Reborn: Revenge of the Concubine's Daughter

Chapter 9 - Endless emotions and desires

Chapter 9 - Endless emotions and desires

Chapter 9 Endless emotions and desires

Zhen Jing cried and said, “You shed tears while you were sleeping, so I woke you up. Xiaoyi, I’m sorry, but I only found this. Just take a bite. You will be fine.” Then, she held up a khaki steamed corn bread.

Zhen Jing was very upset when she thought of what happened just now.

Although Zhen Jing was always bullied by her elder nuns, she did not take it seriously, and felt that it was natural for the elder Taoist nuns to “discipline” the younger ones. Today, however, she discovered that the elder nuns she had always respected were so bitter, insidious and vicious. They had no sympathy toward the poor ones.

Just now, Zhen Jing ran to the mourning hall, but she found that Zhen Wei, Zhen Ping, Zhen Gong and Zhen Ming were taking all the fruits and desserts away. She stopped them hastily and said that those were the sacrifices sent by Miss He’s family and should be left for Miss He. But Zhen Wei and other nuns sneered. According to them, the sacrifices were offered to the dead. Miss He could only eat them if she laid back in the coffin! Zhen Jing refuted them for a while, but they scolded her immediately, “Shame on you! How could you act as a filial one after burning two days of joss papers for her? When it comes to the experience in the Taoist Temple, how dare you play kind in front of us?”

Zhen Jing thought of Sister Zhen Zhu, so she ran to her room for help. But Zhen Zhu wasn’t in the room. According to the elder servant in her yard, she was sent down by her master to buy fish and meat for the honored guests, and she wouldn’t be back until the next noon.

After that, Zhen Jing sneaked into the kitchen to find some food, but the supper time had already passed. She uncovered all the pot lids, only found a cold steamed corn bread in the food steamer. Then Zhen Jing clutched the bread and cried to run back to the East Wing-room. When she entered the door, she saw He Danggui holding the quilt with her brows frowning, her eyes closed and tears poured down. Zhen Jing felt it was strange, so she woke her up hastily.

He Danggui struggled to sit up and took the steamed corn bread. She divided it into two parts and said, “Come here, let’s eat together.” Seeing Zhen Jing shrinking back, He Danggui stopped her and held half of the bread to her hand and said gently, “In the future, as long as I have food to eat, you won’t starve. Eat it, quickly.”

The two swallowed the hard-steamed corn bread in silence. Zhen Jing touched He Danggui’s forehead again, and then said anxiously, “It’s still too hot. Your fever didn’t abate.”

He Danggui frowned and asked, “Do you have any embroidery needles? I need the fine ones.”

Zhen Jing nodded in a daze, “Are you going to embroider in such a dark night? You must lose your mind. What if I beg the master to get her a doctor...”

He Danggui interrupted her and continued to say, “Listen, bring me the finest embroidery needles. Go to the corner of the north wall in the backyard, push the fourth brick from the left away. You will see a flask. Bring it to me. Okay, girl, don’t be dazed, are you clear? The fourth brick from the left of the north wall corner, you should go quietly and don’t let others see you.”

Then, He Danggui laughed hysterically. Her eyes blazed as beautiful as the well water under the moonlight. She also said, “There are so many benefactors, and now I haven’t seen none. How am I willing to die?”

Zhen Jing went out with various doubts. Before leaving, she worried to look back three times or more, wondering whether He Danggui was sober. Whether should she listen to her and find the embroidery needles and flask or beg her master to find a doctor for her?

After a moment’s hesitation, she thought of the moment that He Danggui protected her when her master intended to kick her...

“In the future, as long as I have food to eat, you won’t starve. Eat it, quickly.”

“If someone asks why there is bloodstain on your shoe, you can explain that my hand got hurt, which stained you shoe.”

“I appreciate what you did for me, but remember, don’t run in the cold wind and rain anymore.” He Danggui’s words occurred to her.

Despite the short time she spent with the girl who was one year younger than her, she felt safer and inexplicable familiarity with her, as if He Danggui had some magic power. She felt like they had known each other in the previous life. Thinking of this, Zhen Jing ran straight to the “supposed” place without hesitation where the wine was kept in the backyard.

He Danggui was thinking how to get out of the troubles while she was resting her eyes.

In the previous life, she was also abandoned in the East Wing-room after rebirth. She was hungry and cold, poor and sick. She was humiliated by a group of Taoist nuns like a puppet. At that time, she was too young to understand why the nuns always had a kind of natural hatred against her, as if they could get psychological pleasure by torturing her.

It was ridiculous how ignorant and fearless she was at that time. She even wanted to make friends with them. She regarded them as the life-saving straw when she could figure out a little bit of goodwill in their eyes or words. She thought they would be moved by her endurance one day.

According to He Danggui’s memory, her illness lasted for more than half a month. Not until a letter came from Luo’s Family, asking her to cultivate herself in the Taoist Temple and offering 50 liang silver as the tuition, did Tai Shan and Tai Chen accepted her as a “criminal” who had “lost her virtue”. Anyway, He Danggui finally took the medicine thanks to the “medicine fee”. However, the medicines were inappropriately used and it was too late for her to get treated. He Danggui got an incompletely cured illness in the end. From then on, she had a deficiency cold syndrome that made it difficult to be pregnant. She finally managed to get a daughter at the age of 28, but her daughter was incriminated by herself for the deficiency from the placenta...

Now, He Danggui faced the dilemma again. Fortunately, it was no longer a problem to completely cure her cold illness with her skill of “Jin Zhen Da Xue”, a traditional Chinese therapy which used golden needles to punch acupuncture points to cure illness.

However, when she played chess with the Taoist sage Bai Yangbai, Zhu Quan’s Master, in the previous life, she learnt a truth. If one only thought about his next move when he played chess, he could only live as a mediocre one; If one thought about the next ten moves, he might be able to seek his fortune in the political or business field; if one thought about more than 80 steps, he could be in a high position if he was ambitious, and he could also leave decently if he wanted to quit; if one could thought about more than 200 steps, he could do whatever he wanted and play the one opposite him as a chess.

Now that He Danggui wanted to ponder a plan for her future, she had to force herself to face the difficult problem in front of her—how to return to Luo’s Mansion.

Those lived in Luo’s Mansion were the ones she despised the most. Theses evil persons, including Luo Chuangu, Sun Meiniang, Zhao Qi, Luo Baiqiong and other people, seemed like the scars carved in her soul and haunted her to death. They gained benefit from her in the name of family relationship and then ditched her. They privately made dirty deals in collusion with Zhou Jinglan and deceived her and her weak mother thoroughly.

For a bit of imaginary tenderness, He Danggui turned a blind eye to what had happened without listening or thinking, even if she knew how evil they were in her heart long time ago.

It was true that Zhu Quan’s cruel decisions seemed like a steel knife pierced into her chest, which hurt her totally. However, the cheat and betrayal of Luo’s Family were like a fierce fire burning through her soul, leaving miserable pain. It was more family relations than love that totally hurt her.

Now, she strongly resented those old acquaintances who were enjoying the fine clothes, delicious food and splendid carriage in Yangzhou City. She wished she could fly at them and dragged them to hell together!

He Danggui’s eyes blazed. Since she was given the second chance to resurrect, she would neither make a fool of herself nor regard her enemies as the loved ones! She would fight for those who owed her and her mother. No one could escape in this live-or-die life chess game.

Thinking of her blank memory when she was 10 years old, as well as Luo Family’s abnormal attitude towards her rebirth, He Danggui could affirm that something must have happened at Luo’s Family before her coffin was sent to Shui Shang Temple. That was to say, the person who killed her once at her age of 10 now lived in Luo’s Mansion.

And now, hearing the news that she was resurrected, the person who had killed her would do everything to prevent her from returning to Luo’s Mansion because of guilt. The murderer would try desperately to stop her out of Luo’s door even if she told others that she didn’t remember what had happened or she had amnesia. Because the murderer might fear that she could get her memory back and recognized the murderer.

At the moment, in order to return to Luo’s Mansion, she would fight a battle of wits with the unknown opponent. However, she was no longer the little girl who was like a rabbit in front of a snake. Just wait and see what would happen.

“Xiaoyi, are you a fairyhood? I did find the flask you said!” Zhen Jing bounced in from the door with astonishment and said, “Look, the wine is in it! Here is the needles you required! Are you going to play some magic power, Fairyhood Yi?”

He Danggui smiled as she took the flask and embroidery needles. She couldn’t be an immortal one and she had inseparable emotions and desires. However, with the acupuncture therapy to bring people back from the dead, being called as a “Master of Medical Treatment” was reasonable. Although these three embroidery needles were rough, it might contemporarily replace the technique called “Jin Zhen Da Xue”…

“Zhen Jing, please guard at the gate of the courtyard and don’t let anyone approach here.” He Danggui said.


Right after noon, the sun absorbed its light, as if it was afraid of coldness, and hid in the thick cloud. josei

A long-haired nun stood in the corner with a submissive manner.

“Four hot dishes, Stewed Pork Ball in Brown Sauce, Stewed Silver Carp Head, Twist Sliced Crab with Coconut, Squirrel-shaped Fried Bass; eight cold dishes, Spicy Jellyfish, Spiced Mackerel, Salted Pork in Jelly...” Tai Shan squinted her eyes slowly, observing the menu given by Zuixianlou Restaurant. She pointed at the menu and said, “In the four desserts, delete Steamed Glutinous Rice with Eight Treasures and Shrimp Pie with Pumpkin, and add Crab Roe Bun and Suzhou Dessert. Those Masters and Childes had enjoyed all kinds of delicate foods. They come to Yangzhou for the local cuisines. That’s for sure…”

“As you wish, Master.” Zhen Zhu replied.

“I didn’t expect them to be senior officials... Well, what do they want to do in such a remote place? Fortunately, when Zhen Xi packed their luggage, she saw their Guandie (an official certificate). Otherwise we would regard them as ordinary people and serve them ordinary dishes. Hope they won’t blame us…” Tai Shan frowned, “Mushroom Soup? You should go to the kitchen and ask them to be careful about washing the mushrooms. No sand should be left. Here, I will sent another five servants to help in the kitchen, and no mistake is allowed...”

“Sure, Master.” Zhen Zhu noted that as well.

Tai Shan nodded with satisfaction, “Okay, ten dishes are settled. Tell Liu Laojiu, the new hired cook, change the menu everyday within ten days. From today on, the cost of lunch should be standardized as 3 liang silver, while breakfast and supper cost 1 liang silver in total. Remember that the dishes should be served in this standard no matter how long they plan to live. The temple will make up the insufficient money if necessary.”

“I’ll tell them instantly.” Zhen Zhu looked up, “One more thing, it was said that Childe Duan asked something about Miss He. The disciples made excuses to his questions for the time being.”

Tai Shan showed a disgusting expression, and said, “She just makes things worse no matter she is alive or dead. Such a disastrous human being. No wonder Luo’s Family kicked her out.” Tai Shan seemed to completely forget that it was she herself who told the rising-from-the-dead story to these guests, which attracted Duan Xiaolou’s attention. He Danggui was the last one to blame.

Zhen Zhu paused a while and continued, “When I came back in the morning, I met Zhen Jing. I asked Miss He’s physical condition. Zhen Jing said that although Miss He was a little weak, she was not ill and seemed as common as the ordinary people. Originally, you meant to keep it a secret and see if she was really blessed before you make a decision. Now, it seems that Miss He is really blessed. It might be inappropriate to keep it a secret to Luo’s Family…”

Tai Shan pulled a face and didn’t say anything.

Zhen Zhu glanced at her quickly and continued to say, “Although we cannot earn the money in the Taoist rites, Luo’s Family had given 32 liang silver to the Temple as a donation. We did not lose money, and it is enough for the daily needs of the temple for a whole year. Moreover, if we send the good news to Luo’s Family, maybe they will give more donations to the temple due to our caring to Miss He these days…”

“Hum. Do you want to make a fool of me?” Tai Shan sneered, “Didn’t you hear the private discussion of these women who sent the coffin? Second Mistress Luo of Luo Family’s in the East Yard, hated the girl very much. If we tell her that He Danggui is still alive, I’m afraid we have to take care of the carriage and labor expenses. Actually, I didn’t take 20 or 30 liang silver very seriously, but now Ma Tai needs the money for emergency…”

Zhen Zhu said nothing with her eyes dropping. She thought to herself that Tai Shan should intend to calculate the funeral expenses of someone else’s daughter in order to get an errand for her son. It was quite disappointing to realize that she was such a calculating and vicious woman.

In the southwest of the Taoist Temple, there was a small village called Ershi Lipu, which was next to manor on the mountainside. There were more than a dozen households, most of whom were permanent workers of the manor. Tai Shan’s elder brother, Ma Ping’an lived here. He was responsible for the purchasing for the kitchen of the manor. He also visited Tai Shan occasionally, excusing sending oil or eggs.

Ma Ping’an had an adopted son named Ma Tai. Tai Shan once introduced Ma Tai as her nephew in the temple, but Zhen Zhu once overheard that Ma Tai called Tai Shan “mother”. It wasn’t a dishonorable thing for a nun to have a son before she became a nun, but what really mattered was that Ma Tai was less than 20 years old this year, and Tai Shan came to Shui Shang Temple 25 years ago...

“Well, getting problem with a little girl is not my style.” Tai Shan remembered that the guests wanted to meet He Danggui. If He Danggui said something bad in front of them, it would be a shame. Thinking of the “chicken soup” she mentioned to He Danggui yesterday, Tai Shan shouted out of the window, “Biddy Huang!”

An old woman who was washing clothes in the courtyard replied. Tai Shan thought for a while and said, “Go and tell the one in the kitchen. If there was any soup made for the noble guests left, they could send a bowl of soup to the East Wing-room.” Biddy Huang replied and went out.

“Master, what a bad thing! What a bad thing!” A 17 or 18-year-old nun rushed into the door in a panic with her front hair in a mess. She looked embarrassed.

Tai Shan yelled, “Are you rushing to die? What a nonsense, stupid!” The nun was so anxious that she unexpectedly said something bad to curse her master. When she recognized Tai Shan’s rage, she was frightened to approach the door.

Zhen Zhu frowned and asked, “Huai Wen, aren’t you supposed to serve the guests for dinner in the West Wing-room? What happened there?”

When Tai Shan heard this, she opened her eyes immediately. She couldn’t take account of the previous fault and asked hurriedly, “Come on, what’s going on? Are they unsatisfied with the meal?”

Huai Wen’s tears ruined her blusher. She choked, “Originally, everything was fine... but the man in black... he, he suddenly pulled out a knife... inserted it in the middle of the dining table... Everyone was scared away...” “Sniff…”

“What are you crying for? No one is dead!” Tai Shan was anxious and furious, “What the hell was going on? Tell me the details. Why did these guests draw their swords? What did they say?” However, no matter how Tai Shan asked, Huai Wen couldn’t say a complete word out of fear. Tai Shan was too anxious to slap her thigh.

“Master, don’t worry. Since we have offended those guests, we’d better go there to apologize.” Zhen Zhu advised, “Besides, they were well-behaved yesterday according to their behavior. Maybe it’s just a misunderstanding.”

Zhen Zhu’s slow voice calmed Tai Shan’s panic. Tai Shan nodded, “You are right. They wouldn’t make trouble in the temple. Let’s go!” She walked a few steps and stopped, then she ordered Zhen Zhu, “You should go and see He Danggui in the East Wing-room. Make sure to let her know the situation. Tell her if she meets the guests later, don’t say anything to embarrass any of us.”

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