Reborn into Naruto World with Tenseigan

Chapter 506

Chapter 506: Fujin vs Hiruko

“We’ll see about that!” After a light snort, Fujin didn’t bother to waste his breath, he directly flashed from his position and greeted Hiruko’s fist in front of him.josei


In an instant, the two figures collided with each other at an extremely fast speed, and a booming sound rang in the surroundings due to the collision of two fists, immediately afterward, everyone felt the airwaves produced by the collision of two fists.

Crack…. Broke…

Ears and air weren’t the only ones affected by the collision, even the ground beneath Fujin and Hiruko’s feat instantly collapsed due to the huge reaction force, and the cracks continued to extend outward, covering a range of dozens of meters.

“Unexpectedly, your physical strength is not so weak.” – Hiruko muttered with a wicked smile.

Undoubtedly, after this short collision of fists, Hiruko realized that the other party’s physical strength is also extraordinary, and with the way he carries himself, he is not just a ninjutsu-type Shinobi who only relies on Magnet Release, but Hiruko isn’t pressured or panicked by this misjudgment, on the contrary, he is excited and feels as if his blood is boiling for a good fight before he captures the other party.

Fujin did not bother answering Hiruko, he just tilted his head slightly, and instantly used a Reverse Sweeping Kick.

Hiruko’s body sank, the black three tomoe in the scarlet copy wheel were spinning quickly. Although he can not see the contraction and relaxation of muscles in the other party’s body because of the other party’s cloak, this doesn’t stop him from avoiding the other party’s attacks upon judging their trajectory. And immediately after dodging the other party’s Reverse Sweeping Kick, he immediately strengthened his right arm with Steel Release and pushed it forward to directly pierce through the other party’s chest.

At this instant, Fujin’s body was still in mid-air because of the momentum of the previous Reverse Sweeping Kick, and there was almost no foothold for him to use in order to dodge the attack, so Hiruko’s face flashed a smile which clearly indicated his success.

‘Humph, he dared to compare speed with my Swift Release? And insight with my Sharingan? Such a stupid guy!’ Hiruko sneered coldly. He is more than confident that except for Nagato, and Nagato’s Tendo Pain, nobody in this Shinobi World surpasses him in terms of Speed and Insight…

At the same time, he also enjoyed the sense of accomplishment that comes with stifling powerhouses. For a moment, Hiruko even felt that if the member of Amatsukami in front of him was stronger, perhaps this Konoha Collapse Plan would have become more interesting.

“Heh, it’s a pit–…” However, Hiruko’s smiled quickly solidified, because Fujin who was in midair adjusted his body in such a posture that he not only avoided Hiruko’s piercing arm but also landed several back-and-forth kicks.


There was another muffled sound and Hiruko who was again kicked away by Fujin flew all the way to the end of the street and knocked another big hole on the same wall of the same building he previously collided into.

Of course, he wasn’t seriously injured or anything because his body was completely hardened by the use of Steel Release, so without much wait, he jumped out again, but his face was no longer the same as it used to be, and no longer filled with mockery.

One time could be fluke or carelessness, but the second time can not be.

At the same time, he also realized a few other things and was deeply shocked, ‘But how is this possible?’

For some reason, Hiruko had a faint feeling that the other party knows Sharingan very well, and even knows how to deceive Sharingan’s insight, but this is obviously impossible unless the other party also has Sharingan.

‘Is it possible that he also has the Sharingan?’ thought Hiruko for a moment. He didn’t think of any other Dojutsu, because as far as he knows, except for Sharingan, no other Dojutsu allows its user to be able to use the Eye of Insight.

Fujin obviously didn’t know Hiruko’s thoughts, but even if he knew he wouldn’t care. The reason he understands Sharingan so well is that he has personally used Sharingan, Mangekyou Sharingan, and even the Eternal Mangekyou Sharingan that Hiruko would never be able to in his entire life.

Not to mention, he has trained with Shisui and Itachi for years already, both of them are masters in using the Sharingan, Hiruko, no matter how good he is, will never be able to compare to the likes of Shisui and Itachi.

Besides, Fujin currently has Byakugan, so he can perceive Hiruko’s Chakra flow, and react accordingly coupled with the fact that he can sense the change in the surrounding airflow caused by the movements of Hiruko, so nothing Hiruko does would escape Fujin’s perception.

Moreover, Fujin has to not only fight Hiruko but also guard against the sneak attack from Nagato and Obito, therefore, his perception is currently hundred percent activated, so Fujin is paying attention to each and every change in the surrounding airflow, he had to make sure that he can perceive Kamui, lest it tears him apart and he dies here inexplicably.

While Fujin was silent, Hiruko noted that the Konoha Shinobi have taken this opportunity to move the Box of Ultimate Bliss out of his field of vision, angered, Hiruko roared, “Damn it, now it appears that I must get serious!”


In less than an instant, Hiruko who disappeared from his previous position appeared rushed straight towards Fujin.

The full speed displayed by Hiruko under the complete eruption of his strength is simply jaw-dropping. Even if it was just an ordinary impact, it stirred up high pressured airwaves, and a faint sonic boom resounded in everyone’s ears.

Fujin’s expression shrank, although he had expected that Hiruko has not yet displayed his true limits, now that the scene appeared before him, he could no longer keep his hands and must fight this battle with a bit of seriousness.

Boom Boom Boom Boom Boom Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang

And as the two figures clashed, dozens of afterimages appeared on the battlefield in less than a split second.

Obviously, the ones fighting are only two people, but their speed is so fast that to normal people it appears as if dozens of people are clashing against one another. Each other their moves would produce a sonic boom, create high-pressure sharp airwaves that were even capable of cutting through stones, the ground beneath their feet would crack and an endless roar of walls and houses collapsing burst out.


“Are they… are they some kind of monsters?”

The Konoha shinobi on the side-lines were stunned and their eyebrows jumped out in shock upon witnessing such an inhuman level of battle.

Let alone ordinary Konoha Jonin, even Jiraiya and Tsunade were not much different, both of their faces were filled with astonishment.

The strength and speed of Fujin and Hiruko have completely exceeded the dimension of their imagination, moreover, this sonic speed is not a one-time burst, as the two of them are constantly fighting at such an inhuman speed and are only getting faster and faster as their battle is progressing.

And those dazzling Taijutsu skills are simply making their goosebump stand up in fear, nervousness, and excitement.

Toad Fukasaku who had previously jumped on top of Jiraiya’s head said in wonder, “Unexpectedly, this member of Amatsukami can match the speed displayed by Swift Release… it’s really incredible!”

Jiraiya nodded with a dumb expression, “I am afraid, currently there is only one shinobi in Konoha who might be able to match such inhuman speed, Uchiha Shisui, he might stand a chance against these two, in terms of the speed department, at least.”

Tsunade thought a little and said, “It wouldn’t be wrong to say that both of them stand at the pinnacle of Taijutsu unless it is someone who has mastered the Kinjutsu Hachimon Tonkou and has opened the state of Gate of Death.”

Although very reluctant, both Tsunade and Jiraiya also had to admit that in the current Konoha, almost no one can reach the inhuman level of strength of the two people in front of them.

And listening to the comments and analysis of Jiraiya and Tsunade who are Legendary Sannin, the Konoha Shinobi on the sidelines felt palpitations.

At the same time, they can’t help but look at Fujin with a thankful gaze.

Fortunately, a member of Amatsukami took the initiative to resist Hiruko, otherwise, this battlefield would have been filled with corpses of Konoha Shinobi, and this battle wouldn’t be about resisting Konoha’s enemies, it would be a battle for survival, with Hiruko being their hunter and them being the prey.

Boom Boom Boom Boom!

In the dim light under the cover of stars, Fujin and Hiruko were like ghostly existences, fast almost to the degree of invisibility, constantly flashing and fighting. No matter what they encountered along the way, houses, courtyard walls, street lights, et cetera, were all broken or smashed with just the sonic boom and high pressured air-waves produced by each of their collision.

It didn’t even take a few seconds, and an entire street was destroyed in just a few collisions.

Kakashi was also shocked by what he was seeing in front of him, but he had to accept the reality. And ever since he lost the Sharingan, his insight has dropped, so to better understand the flow of battle he had to ask Jiraiya next to him, “Jiraiya-sama, who do you think will win?”

Jiraiya shook his head, “I am afraid I can’t judge… they are too fast for me to be able to understand the flow of battle.”

Tsunade spoke her analysis, “Hiruko not only has Swift Release for speed but also Steel Release for body strength and defense, coupled with the insight of the Sharingan, this battle would start to tilt in his favor if the stalemate continued.”

Akame who was also watching the battle while standing next to Watatsumi immediately said, “Fujin will definitely not lose!”

As soon as Akame spoke, the eyes of all Konoha Shinobi converged on Akame’s body.

Watatsumi narrowed his eyes, and immediately thought, ‘If a stray rock were to crush her, would I be suspected of murdering her?’

Kakashi quickly asked, “Fujin? Are you saying that the name of this Amatsukami member is Futen? Is it the real name, or the code name? And how did you know?”

“Uh…” Akame realized that she has made a slip of the tongue, and had to explain, “When I was kidnapped by Orochimaru not long, it was because of him that I managed to sneak away… I… I heard Orochimaru call him by this name. Yes, it should be his code name, not the real name.”

Listening to Akame’s reply, Watatsumi turned back to observing the battle, and thought, ‘I guess she gets to live tonight.’

Tsunade said, “Fujin? Well, it does match the element of his disguise, he is indeed the representative of Wind Chakra Nature.”

Konoha’s intelligence team has analyzed that each of the members of Amatsukami represents a specific Chakra Nature and their Code Names also represent the Shinto Gods that somehow or other represent the respective Chakra Nature, Such as Yama, Suijin, Homusubi, and now Fujin.

The leader Yama obviously represents Yin Chakra Nature, Suijin with the Ice Release Kekkei Genkai represents Water Chakra Nature, Homusubi with the Mangekyou Sharingan, and unique Golden flames represent Fire Chakra Nature, and this Fujin in front of them represents Wind Chakra Nature.

And using this exact theory, the villages have also speculated that there should be seven members in Amatsukami, each one representing a Unique Chakra Nature.

So, in addition to the already known four members, there must be three other members, one representing Earth Chakra Nature, the second representing Lightning Chakra Nature, and the last one, representing Yang Chakra Nature.

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