said so in a deep tone of voice then disappeared without giving Kuroto any chance to say otherwise…

Undoubtedly Obito also considered the possibility that Kuroto might give in to his intimidation on the surface, and then report everything that happened right now to the Hokage and Amatsukami, which was bound to make things difficult for him, as such, Obito had no intention of giving out anything that might make things troublesome for him.

“Tch…” watching Obito disappear, Kuroto clicked his tongue in annoyance and then sighed at his own carelessness…

This time Kuroto was really caught off guard and that allowed Obito to get so close to him…

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