Reborn into Naruto World with Tenseigan

Chapter 684

Chapter 684

In the following days to come, during the daytime, Kuroto continued to train in the steel fist Taijutsu style in order to train his body and become familiar with the second gate.

To make sure that his body constantly hits the limit so that he can break them time and time again and allow his body to quickly adapt and become stronger, Kuroto decided to keep the Gates open while carrying out his Taijutsu training.

If Guy were to learn of this, he would be stunned and might even berate Kuroto for over-exerting himself too much.

After all, even if the Gate of Opening and the Gate of Healing are the first two gates, the burden they exert on the body is still a lot. There is no problem opening them for a short time, however, when kept open for several hours, it’s definitely not an easy task. The body gets completely drained… this is so dangerous and it’s practically self-harm… And Kuroto is barely able to carry it out, provided that his food intake has increased quite significantly as he constantly needs to recover energy.

But of course, all this trouble and inhuman penance are not without its benefit, the results of carrying out this form of training are also very obvious.

On the afternoon of the fifth day, while Kuroto was carrying out his training, he managed to successfully hit the third gate, and breach the Gate of Life… This was unexpected, as he was able to open the Gate of Life one and half days earlier compared to his expectations.

However, when Kuroto approached the guy and asked for his help on how to open the fourth gate, he found that just a few hours ago, Kakashi also approached him with the same purpose… meaning that, Kakashi has also opened the Gate of Life.

Kuroto was shocked, ‘That’s unexpected… It turns out that even if I carried out such rigorous training, it still took me more time than Kakashi…’

Upon asking further about how Kakashi is carrying out his training, Kuroto soon learned that Kakashi is using Lightning Chakra to keep his cells activated while training, this approach is helping Kakashi speed up his training and it made sense.

Thankfully, Kuroto is also experimenting with things to increase his progress rate, lest he would have been left behind by Kakashi!

Well, Guy on the other hand was different… Seeing that Kuroto also managed to open the Gate of Life so early, he couldn’t help but sigh, “It took me nearly one and a half years to open the Gate of Life… but the two of you managed to open it in less than a week! Compared to the two of you… I really lack any form of talent…!”

Kuroto shook his head, “That’s not the case… While you were training, you had to start from the start… and you also had to carry out the basic training, to build up a solid foundation, that’s why it took you so long, I and Kakashi don’t have to carry out the basic training, we already have a strong foundation because of years of training, which is why our speed of progress is fast for now, eventually, it will slow down.”

Guy smiled at Kuroto’s attempt to console him, and said, “Kuroto… you don’t have to comfort me, and I was just kidding around… To be honest, seeing the two of you learning the Eight Gates, I feel excited, and challenged… and I am loving this challenge!”

Kuroto knows that Guy is telling the truth, so he no longer discussed anything off-topic, and directly asked Guy’s advice on how to open the fourth gate.

After Guy gave him a detailed explanation about the fourth gate, that is the Gate of Pain, and the training procedure for opening it, Kuroto thanked Guy and soon left.

Coming back to his home, Kuroto made sure no one was spying on him, and after he had confirmed, Kuroto made sure to lock the doors and windows of his house, as well as shut the curtains, then took out the storage scroll as well as the contents stored in it.

The storage scroll contained an incomplete diagram of a shinobi’s chakra pathway system, as well as scrolls of hundreds of types of Fuinjutsus.

With everything present before him, Kuroto started to work on it.

For those who don’t know, Kuroto basically does two things these days, one, he trains his body to open all the eight gates, second, he works on the Yin-seal, and tries to improve it so that males can also use it.

And to study the Yin-seal, Kuroto uses the Homusubi Clone. The reason is that if he encounters any problem, he directly transfers his soul inside the body of the Homusubi clone and tries to figure out the solution to that problem.

The incomplete diagram of all the meridians in the body of a human has been drawn using this approach.

Having made such progress, Kuroto couldn’t help but sigh.

In fact, improving the Yin seal to meet the needs of a male is not an easy task, fortunately, he has Homusubi’s clone at his disposal, else, even Kuroto with his knowledge couldn’t have come so far.

And Kuroto knows that what he is doing now is really useful, because, he has compared the chakra pathways of his body with that of Homusubi, and by doing so, he was able to mark several small and subtle differences in the chakra pathways.

When Kuroto discovered these subtle differences, he was very happy… for his guess was finally confirmed… the reason why the original Yin seal wasn’t working on him, and why males are unable to use the Yin seal are these subtle differences, and knowing this, Kuroto also understood that as long as the working of the seal is rewritten the problem will be solved.

And since the human male body has been mapped, then the working of the seal can be rewritten with not too much difficulty.

Of course, just because Kuroto says that this will be easy, doesn’t mean that it will really be that easy… If someone intends to rewrite the working of the seal as per the requirements of a male’s body, then that person needs to first have mastery of Fuinjutsu…. But that is still not enough, because the rewritten seal has to be tested… which can be quite dangerous.

If the person who rewrote the Fuinjutsu made any mistake, then the life of the person using the seal will be at stake… even if it is Kuroto himself who rewrote the seal, he won’t completely trust it to be harmless until he verifies it to be so.

After all, when it comes down to the level of chakra meridians, even a very minute difference can lead to very big changes, and Kuroto doesn’t have any plans to risk the safety of his body.

And to get rid of this doubt and try out the rewritten seal, Kuroto plans to use the trial and error elimination method.

He plans to use spare male clones in his laboratory as trials and correct the errors using those trials to complete the seal as early as possible.josei

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