Reborn into Naruto World with Tenseigan

Chapter 500

Chapter 500: Zombie Villagers

Ding Ding Ding Ding

After easily blocking a rain of sharp feathers shot by Satori, Fujin smirked as he looked at the hysteric monster in the sky, who is getting more and more impatient as time passed.

Although it is true that Fujin is unable to injure Satori because of Satori’s special abilities, in the same way, Satori is also unable to do anything to Fujin because of Fujin’s Byakugan and Iron Sand flowing all around…

With Black Iron Sand floating all around Fujin, so no matter what kind of attack Satori tried to use on Fujin, neither was able to injure Fujin nor is he able to get close to Tsunade-hime or Mui who are present under the dome of Iron Sand.

So all Satori and Fujin are doing is consuming each other’s Chakra, and Fujin is naturally not too worried about Chakra consumption, after all, his Chakra Reserves are also as high as that of a Bijuu.

And now that Mui is being healed by Tsunade-hime so it is only a matter of time before the issue of Satori is resolved.

And perhaps Satori also realizes this, therefore, he is getting more and more impatient and hysterically shouted in anger, “Damn it, you pest, get the hell outta there!”

Fujin smirked, “Scared, are we?”

Wooo wooo wooo wooo

Hearing Fujin’s words, Satori suddenly stopped and roared loudly… following Satori’s roar there was a resonance echo from the Box of Ultimate Bliss in the distance, and accompanied by evil black and cold winds a terribly painful cry echoed all over the village, at the same time, a suffocating vile chakra, substantial to the eyes spread all over the village.

This substantial evil chakra was like evil tentacles spreading to the surroundings, constantly expanding and engulfing everything coming in its path and covering the entire village in its clutches.

When these tentacles made of a substantial black chakra touched the injured villagers and the corpses of the dead villagers; the villagers and the corpses immediately turned red and madly started to attack all the living creatures around them.

Suddenly, the village that was already in chaos became more terrible… and this time, the range of chaos spread throughout the Konoha.

The edge of Konoha, Uchiha Clan district.

Uchiha Fugaku folded his arms over his chest; quietly stood on top of the roof of the Konoha Military Police Force, and observed the fight going on in the distance.

Around him were other elite members of the Konoha Military Police Force, fully armed and ready for battle at a single command but currently, they too were silently observing the battle in the distance, at the same time, the other members of the Konoha Military Police Force were aiding villagers in the process of evacuation.

Whoosh Whoosh Whoosh Whoosh

At this moment, a figure appeared in front of Fugaku and reported, “Patriarch, Hokage-sama ordered us to continue to stay vigilant and guard against the attacks from the Akatsuki Organization.”

Fugaku nodded silently, there was no change in his expression.

Although Satori is raging in the village, Konoha’s manpower is not too affected by him because the village was already prepared for Akatsuki’s Revenge.

Most of the Genin and Chunin are responsible for helping out the villagers in the evacuation; while the rest; including Tokubetsu Jonin and Jonin are responsible for responding against Akatsuki Organization’s offensive.

Therefore, the elite Anbu under Hokage, the elites of the Konoha Military Police Force; and the Elites of other major Shinobi Clans did not hastily join the battle against Satori, instead, they were distributed around various key areas of the village guarding against Akatsuki’s follow-up offensive.

Looking at Satori who was flying in the distance, Fugaku sighed, “Akatsuki’s temptation attacks are so tricky, I don’t know what will happen next!”

Just as Fugaku was a little worried, suddenly a commotion that had yet to reach this area also spread over.

A large group of villagers with red eyes rushed towards the Uchiha Clan district and started to attack madly attack everything living creature in sight. Fugaku observed the crazy villagers with his Three tomoe Sharingan, then instructed his subordinates, “Kaminari… lead your team and eliminate these zombies… They must not be allowed to get into the Uchiha Clan district.”

“Yes Sir!” the Jonin named Uchiha Kaminari nodded and instantly disappeared along with his team.

Whoosh Whoosh Whoosh Whoosh

Instantly, the Uchiha Shinobi in Uchiha Kaminari’s team started to face the Zombies and eliminate them one by one.

Hyuga Clan District.

Bang Bang Bang Bang

With a series of palm strikes, one after another zombie villagers that were controlled by the Box of Ultimate Bliss lifelessly fell to the ground.

Hyuga Hiashi let out a sigh of relief and put down the Gentle Fist Stance and immediately looked around, he could see that his Clansmen were continuously eliminating these Zombies that kept on coming with no end in sight.

Because the Hyuga Clan district is closer to the center of the Village compared to the Uchiha Clan district, therefore, the impact here is earlier and greater.

However, under the joint offensive of the elites of the Hyuga Clan, the crazy Zombie villagers who rushed to the Hyuga Clan district were being dealt with ease… although, their number still didn’t stop coming, and within minutes the long streets of the Hyuga Clan districts were filled with the corpses of the Zombie Villagers.

Sighing slightly Hiashi looked in the direction of his younger brother Hizashi and Hyuga Fumihiro who walked over at this time.

Hizashi said, “The brains of these villagers have been completely destroyed and there is no rescue… it is as if they have become zombies.”

Hiashi nodded lightly… he also has Byakugan, so naturally, he has also discovered this a long time ago.

Hizashi then looked in the direction of Satori in the distant sky, and questioned, “Has there been no new order from Hokage-sama, yet? Is there really no need to support the battlefield over there?”

Fumihiro said, “Not long ago, Kuroto-kun sent a Shadow Clone and asked me to inform the Patriarch that nobody should get close to that monster…”

Hiashi nodded, “Hmm, Tsunade-sama, Jiraiya-sama, and that member of Amatsukami is already fighting against that monster… anymore will not help much, but only add chaos… besides, from what I can see, it’s not a monster that can be resolved by using the advantage of numbers. So, we should stay here and guard against Akatsuki Organization’s follow-up offensive.”

Hizashi nodded and he too looked in the direction of Satori.

On the main road leading to the Hokage Building.

Team-Ro under Hyuga Kuroto/Watatsumi’s Shadow Clone’s command was stationed here and was the first one to be hit by these crazy Zombies.

As soon as she noticed hundreds of Zombies approaching, Kurenai/Akame immediately weaved hand signs and said softly, ‘Genjutsu: Flower Petal Escape!’

As soon as Akame activated her Genjutsu, in the vision of Zombies, countless petals fell from the sky, and the villagers who were initially caught in a frenzy were suddenly at a loss, and one by one their aggressiveness subsided and they all stood still.

Next, Watatsumi commanded, “Eliminate them all, not even a single one should survive.”

The Hayate/Rabbit was shocked, “Captain, they are all ordinary civilians, not the enemies.”

Watatsumi shook his head, “An evil chakra same as that monster is flowing inside these Villagers, and it has destroyed a major part of their brains… so they are all beyond help, not to mention, many of them were originally corpses… so they have to be eliminated as soon as possible.

One more thing, be careful and make sure to not let these villagers bite you or dig their nails inside you, the zombies are using these means to further propagate this evil chakra into others, corrupting them and turning them into zombies too… so if this evil chakra gets inside you… then you all will also fall in the same situation as them… now hurry up!”

With Watatsumi’s explanation, nobody hesitated anymore and immediately drew out their Anbu Swords to eliminate these Zombie Villagers corrupted by the Box of Ultimate Bliss.

After dealing with a few Zombies, Akame released the Genjutsu, and absent-mindedly looked into the distance, more specifically at the battle going on in the distance. She has also received the news that ‘Futen’ was fiercely fighting against the monster who has ravaged the village…

Although Kurenai is worried about him, with her meager strength all she can do is to trust in his abilities and hope that nothing will happen to him, and he will remain safe.

At the same time, there is also a bit of happiness and warmth in her heart when she learned that Fujin is fighting to protect the village, and Kurenai can’t help but think ‘He may have left the village due to some personal reasons, but right now Futen is fighting to protect the village despite the risks, it means he still deeply cares about the village. So, he is not just some lowly criminal…’

Back to the battlefield.

Seeing that Satori became more and more hysterical, Fujin became happier and happier… This desperation of Satori clearly indicates that Fujin’s approach was right.

Jiraiya who was not far away also noted the change in Satori, realizing this strangeness and its implication, he immediately jumped on top of the Iron Sand Dome with the intention of stopping Satori should he manage to get past Fujin. Currently, Jiraiya is in Sennin Mode, and his situation is quite similar to Fujin, although he is unable to injure Satori, in the same way, he is not afraid of Satori.

Of course, Jiraiya is still a little worried, and he looked around the village with a distracted expression.

Noting Jiraiya’s worried expression, Toad Fukasaku, standing on his right shoulder said, “Jiraiya-chan, don’t get distracted… don’t forget that this is Konoha. The villagers corrupted by the evil Chakra of the Box of Ultimate Bliss may have been strengthened to the level of a Chunin, but they won’t be able to cause much harm.”

Toad Shima standing on Jiraiya’s left shoulder nodded, “Yes, I can sense that the number of Villagers corrupted by the Evil Chakra of the Box of Ultimate Bliss is rapidly decreasing… this means that other Konoha Shinobi are doing their work, so don’t worry too much about these things, just focus on what is in front of you. As long as Satori is killed or sealed back inside the Box of Ultimate Bliss, the corrupted villagers would all lose their chakra support and die on the spot.”

Jiraiya nodded and focused all his attention on Satori’s body.

The two sides have been entangled for so long, so he already understands Satori’s strength.

Leaving aside the special ability to sense fear and blood lust, Satori’s personal combat effectiveness is also at the level of a Bijuu. Although, not as exaggerated as Kyuubi or Hachibi, it still ranks at least at the level of the Gobi or perhaps Rokubi.

So, his combat effectiveness is not that difficult if three people like Jiraiya, Tsunade, and the member of Amatsukami are combined together…

The main reason why Satori is so difficult to deal with is that his ability to sense fear and blood lust is too incomprehensible. Additionally, he can also fly and is quite nimble and agile contrary to its massive size coupled with the fact that it can shoot extremely sharp feathers and Chakra Spheres, so it indeed becomes a force to be reckoned with.

Therefore, Fujin now understands that the legend of the Box of Ultimate Bliss being the Ultimate Weapon is very likely to be true. Because as long as someone doesn’t know the method to restrain Satori, it is almost invincible.

But of course, that won’t happen today, as Fujin has already found the method of dealing with Satori, and is waiting for Tsunade to completely heal Mui.

Fujin didn’t have to wait too long, and he soon heard Tsunade’s voice coming from inside the Iron Sand Dome, “Alright, he is healed.”

“So fast? As expected of Tsunade-him… the best Medical-nin.” After praising Tsunade a little, Fujin immediately removed the Iron Sand Dome protecting Tsunade and Mui.

As the Iron Sand of the Dome dispersed, Tsunade and Mui’s figure came into view.

At this time, Mui’s young face was extremely withered and hopeless, his expression was depressed, and his eyes had lost the light… this man was no longer an elite Jonin, but a guilty father who has truly lost his son.

In this regard, Fujin can also somewhat understand Mui’s current psychological state.josei

He sacrificed his own son for the dream he has been pursuing his entire life only to find that the dream was nothing more than a scam. The Box of Ultimate Bliss neither helped in the revival of the Kusagakure to its former glory nor did it fulfilled Mui’s wish of seeing his son again.

Anyone who will face this kind of situation would be distraught,

But Fujin can’t care about Mui’s psychological state right now, and must give Mui a reason to fight Satori, so folding back his Iron Sand Wings, he landed next to Mui and Tsunade and said lightly, “Hey, don’t you want to give your son the relief he deserves?”

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