Reborn into Naruto World with Tenseigan

Chapter 410

Chapter 410: Damn You Obito!

Sometimes later in Kirigakure Archive Room.

Tsukihi was quietly studying the scroll in her hand, sometimes she would have a frowned expression, and sometimes a look of realization would dawn upon her face.

The scroll she was studying recorded the ‘Suika no Jutsu’ (Hydrification Jutsu), a hallmark Ninjutsu of the Hozuki Clan.

The Hydrification Jutsu of the Hozuki Clan allows the user to liquefy any part of his/her body at will, from the hair on the head to muscles in the arms.

Although, not the absolute best, it is still one of the best Jutsu to negate physical damage as all attacks except for the ones caused by Raiton, just pass through the user leaving them unharmed.

The reason for studying Suiton Ninjutsu is obviously to increase the strength of Suijin Clone, as well as increase its adaptability to Water for the Project Godhood.

And to also understand Natural Energy in a better way. In order to master Senjutsu, the closer Suijin Clone will be to Water Nature, the easier it will be to adapt to Natural Energy, and the easier it will be to absorb Natural energy without turning into stone or going mad or any other types of repercussions while mastering Senjutsu Chakra.

After all, to master Senjutsu, to absorb the Natural Energy, and sense the Natural Energy, the user must also become close to nature itself.

Natural Energy must also have its types, just as there are seven basic Chakra Natures. And it would depend on the user which type of Natural Energy suits them the best.

Since Suijin Clone represents water, so the Natural Energy closer to water should be easier to sense and absorb. Of course, to do so, Suijin will have to reach the state where he will be perceived as water itself.

For that Suijin does have a plan, upon further mastering all physical states of Water, that being, Water, Ice, Vapour, et cetera will Suijin be perceived as water itself.

And mastering Hozuki Clan’s Hydrification Jutsu is one way to reach that level.josei

However, the secret Jutsu of the Hozuki Clan is not so easy to master.

Just as Tsukihi was thinking about it, the Mizukage who was covered in bandages came to his side. The Chakra os Sanbi is healing his burns, but the healing provided by Sanbi is not as potent as the Kyuubi, therefore, his injury is not completely healed, yet. But it would heal eventually, and Karatachi Yagura will again become a pretty boy.

Yagura didn’t seem to care about his injuries, and while looking at the scroll held by Tsukihi he said, “You will not be able to master the Secret Jutsu of the Hozuki Clan.

Kotoamatsukami may have made him loyal to Amatsukami, and implanted a new goal in his mind, but his manner of thinking, his personality, and his behavior haven’t changed.

Tsukihi glanced at Yagura, and asked, “Why are you so sure? Have others ever tried to master Hydration Jutsu?”

Yagura nodded.

Tsukihi frowned, “Now are you going to tell me that the Hydrificaiton Jutsu of the Hozuki Clan is not some Secret Jutsu, but a Kekkei Genkai?”

Yagura thought a little then shook his head, “In a way, it is something like a Kekkei Genkai, at the same time it isn’t.”

Tsukihi asked with a confused expression, “What are you saying? This gives no explanation. There has to be some method to learn this Jutsu, right?”

Yagura folded his hands over his chest, then said indifferently, “Up until now only those who share the blood of the Hozuki Clan have been able to master this Ninjutsu, as, for the others, they have tried it a lot, but no one was able to master it yet…”

Tsukihi grinned, and said, “Those who bear the blood of Hozuki Clan, huh?”

Yagura nodded, “There were a few instances where the shinobi of Yuki Clan were able to master this Jutsu, but the thing is, those shinobi were the direct descendants of the members of Hozuki Clan, members who were married to other shinobi clans.”

Tsukihi had a thoughtful expression, “So, those of the Yuki Clan can learn this Jutsu if they are directly related to those of the Hozuki Clan?”

This is nothing new, Kekkei Genkai works in this manner.

Yagura continued, “Yes, this is because there have been several inter-clan marriages between the Yuki Clan and Hozuki Clan for hundreds of years, as such when a member of the Hozuki Clan copulates with a member of the Yuki Clan, the probability of the resulting child being able to use Hydrification Jutsu increases. But unfortunately, the Yuki Clan is nearly extinct, so this is meaningless. Even for Suijin unless one of his parents was a member of the Hozuki clan.”

‘Gene selection? Is that anything new?’ thought Tsukihi as she shook her head, ‘This Jutsu will be mastered in Suijin Clone, no matter how much effort it takes to be able to do so.’

Seeing Tsukihi’s thoughtful expression, Yagura said to Tsukihi, “And what about Hiramekarei? I want that sword back!”

Tsukihi asked curiously, “Why though? It’s not as if anyone in the current Kirigakure can even use Hiramekarei, so what’s the point in, having it? Do you want it to just lie around?”

Yagura shook his head, “I have found someone with the potential to be able to use Hiramekarei… I am going to revive the Seven Ninja Swordsmen of Kirigakure, and for that, I need all the seven swords. Aside from the Samehada, and Kubikiribocho, which have fallen in the hands of Akatsuki, the others can still be collected. And Hiramekarei is with you… so it’s obvious that I want it back. Besides, it’s not as though it is useful for you.”

Tsukihi thought a little, then nodded, “Alright, but the method of recovering Hiramekarei has to be arranged, after all, I can not just give it to, do remember that Hiramekarei has been stolen by Amatsukami, so it can not be retrieved without any solid explanation.”

Hiramekarei is really not that useful for her, as such, Tsukihi doesn’t mind giving it away if the strength of Kirigakure can be increased even a little bit.

Then Tsukihi asked, “By the way, who is the potential child who can use Hiramekarei?”

Yagura said, “Currently there are too… one is a child named Choujuro, and the other is a member of the Hozuki Clan, his name is Hozuki Mangetsu.”

‘The Second Coming of the Demon huh?’ thought Tsukihi, the shinobi who had the potential of mastering all the seven swords. Hozuki Mangetsu is a very talented shinobi. But similar to many talented shinobi, he too died too early, and could never reach his true potential, when thinking, Tsukihi said to Yagura, “Alright, but make sure that Hozuki Mangetsu does not die an early death.”

Yagura did not speak much, he just nodded. At the point where Kirigakure seriously lacks talent and good shinobi, Yagura has to greatly value the geniuses like Hozuki Mangetsu, and Choujuro who can become the future of Kirigakure, and support the village as pillars.

Tsukihi said, “Anyway, have you brought the diary that I instructed you to bring?”

Yagura nodded and passed a diary he was holding in his one hand to Tsukihi while also asking, “This is Kirigakure’s, Financial Ledger, are you sure you want to see it, girl?”

Tsukihi nodded, “Of course, how else am I going to calculate how much funds I can take from Kirigakure.”

Yagura sighed, and passed the diary to Tsukihi, while adding, “I think you will be greatly disappointed.”

Tsukihi took the diary with a frowned expression at Yagura’s words, then she opened the diary and started reading all the accounting details, as she skimmed through the pages, her face turned from curious, and frown to pale, and by the time she had completed all the final calculations, all she could do was mutter with a shocked expression, “11… 11 billion Ryo in debt?” Then asked with an angered expression “What the hell were you people doing that such debts have been collected?”

Yagura looked downward with a downcast expression, this is another one of the effects of Obito controlling the Mizukage.

“In such a situation, I can not take even a penny from here…!” – Tsukihi muttered.

Tsukihi was now sure that the reason for Yagura’s suicide wasn’t the guilt in his heart, but it was this debt of 11 billion Ryo, definitely this debt. Even Tsukihi would have done the same thing if she was in Yagura’s position.

“Damn you Obito!” Tsukihi can’t help but curse Obito for leaving such a troublesome situation, she has to obviously solve this trouble else all of her efforts of controlling Kirigakure will result in a failure.



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