Reborn into Naruto World with Tenseigan

Chapter 149 - – 146 Cloning

Chapter 149 - – 146 Cloning

According to Kuroto's experimental plan, the main part of the Water Clone will still be his own cell tissues.

However, considering that there will be Kuroto's own Chakra nature in his cell tissues, so these cell tissues will have to be filtered using several types of scientific equipment to remove these Chakra Nature and then use Haku's cell tissues to add his genes to add Water Chakra Nature and Ice Release Kekkei Genkai. ​​

Haku has the Ice Release Kekkei Genkai, so his Major Chakra Nature will be Water followed by Wind, as the fusion of Water and Wind nature results in the Ice Release.

Therefore, Haku's cells can be used to create the clone with Water Release as the main affinity.

However, it is easier said than done, as the whole plan will have two main difficulties.

The first problem is how to filter out the Yin Chakra from his own cells and the second is how to solve the problem of the rejection reaction between his cells and Haku's cells. After all, the two will have to fuse for the successful cultivation of the Water Clone.

For both the problems, Kuroto doesn't have an option and will have to rely on the process of trial and error.

For the first, the most he could is to only filter the cells through the cutting-edge devices such as centrifuge filter; several times, but that still gives rise to another problem, which would be the appropriate number of filtrations, if the number isn't enough, Yin Chakra will remain in his cells and if the number of filtrations is too much then the cell activity will be greatly reduced.

How to grasp the accurate number cannot be guessed nor can anyone tell him, he will have to find it through repeated trial and error.

And similarly, he doesn't have any solution to solve the second problem either, it will completely rely on luck. After all, rejection between the cells of two different people also has a degree of uncertainty, sometimes it could be as extreme as 99.99% while the other times it could be as low as 0.001%. Therefore, it would depend on luck, at least for now, until he becomes knowledgeable enough to get rid of the luck factor.

As the experimental plan was perfected step by step, the Water Clone Creation Project finally commenced.

Firstly, Kuroto extracted his own cell tissues and placed them in one hundred small Petri dishes, and then filtered them using a Filter Centrifuge device, step-by-step and through various potency.

This was all manual work and had to be carried out very precisely therefore it took Kuroto three full days to complete it.

At the end out of the hundred samples, only six samples were suitably cleared of the Yin Chakra Nature while the other samples either still have the remains of Yin Chakra Nature or complete lost Cell activity making them unsuitable for the further process, i.e., they were deemed unsuitable to be used for cloning.

With the six samples ready, Kuroto observed each of them through the high precision microscope only to find that they were slightly damaged, but the degree was within the acceptable range.

So without any further ado, Kuroto processed them for the next step and extracted Haku's cells.

Since Ice Release is the result of the fusion of the Water Chakra Nature and the Wind Chakra Nature. This means that the progenitor of the Yuki Clan was an extraordinary ninja who mastered Water Release to the extreme and then fused it with the Wind Release. His further mastery with the Ice release was developed enough that he managed to fuse the Water Chakra and Wind chakra at the genetic level which was later passed down from generation to generation giving birth to the Ice Release Kekkei Genkai of the Yuki Clan.

Therefore, even though Haku is just a child, his affinity with the Water Chakra Nature that he had in his genetic combination was far extraordinary, in fact, considering Haku's talent, he might even have a very high affinity with the Water Nature.

Therefore, Haku is the best subject Kuroto could use to extract cells from for his cloning purpose.

After injecting Haku's cells into the Six Sample Petri Dishes, Kuroto waited quietly for the result.

After the timer was off, Kuroto observed the results:

The cell tissues in the first Petri Dish were dead i.e., they lost their vitality due to rejection between his and Haku's cells.

Kuroto's mood didn't fluctuate and he calmly removed the Sample-A from the Large cell incubator.

The rejection between the cells was long expected by him, so Kuroto wasn't depressed because of it and calmly looked at the situation of the next five samples.

Soon the timer of the third and the fourth incubator reached zero and similar two the Sample-A, Sample-C, and Sample-D also had a rejection between the two types of cells, therefore, losing their vitality and were tacitly removed from their cell incubators by Kuroto.

After a little more waiting, the timers of the second, fifth, and sixth incubators reached zero, and fortunately, Sample-B, Sample-E, and Sample-F survived the rejection reaction.

The average survival percentage of the rejection reaction turned out to be 50%, much higher than what Kuroto expected initially which was highly surprising.

'How come the survival rate was as high as 50%? It's weird, is it because our cells have a certain fit?' – thought Kuroto in slight confusion.

Many factors affect the rejection reaction, therefore, Kuroto can't conform; what is the possible cause of such a high fusion rate, at least not now.

Putting this thought at the back of his mind to consider later, Kuroto observed the three samples with the super precision microscope only to find that cells in Sample-E were tending towards Haku, that is to say, if Sample-E is used for the clone, then it would produce Haku's clone not his, so Sample-E was also discarded.

The reason for such a thing to happen was that the Cells of Kuroto in Sample-E were highly damaged due to filtration, therefore, Haku's cells were dominating.

After discarding Sample-E, only Sample-B and Sample-F were left. And strangely enough, Kuroto also happened to have only two Nutrition Tanks in his laboratory so this was a good coincidence.

Anyway, that aside, the two samples were separated and placed into the two nutrition tanks after the bud creation.

Now the final step of the cloning began which was the growth of the Clone body.

On average it takes at least three months for the growth process, no matter how high the quality of the nutrient solution is. josei

Nobody can change this fact, neither Orochimaru nor Danzo, no matter how many accelerators they add to the nutrient solution. If the process is speeded up too much, then the quality of the Clone body would be very inferior.

But Kuroto is an exception to this fact. Thanks to his Tenseigan, he can use the Tenseigan Chakra to promote the growth process, this would not only enhance the base strength of the clone body, increase its affinity with his soul but also speed up the growth period at the same time wouldn't cause any damage to the Clone body.

In fact, if Kuroto is willing to spend heavily on the nutrient solution, he can even accelerate the growth speed and reduce the growth period to as short as one month.

Time Flew quickly and in the blink of an eye One month has passed away.

For this whole month, except for occasionally visiting Haku to record the Chakra flow method in his Chakra veins while he uses Ice Release, Kuroto spent most of the time in the laboratory.

And all the Anbu tasks were handed to his Shadow Clone as usual.

Fortunately, enough, the Anbu missions that Team-11 was getting in this period weren't very difficult or tricky and were limited to the territory of the Land of Fire, to keep team-11 on standby because of their high combat strength.

So Kuroto didn't have to worry too much about it.

And there was also the intelligence that the Peace Treaty between Konoha and Kumo would also be concluded shortly.

After all, even if Konoha and Kumo are two of the five great Shinobi Villages, they couldn't support the military confrontation between the two parties for too long, now that the war has conflict has been concluded, there must be a result in the war.

This was a piece of good news, as the peace period is best for Kuroto to see through his plans without much trouble.

After a month of accelerated growth, both the Clones from Sample-B and Sample-F were successfully completed.

Through the glass of the large nutrition tank, Kuroto was also able to observe that both the clones looked identical to one another and greatly matched his appearance with only the difference of hair color and some physical features that were more lean and slender.

Overall, Kuroto was still quite happy with the result.

Calming down his mood Kuroto drained the nutrient solution that was now useless and took out the two clones and placed them on the test benches one by one.

Firstly, he checked all the body parts of the two clones and after that everything was normal, he gently opened the eyelids of the two clones and saw a Byakugan pair in the sockets of each clone.

As soon as he saw this, his expression shrank and he muttered in surprise, "Sure Enough!"


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