Reborn into Naruto World with Tenseigan

Chapter 465

Chapter 465: Sandaime’s Trap

After spending more than 2 months out of the Village, Kuroto returned back to the Village.

In the past 2 months, Kuroto learned Sennin Mode, created and trained Wind Nature Clone to some extent, trained both Gaara and Karin, and also did a few other things. And after he was done, Kuroto returned back.

Of course, before returning, Kuroto did not forget to check up on the status of the two new clones he has set up in the Incubation Capsules two weeks ago.

These two new clones are made up of Sandaime Kazekage’s cells. As per Kuroto’s initial plans, the puppet body of Sandaime Kazekage is to be discarded and an all-new enhanced body is to take that place so that the strength of Amatsukami can be increased.

Since the creation of these two clones had nothing to do with the fusion of cells or anything tedious, so the initial process was very easy, and after the cloning bud was created the Clone was set up in the Incubation Capsules to be grown.

As per Kuroto’s estimation, this Clone will be ready for Sandaime Kazekage to take over in about two to three more weeks, the reason for such a long time is to maintain a high quality of the Clone.

After completing most of the things that Kuroto had to do at Ancor Vantian, Kuroto returned back to the Village.

After returning, the first thing he did was to meet up with his Shadow Clone that has been acting as his replacement in the village for the past 2 months.

As for people wondering why the Clone did not dispel itself or disappear even after the real Kuroto used Tenseigan Soul Descend to repeatedly transfer his soul from one body to another?

For this, Kuroto will have to be grateful to Toyotama hime (Ryuumyaku), she made sure to keep a constant supply of Chakra to the Clone to ensure that the Clone does not disappear. In fact, she also made sure to continuously heal it if injured, to again ensure that it does not disappear into a poof, as that would have been very problematic and very difficult to explain for Kuroto.

And now that Kuroto returned to the Village, he dispelled the Shadow Clone who has been performing the Anbu Missions as the captain of Team-Ro.

The moment the Shadow Clone disappeared, two months’ worth of memories instantly flooded Kuroto’s mind, causing him to feel a bit overwhelmed as he realized just how many things have happened in the past two months.

After recovering from the migraine caused by the sudden influx of memories, Kuroto slowly started to sort out the memories one by one to get a general idea of everything that the Shadow Clone went through.

In the past two months, after Konoha’s alliance with the surrounding nations was concluded, everything on the surface became extraordinarily calm and peaceful, giving great relief to the villagers exposed to the light, but those working in the shadows, i.e., the Anbu in specific were more than clear about the wind and waves that have started to blow, and clearly showing signs of a Storm that is soon about to hit this Shinobi World.

Kuroto was also surprised upon learning how busy his Shadow Clone was these days, basically, the Shadow Clone had no free time.

In his absence, the Shadow Clone continued performing missions assigned to him by Sandaime-sama, some with the Team-Ro, some with only one other member, and a few even solo missions that were very secretive. Each mission was classified as Rank-S, and few even surpassed Ranks-S for which Team-Ro would team up with another Anbu Teams to ensure that the mission is completed without a hitch.

Kuroto doesn’t understand why exactly, but for some reason, the four, no actually three members of Team-Ro, except for Itachi suddenly became adamant in training to get stronger.

And since Kuroto is their captain who is much stronger than all the four combined, so obviously they started pestering him to train them. Therefore, Kuroto’s Shadow Clone had no choice but to also make some time in his schedule in order to train Kurenai, Hayate, and Yugao. And since, the three of them were training so Itachi being a member of Team-Ro also trained.

Thus, Kuroto’s Shadow Clone was no different from Kuroto, too busy to be able to relax.

Another thing that surprised Kuroto was the information he concluded based on all the missions his Shadow Clone completed. While sitting cross-legged in his room, Kuroto muttered, “What is Sandaime-sama’s source of information?”

All the signs indicate that Sandaime-sama has been planning something in secret.

It stands to reason that Akatsuki has not made any move for so long, so the Village’s vigilance should gradually relax, however, not only the vigilance and security wasn’t relaxed, in fact, it was gradually strengthened. This unreasonable behavior, coupled with all sorts of infiltration and assassination tasks that Team-Ro has been performing, undoubtedly shows that Sandaime-sama is very sure about something. And more than likely that something is related to Akatsuki’s revenge on Konoha that should be getting closer and closer.

‘But why is Sandaime-sama so sure?’ Kuroto can’t help but doubt this.

All the knowledgeable people understand that Akatsuki would undoubtedly seek revenge on Konoha, but given the fact that so many months have passed and yet there was no sign, so obviously many thoughts have started to emerge, one of them is about the possibility of Nagato’s death, yet, Sandaime-sama dare not relax the vigilance, why exactly?josei

“Is he aware of something, I am not? But if that’s the case, what exactly, and how exactly?” muttered Kuroto as the frown on his face deepened.

Since the Summit War at Amegakure, Kuroto has completely lost contact with Uchiha Shinichi, and as time passed by, Kuroto has become more and more worried about Shinichi’s safety.

There are only two possibilities, either Shinichi’s identity has been exposed and he has been already been killed by the Akatsuki Organization, or Shinichi has been put under 24 hours surveillance, so he is unable to deliver any message.

Of course, Kuroto hopes that it is the latter option, not because he is worried about Shinichi’s life, but he is worried about the intelligence that Shinichi has. Shinichi has also seen Kuroto’s Tenseigan Chakra Mode so he knows the true identity of Yama. if his identity as a spy is exposed, then is very likely that all his memories have been extracted by Nagato which would mean that Nagato also knows about Kuroto, and this is something Kuroto does not want.

Therefore, Kuroto hopes that it is the latter, and if it is the latter, then that would mean Akatsuki has changed its policies, they no longer allow loose management of the members of the organization, and now strictly monitor all their movements.

And since there has been no sighting of any member of the Akatsuki (other than the time Obito sneaked inside Konoha in order to take back his left eye), so it can only mean one thing, all of them have gathered in one place.

“Are they really planning on something big?” This strange calmness in the Shinobi World has made Kuroto think of this possibility, otherwise, why would all the members of Akatsuki gather in one place?

The members of Akatsuki are nuke-nin from multiple villages, they have to not only guard against various enemies, they have to be cautious against each other too, but given the fact that all of them are more than likely to have gathered in one place, so it can only mean that the Akatsuki Organization is planning something big.

After reaching this conclusion, Kuroto left his house and walked in the direction of the Uchiha Clan, on his way, Kuroto thought about many things, and after considering these various things, there was only one conclusion in his mind, “Although, I am not sure how he is doing it, Sandaime-sama must know something about Akatsuki’s latest plan.”

Since the failure of the joint raid at Amegakure, Sandaime has become more and more secretive, even the well-informed and trusted Anbu members loyal to him are not aware of most of the things, no one is able to figure out what exactly he is doing, even Kuroto is unable to.

If it wasn’t for the fact that Kuroto was a member of Anbu Team-11, and had a close friendship with Kakashi, else he wouldn’t have gotten any information about the attack on Kakashi.

At the same time, if not for the fact that Pakura and Yagura are his subordinates, Kuroto wouldn’t have gotten any wind about the upcoming Gokage Summit that is going to be held in secrecy in Konoha.

“Sandaime suppressed the news of the attack on Kakashi, renounced Shimura Danzo’s control over Root subunit, then coupled with all these assassination missions Team-Ro is performing to stabilize peace in the Land of fire, all signs indicate that Sandaime-sama is trying to show or maybe confuse others and making them think that Konoha is safe.

At the same time, we secretly contacted the Kage of the other four great Shinobi Villages to hold a secret Gokage Summit in KONOHA, meaning he wants the other four Kages to be in Konoha.

Covering signs of all enemies’ activities in the village and the country, while summoning the other four Kages in the village, it is as if Sandaime-sama knows when and what is going to happen in the village, and deliberately summoned the four Kage to help Konoha?” muttered Kuroto in a shocked tone, and even he was taken aback by this absurd guess of his.

But if this absurd guess of his is correct, then Sandaime is not only secretly weaving a trap against Akatsuki Organization but is also using the other four Kage in this trap.

“Heh, he may have gotten old and weak with time, but there is no change in his savvy character. In the name of Gokage Summit, he intends to use the other four Kage to protect Konoha.” Muttered Kuroto in an admirable tone, then he no longer cared about it, and proceeded towards the Uchiha Clan.

Sooner or later, his questions will be answered anyway, Pakura and Yagura will give him information.

It didn’t take long for Kuroto to come to arrive at the back forest of the Uchiha Clan, and he saw Shisui and Itachi training.

Noticing Kuroto’s arrival, the two Uchiha teenagers who were busy in high-intensity combat stopped tacitly and quickly greeted him.

Kuroto returned the greeting, then asked Shisui, “How is your physical condition Shisui?”

Shisui said with a genuine smile, “My body has completely adapted, there is an additional increase in my physical strength. And my Chakra Volume has almost quadrupled since the day of transplantation.”

“That’s good.” Kuroto nodded, he wasn’t much surprised as these were expected results.

After the recovery and training of more than two months, it is natural that Shisui’s body adapts to the Hashirama cells. In fact, aside from his physical strength, and Chakra Reserves, his Visual Prowess has also increased quite a lot.

As for the four times increase in his chakra? Kuroto feels that Shisui’s Chakra should increase more as days pass by, after all, Hashirama Cells are no joke, and given the fact that currently, Shisui is not even an adult, so his Chakra reserves are bound to grow.

After understanding this, Kuroto asked Shisui again, “And have you noticed any negative effects?”

Shisui thought a little, then shook his head, “None so far.”

“Alright, that’s good, and are there any white face marks on your body?” Kuroto asked again, this was very important, if Hashirama’s face were to appear on Shisui’s body then it could cause problems.

Shisui looked at Kuroto with a weird expression, and asked doubtfully, “No, was a face supposed to appear on my body??”

Receiving Shisui’s reply, Kuroto had a thoughtful look on his face, then said, “If it hasn’t appeared then that’s good, in any case, we can replace those eyes.”

Shisui nodded quickly, “Alright.”

In order to make sure that Hashirama Cells do not take over Shisui’s body during the adaptation period, Kuroto did not replace the Eternal Mangekyou Sharingan with Shisui’s Mangekyou Sharingan. And now that his body has perfectly adapted, so there is no need for Shisui to not have his eyes back.

The operation site is still the Secret Laboratory in the Forest of Death.

Because it was a simple eye replacement operation, so it only took a minute for Kuroto to skillfully remove the Eternal Mangekyou Sharingan out of Shisui’s eye sockets, and then he replaced them with Shisui’s original eyes.

After completing the eye replacement, “How do you feel?” asked Kuroto all while observing Shisui’s Vital Signs.

After a long silence, Shisui removed his hands from his eyes, and said, “I feel the same as I did earlier.”

Kuroto nodded, then asked, “And what about your vision?”

“I am not sure yet, the eye has just been replaced, maybe it will take some time when my vision is restored?” answered Shisui with a doubtful tone.

Kuroto nodded, “Hmm, it will take about two to three days for your eyes to restore their normal vision, and then be enhanced further. At the same time, your visual prowess will also increase significantly.”

Shisui nodded, then got off the operation table, bowed towards Kuroto, and said sincerely, “Kuroto-san, thank you for everything that you have done for me, if not for your help, I would have been blind with probably no solution at hand.”

Kuroto waved his hand, and said, “Don’t worry about it. You are a member of the organization so obviously, there are some special benefits. And I am just doing what’s important for the village and the organization, nothing more.”

Shisui said again, “Even so, I am grateful.”

Kuroto smiled and didn’t say anything more, he just proceeded to take a sample of Shisui’s cells in order to study the changes in Shisui’s cell and DNA structure.

In this transplantation operation of Shisui, Kuroto also gained a lot of things. In addition to the obvious increase in the visual prowess of the Eternal Mangekyou Sharingan under the nurturing of the Hashirama Cells, Kuroto also gained experience of transplanting Hashirama Cells in a living person’s body.

This experience is very useful, and will definitely come in handy in the future while Kuroto plays around with the Hashirama Cells, especially when he creates the Yang Nature Clone. Therefore, it is Kuroto who should be grateful to Shisui for willingly allowing Kuroto to experiment on his body, not the other way around.

But even if Shisui had known Kuroto’s thoughts, he would have been grateful towards Kuroto either way.

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