Reborn into Naruto World with Tenseigan

Chapter 482

Chapter 482: Terrible Karma

Fujin may have tried to present a pleasant smile to ease up the atmosphere, but to Kurenai, it looked more like a perverted grin, especially with that complement of his, anger started to appear on her face, “You… you… you!”

As soon as Fujin saw the change in Kurenai’s expression he realized that he had said something wrong.

Terms such as ‘Very well developed’ shouldn’t be used in this situation, as it is obviously impolite to her.

Looking at Kurenai’s flushed face and how she was getting angrier and angrier, Fujin sighed inwardly and immediately waved his hands and tried to explain with a slightly embarrassed expression, “I am sorry, I didn’t mean that… what I want to say is that your breasts are very good… Uh, no, that’s not true, no… actually it’s true but that not what I want to say… what I mean is tha-……”

The more Fujin spoke, the angrier Kurenai became, finally she couldn’t bear it any longer and immediately raised her right hand to slap Fujin right in the face, “You despicable shameless PERVERT!”

Fujin easily blocked Kurenai’s hand that was about to slap him, and said with a triumphant smirk, “Heh, if you think that you can slap me with such low speed, then you are obviously dreaming…”josei

“You… you… you… I’ll kill you!” Kurenai immediately became angrier and raised her leg to kick Fujin right in the gut, but again her leg was caught by Fujin and held over his shoulder…

“Heh… do you think a sneak attack with such low-speed work on me? I told you earlier… you are not fast enough to be able to hit me… moreover, if you do raise your leg in this way… you are practically asking me to…” Fujin didn’t complete his sentence and just cast his gaze downwards, as he was getting the direct and open view of Kurenai’s honey pot.

Feeling Fujin’s gaze… Kurenai was more embarrassed and immediately withdrew her legs; then stretched the Kimono downwards to cover her privates…

But it didn’t help much, the length of the Kimono was short because Fujin’s height is only up to Kurenai’s shoulder, and even when Fujin wore the Kimono, it only reached up to his hips… so on Kurenai, the Kimono barely reached up to her hip line.

Seeing that her face was getting darker and darker, Fujin sighed and directly explained, “Well the reason I had to remove your clothes was that they were already tattered, so they weren’t covering anything in the first place, moreover, I had to treat your injuries. If I hadn’t given you immediate treatment, you would have died… so…”

Listening to Fujin’s words, Kurenai’s expression changed, and at this moment she also realized that ever since she tried slapping Fujin she is feeling pain and a burning sensation around her shoulder and breast.

Without saying anything, she turned around then opened the Kimono belt to check the state of her injury, and immediately saw the bandages soaked in blood…

“It started to bleed again, right?” Fujin spoke from behind.

Kurenai didn’t speak anything, just nodded slightly.

Seeing her nod, Fujin said, “I am not a professional medic-nin so I couldn’t heal your wound completely, but I managed to stop the bleeding and stitched it… this much is generally sufficient to start natural healing mechanism in our body, but because your Chakra is sealed so your body did not start the natural healing process, the wound was only stitched. Then you went and made rigorous hand movement, so the stitches were undone and it started bleeding again.”

“And whose fault do you think is that?” shouted Kurenai in anger.

“Obviously yours.” Said Fujin with an unfazed expression.

Kurenai turned her head and gave a death glare to Fujin, but Fujin had a thick face, and said casually, “I mean I am not the one who asked you to try slapping me, so obviously it is your fault.”

“………” Kurenai didn’t reply, she was feeling a headache now, first a kidnapper, then undead Hokages, and now a justified shameless pervert… she didn’t know what bad things she did that she is forced to face such terrible Karma.

Noting Kurenai’s silence, Fujin took out a bandage and said, “Come here… I’ll stitch your wound again, and change the bandages.”

“………” No reply from Kurenai.

Fujin said again, “If you don’t want me to, then I won’t… but know that you won’t be able to survive much longer with that kind of wound, there is also poison in your body and it has yet to be cleansed away, and without cleansing the poison you won’t be able to use Chakra…

I tried cleansing it earlier while you were unconscious but upon my analysis, I deduced that it’s not an ordinary poison; so, its method of cleansing is different… I needed you to be conscious to cleanse the poison.

So, it’s best that I firstly stitch back your wound, then cleanse the poison, else you will die.”

“………” no reply from Kurenai, but she didn’t doubt his words about the poison in her body, and it is the cause of her Chakra being sealed, after all, Orochimaru did give a short description of the poison he used on her, and she remembers it clearly.

Fujin sighed, and put back the bandages, “If you don’t want to believe what I am saying, then it’s your choice, but know that you have only until sunset tomorrow; if the poison within your body is not cleansed by then you will die…”

“I can have poisoned cleaned at Konoha.” Said Kurenai with a cold tone.

“Of course, you can return to Konoha and have poison in your body be cleansed, but with your Chakra sealed, it would take at least a week for you to return, and that too if you travel 24 by 7 without taking even a single break… but by then you would have long been dead and even your corpse would have been decayed because of the poison.”

“………” no reply from Kurenai, but if one were to look at her face, he would notice her gritting her teeth in frustration, ‘Damn it! Why didn’t I learn Medical Ninjutsu?!’

‘What’s wrong with her?’ Fujin can’t help but look at Kurenai’s back with a confused expression, ‘Does she really want to die?’

After a long silence, Kurenai turned around and slowly said in a dark tone, “If you dare look at places you shouldn’t and tried taking any extra actions, I will KILL YOU!”

Fujin carefreely waved his hand and assured Kurenai with a chuckle, “Relax, I have already seen everything while I was treating you earlier you so you don’t really have anything left to hide from me, so does it really matter if I see again, right? Besides, even if you were not in this weak state, you wouldn’t even be able to touch me, much less kill me.”

“…….” Although Kurenai didn’t say anything to retort Fujin’s words, the click of her tongue and the deathly glare in her eyes clearly indicated that if she had the ability to kill people with her glare, she would have literally killed this bastard at this very instant.

Fujin didn’t really care about Kurenai’s death glare he was getting and just beckoned her to sit down on the Stone Bed, and remove the Kimono.

Kurenai sighed and followed suit, after sitting on the Stone Bed, she dropped the Kimono from her shoulders, of course, she didn’t completely remove the Kimono, at least it was covering her lower parts.

Then Fujin carefully removed the blood-soaked bandages which allowed Kurenai to see how serious the injury is, even half of her right breast was cut.

After removing the bandages, Fujin also removed the broken stitches, washed away the blood, applied antisceptic, poured Yang Chakra to temporarily stop the bleeding, and again stitched the wound with his hair then wrapped the bandages over it again.

After tying the Bandages, Fujin said to Kurenai, “All done.”

‘Already?’ everything was done in less than 2 minutes, that Kurenai even felt that Fujin is quite professional in it.

But on a more important note, from beginning to end, Fujin didn’t show any extra reaction nor did his eyes wandered around; this made Kurenai look at him strangely, but she chose to remain silent and was somewhat relieved because if he had shown some reaction, it would be extremely embarrassing for her.

This act of Fujin gave him some points in Kurenai’s good books, ‘At least, he is not a pervert.’

Fujin obviously didn’t know Kurenai’s thoughts, and even if he knew, he wouldn’t care too much. The reason he is not showing any reaction to Kurenai’s nude body is that he has already experienced being a woman so it’s nothing new to him at the same time he knows how uncomfortable it is when people don’t look at your face but your chest.

While Kurenai adjusted the Kimono again, Fujin said, “Next comes the cleansing of poison in your body… but before cleansing it, you need to understand what kind of poison is in your body.”

Kurenai immediately said, “Back when Orochimaru poisoned me, he said that it is a colorless, odorless, and tasteless poison that is difficult to detect by ordinary means, he also said that it does not take effect unless the target uses their Chakra, and once target uses their Chakra, the poison would instantly plague their bodies unless an antidote is provided.”

Fujin listening to the description of poison in Kurenai’s words then shook his head, “Orochimaru obviously lied to you, no, to be exact he misguided you.”

Kurenai asked with a frown, “What do you mean?”

Fujin said, “The essence of a Shinobi is deception, we are a race that would spout out any and all kind of bull crap in order to deceive others, and Orochimaru did the same with you. “ After a pause, Fujin continued again, “Most of the effects are correct as he described, except… what’s inside your body is not poison so there’s no antidote for it.

Perhaps he wanted to give you hope into believing that as long as you will help him do whatever he wanted to use you for, you will have a chance of survival.”

Kurenai’s expression changed, and she was a bit panicked, “But if it is not a poison then what’s inside my body? And what do you mean that there is no antidote? Does that mean I will die after all?”

Fujin patted Kurenai’s head lightly and said, “Relax, just because there’s no antidote for it does not mean there is no cure.”

Kurenai paused, waiting for Fujin’s explanation. As for Fujin’s hand patting her head? Kurenai did not make any effort to remove it.

‘Good girl.’ Thought Fujin internally, then said, “What’s inside your body is not some kind of poison, rather there some creatures, more exactly, they were snakes, small and fine enough to move through human blood vessels… and there are millions of such snakes inside your body.”

“WHAT?!” Kurenai’s face now had a horrifying look… she was literally scared now, “Millions of Snakes? But… how…?”

Fujin nodded with a solemn expression, “The poison Orochimaru described to you were most likely snake eggs… millions of micro-sized snake eggs and these eggs were inhaled by you… These eggs hatched under the stimulation of your Chakra gave birth to millions of snakes and released a poison in your body, which is probably the cause of your body’s weakness.

And I have judged that if you use Chakra then a major part of that Chakra will be constantly absorbed by those snakes and they will grow in number and size… how big they can grow? I have no idea, but I think you can understand the implication.”

Kurenai quickly questioned, “And if I don’t use Chakra?”

Fujin continued, “Even if you don’t use Chakra, they will grow in size, although their growth will be slow, they will grow nonetheless, and in this case, they will eat your insides to grow… which would mean…”

“I would die!” Kurenai’s face paled, and asked, “T…then what should I do? Doesn’t it mean that regardless of whether I use Chakra or not, I will die?”

“Normally? Yes, you would die, unless an incredibly skilled medical-nin like Senju Tsunade takes care of your treatment… but given your condition, you would die before you can get back to Konoha so letting Senju Tsunade treat you is not an option for you.

But you don’t have to worry too much, although, I am not a medical-nin, I do have extensive knowledge of the human body, poisons, and antidotes, therefore, I would say you are in luck, and I might be able to cure you.”

“You can treat me? But how?” questioned Kurenai with a suspicious tone.

“While you were unconscious, I analyzed your blood, the snakes present in your circulatory system; as well as the poison they were releasing… and using the information I gained, I concocted a poison that will successfully kill the snakes in your body.

However, it has a risk… the poison is too potent, although it can kill all the snakes within 10 minutes, the process would be very painful for you, it wouldn’t be wrong of me to say that those 10 minutes will be literal hell for you, and trust me when I say this, you would much rather prefer to die and end it all then live through those 10 minutes of agony, not to mention there is a 91% risk that you would still die.

So it’s ultimately your choice whether you want to try this method or not… If you don’t then you will surely die, if you do, then you MIGHT… survive.” Explained Fujin in great detail.

“…………” After a long silence, Kurenai finally nodded, “I will take the poison.”

Noting Kurenai’s resolute expression, Fujin didn’t question her anymore, and said lightly, “In that case, lie down and relax your nerves.”

Kurenai followed suit and lay on the Stone bed as per Fujin’s instructions. And immediately after, Fujin started injecting the prepared poison into her body.

While Fujin injected the poison, Kurenai looked at his serious face with many thoughts in her mind.

Did Kurenai completely trust Fujin’s words? Absolutely NOT! How can you trust an unknown person? More so when that person is a member of an organization like Amatsukami?

Fujin himself stated that the essence of a Shinobi is deception, so she would be an idiot if she openly trusted him.

Then why did she agree to him?

Because in her heart Kurenai knows that Fujin can do whatever he wants with her, she has no power to stop him, therefore, she has no other option but to follow his instructions!

The only relief she has is that he at least gave her an illusion that she was making the decision for herself, even if this illusion only removed the psychological barrier in her mind.

Besides, the new emotion in her heart has been urging her to want to trust him… if she is mistaken, then she would pay dearly for her mistake… but if not, ‘then perhaps I can…’

Fujin didn’t know all the complicated thoughts in Kurenai’s mind, and even if he knew, he wouldn’t really care, because, in his eyes, Kurenai is now nothing more than a pawn used to confuse Orochimaru, so he can’t let her die.

At this moment, Fujin just finished injecting the ‘poison’ into Kurenai’s body and soon the most hellish 10 minutes of Kurenai’s life started.

Can she live through it? Or will she die? This is something not even Fujin can tell.

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