Reborn into Naruto World with Tenseigan

Chapter 584

Chapter 584

Present-day, Danzo’s current base of operation

“Homusubi-sama, the meeting requested by you is scheduled to be held in half an hour… please be prepared…” – said Bishojo-chan while respectfully kneeling.

Kuroto who was currently using the Tsukihi Clone, and disguised as Homusubi nodded lightly, “I understand…”

After the unremitting efforts of Homusubi, Orochimaru, and the group of researchers working under Shimura Danzo, the improvement in the Chimera Jutsu has finally entered the last stage of development.

From here on out, proceeding any further is difficult just by means of experimentation, for the next stage what Homusubi has to formulate the specific Kekkei Genkai absorption plan and corresponding fusion ritual.

This is an unavoidable problem, as such, Homusubi has recently requested to hold a meeting.

After nodding to Bishojo-chan, Homusubi started to sort out all the reports spread on the table, and requested Bishojo-chan, “Naomi, would you mind helping me sort all the reports spread on the table?”

Naomi nodded, and started to help Homusubi, after the two quickly sorted out all the reports, Bishojo-Chan took out a scroll and gave it to Suijin, “These are my latest findings…”

Homusubi received the scroll, and while reading it, she suddenly said to Bishojo-chan, “By the way, Naomi, you do know that you can remove your mask when you are here to report the situation to me…”

“Yes, I do… but…” the Bishojo-chan, whose real name is Naomi, Shimizu Naomi hesitated a little as she looked at the researchers working in the laboratory…

“If you are worried about them realizing it… then don’t be… they are all under my control so they won’t even see you… they see and feel only the things I want them to…” said Homusubi, then she waved her hand in front of a few researchers, and tapped their shoulders…

And just as Homusubi said, the researchers did not react to Homusubi’s waving and tapping at all, “Do you see? Don’t worry, nobody will realize that you are now working for me…”

Naomi nodded lightly and then removed her mask…

For those wondering what the hell is going on here, the answer is quite simple, Shimizu Naomi a.k.a. the Bishojo-Chan is no longer working for Shimura Danzo, she is now loyal to Homusubi, and is spying on Danzo under Tsukihi’s orders…

Of course, there is a reason why Naomi is now working for Homusubi, and for that, we have to go back a few days ago…

Flashback no Jutsu: Start

Homusubi after doing another gruesome experiment walked out of the lab while wiping off the blood, and said to Bishojo-chan who was guarding the entrance, “Bishojo-chan, it’s been a few days since you have been coming to me… and I can see that you want to say something… you don’t have to hesitate…”

Exactly as Homusubi spoke, Bishojo-chan has been coming to the laboratory for the past few days, of course, she has been appointed by Danzo to keep a watch over Homusubi, but Tsukihi can tell that Bishojo-chan has something in her mind that she wants to say, but she is hesitating…

Seen through by Homusubi, Bishojo-chan hesitated a little, and then asked, “How is Fujin-sama?”

Homusubi quirked her eyebrows, then she decided to answer, “His injuries are terrible, but he is alive…” then she questioned in a confused tone, “But why the sudden curiosity about him?”

Bishojo-chan shook her head, “Nothing…” then she paused slightly, and asked, “Homusubi-sama, I wanted to question something…”

Homusubi became curious, “You want to ask me something? What is it?”

“Shinobis have a code of conduct according to which they must keep all the information related to their mission confidential, and not reveal the identity of the person who has requested the task… does the Amatsukami Organization follows this code…?” Bishojo-chan asked in a serious tone.

Homusubi frowned, but she answered nonetheless, “Well yeah, a mercenary organization such as ours have to follow certain code of conduct, and Amatsukami has a reputation to uphold, so we are even more strict in these matters, aside from the leader and the person who is performing the mission, no one else is ever aware of its contents. after all, the tasks we receive are generally shady ones… and may cause a lot of problems if any sort of intelligence is leaked…”

Hearing this response, Bishojo-Chan said, “In that case, I want to issue a task to Amatsukami…”

“Oh?” Now Homusubi was indeed surprised, but she first questioned, “Is it from Shimura Danzo?”

Bishojo-chan shook her head, “No… it’s not from him…” then she passed a scroll to Homusubi, and said, “I have written everything related to the mission on this scroll… you can read it, and then tell me… as for the payment for the task, name your price and I will do my best to pay you.”

Homusubi curiously unfolded the scroll after making sure it wasn’t some kind of trap, then read the content on the scroll… after reading it, she was quite surprised and looked at Bishojo-chan with a surprised look, “I see… it clears away a lot of my doubts, and at the same time I finally understand why you are not loyal to Danzo… well, I guess I can help you, but for my fees, I don’t want money from you, how about doing a mission for me in return…”

“I am willing to do anything if Amatsukami can help me…” Bishojo-Chan immediately replied without any shred of hesitation…

“I guess we have a deal then…” said Homusubi as she brought out her hand for a hand shake…

Bishojo-Chan hesitated a little then shook Homusubi’s hand, and just as she did her eyesight aligned with Homusubi’s activated Mangekyou Sharingan who said a smile, “One thing I forgot to mention my dear, firstly, I would like to verify whether what’s written in the scroll is really the truth or not…”

Flashback no Jutsu: End

Apparently, the task Bishojo-chan gave was indeed genuine, not only Homusubi verified after reading Naomi’s memories, but also after some of her own personal investigations. So, she agreed to complete the task, and what she asked Naomi in return was ‘Spy on Shimura Danzo for me, and report all the intelligence about his movements to me…’ to which Bishojo-Chan agreed and as such, here we are…josei

After Homusubi read the scroll, she praised Naomi, “Good work Naomi…” then she too took out a scroll and gave it to Naomi, “And here’s your reward… it records all the intelligence that you need…”

Naomi’s expression changed, there was surprise and excitement clearly visible in her eyes… she quickly took the scroll from Homusubi, and immediately unfolded it and read everything in it, as she started to read it, tears started to flow down from her eyes… “I knew it… I knew she was alive! Danzo… he lied to me! I knew Mika was alive… I knew she didn’t die…”

Homusubi nodded lightly, and said, “Well, your niece is indeed alive… after I did my own investigation, I found out that she never really suffered from any disease… the deformation in her limbs was the result of a unique Kekkei Genkai that your niece awakened at that time.

It was unlucky for the girl to be found by Shimura Danzo before anyone else, and Shimura Danzo found this Kekkei Genkai to be very interesting, he understood that her Kekkei Genkai will make Mika a perfect Kunoichi… Exactly the kind of ‘tool’ he needs, so she is being trained by him…”

Naomi nodded, and explained, “I never really believed him when he told me about Mika’s death, and for the past 4 years, I have been trying to find any clue about her, but Danzo has always been vigilant against me and never left any clue in front of me… Finally, now I know…!”

Homusubi nodded but then she questioned with a confused expression, “If that’s the case, then why did you never go to Konoha’s Hokage or Tsunade-hime for help? Given that Mika carries some Senju blood from her father’s side, they would have definitely helped you, you know…”

Naomi answered, “Tsunade-sama was never in the village up until a few months ago, so obviously I couldn’t go to her… As for Hokage-sama… I wasn’t sure if he would be willing to have a conflict with Danzo for the sake of Mika… so…”

Homusubi nodded, “I suppose that makes sense…” and then asked, “So, now that you have the information… what are you going to do…?”

Naomi answered, “Of course, rescue her immediately…”

Homusubi suggested, “You shouldn’t be hasty… Given Danzo’s character, she should have been brainwashed by now… so, rescuing her right now wouldn’t be the best option… it will also be problematic for my plans… as Shimura Danzo will become highly alert…”

Naomi understood, and asked, “Then what do you suggest Homusubi-sama…?!”

Homusubi thought for a while, then said, “In about a few weeks from now, you will get the perfect opportunity to rescue her… wait until then…”

Naomi hesitated, “But what happens if he plans to use her before that?”

Homusubi shook her head, “He won’t… trust me on this…”

After thinking for a while, Naomi nodded, “Alright then… I will wait until then…”

Homusubi nodded then left for the meeting with Danzo…

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