Reborn into Naruto World with Tenseigan

Chapter 423

Chapter 423: It’s time for some Reunions

With Juzo’s command, all five including Juzo acted. They have no intention of wasting too much time on these children because who knows where Orochimaru is hidden, it is even possible that he is watching them from the shadows waiting for the best opportunity to strike.

Takashi was the fastest, and while bones penetrated out of his skin, he went after the kid with brown hair, but before he could do anything to the other person, two kids, one with white hair the same as his, and the other with orange hair intercepted him with a heavy double kick in the face.

Muff Muff… As he flew away, Takashi regained his balance using the branch of a tree, then took a closer look at the two kids, and can’t help but frown at the appearance of the child with white hair, “You… are you Kimimaro?”

Takashi was certain of his guess because even as a child, Kimimaro was quite famous in the Kaguya Clan, his abilities and talents were so high that even the patriarch, the strongest of the clan feared Kimimaro’s potential.

Kimimaro did not nod or deny, he just walked forward as many bones appeared out of his body, and he said, “We will be the ones fighting you…”

The moment Kimimaro said so, the boy with Orange hair laughed maniacally, “Ehahahah… That’s right, your opponent will be us, so don’t even think about going after Tenzo-san.”

Takashi frowned, as he looked at the child with orange hair who no longer seems to be a human, at least from all that stuff growing out of his body, along with his cruel laugh, he knew that Kimimaro isn’t to be taken lightly, but this kid with orange hair is also not simple, “Damn, are they really just kids?”

Putting aside the monster kid, Takashi felt really sad upon looking at Kimimaro, “It’s really a shame, both of us are the last survivors of the proud Kaguya Clan, and we are now fighting each other as enemies.”

“It matters not to me whether we are of the same clan or of the same village, for there is only one person whom my loyalty is dedicated to, I shall kill you here and now.” Kimimaro said, and rushed forward, “Jugo, use tactic 3!”

Jugo nodded and started to create many jet-like appendages on his back, he then maneuvered through the air using the blast created by the jet-like appendages that enhanced his speed and rushed towards Takashi to deliver another solid kick in the face.

Takashi smirked, “Big words for a kid who is only half as young as I am, but I shall listen to you now, and test whether you stand up to them, besides, the least I can do as your senpai and teach you some of the Jutsu of your clan.” And met the attack head-on with spiked bones coming out of his skull.

And while Takashi battled Kimimaro and Jugo, another Clan reunion going on, on the other side of the battlefield.

Kahyo, wearing the Akatsuki Cloak, and a hooked mask over her face printed the hand seals, and shouted, ‘Ice Release: Earthen Chains of Ice!’

As soon as her words fell, the temperature of the surroundings grew colder, the moisture condensed and Ice started to appear.

Earthen Chains of Ice can easily trap and restrain her targets in condensed Ice.

And under her command, Ice chains condensed and rushed forward to trap both of her targets in Ice, but this time, her attack did not work, because the children she fought aren’t simple.

Haku, wearing the Otogakure combat uniform, and a hooked mask quite similar to the one used by Kahyo, rapidly printed hand seals, and shouted, ‘Ice Release: Demonic Mirroring Ice Crystals!’

Haku then jumped inside the Ice mirror and used it to escape the effect of Earthen Chains of Ice, and said to his partner, “Guren-san, those particles of Ice can freeze us to death, so be careful.”

The girl named Guren nodded, and said, “Heh, fear not, no one can harm me unless I want them to.” at the same time, she printed hand seals, and shouted ‘Crystal Release: Crystal Armor!’

Instantly, under Guren’s command, the Ice particles on her skin turned into particles of pink crystal, which further expanded and formed an armor-like skin upon her.

Looking at the two children who survived her attacks so effortlessly, Kahyo was shocked, she was more shocked upon realizing that both of them are Kekkei Genkai users, ‘A child of the Yuki Clan… were there any survivors other than me and my brother? And the other one, she uses… Crystal Release?’

After the first series of attacks, this time, Guren and Haku took the initiative, Guren Printed hand seals, and shouted while touching the ground, ‘Crystal Release: Divine Pathway Jutsu!’

Instantly, a long stream of sharp blue crystals started to sprout out of the ground and rushed towards Kahyo to bind or pierce her.

Kahyo leaped backward in order to dodge that attack, but at the same time Haku leaned half of his body outside the Ice Mirror, and shouted, ‘Secret Technique: Thousand Flying Water Needles of Death!’

Under Haku’s command, thousands of water needles rushed towards Kahyo who was still in mid-air.

At the same time, Kisame with Samehada in his hands was looking at the 16- or 17-years old kid in front of him, and asked, “So, what’s your name?”

The other boy was confused as to why would the enemy ask his name? But he decided to comply with either party’s request and said, “It’s Tenzo.”

Kisame nodded, then asked again, “Are you a shinobi of the Hoshigaki Clan?”

Tenzo frowned, and asked, “Why are you asking me such a thing?”

Kisame smirked, and said, “Well, looking from here, two of my companions seem to be having a reunion with their clan members, so I thought that maybe, you too are a shinobi of the Hoshigaki Clan…”

But Tenzo shook his head and said, “No, I am not from Hoshigaki Clan, I am Tenzo, Iburi Tenzo, a shinobi of the Iburi Clan.”

Kisame nodded, “It appears that I was mistaken, no matter, let us begin, I shall see what sort of abilities you of the Iburi Clan have.”

“Before we fight, would you mind telling me the purpose you people are here for?” asked Tenzo.

Kisame chuckled, “Defeat me and I shall think about telling you.” And without waiting any longer, Kisame rushed towards Tenzo with his Samehada drawn out.

Tenzo wasn’t panicked in the slightest and started weaving hand signs, then shouted, ‘Wood Release: Silent Strangle Jutsu!’

Both of Tenzo’s arms transformed into the shape of a wooden block and rushed toward Kisame in order to strangle him.

Kisame was surprised, and can’t help but think, ‘A Wood Release user? Is there any Kekkei Genkai we won’t be seeing here?’

But even if he was busy with some thoughts, this didn’t stop him from cutting the wooden blocks with his Samehada.

As such a battle between a tailless Bijuu, vs a Wood Style user who can easily restrain a Bijuu started.

The fourth battlefield is different from the others, as it is completely covered in smoke.

Chinoike Mageta was looking around vigilantly, he has already tried to get out of here several times, but no matter how much he tries, the cover of smoke does not end, ‘It’s as if I am trapped in a Genjutsu loop…’ thought Mageta, ‘But I know for a fact that this cover of smoke is not a Genjutsu…’

While Mageta tried to figure out what sort of Jutsu this smoke cover is, two Kunoichi were watching him from a distance while they say on a tree.

The older one who appeared to be about 13 years old spoke with a bit of an unsure tone, “Hebihime-chan, are you sure this method will work on him?”

The younger one, about the age of 11 years old, with the name Hebihime, nodded with a sly smile, “Do not worry Yukimi-san, with the poisonous smoke covering this part of the forest produced by the Kekkei Genkai of the Iburi Clan that you possess, no matter how much he tries to get out of here, the cover of smoke will always follow him… And he will not be able to figure that the cover of smoke is also moving because I am covering the forest in a Genjutsu… he will walk, and walk, and walk, but there won’t be any exit or entrance, slowly and steadily the light poison will start to affect him, and he will collapse…

I do not know what Dojutsu he possesses, but as long as he can not see us, his Dojutsu will be useless and he won’t be able to sense the very light poison in the smoke…”

The older one, with the name Iburi Yukimi, nodded, then said, “But still, we must be vigilant, the people he came up with looks very strong… so we shouldn’t let our guard down, because if he were to escape, then Orochimaru-sama might be disappointed with us.”

At the mention of Orochimaru, Hebihime nodded fiercely with a heavy blush on her face, “I will also make use of my snakes to take him down early, he is in the possession of a Dojutsu-type Kekkei Genkai, maybe Orochimaru-sama will be interested in his Dojutsu, and if I were to bring his Dojutsu to Orochimaru-sama, maybe Orochimaru-sama will praise me.”

Yukimi did not say anything at Hebihime’s comment of wanting to be praised by Orochimaru-sama, because Yukimi was already used to it, besides her thoughts were directed to somewhere else, ‘I hope you will be safe Tenzo.’


Flashback no Jutsu: Start

Following the events of the death of all but one member of the Iburi Clan

“You look just like my Onii-san, Yamato-san.” Said a young Yukimi to a young Yamato as they witnessed the death of all the members of the Iburi Clan.

“Is that the reason why you mistook me for him and referred me by the name, Tenzo?” Yamato asked curiously.

Yukimi nodded, “Mm-hmm.”

Yamato was in deep thought upon hearing Yukimi’s words, after a lot of consideration, he said, “I do not have any memory of my childhood, the closest thing to me as a parent is Orochimaru-sama, but he never gave me a name, said that I must choose myself, so I took the name Yamato at that time.

But if it’s alright with you, I would like to take the name ‘Tenzo’ because, in this way, I feel connected, I feel that I too have some past…”

Yukimi thought about it a little, then nodded with a cheerful smile, “Alright, in that case, I will continue to call you ‘Tenzo’ or perhaps Tenzo-san.”

Everyone including Orochimaru was surprised, but did not care much, and started to refer to him as Tenzo of the Iburi Clan. Since then day, ‘Yamato’ became ‘Tenzo, Tenzo of the Iburi Clan’.

And with the rest of the Iburi Clan now dead, Iburi Yukimi followed Tenzo and became another subordinate of Orochimaru.

Flashback no Jutsu: End

And finally on the Fifth Battlefield.

“It’s really ironic, don’t you think?” muttered Juzo with his Kubikiribocho in hand as he looked at the man standing before him.

The man was alone and standing with a sword in his hand that resembled a large needle.

This large needle-type sword is none other than one of the missing seven swords of Kirigakure, it’s the Needle Sword, Nuiburi.

And the man wielding this sword is none other than the Demon of Hidden Mist, the one and only, Momochi Zabuza.

Zabuza looked at Juzo, and nodded, “It really is… we the shinobi of Kirigakure are now at each other’s throats, the most hilarious thing is that neither of us is fighting for Kirigakure…”

A cold wind blew rustling the clothes of the corpses lying around… and the curtain rose to another battle.



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