Reborn into Naruto World with Tenseigan

Chapter 587

Chapter 587


Danzo struck his crutch on the ground to break the silence in the room. Then asked Homusubi with a frowned expression, “You said that I have an advantage in this aspect… is it because my body already has Yin and Yang Chakra from the Sharingan and the Hashirama Cells that I have implanted, and I wouldn’t have to worry about these two Chakra Natures?”

Homusubi nodded, “Sort of… your body already has two Kekkei Genkai that are giving you two of the seven Chakra Natures… that being Yin and Yang Chakra Natures which are the most important of all, so what you have to focus on is obtaining the other five basic Chakra Natures…”

Danzo was disappointed for a moment, the reason being, he realized that he won’t be able to devour Mika’s Kekkei Genkai that is based on Yang Chakra Nature Transformation… but after thinking about it a little he no longer cared whether he would be able to devour her Kekkei Genkai or not… after all, he would still have seven other Kekkei Genkai including both Sharingan and the Mokuton… Upon reaching such a conclusion, his stretched brows loosened, and his tone became brisk as well, as he said, “If that’s the case… what else is there to worry about?”

However, before Danzo could become so happy, Homusubi poured cold water, “It’s not that simple…” and while shaking her head, she explained as she pointed at Danzo’s right arm, “I have said it before… your situation is quite complicated… Although, you have implanted Hashirama Cells and several three-tomoe Sharingan… the method and techniques of implantation are too poor and crude and they have left behind a lot of hidden dangers in your body. The two forces of Sharingan and Hashirama Cells that is, Yin Chakra and Yang Chakra are barely in an equilibrium state inside your body… if either of them is consumed beyond a certain limit, then you will lose control of both of them, and there would be life-threatening consequences… I think you should know this better than me, so you should understand what I am trying to imply here…”josei

Due to the limitations of technological advancement at that time, Danzo’s transplantation technique is the most unsophisticated and the most unstable.

The right arm, implanted with several three-tomoe Sharingan that he got transplanted in his body does not even belong to him but to a kid named Shin who was part of the Root until a few months ago and has gone missing some time after the tri-Alliance’s raid on Akatsuki Organization at Amegakure. Regardless of what that kid is doing now, the focus here is that the way the transplantation of Hashirama Cells has been done in his arm is also very rough.

In fact, the way Shin’s right hand is transplanted into Danzo’s body can also be considered an attempt towards ‘Organ Fusion’.

And when that arm implanted with several three-tomoe Sharingan and Hashirama Cells was transplanted into Danzo’s body, it was just an organ level transplantation, not even the cellular level transplantation much less genetic level.

Regardless, all Homusubi had to say for it is that it is the result of a lack of capable subordinates on Danzo’s side… And she is indeed very correct, if Danzo had capable subordinates, then they would have at least attempted cellular level fusion even if genetic level seemed beyond their pay grade…

Facts have proven that the genetic level fusion is the most thorough of all types… although the rate of failure is very high in the case of genetic level, once successful, genetic level fusion provides the most stability… Hyuga Kuroto and all his clones are the best examples…

In the case of Kuroto, once he merged all the recessive genes of the Hyuga Clan and managed to successfully activate all the 33 gene sequences and then awakened the Tenseigan, there was no phenomenon of rejection or runaway… Similarly, for the clones, once Kuroto manages to successfully fuse the genes, the other steps become rather easy and there are very few cases of rejection… This Genetic Fusion is indeed the best.

Even cellular level fusion is much better compared to the organ level because after the fusion is successful, it will also tend to be stable… Hashirama Cell transplantation in Madara and Obito are very good examples…

And finally comes the Organ Level fusion which is the most inferior and also the most stable… Even if Danzo succeeded using this method, the state of his body is in extreme danger due to the runaway of Hashirama Cells, if the balance of Yin Chakra plummets.

This was clearly seen in the battle between Danzo and Uchiha Sasuke in the cannon.

After he had consumed a lot of Yin Chakra due to repeated use of Izanagi, the balance between Yin and Yang Chakra was disrupted, and immediately after that, the Hashirama Cells in his hands ran out of his control.

The same situation can arise during the Kekkei Genkai Absorption Ritual… If Hashirama Cells are not controlled, then they will definitely run out of control… and if Hashirama Cells runs out of control, then rather than Danzo becomes a perfect Shinobi with seven Kekkei Genkai, he will become a humongous tree!

And since Homusubi did not want that to happen, she gave a true evaluation of Danzo’s state…

But of course, what Homusubi stated might have been the truth, it wasn’t pleasant to everyone’s ears… When Danzo heard Homusubi’s unceremonious evaluation, he wasn’t very happy… “How dare you!?”

At the same time, because of Homusubi’s frankness in evaluating his state, deep down in his heart, Danzo developed a little trust in Homusubi… and was willing to believe in her…

Obviously, Homusubi didn’t know what the old guy Danzo was thinking, and without any regard to his irritated expression, she said in an indifferent one, “Considering that you have cells of many different people in your body, especially the cells of Senju Hashirama’s, you should select the other five Kekkei Genkai in such a manner that all the seven Chakra Natures will be in a balanced state… Make note that Hashirama Cells also gives you some extent of Earth and Water Chakra Nature…”

For Shimura Danzo’s Kekkei Genkai Absorption Ritual, Homusubi has been quite honest and has provided all the help necessary…

This is done in order to make sure that Danzo gets as close to success as possible…

As said before, Danzo has all the things necessary to be a perfect pawn… he has manpower at his disposal, he has enough financial power, most of all he yearns for power, and is bold enough to take even the most drastic of steps for the sake of so-called dreams… a second pawn like Danzo will be hard to come by in the future… and Kuroto wants to exploit Danzo to the maximum to explore the path ahead in order to smoothen his journey into achieving Kekkei Mora in the future.

While Danzo was pondering over Homusubi’s words, Orochimaru also recovered from his thoughts and silently observed the situation…

After keenly observing everything that Homusubi has said up to now, Orochimaru was able to guess some of her thoughts… according to what he has guessed, Amatsukami has the same idea as him, they intend to use Shimura Danzo as a ‘lab rat’ / ‘guinea pig’ to probably test something…

After understanding this, Orochimaru thought a little and said to Danzo, “Danzo-sama… I have a suggestion… and this might further increase the success rate…”

Both Homusubi and Danzo were curious and looked at Orochimaru with quizzical expressions, and Danzo questioned, “What suggestion?”

“As Homusubi stated, the technique used to transplant that right arm in your body is very poor… and it will certainly affect the future outcome of the ritual… If you allow me, I can do a comprehensive inspection and transformation of your entire body, such that, the transplantation will become more stable, and your body will also be able to undergo ritual safely…” said Orochimaru.

When it comes to body modification and body transformation, Orochimaru can be said to be standing at the pinnacle of the current Shinobi World, and even Kuroto who is highly advanced in biotechnology can not be compared to him…

Take Orochimaru as an example… this guy has trodden the path of body modification and transformation to such a level that he can’t even be considered a human anymore… His true form is that of a giant white snake made up of many smaller snakes. Therefore, when he proposed body modification for Danzo both Homusubi and Danzo were taken aback… and had to consider it for a moment…

It’s just that Orochimaru’s every word gives off a ‘conspiracy’ vibe, so they were not sure whether to accept his proposal or not.

Homusubi in particular stretched her brows and stared at Orochimaru fiercely… her eyes were clearly stating, “Orochimaru…! How can you be so blatant in treating Shimura Danzo as a ‘lab rat’?”

Obviously, Orochimaru understood what Homusubi was trying to say, he chuckled lightly and blinked as if saying, “Aren’t you the same? And don’t worry… even if Danzo realizes that we are treating him as a ‘lab rat’, he won’t refuse…!”

And while Homusubi and Orochimaru were talking with their eyes, Danzo looked at the two of them with a gloomy face… but he chose to remain silent and didn’t say anything which was exactly as Orochimaru had expected.

Although Danzo may not have a clear idea of what Orochimaru and Homusubi are planning, he does know that they intend to do something… But even if he knows this, Danzo doesn’t care… What he desires is power… So long as he can get the level of power he wants, he doesn’t mind playing in the palms of Homusubi and Orochimaru for a while…

What’s more… who is using whom to achieve their purpose can not be decided until the final card is played… As long as he is the last one standing among the three, he will be the ultimate winner who used both Amatsukami and Orochimaru to achieve his purpose…

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