Reborn into Naruto World with Tenseigan

Chapter 455

Chapter 455: Training Gaara and Karin

“Don’t just rely on visual perception, sense of smell and sound that you hear are also the source of information about an enemy’s movements. And make sure that you are not always dependent on these senses, as these senses can be tricked using Genjutsu and that would make you cause errors which is unacceptable in a battle.”

“Don’t hesitate, even a momentary hesitation in the middle of a battle can become a cause of your death.”

“Is this all your strength? Such an attack won’t even smash a bone, much less defeating or killing a shinobi!”

“Using sand to protect just your vitals, then exchanging injuries is indeed a good tactic, but what will you do if the opponent is using some kind of poison? You will be the first to go down should that happen.”

Kuroto trained Gaara all while instructing and correcting his errors.

In Kuroto’s view, at a young age of less than 10, one doesn’t need to spend too much effort or chakra to learn all kinds of flashy ninjutsu, what children of young age actually needs to learn is the physical form of combat which include, Taijutsu, Shurikenjutsu, Kenjutsu, Bokijutsu, et cetera, as well as Chakra Control to increase efficiency.

These types of physical training can not only hone a ninja’s physique and willpower, but will also increase their insight, battle analysis skills, and judgment skills to determine the best course of actions or moves to defeat the enemy with no or minimal losses.

And these skills are exactly what makes a shinobi an exceptional shinobi.

This is why Kuroto did not let Gaara waste his time in learning to control a greater and greater amount of sand, rather, Kuroto made Gaara maintain control over a small volume of sand at all times.

The volume of sand one can control is never the key, at least, in Kuroto’s understanding, what’s important, or deciding factor in a battle is the accuracy, speed, and density of the sand that is controlled.

As for the matter of quantity, when Gaara grows up, he will also gain complete control over Shukaku in his body, so the amount of Chakra will not be a problem for him, the Chakra of Shukaku is naturally based on Sand control, so Gaara will be able to control as much Sand as he wants, he might as well be able to control an entire desert if he feels like it.

To improve the speed and accuracy of sand control, there are no shortcuts; only regular small improvements through long-term continuous practice. And this kind of exercise can not only hone his Chakra Control but will also allow his body to adapt to sand control subconsciously. Over time, maintaining control over sand that generally requires concentration will become an instinct or something like an involuntary muscle movement where Gaara wouldn’t have to put even any effort to effortlessly control sand to his liking.

But of course, he is still quite far from reaching that point.


With a muffled sound, the wooden Shinai in Kuroto’s hand hit the sand protecting Gaara’s shoulder, but it did not cause him any injury as the sand was able to bear the brunt of the attack and nullify the kinetic energy in the Wooden Shinai.

Kuroto nodded while tapping the Shinai on his shoulder, “Very good, your control over the sand has become significantly faster and better compared to a month ago.”

“Huff huff.” As soon as Kuroto’s words fell, Gaara collapsed on the ground in tiredness, his chest was rising and falling, despite all this, his immature face had a joyous expression. It seemed that the exhaustion of the body was nothing compared to Kuroto’s praise.josei

‘I wonder if I should tell him the truth.’ Sighed Kuroto upon looking at Gaara’s expression, at the same time at the squirming sand around him.

Kuroto knows that even if Gaara doesn’t take the initiative to control it, the sand around him that contains his mother’s Chakra would protect him.

But it’s just this protection is only effective against the likes of Genin and Chunin level shinobi.

If Gaara were to encounter an enemy at the level of Tokubetsu Jonin, Jonin, or that of higher strength, then the Sand protecting him wouldn’t be able to keep up with the enemy’s attack speed.

The same thing happened in the second round of Chunin Exam Arc. In the battle between Gaara and Rock Lee, after Rock Lee removed the extra weights; his speed faintly exceeded the level of what Gaara’s sand protection could keep up with. And when Rock Lee opened the first Four Gates from the Eight Inner Gates Formation, Gaara’s sand could no longer keep up with Rock Lee’s attack speed.

So just relying on the autonomous protection of sand, Gaara may be able to run wild at the level of Genin and Chunin, but the higher level he goes, and the difficult opponent’s he encounters; the autonomous sand protection would no longer be able to keep up and it will result in a similar passive situation he had during the Chunin Exams.

While Kuroto was pondering over a few things, at this time, Gaara recovered his breath, and stood up, “Kuroto-sama, what you said is really true, after reducing the volume of sand, the control has become much better than before.”

Kuroto nodded, and said, “Right, don’t waste Chakra in creating Sand Armor, for now, you have to learn how to defend against all types of attacks using the minimum amount of sand necessary in combination with Taijutsu. The Tanuki in your body has been sealed by me, so with your current Chakra amount, controlling too much sand will not be as effective, or rather it would be burdensome. As such, you must learn to get around your disadvantages and turn them into an advantage. As long as you you make the sand dense enough, even the mightiest of attacks can be resisted.”

Gaara nodded in a respectful tone, “I will keep that in mind, Kuroto-sama.”

Kuroto continued as he drew back the Shinai in his hand, “Remember, whether you are eating, sleeping, playing, or doing any other thing, you must always maintain control sand around you. Make it into a habit, then slowly an involuntary muscle movement, then finally into an instinct.”

Gaara nodded and got ready for another round of training.

“Come on, Gaara-kun… you can do it, show him who’s the boss!” At this time, the cheering voice sounded from the side.

Hearing this voice, Kuroto looked at the source of the voice, then sighed.

Kuroto had to admit that he somewhat underestimated the physique of the Uzumaki people. The scrawny and afraid little girl that had suffered too much in Kusagakure before Kuroto took her under his wing is no longer the same.

The rehabilitation of the past few months, along with the more than-appropriate diet that she has had in this period has completely changed the girl.

Karin who used to be skinny, bony, and sickly pale has now become quite chubby with visible baby fat on the cheeks, a healthy rosy color complexion, much like a healthy young girl of her age should be. Overall, Kuroto would even say that now she has become too cute and would definitely attract quite a bit of attention from the members of opposite genders.

But, all that aside, there’s one problem with all of this, as the days have passed, this girl is expanding like the Akimichi people, and Kuroto can’t have that.

Kuroto raised his face, and said, “Karin-chan, I want you on the training field, right now!”

“What?!” Karin, who was holding cheesecake in her left hand, and a stick containing Dango Dumplings in the right hand suddenly opened her mouth in shock, even the crumbs of Cheesecake on her mouth fell to the ground.

“What are you staring in a daze for, come here.” Said Kuroto with a stern tone, and continued, “From today onwards, your formal training as a Kunoichi will start. If you are unable to keep up with the daily training schedule, you will have to go to sleep on an empty stomach.”

Hearing Kuroto’s words, Karin hurriedly put aside the remaining Cheesecakes and Dango dumplings, then after whispering a few words to the Kazekage puppet who was dressed as a nanny, she came to the training field.

Hunger and an empty stomach will often bring back the painful memories of her time at Kusagakure, which is something Karin doesn’t want to remember.

Kuroto stared at Karin, then asked, “I take it that you have completed all the basic tasks I assigned you?”

Karin said, “I have learned calligraphy, as well as completed the mathematics part of the syllabus assigned to me.”

Kuroto nodded, then said, “And, are you able to run Chakra through your whole body smoothly?”

“Yes, Kuroto-sama.” Karin nodded and also demonstrated it.

“Very good.” After a nod, Kuroto said, “Your basic lessons will be similar to Gaara-kun, and will involve Taijutsu training along with Chakra Control exercise to increase your Chakra control.”

Karin quickly asked, “Should I also practice the same form of Taijutsu as Gaara-kun that involves around Sand Control?”

Kuroto shook his head, “No that style will be unique to Gaara-kun as only he can manipulate Sand. You will have to choose some other form of combat that would match your style.”

Karin tilted her head to the side and said with a confused tone, “But I don’t know what style would suit me.”

Kuroto thought a little, then said, “For now we can start with strengthening your basic physique, and combat analysis skills, but sooner or later you will have to figure out a combat style of your own as your training schedule will be designed accordingly, understand?”

Karin nodded, “I understand, but Kuroto-sama, how do I figure out what’s the best style for me?”

Kuroto said, “There is no best style for anyone at the start, one has to experience different combat styles and then figure out accordingly. Once you figure out which combat style you want to use, you will have to adapt yourself to that style and slowly improve yourself to make yourself the best at it.”

Karin nodded, “Alright, I will that in mind, Kuroto-sama.”

Kuroto then said, “The style of combat aside, there is one thing I want you to continue to learn and master, and that is Fuinjutsu. You are an Uzumaki, and Fuinjutsu is in your blood. So, Fuinjutsu is a field where you will definitely progress rapidly, so do not stop your studies of Fuinjutsu.”

“Yes, Kuroto-sama.” Karin nodded happily.

With that understood Kuroto formally started Karin’s training too.

After instructing a few key points, Kuroto left two Shadow Clones, one for each one of the two kids, then left the training hall.

After all, the two kids are still far from reaching the point where Kuroto would need to put more than a Shadow Clone’s worth of effort to train them.

After dealing with this, Kuroto walked towards the outer platform of the Sky fortress and after opening a small hole in the enchantment, Kuroto allowed the two Crows waiting outside to enter inside Ancor Vantian.

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