Reborn into Naruto World with Tenseigan

Chapter 496

Chapter 496: Tsunade’s Change

Screech… Bang… Boom… SMASH…!

But just as Satori’s claw was about to completely tear Yui, a loud smashing sound echoed in the surroundings, and the next thing everyone knew was that the monster named Satori flew away into the distance… rolled over a few streets and collided with a building, immediately destroying it in the process and then further continuing to roll over and finally stopped after smashing into the outer wall of the village.josei

“What… just happened?” muttered one of the Shinobi in a confused tone.

The sudden change of event surprised everyone, and everyone was confused as to how exactly was Satori smashed away…? You know that monster is as big as Gamabunta! And yet it was smashed away to a distance of hundreds of meters… how much physical strength does one need to be able to do so?

And when it comes to the matter of physical strength, obviously everyone thought of Senju Tsunade, but Senju Tsunade was also looking around in confusion, which clearly indicated that it wasn’t her who did this but somebody else… but who exactly?

At this time, a giant Iron Spear fell from the ground and a figure landed on top of the Giant Spear made up of Black Iron Sand.

Everyone looked at the figure calmly standing on top of the giant spear… the figure was wearing a Black Cloak with a yin-yang symbol and the symbols of five basic Chakra natures on the back of it along with a green mask with a wind pattern on it. From the manner the other party was dressed, everyone recognized who he is… “A member of Amatsukami?”

Yui who had fallen to the ground also stared at the strange figure standing on top of the Black Iron Spear with a dazed expression, it wouldn’t be wrong to say that was a bit scared a moment ago…and almost felt as if she is about to die… but because of her Byakugan, she also saw that it was him who saved her.

While Yui looked at Fujin with a dazed expression, Fujin glanced at Yui without revealing any trace.

Seeing that she was only a bit scared and not to hurt with just a small cut on her neck, Fujin breathed a sigh of relief and immediately cursed, ‘Stupid girl! Haven’t I already told her to not participate in dangerous battles? This level of fierce battle where even Jiraiya-sama couldn’t do anything and she still dares to move forward? If I hadn’t made it in time, then she would be dead right now! Humph… when all this mess is cleared up, I think I will have to teach her a few things again!’

He was really scared a few moments ago and almost had his heart explode in nervousness… This is also the reason why when he smashed Satori, he didn’t restrain too much of his strength as a result satori flew all the way and collided with the outer wall hundreds of meters from here.

Originally, Fujin had planned to stay hidden in the dark, first let the village make its move… and when all the members of Akatsuki appear on the stage, then he would choose a suitable opportunity to make a sneak attack on Nagato or Obito and solve at least one of them.

But when he noticed that Yui was in danger, he couldn’t care about his plan anymore and hurriedly intervened in the battle, because if he hadn’t then she would have definitely died.

Although he saved her, by doing so, he, who was hidden in the dark also jumped into the bright and was now the center of all attention whether from the village or from the Akatsuki, as such he is in somewhat of a passive situation.

But now that he has already taken action, so regretting it or getting annoyed over it won’t help much, not to mention he did this to save Yui’s life. The importance of Yui’s life for him is self-evident and a mere Wind Nature Clone can never even come close to how important she is.

Therefore, Fujin did not feel much troubled, and after pondering over it a little he immediately decided to ridicule Konoha Shinobi who had been so embarrassed by Satori, “It’s really all trash here, makes me surprised a little bit, is it really true as the rumors suggest? Konohagakure, the strongest of the five great Shinobi villages has such pathetic strength?”

Tsunade stood up with strong support at this moment and asked with a frown, “Are you a member of Amatsukami?” Of course, for now, she decided to ignore the matter of the other party ridiculing Konoha, because no matter what… he did save her disciple’s life, which she, herself couldn’t.

Fujin looked down and glanced at Tsunade-hime with a thoughtful expression. He is hundred percent certain that Tsunade-hime is still being plagued by Hemophobia (Fear of Blood), therefore, she can’t show her true strength. And if it weren’t for Fujin’s action of saving Yui’s life, she wouldn’t have been able to rescue her disciple and would have to witness the death of her disciple which might have even made her Phobia worse.

But since that didn’t happen so her phobia did not get worse and Fujin could see that the current Tsunade’s symptoms upon the sight of blood are much milder than he had initially expected.

In the canon, Tsunade would basically collapse at the mere sight of blood until she overcame her homophobia because of being influenced by Uzumaki Naruto’s Talk no Jutsu. However, at this scene, flesh and blood are basically flying around her, and blood has even splashed on her clothes and face, yet she did not collapse completely and is able to push herself and stand while gritting her teeth and her consciousness also seems to be clear enough to observe the battlefield and make a subjective judgment. All these signs indicate that she has started to overcome her fear of blood.

In fact, before coming back to the Village, Tsunade had already made up her mind to get over her fear of blood, this is because she is very clear that sooner or later, she too would have to participate in battles against the Akatsuki Organization. Then there was her meeting with Orochimaru before returning to the village her later discussion with Hyuga Kuroto… which finally made up her mind, therefore she has already begun to try to overcome her hemophobia in private.

And her efforts have not been in vain, she has somewhat overcome her fear of blood so the sight of a little blood does not affect her anymore, therefore, upon the orders of Sandaime Hokage she led a team in order to support Jiraiya… But she didn’t expect that as soon as they appeared on the battlefield Satori changed his target and went after her and her subordinates and even killed many of them, as a result, she was forced to witness the bloodiest scene and couldn’t bear it for a while.

As for the reason why Satori changed his target immediately? Fujin attributes it to the fear in her heart… Satori is able to sense fear in the hearts of others, so it’s quite possible that Satori sensed the fear in Tsunade’s heart and acted accordingly.

As for how did Fujin managed to hit him despite Satori’s special abilities? It’s actually quite simple, it was just a lucky shot… Fujin doesn’t expect to be able to land another hit any time soon.

In fact, even before initiating the attack, Fujin didn’t really expect that he would be able to land a hit on Satori nor did he have that intention… His intention was just to direct intense blood lust on Satori that would make Satori vigilant and back off, unexpectedly, Fujin managed to land a hit on him which was surprising.


Whiish whiish whiish whiish whiish

While Fujin and others were thinking of various things, Satori got up and flew here at an extremely high speed, after coming closer he spread his wings wide, and instantly hundreds of black feathers as sharp as the sharpest blades were shot towards the ground at an astonishing speed.

Fujin didn’t care and just waved his right hand upwards.

Under the influence of Fujin’s Magnet Release Chakra, Black Iron Sand rose out of the ground and immediately turned into a shield big enough to protect everyone on the battlefield.

Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding

Although Satori’s feathers were extremely sharp, however, when they collided with Iron Sand Shield, they still couldn’t pass through it, as a result, metal collision symphony echoed in the surroundings as the feathers kept colliding with the Iron Sand Shield.

And while Fujin stopped Satori’s onslaught, Tsunade gave the order to her disciples, “Quickly, heal the injured ones!” then turned towards Fujin and questioned, “Why are you helping us? What are Amatsukami’s intentions?”

Fujin saw that Yui was treating the wounded around her regardless of her own safety and sighed slightly, then listening to Tsunade’s question, he snorted coldly and said, “Helping you? Don’t be ridiculous, why would I help lowly creatures like you?! I just think that this monster is quite interesting, that’s all.”

Having said that, Fujin directed more Magnet Release Chakra to control more Iron Sand that appeared out of the ground… but this time he did not use it to attack Satori, instead, he used this Iron Sand to carefully more Yui, Shizune, and other Konoha Shinobi in the vicinity to a safe distance from the battlefield.

Tsunade had a tick mark on her forehead when she heard Fujin calling her a ‘lowly creature’, but when she noticed that Fujin was also helping these ‘lowly creatures’ in his mouth to evacuate from the battlefield she didn’t pursue it anymore, instead, she asked, “What do you plan to do?”

Fujin said in a deliberately cold tone, “Take away these trashy shinobi of yours and get far away from here… and don’t get in my way…”

“You!” no matter how much she was trying to ignore it, she can’t help but get more and more annoyed as Fujin repeatedly trash-talked her and other Konoha Shinobi.

Although, her sense of belonging to Konoha is not as strong as it used to be following the death of her brother Nawaki and her lover Dan, however, Konoha is still very precious to her so the fact that Fujin was, again and again, trash-talking Konoha shinobi was starting to get on her nerves.

Of course, she is also a Sannin, and no matter how violent her temper is, she controlled it because of the situation. Moreover, Fujin’s trashy suggestion of letting the other Konoha Shinobi retreat was also correct, so she immediately instructed the Konoha Shinobi around her, “Jonin stay, while the rest will retreat and help in the evacuation process.”

At this time, Jiraiya, who was buried in the ruins not far away also jumped out, and while panting heavily he shouted towards Tsunade, “Be careful of this monster… it can read our intentions and see through all of our attacks!”

The injured Gamabunta said in a weak tone, “Facing Satori… we have no chance of winning, at all!”

“Damn it!” After listening to Jiraiya and Gamabunta’s words, Tsunade looked up at Satori in anger, her hand was clenched tightly, the tragedy of the village, as well as the dead companions around her, were urging her to get past her fear of blood.

Satori who was flying in the air let out a burst of strange laughter at this time, and said, “Hahahahaha… Are you scared? Despite being just lowly humans and insects’ you people are actually trying to resist me…… it’s ridiculous… hahaha… no matter what power you master… Senjutsu… Medical-ninjutsu or something else… it wouldn’t stop you from feeling fear… hahaha…”

“For being nothing more than a puppet of the Box, you sure like to overestimate yourself.” Mocked Fujin in a cold tone… then he took out a storage scroll from inside his Cloak, unfolded it, and after making the hand signs, he said, ‘Release!’


With a poof of white smoke, an astonishing amount of Black Iron Sand appeared out of the Storage Scroll and covered his surroundings.

Fujin will not make the same mistake twice, because of the lack of Iron Sand at his hand last time when facing Orochimaru and the two Edo Hokage; he was forced to use Shikotsumyaku… but he can’t use Shikotsumyaku so easily… the same goes with Scorch Release… the fact that he can use Scorch Release is only known to the Kazekage Pakura and Fujin would obviously not reveal it so easily given that the entire Akatsuki Organization is still hidden in the dark.

So, what’s left is mainly Magnet Release, and after learning a lesson from his battle, Fujin made sure to keep an extremely large amount of Iron Sand at his disposal.

When he was satisfied with the amount of Iron Sand in the surroundings, Fujin made the required hand signs and shouted, ‘Magnet Release: Iron Sand Drizzle!’

Whiish Whiish Whiish Whiish Whiish Whiish

Instantly, Iron Sand around Fujin hardened into minuscule grains, and like continuous gun-shots, they were fired towards Satori floating in the air.

Seeing Fujin’s attack, Tsunade smiled in joy, “With such a large-scale intensive attack… it should be impossible to remain unharmed given the size of that monster.”

However, the smile on Tsunade’s face soon solidified because Satori used an astonishing speed and managed to either dodge or defend against all the Iron Sand hardened grains.

“Hahahaha… it’s useless!” Satori’s arrogant laughter echoed throughout the village as if mocking the entire village.

And while Satori was mocking everyone below, Fujin who continued to attack Satori mocked him in his mind, ‘I’ll see how long you can continue your mockery.’

The frontal attack is just a temptation to keep Satori occupied, meanwhile Fujin has already prepared a backhand in order to be able to deal with him, ‘I do hope what I am thinking will work.’

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