Reborn into Naruto World with Tenseigan

Chapter 431

Chapter 431: Haywire

Seeing the squirming buds under Shisui’s skin, Kuroto’s heart shuddered.

Those wriggling buds are undoubtedly the product of Yang Chakra contained within the Hashirama Cells, and Kuroto understands that if these buds were to sprout past the Cortices, then Shisui’s body will be immediately swallowed by Hashirama Cells and become nutrients for the growth of many trees.

And yet, it doesn’t seem that Shisui is able to stop it, frustrated, Kuroto shouted, “What are you doing? Suppress them with your visual prowess!” at the same time, he injected another capsule of Fusion Solution into Shisui’s blood Stream to help him take control of the cells.

Overdose of Fusion Solution is very harmful to human bodies as that would lead to the fusion of various organs, two capsules are already exceeding the limit of what a human’s body can bear, but Kuroto obviously can’t care about this detail at the moment, because if Shisui is unable to suppress the Hashirama Cells until complete fusion, he will die in the phagocytosis of Hashirama Cells even before he is killed by the fusion of organs. Therefore, Kuroto had no choice but to inject the second Capsule.

As soon as the Fusion Solution was injected, the writhing of Shisui’s body intensified, “Araghhhh….!!!”

From a single glance, Kuroto can judge that Shisui’s consciousness is blurring, saliva is foaming out of his mouth, and only the sclera of his eyes was visible, it seemed as if the pupils have rolled upwards, and blood and pus started coming out of various orifices and the intensity of twitching in Shisui’s body is increasing every 5 seconds.

From Shisui’s current state, it wouldn’t be wrong to say that Shisui has completely lost control of his body as well as his consciousness.

Worried, Kuroto checked the reading on various monitors to check Shisui’s Vital Signs, and Kuroto was absolutely baffled by the data he read.

‘Blood Pressure: 180 mmHg systolic Blood Pressure, and 115 mmHg diastolic Blood Pressure and still increasing

Heart Beat: 300+ heartbeats per minute and is still increasing, with this heart rate, he is entering the range of Atrial Fibrillation, he might even die due to a heart attack…

Cell Activity has further increased by 700% and is still increasing.’

“This is… this is too dangerously abnormal.” Kuroto can’t help but exclaim.

The values on the monitors even made Kuroto think for a moment that he is hallucinating, or that the devices are malfunctioning because, at these readings, the chances of Shisui’s survival are decreasing with every increasing digit.

“Come on Shisui, it’s not yet time to kick the bucket!” Kuroto telepathically projected his thoughts into Shisui’s mind as a bad premonition started to take birth in his heart.

To be honest, Kuroto has been very optimistic about the success rate of the operation.

After all, if Obito with just a single two tomoe Sharingan and in a half-dead state can make it through, so why Shisui, in his prime condition and with a pair of Eternal Mangekyou Sharingan can’t make it through? There is no reason for him to die.

But it doesn’t seem that Kuroto’s optimism is going to bear fruit, as the roots and stems of trouble and death started to break out of cortices, pierced through Shisui’s skin, and started to grow bigger and bigger visible to the naked eye.

In just a few seconds, the branches grew into a big tree, and with Shisui’s body as the foundation, it quickly took root in the operating room and shot up; breaking past the roof and passing through the surface of the Forest of Death.

Outside the Secret Laboratory.

Itachi in his Anbu guise was sitting cross-legged on a tree, watching the surroundings carefully.

The Hashirama Cell implantation Operation is not that big of a secret for the Anbu, after all, many documents regarding these experiments are stored up in the archives and the Anbu somewhat has access to them. Not to mention, when the news of Tobi being able to use Wood Release was released, these experiments were even highlighted to be the possible cause. Therefore, Itachi is very much aware of the casualties that took place in the Hashirama Cells Implantation Operation.

As such, Itachi understands how dangerous this operation is.

Additionally, before Shisui came to the Forest of Death for the operation, Shisui had already entrusted him with the funeral, should Shisui not make it out of it alive, which again nerved Itachi who has always been calm and composed, to inevitably feel anxious and overwhelmed.

‘I hope Shisui-san will be alright…’ Just as Itachi thought, an intense tremor came from under the ground and shook the entire enchantment.


Itachi was alarmed and immediately stood up, he looked towards the ground, and he thought with an anxious expression, “Was there an accident during the operation?”

Boom Boom Boom Boom!!!

Immediately afterward, accompanied by the shaking of the forest, big trees with strong roots started to emerge out of the ground.

Itachi’s eyes condensed, and various thoughts were flooding his mind.

But Itachi had to temporarily suppress all his complicated thoughts and calm down the chaotic state of mind, immediately after doing so, he weaved the hand signs, and facing the trees that came out of the ground, Itachi shouted, ‘Fire Style: Fireball Jutsu!’

Generally, in the face of any situation, Itachi maintains his meticulous Chakra Control and only consumes the minimum amount necessary, but this time seeing the gigantic trees continuously coming out of the ground, Itachi was not at all scrupulous, and without any reservations, he poured his Chakra into the flames and immediately flooded the forest with scorching hot flames.josei

Whoosh Whoosh Whoosh Whoosh

Just as the trees were lit with fire and started to burn, another team of Anbu rushed over.

Observing the surroundings vigilantly, the captain of the Anbu team asked Itachi who was also in his Weasel Anbu disguise, “Report your Anbu code and the team you are part of.”

“Weasel, Team-Ro,” Itachi said coldly.

Anbu captain’s eyes narrowed, ‘Team-Ro?!’

Regular Anbu members may not know Team-Ro very much, but the captains of Anbu squads are somewhat aware of Team-Ro, although the identities of the specific members of Team-Ro are unknown even to him, he still knows that the members of Team-Ro are all elite Shinobi.

So, without meddling much into the exact details that Team-Ro is dealing with, the Anbu squad captain asked, “Are you the one responsible for the movements here?”

Itachi nodded lightly.

If it was in the past, some movements in the Forest of Death wouldn’t have been enough to alert a squad of Anbu, but the current situation is different.

Afraid of Akatsuki’s retaliation, the village is on a state of high alert, as such, the sealing squads and sensory squads are working twenty-four by seven to make sure that nothing related to Akatsuki escapes their senses, that is why, because there were some problems in the sealing node present in this area, it immediately attracted the attention of the sensory squad that dispatched an Anbu squad to check the situation.

Being in the Anbu, Itachi obviously expected this, he knew that the movements earlier would be noticed by the Sealing Squads, and that is why he decisively used Fire Style Jutsu, which not only burned the trees coming out of the ground but also linked movements here to his Fire Jutsu providing a good cover, of course, the four crows sitting on various tree branches and casting slight Genjutsu on all four Anbu made the cover more believable.

After recovering from a dazed expression, the captain of the Anbu squad asked, “Why are you using Jutsu here?”

With the three tomoe still spinning in his eyes, Itachi answered, “I was testing a new Jutsu.”

The Anbu captain nodded, but also advised, “Alright, but you would better practice at the designated training fields, and I am sure I don’t need to tell you the reason for this.”

“Alright, I will keep it in mind.” Itachi nodded and deactivated his Sharingan.

The Anbu captain said, “Also make sure to clean up the mess.” And without waiting anymore, he along with the rest of the squad left.

Itachi breathed a sigh of relief and looked at the trees that, at some point, had already stopped burning.

During the entire talk, the Anbu squad was totally focused on Itachi, and they did not even look at the trees that have already stopped burning because of the new ones that sprouted out of the ground.

After making sure that no hole was left in the ground, Itachi looked in the direction of the entrance of the secret laboratory with a thoughtful expression. Itachi can obviously figure out that something must have happened in the Operating Room, but he suppressed his urge to rush down there because he knows that even if he rushes down there, he wouldn’t be of much help. So instead of causing chaos there, it is better to stay here and prevent others from disturbing the operation.

“Sigh, Kuroto-san, please make sure that nothing happens to Shisui-san.”

Back to the Operating Room.

“Toyotama, maintain this steady Transfer of Neutral Chakra.” Said Kuroto to Toyotama inside his subconscious plane all while he, himself was transferring Yin Chakra to Shisui.

The Yang Chakra in Shisui’s body had exceeded the limit of what he could bear, as such Kuroto decided to slowly give him Yin Chakra to balance out the Yin and Yang Chakra.

“Alright.” Toyotama-hime nodded and also started to transfer her refined Chakra of neutral nature that would induce healing in Shisui’s body and also synergize Yin-Yang balance.

‘The fact that Obito managed to survive must also be related to the presence of Zetsu Clones who helped Madara suck out the extra Yang Chakra in Obito’s body.’ This was Kuroto’s conclusion.

Sucking out extra Yang Chakra to maintain Yin-Yang balance or transferring Yin Chakra to maintain Yin-Yang balance are almost one and the same thing, the key is Yin-Yang Balance.

This is the only way Obito could have survived.



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