Reborn into Naruto World with Tenseigan

Chapter 459

Chapter 459: Sennin Mode and Failure…?

Two Weeks Later.

On one of the isolated islands somewhere in the Land of Water.josei

The figure of two kids, both with redheads can be seen playing along the shore, while the figure of two other people, one with brown hair and the other with purple hair can be seen a little distance away.

“Yes, that’s it.” – nodded Ichikishima hime as she observed the blending of Nature Energy with the inner Spiritual Energy and Physical Energy of Kuroto in a balanced 1:1:1 ratio.

“I do feel a little different compared to usual, at the same time, I am also able to sense a completely different type of Chakra.” Muttered Kuroto as he sensed his current Chakra, the Senjutsu Chakra, which is different from the Tenseigan Chakra he usually uses.

“Senjutsu Chakra is basically a balanced combination of Natural Energy with your own Chakra. Since you have already been able to sense Natural Energy, and are also adapted to Natural Energy to a certain extent even before we started the Senjutsu Training, so absorbing Natural Energy was not that difficult for you, especially with Toyotama-sama residing within you, and reaching this perfect balance, as well as maintaining it is the next step for you Kuroto-sama.” – explained Ichikishima hime in a guiding tone.

Senjutsu chakra is basically a balanced combination of Natural Energy, with the user’s inner Spiritual Energy, and Physical Energy.

To be able to use Senjutsu Chakra, the user must be able to draw Natural Energy from the Heaven and Terrain inside himself and blend it with his own Spiritual and Physical Energy to give birth to a stronger and more powerful Chakra, which is basically the Senjutsu Chakra.

“This advantage of yours has significantly shortened the time it took you to reach this perfect balance.” – muttered Ichikishima hime, and continued, “I am still amazed that you have reached this level in just three weeks.” And this time her tone clearly dictated her wonder as she noticed that there are no animal characteristics on Kuroto’s skin, so it wouldn’t be wrong to say that the Sennin mode he is using is the perfect one.

‘But still, there should have been some kind of pigmentation, and that too is not available… if I hadn’t known any better because of the dense Senjutsu Chakra inside Kuroto-sama, I would even think that he is not in any Sennin Mode.’ Thought Ichikishima hime as she looked at Kuroto’s face.

Unlike many Sennin Mode users, there is also no pigmentation of any color around the eyes of Hyuga Kuroto either, which is kind of strange in Ichikishima hime’s perspective. The pigmentation around the eyes is proof of entering the Sennin Mode.

The users of Sennin Mode taught at Ryuchi cave have purple or black pigmentation around their eyes, along with vertical snake slits irides, the users of Sennin Mode taught at Mount Myoboku generally have orange, yellow, or red pigmentation around their eyes along with horizontal toad slats irides, and finally, the users of Sennin Mode taught at Shikkotsu Forest have either black or perhaps blue pigmentation around their eyes as well as rest of their bodies.

But Hyuga Kuroto has no pigmentation around his eyes, which is something new.

‘Maybe it’s because he did not use any external shortcut to speed up his learning.’ This was Ichikishima hime’s conclusion.

To increase the speed of learning, and to make it easier for the users to sense Natural Energy present in Heaven and Terrain, each of the three unexplored Sage Regions has its own methods that they use.

At Mount Myoboku, they use Toad Oil and rub it on the practitioners’ skin to make it easier for them to perceive Natural energy.

At Ryuchi Cave, the three Priestesses, or the White Snake Sage herself, inject Natural Energy in the form of Snake Venom inside the body of the trainee through a snake bite. This Snake Venom allows the practitioner to directly feel Natural Energy, then try to control it.

And finally, at the Shikkotsu Forest, the practitioners’ have to soak their naked bodies in the mucus secreted by Katsuyu for a very long time to be able to sense the Natural Energy.

Each of the three Sage Region has its own method and these methods allow the practitioner to slowly and steadily be able to use the Sennin Mode of the corresponding Sage Region.

Of course, these three are not the only methods to learn Senjutsu, and there are many other methods and sources, but finding them is an incredibly difficult task.

Hyuga Kuroto did not use any of the three methods. Neither did he use toad oil of Mount Myoboku, nor the Snake Venom from the Ryuchi Cave, and also not the Slug Mucus from the Shikkotsu Forest, And this is probably the reason why there are no signs of pigmentation on his face.

But this doesn’t mean that there are no indications or no change in Kuroto’s appearance, at least, his Byakugan which was featureless white until a few minutes age seems to have changed and turned Golden as Senjutsu Chakra Gathered in his Dojutsu.

Kuroto was also surprised by this change, he did not expect his Byakugan to turn Golden. There is not much known about the Golden Byakugan in the Cannon, but in the Boruto series, Golden Byakugan has been displayed a few times, and all those times it was possessed by the members of the Otsutsuki Clan.

‘But it seems that these Golden Byakugan that I have in the Sennin Mode are different from the ones the Otsutsuki have.’ This was the thought in Kuroto’s mind as he analyzed this change in his Dojutsu.

What are the exact requirements of having Golden Byakugan? And what exactly is Golden Byakugan? Kuroto doesn’t have much of an idea, in fact, Kuroto isn’t even sure whether the Golden Byakugan he has in the Sennin Mode is the same as the Golden Byakugan possessed by Otsutsuki Momoshiki and Otsutsuki Urashiki in the Canon, after all, their methods of the transformation of this Dojutsu are different.

Otsutsuki Momoshiki ate the Chakra of Otsutsuki Kinshiki in order to gain Golden Byakugan and the Golden Rinnegan, while Otsutsuki Urashiki ate the Chakra of his Fishing Rod, and container along with both of his Dojutsu in order to awaken the Golden Byakugan and Golden Rinnegan.

On the other hand, Kuroto did no such thing, he has only mastered how to be able to use Sennin Mode, so although, his current Chakra is stronger than usual, but Kuroto doesn’t really think that it’s enough to meet those requirements. In fact, Kuroto himself doesn’t feel any big difference except for some obvious increase in the range of his vision.

“Whether these Dojutsus are same or different can be determined sooner or later anyway, for now, I must focus on getting used to the Sennin Mode.” Muttered Kuroto as he got up from the tile he was sitting on atop a pointed rock.

To absorb Natural energy, one must stay still, as even a bit of body movement can result in the disruption of absorption of Natural Energy. Therefore, Kuroto has been sitting still, without even a bit of body movement for quite a long time.

Normally, the issue of staying still to gather the Natural Energy is not that big of an issue for Kuroto, as he can always use the Natural Energy from Toyotama’s Chakra in his body; but for the sake of learning and experience, Kuroto first decided to get used to the basics in the standard way to get the gist of Sennin Mode, afterward, he can obviously make the best use of his own advantages.

And now that he has entered the Sennin Mode, Kuroto must get used to the Sennin Mode, figure out what new abilities he has gained as the by-product of Sennin Mode.

After all, whether it is the Toad Sennin Mode of Mount Myoboku or the Dragon Sennin Mode of the Ryuchi Cave, each of them has their individual fighting style in the Sennin Mode. In the cannon, Uzumaki Naruto after learning the Toad Sennin Mode also learned Frog Kata, a unique combat style used by the Toad Sages. And Kabuto who learned Dragon Sennin Mode from Ryuchi Cave also learned several of their Senjutsu including the Sage Art: Inorganic Reincarnation, Sage Art: White Rage Technique, et cetera.

Therefore, Kuroto is also quite certain that he should be able to use at least a few Senjutsu that his Sennin Mode would allow him.

“Let’s begin, Ichikishima.” Said Kuroto to the Snake Priestess, who nodded and got ready for the combat, “Yes, Kuroto-sama!”

Three Weeks Later.

For the next three weeks, Kuroto focused most of his attention on learning and getting used to the Sennin Mode. And he made quite a bit of progress at it.

But what’s problematic is that his strength in Sennin Mode is not as strong as his strength in Tenseigan Chakra Mode. This is natural given the fact that Tenseigan Chakra Mode is stronger than the Sennin Mode.

This is why, after Kuroto was sure that he is quite apt with the Sennin Mode, he tried to stack the Sennin Mode on top of the Tenseigan Chakra Mode, just like Uzumaki Naruto stacked his Sennin mode on top of Kurama Chakra Mode (or was it the opposite? I don’t remember exactly.).

Kuroto knows that if he succeeds in doing it, then his strength in the newfound, Tenseigan Sage Mode will increase by leaps and bounds, at least, it will be on the same level when he uses the Tenseigan Chakra Mode while drawing Chakra from the Giant Tenseigan on the Moon, which is obviously much, much stronger compared to when Kuroto uses his own or Toyotama’s Chakra.

The difference is obviously because the Giant Tenseigan contains Chakra purely representing Hamura, while Kuroto’s own or Toyotama’s Chakra is different.

It can be explained by creating an analogy. If we assume that Kuroto’s Chakra is similar to Naruto (Asura’s Chakra), then Hamura’s Chakra for Kuroto is similar to the Chakra of Rikudo Sennin for Naruto. The effects it brings are obvious.

So Kuroto tried to achieve this synchronizing and the result? Kuroto failed at it miserably. It was too miserable that it’s almost embarrassing.

No amount of effort or hard work changed this fact. As soon as Kuroto activates the Tenseigan, the Senjutsu Chakra in his body becomes unstable. And if he tries to Enter Sennin Mode with the Tenseigan activated, it just doesn’t work, Kuroto is unable to enter Sennin Mode while the Tenseigan is activated.

Kuroto tried theorizing the possible cause for his repeated failure in this, and he did have a few guesses.

“Is it really as she said?” muttered Kuroto in doubt as he thought of the words of Ichikishima hime.

Kuroto is able to individually use both Tenseigan Chakra Mode and Sennin Mode but is unable to combine them. According to Ichikishima hime, the reason is an imbalance of Spiritual Energy and Physical Energy while the Tenseigan is active.

According to the knowledge Kuroto has acquired up to now about Senjutsu and Sennin Mode, and according to what Ichikishima has spoken; Physical energy is more important to be able to use Senjutsu compared to Spiritual energy. This is also the reason why the reincarnates of Asura can master the Sennin Mode much easier when compared to the reincarnates of Indra or other people.

This also explains why the Uchiha and Hyuga who represent Yin, have never been known to use Senjutsu, meanwhile, those of the Senju and Uzumaki who represent Yang are able to use Senjustu if they manage to learn how to use it, that is. This is all because Asura inherited the Physical Energy from Rikudo Sennin.

But if we go by this theory, Kuroto shouldn’t be able to even learn Senjutsu much less use it, but that’s not the case, the problem of Physical and Spiritual Energy imbalance is not an issue for Kuroto while he is in base form and is not using the Tenseigan, because, with just his Byakugan active, Kuroto’s physical energy is more than enough to keep up with the spiritual energy of the Byakugan.

But this changes completely when Kuroto uses the Tenseigan.

As soon as the Tenseigan is activated, Kuroto’s Spiritual Power increases exponentially. True Tenseigan is a Dojutsu of the same level as the Rinnegan, but different from the Rinnegan, the necessary condition to awaken it is not the fusion of Yin and Yang.

In reality, the Tenseigan, much like the Eternal Mangekyou Sharingan is a Yin dominant.

Awakening naturally increases the physical energy of the body in correspondence to the increase in Spiritual Energy over time, but the balance still remains Yin Dominant.

So, Kuroto’s Chakra, all this while has been Yin Dominant. This is also the reason why Ichikishima hime likes to eat his Chakra.

And because of all these reasons, when Kuroto tries to synchronize his Senjutsu Chakra with Tenseigan Chakra he fails at it, the physical energy is just unable to keep up.

And this is also the reason why his body starts to petrify when his body absorbs excess Natural Energy from Toyotama while using the Tenseigan Chakra Mode. This petrification happened when Kuroto was fighting against Nagato in Amegakure.

Initially, Kuroto thought that because he has not mastered Sennin Mode, so absorbing too much Natural Energy is the cause, it is the cause, but not entirely, and the main cause is low Physical Energy compared to Spiritual Energy.

Sighing slightly, Kuroto thought, “Sigh, now I must also figure out a way to increase the physical energy of my main body. Else I would never be able to synchronize Tenseigan Chakra and Senjutsu Chakra.”

Thus, the objective of increasing Physical energy was also added to the list of things that Kuroto MUST put on the agenda.

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