Reborn into Naruto World with Tenseigan

Chapter 447

Chapter 447: Fate’s Mockery

Listening to Kuroto’s words, Guy, Itachi, and Shisui nodded.

They too can see the struggle in Kakashi’s heart, and since the current Kakashi’s spirit is extremely sluggish and tired, so they too understood that it’s not the right time to delve into the true identity of the attacker.

So, after some more casual talk with Kakashi, the four of them left the ward.

And after bidding farewell to Guy at the Hospital Gate, Kuroto Shisui and Itachi too proceeded towards their home, and on the way home, Kuroto can’t help but think about the reason why Obito went as far as to take back his left Sharingan.

‘Why did Obito do this?’ This question is quite reasonable because Kuroto thinks that unless something extreme happens, Obito wouldn’t bother taking back his left eye from Kakashi, no one knows of this fact better than him, therefore, he feels a bit overwhelmed, and to be honest caught off guard.

He had expected everything and made a lot of calculations, but he did not even take into account the possibility that Obito would take back his left Sharingan.

‘Was it because of his defeat against Tsukihi at the Mizukage Building?’ was a momentary thought, and it seemed reasonable enough.

In the Canon, the reason why Obito never bothered to take back his left eye from Kakashi was that after the death of Yondaime Hokage in the aftermath of the Kyuubi’s Chaos, there was no one who could actually threaten him in the entire Shinobi World.

At least not until the fourth great Shinobi War Started when he was slightly coerced by Kabuto who had somehow found the remains of Uchiha Madara and used the Forbidden Jutsu: Edo Tensei to reanimate Madara into the Shinobi World, therefore, Obito was left with no choice but to agree to Kabuto proposal.

Not to mention, by the time the fourth great Shinobi War started; Akatsuki had already captured seven of the nine Bijuu, so even then Obito did not bother taking back his left eye.

In addition to taking into account his past fetters with Kakashi, it was also because there was not much need. After all, with just the Kamui of his right Mangekyou Sharingan; Obito was capable of controlling the entire Shinobi world in the palm of his hand, well except for a few deviations that mostly involved the existence of Uzumaki Naruto.

But this is not the case in this time and space, the existence of Amatsukami is a very big variable to which Obito has yet to find even the slightest of hints that might lead to a possible solution.

When Obito realized that ‘Yama’ the leader of Amatsukami actually possessed terrifying power that could rival the Rinnegan, he was obviously shocked and uneasy. The calmness he had when dealing with the first iteration of Akatsuki, and even at the time of conspiring against Yondaime Hokage and Konoha naturally disappeared.

And what really drove Obito to make up his mind should have been the battle against Homusubi in the Mizukage Building, at least Kuroto thinks so.

If he had lost to the leader of Amatsukami, Obito might have been able to grudgingly accept it. But at the Mizukage Building, he was fooled by Homusubi and lost to her who is probably not even the second strongest member in Amatsukami, so Obito obviously couldn’t accept this fact.

Without the necessary strength, collecting all the nine Bijuu will be close to impossible, and Project Tsuki no Me will obviously never be completed if he can’t even collect the nine Bijuu.

And compared to Project Tsuki no Me, the bond with Kakashi is not so important, okay maybe it is important, but that is probably the only reason why he did not finish off Kakashi, but still, the fact that Obito took back his left eye, really caught Kuroto off guard.

‘Damn it, the plot has changed so much that I cannot judge anything, even the characters and thinking process of others cannot be judged by using my knowledge of the Canon. I should have known that this would happen eventually, and I should have taken the Sharingan in Kakashi’s eye, or even if not taken it, I should have at least made Shisui seal Kotoamatsukami in Kakashi’s Sharingan, or maybe made Itachi seal Amaterasu in Kakashi’s Sharingan, this way the threat of Obito would have been neutralized.’ Kuroto sighed.

Obito with just the right eye is still within the scope that can be dealt with, even if killing him is extremely difficult, he could still be fought against. After all, in order for him to attack someone, he must first manifest himself in close proximity to the target; to be able to touch him, and once he manifests closer to the target, it is possible for him to reveal flaws that can be utilized, and even if he doesn’t reveal flaws, the target himself can act as bait in order to lead Obito into a trap.

Just like Tsukihi did at the Mizukage Building.

But after Obito has gained both the left and the right eye, not to mention being able to use Susano’o, that too can use Kamui, Kamui Shuriken, and who knows what other powers, just the long-range version of Kamui of the left eye alone is a one-hit kill attack dodging which is almost close to impossible because his attacks cannot be predicted, and even if they can be predicted, specifically what he is targeting cannot be predicted.

Just imagine, a guy hiding somewhere in a dark corner, hundreds of meters away from you, he just stares at you, and you are done for. Who will not be fearful of him?

And unlike Kakashi who is limited by his Chakra, Obito the original owner of the eye can spam Kamui without any worry of Chakra or exhaustion, after all, he has Hashirama Cells transplanted into him!

Even thinking of this possibility, Kuroto can’t help but feel stressed, ever since the War of Summit at Amegakure, things have started to get out of his control. One by one everything is changing drastically and Kuroto has been unable to keep up with the changes.

‘This is probably fate’s mockery, and I am still too weak to be able to completely resist it!’ thought Kuroto while clenching his hands.

At this time, Itachi asked telepathically, “Kuroto-san, if this person of Akatsuki really has both the eyes of Uchiha Obito, won’t he be able to use Susano’o too?”

Shisui continued with a solemn expression, “And he can even use Wood Style, probably because he has the cells of Shodaime-sama transplanted into him.”

Kuroto rubbed his temple in stress, even though he fears when he thinks about it, after all, Obito’s Susano’o is something that can not only interfere in the battle against Otsutsuki Kaguya but even injure her.

Itachi then asked, “How should we respond to this?”

For Itachi, Sharingan, or Mangekyou Sharingan are not very important, different from other Uchiha, Itachi does not care too much if the Kekkei Genkai of the Uchiha Clan falls in the hands of others, as long as someone can use it, they can obviously have it, and if they use formal means to get their hands on the Sharingan then all the better. But what Itachi can’t accept is the fact that someone using the Kekkei Genkai of the Uchiha Clan to cause harm to the Village, Shinobi World, and the Uchiha Clan.

For Itachi, the existence of Shinichi is still acceptable, because Itachi has made a lot of guesses about why Shinichi is in Akatsuki, but the existence of this Tobi fellow is unacceptable even for him. This is why Itachi is quite eager and really wants to get rid of Tobi.

Shisui also looked at Kuroto with an expectant look, these days, whenever he encounters trouble that cannot be solved no matter how he thinks about it, he would subconsciously look at Kuroto, hoping for some kind of solution, and this is why Shisui really feels that he has grown dependant on Kuroto.

After pondering a little, Kuroto said, “I do have an idea that MIGHT prove effective on Tobi, but to find that solution I need more information, and the most likely source of obtaining that information is the ancient scrolls of the Uchiha Clan.”

Itachi replied, “Most of the scrolls that record the secrets of the Uchiha Clan are probably in the hands of Otou-sama, so obtaining them will be an extremely difficult task without alerting him, however, the Stone Tablet at the Naka Shrine is accessible if it is of any use in finding the information.”

Shisui then nodded, and said, “If I remember correctly, there are a few ancient scrolls hidden at the Naka Shrine too, they might prove to be useful.”

Itachi nodded “Yes, although those scrolls at the Naka Shrine mostly record the millennium-year history of the Uchiha Clan, not anything related to Secret Jutsu, or Kinjutsu, we can go through them, and maybe we will find what you are looking for in them.”

Kuroto nodded, “Alright, we will go to Naka Shrine tonight.”

While Kuroto, Shisui, and Itachi discussed their further actions, a group of people walked in their direction from the opposite side. This is naturally the Otogakure team, being guided by Anko as per the mission assigned to her.

As soon as Anko saw Kuroto, she quickly waved her hand and greeted him, “Kuroto what are you doing at Konoha Hospital at this hour?”

Kuroto stopped his discussion with Shisui and Itachi, then nodded towards Anko and said with a smile, “Something came up so I had to visit Konoha Hospital, it’s nothing too big, what about you Anko-chan, still guiding the Otogakure team?”

As soon as she heard Kuroto’s question, Anko nodded with an annoyed expression then walked a little closer and whispered, “I am telling you Kuroto, this Otogakure team is such a pain in the ass that I would much rather dump them in pits, and feed’em all to my snakes, rather than having them escort them all over Konoha. If it wasn’t a mission, I would definitely kick them away right this instant. It’s obviously getting so late, yet they don’t want to stay at the assigned guest house and have to visit Konoha’s night market. They have been annoying the hell out of me.”

Although the volume of Anko’s whisper was low, her words were still heard by everyone.

Shisui and Itachi felt awkward upon listening to Anko.

Kuroto chuckled and didn’t care too much about what Anko said, obviously, he understands Anko’s character and knows full well that she has deliberately said this to make the Otogakure team embarrassed. Since this girl has walked out of Orochimaru’s shadow, she has become more and more unruly, doesn’t care about what others think and speak, nor does she shy away from embarrassing others.

While Kuroto and Anko were talking to each other, Kimimaro looked at Kuroto and his indifferent expression changed slightly, his expression was clearly hostile towards Kuroto, in Kimimaro’s opinion, Hyuga Kuroto has betrayed Orochimaru-sama, so he is a traitor, and traitors must be eliminated.

Haku who was standing at the end of the team also glanced at Kuroto, then immediately lowered his head, he felt guilt for leaving with Kabuto without even informing Kuroto.

The disguised Orochimaru’s gaze crossed Kuroto and then fell on Shisui and Itachi standing behind Kuroto, both of them are the Uchiha whose bodies have been coveted by him for a very long time but he has never been able to obtain their bodies.

Thinking something, Orochimaru gave Tenzo signal, who was standing next to him.

Tenzo obviously understood Orochimaru’s instruction, and after coughing slightly, he said to Anko, “Ano, Mitarashi-san, is there a restroom nearby?”

Anko frowned upon hearing Tenzo’s question, “Didn’t you go to the restroom a few minutes ago?”

“Ugh…” Tenzo was embarrassed, then said with a panicked tone, “I… I have to go again, or something bad will happen.”

“Okay-okay, don’t cry, I will take you.” Said Anko with a sigh, then she turned towards Kuroto, and said, “Kuroto keep them accompanied for a while until I come back.”josei

To which Kuroto nodded, then Anko led Tenzo to the nearby restroom all while muttering, “So young, and your kidney is already failing? It’s a real pity.”



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