Reborn into Naruto World with Tenseigan

Chapter 671

Chapter 671

Chapter 671: Short Trip to Hot Spring
As Kuroto entered the Konoha Hospital, he saw the increased rush inside.

Because of the sudden influx of nearly a thousand injured shinobi, and around five hundred dead bodies being prepared for the burial, the Konoha Hospital is in chaos at this moment.

Looking at the saddened villagers crying over the loss of their loved ones, Kuroto felt guilty.

When he and Orochimaru designed the Kekkei Genkai Absorption Ritual and Chakra Transmission Array for Danzo, neither he nor Orochimaru planned to sacrifice the lives of those fifteen hundred Konoha Shinobis.

Both he and Orochimaru expected that the Chakra support provided by fifteen hundred Konoha Shinobi should be more than enough, as such, there won’t be any problem of lack of chakra, so obviously, their lives won’t be in danger.

However, both he and Orochimaru were proven wrong during the ritual.

Especially Kuroto, he never expected that the requirements of Chakra would be so high, that Danzo would become crazy and turn the Chakra Transmission Array beyond the maximum limit, endangering the lives of the shinobis standing on the array.

The thing is, even if it was Danzo who sucked the chakra of all those deceased Konoha Shinobis, Kuroto and Orochimaru have equal unshirkable responsibility for their deaths for they are the ones who designed the damned thing!

Given Orochimaru’s character, he won’t be least affected by the deaths of these people, however, Kuroto feels guilty.

But at the same time, he is more determined… because he knows…

Weak people are always at the mercy of the strong, they have to dance at the whims of strong people. As such, in the plans of strong ones, the weak ones are crushed, trampled upon, and sacrificed without any regard… Kuroto has also personally experienced such a life after graduating from the academy and in his early teens, therefore, he never wants to go back to those days.

Moreover, Kuroto can’t allow the sacrifice of these five hundred dead shinobi to go to waste. He has to give their deaths at least some meaning.

This is why Kuroto has decided to work on Project Godhood with all his heart and see it to the end.

With such determination, he continued to walk through the corridors of the Konoha Hospital and came to the room that is assigned to Yui.

Of course, Yui was not sitting in her cabin, she was obviously too busy to be resting here because of the sudden influx of Konoha Shinobi, and Kuroto chose not to disturb her, instead, he patiently waited for her to come here.

And Kuroto had to wait for a damn long time for her to return.

Yui came to her cabin at 3 o’clock in the morning.

As she entered her cabin to change her clothes and catch a quick sleep, she was surprised to find Kuroto sitting on a chair by the window and reading something. After noticing him, she questioned, “Kuroto-kun… when did you come here?”

Kuroto answered with a smile, “Just a while ago…”

Yui sighed, “You have been waiting here since evening, right? You know you could have directly come to find me instead of waiting here…”

Kuroto smiled and didn’t answer… Some things aren’t required to be said because they are better left unsaid.

Seeing Kuroto’s smile, Yui shook her head helplessly, and said, “Alright.” then she closed the door and asked, “Is there something you needed?”

Kuroto nodded, “Sort of… I needed a favor.”

Yui muttered, “I see… I’ll definitely help you… but” here she paused and said, “If it’s nothing of emergency, would it be fine if I listen after a bath? I am extremely tired right now, and want to take a hot bath right this moment… so–” but she suddenly stopped, thought of something, and excitedly said, “Or wait, why don’t you join me…? You can tell me all the details while we soak in the hot water…”

Seeing Yui’s tired expression, at the same time, her beaming smile, Kuroto couldn’t help but nod… “Now that I think about it, it’s been quite a while since we have spent some quality time together, alright, let’s do that…”

Yui bobbed her head, “Yes… it’s been quite a while.”

With that Kuroto folded back the scroll he was reading and said to Yui, “Sort out your things, and then we can leave when you are ready… Using this occasion, I will take you to a place I found not too long ago… That place has some good hot springs, you will be able to relax there…”

Yui frowned, “But Kuroto-kun, we can’t go too far, the number of patients at the hospital is a lot at this time… And if I were to disappear for a long time, then it will be a problem… Tsunade-sama will also scold me…”

Kuroto reassured Yui, “I know… don’t worry about it… we aren’t going too far… I mean we are, but we can return instantly…”

Yui asked in confusion, “What do you mean?”

Kuroto smiled and said, “Wouldn’t it be better to directly experience it.”

Although not sure how, out of trust in Kuroto, she nodded, “Alright… if you say so.”

With that Yui went to sort out her things, as well as bring along a set of clothes that she would wear after the bath meanwhile Kuroto started the preparations from his end.

After 10 minutes, the two of them were prepared and ready to disappear.

Kuroto took out a giant scroll and put it on the floor…

Seeing the scroll, Yui narrowed her eyes, “Isn’t this a Scroll for signing contracts with the summoning creatures?”

Kuroto nodded, “Yes, and you are going to sign your name in it too…”

She nodded obediently, “Okay…” albeit in confusion.

With that, Yui bit her finger, then used the blood to sign her name on it, then further marked it with her fingerprints.

And the contract was formally established, “It’s done.” Muttered Kuroto, and added, “Now we are all set to go.”

At this time, Yui asked, “Kuroto-kun, are we going to use reverse-summoning to go to that place?”

“Indeed…” nodded Kuroto, then explained, “The place we are going to is located near the seas of the Land of Lightning… it’s a volcanic island that I discovered during one of my Anbu missions… After I discovered it, I made some changes to it, so at this point, the only way to go there, and come out is by the means of Reverse Summoning Jutsu and that is only possible if someone has signed the contract, I designed…”josei

Yui blinked her eyes and looked at Kuroto in amazement…

Kuroto smiled seeing Yui’s shocked expression, “Don’t worry about it… it wasn’t a big deal.” And after reassuring her, he said to her, “Now, that you have signed the summoning contract, let’s use the Reverse Summoning Jutsu to go there.”

Yui nodded, “Okay.”

The two then held one of their hands together and using their other hand, the two weaved the hand signs of the reverse summoning Jutsu, and… Poof…

And off they disappeared from the Konoha Hospital.

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